Baptist History Homepage

[Scroll down for additional Bios.]

      There are more than 850 bios in this section; there are several bios of some who were prominent historically. The writings of some are included with their bio. Some Baptists who are included here are virtually unknown in our day, but they 'plowed faithfully in their small field' and are included.

Adams, George F. - Adams, John Q. - Adams, Samuel M. - Alexander, Lewis D. - Allen, Jane - Anderson, J. H. - Anderson, R. T. - Anderson, Stanley Edwin - Angus, Joseph - Armitage, Thomas - Arnold, Albert N. - Arthur, William - Asa - Asplund, John - Bach, Jean - Backus, Isaac - Bagby, William & Anne - Bainbridge, Peter - Baines, George W. - Baldwin, Thomas - Barnes, Lemuel Call - Barrow, David - Bays, Joseph - Beaman, Roy O. - Beddome, Benjamin - Benedict, David - Bennett, Eld. Micajah - Bethel, Lemuel Hall - Birch, John - Black, J. D. - Black, John William - Blackwood, Christopher - - Blitch, Joseph Luke - The Boardmans - George Dana & Sr. - Bogard, Ben M. - Bolls, W. W. - Boone, Squire II - Booth, Abraham - Bow, Jonathan Gaines - Bower, Jacob - Boyce, James P. - Brantly, W. T. - Brasher, David - Bratcher, Harold & Marie - Breaker, J. M. C. - Broaddus, Andrew - Broaddus, William F. - Broadus, John A. - Brong, Rosco - Brown, J. Newton - Brundige, William - Bruner, Weston - Bryan, Andrew - Buck, William C. - Buckland, R. J. W. - Buckley, Elder William - Buckner, Henry F. - Bunyan, John - - Burleson, Rufus - Burns, David E. -

Calloway, Binie - Camp, Wayne - Campbell, Duncan R. - Caperton, A. C. - Carey, John - Carey, William - Carlin, L. W. - Carpenter, C. H. - Carroll, B. H. - Carroll, J. M. - Carson, Alexander - Cary, Lott - Cash, Warren - Castleberry, Van Boone - Cathcart, William - Caudill, Medford L. - Chapin, Stephen - Chaudoin, William N. - Chiles, James - Christian, John T. - Clark, Eugene - Clarke, John - Clarke, Miner G. - Cockrell, Milburn - Cole, C. D. - Coleman, James S. - Colgate, William - Colman, James - Comer, John - Compere, E. L. - Cone, Spencer H. - Conner, Lewis - Cook, Joseph - Cottrell, Reuben - Covington, Will Ed - Craig, Elijah and Joseph - Craig, Lewis - Cranfill, J. B. - Crawford, N. M. - Crawford, R. L. - Crawford, T. P. and Martha - Crismon, Leo. T. - Criswell, W. A. - Cross, I. K. - Curry, J. L. M. - Curry, Lathey Ernest

Dagg, John L. - D'Anvers, Henry - Davis, Jimmie B. - Davis, Noah K. - Dawson, W. H. - Dayton, A. C. - Dearmore, B. F. - DeVotie, James - Dexter, Gregory - Dillard, Ryland T. - Dobbs, C. E. W. - Dodd, M. E. - Dowling, John - Downs, Thomas - Doyle, David - Drummond, Lewis - Dudley, Ambrose and Thomas P. - Dudley, Richard M. - Dudley, William - Dunbar, Duncan - Dunlevy, Francis - Dunster, Henry - Durrett, Peter - Eaton, Joseph H. - Eaton, T. T. - Edmonds, Justin O. - Edwards, Morgan - Elsey, Charles W. - Evans, Christmas - Everts, W. W.

Fawcett, John - Ferrill, London - Ferris, Ezra - Fish, Ezra J. - Fisher, Thomas J. - Floyd, Matthew - Florence, Frank, Jr. - Folger, Richard - Folk, E. E. - Ford, Reuben - Ford, Samuel H. - Forty, Henry - Francis, Benjamin - Francis, Henry - Fristoe, Robert - Frost, James M. - Fuller, Andrew - Fuller, Joseph - Gadsby, William - Gambrell, James Bruton - Gano, John - Gano, Stephen - Gardner, W. W. - Gayle, Peter S. - George, Herbert D. - Giddings, Rockwood - Gifford, Andrew - Gill, John - Gillette, A. D. - Goadby, J. J. - Goddard, Josiah - Good, Kenneth H. - Gotch, Frederic W. - Graham, Baltis Joseph Windsor - Going, Jonathan - Gould, Thomas - Graves, Absalom - Graves, Alfred C. - Graves, J. R. - Graves, Rosewell - Green, Abner W. - Green, Elisha - Greenwood, James - Griffith, James Wyatt - Grigg, Jacob - Grime, J. H. - Guthrie, J. Louis - - Hailey, O. C. - Haldane, Robert - Hale, Fred D. - Hall, J. N. - Hall, Robert - Ham, Mordecai - Hanks, Elijah - Harding, John - Harding, T. S. - Harriss, Samuel - Hart, Oliver - Hartwell, Jesse Boardman - Harvey, Harold J. - Harvey, W. P. - Hatcher, John - Hatcher, William E. - Havner, Vance - Hawthorne, James B. - Haycraft, Samuel - Henderson , Thomas - Hickman, William - Hill, Samuel. S. - Hightower, John - Hinton, Isaac Taylor - Hiscox, Edward T. - Holcombe, Henry - Holleman, Roe Thomas - Holman, Jesse - Holmes, Donald - Holmes, Obadiah - Horner, Paul G. - Hovey, Alvah - Howell, R. B. C. - Hubbard, Carroll - Hübmaier, Balthasar - Huckabee, Davis W. - Hunter, William E. - Hutchings, Moses - Ireland, James - Ivimey, Joseph -

Jackson, Reuben S. - James, Collins T. - James, Daniel - James, John - James, Robert S. - Jasper, John - Jeter, Jeremiah B. - Jewell, William - Johnson, Cave - Johnson, Lafayette - Johnson, N. B. (Napoleon Bonaparte) - Johnson, Roy A. - Jolly, James M. - Jones, George E. - Jones, Horatio Gates - Jones, Jenkin - Jopling, James - Judson, Adoniram - Kazee, Buell H. - Keach, Benjamin - Keach, Elias - Keener, Forrest - Kemp, Maude - Kerfoot, Franklin H. - Keyes, Cleon - Kiffin, William - Killingworth, Thomas - King,William - Kinghorn, Joseph - Kirtley, James A. - Kirtley, Robert - Kirtley, Robert E. - Kirtley, Velorious - Knapp, Jacob - Knollys, Hanserd

Lampton, Henry T. - Landrum, William W. - Lane, Dutton - Lane, Tidence - Larkin, Clarence - LaRue, Alexander W. - Lasher, George W. - Lee, James - Leland, John - Lewis, Cadwallader - Lewis, David - Lilly J.C. - Liele, George - Lofton, George A. - Loval, William - Lowrey, Mark P. - Lowry, Robert - Lunsford, Lewis - Lynd, Samuel W. - Maclaren, Alexander - Madden, D. S. - Mahan, R. W. - Mallary, Charles D. - Manly, Basil, Sr. and Jr. - Manning, James - Mansfield, James W. - Maple, Joseph C. - Marrs, Elijah - Marshall, Daniel - Marshman, Mrs. Hannah - Marshman, Joshua & Marshman, John - Marshall, Joseph - Martin, John - Martin, M. T. - Martin, T. T. - Maslin, Roger - Mason, Roy - Massee, Jasper C. - Masters, Frank Mariro - Masters, Victor I. - Matton, Charles Hiram - McCoy, Isaac - McCoy, Rice - McGlothlin, W. J. - McRidley, W. H. - Mell, Patrick H. - Mercer, Jesse - Mercer, Silas - Meredith Thomas - Milburn, J. H. - Mitchell, Roy - Moffett, Anderson - Moody, J. B. - Moore, Jeremiah - Morgan, Abel - Morgan, Evan - Morgan, Robert - Morse, Joshua - Mote, Edward - Murphy, D. R. - Murrow, J. S. - Myles, John -

Nelson, Erik - Nelson, Samuel - Nevins, William M. - Noel, Silas M. - Norris, J. Frank - Nowlin, William Dudley - Orrick, Jim B. - Overby, Hafford H. - Painter, Thomas - Patient, Thomas - Patrick, Andrew - Pearce, Samuel - Pearse, Richard - Peck, John - Peck, John Mason - Peck, Solomon - Pelot, Francis - Pendleton, James Madison - Penn, W. E. - Perry, John - Peter, Jesse - Petrey, Asbel S. - Pettie, A. S. - Phelps, Sylvanus Dryden - Pink, Arthur W. - Poindexter, A. M. - Porter, J. W. - Powell, C. H. - Powers, A. T. - Powers, Walter E. - Pratt, William M. - Probert, Evan - Pusey, John J. -

Ragland, George - Ray, David B. - Read, James - Redding, Joseph - Reed, Isaac - Reese, W. A. - Rhees, Morgan John - Rice, John - Rice, Luther - Riggs, Bethuel - Riley, William B. - Rives, Oscar L. - Roberts, Issachar J. - Roberts, Thomas Z. - Robertson, A. T. - Robinson, Ezekiel G. - Robinson, Robert - Roddy, J. M. - Rogers, Adrian - Rogers, Eldwyn - Rone, Wendell - Ross, Martin - Ross, Reuben - Rothwell, William R. - Rowland, A. Judson - Ryland, John - Ryland, Robert - Sadler, Carl - Sallee, J. M. - Saker, Alfred - Samuels, Preston Burr - Scarboro, J. A. - Scott, Moses - Scott, Perriander C. - Screven, William - Sears, A. D. - Semple, Robert B. - Shakespeare, J. H. - Sheppard, Joseph - Shields, T. T. - Shuck, Henrietta Hall - Shuck, Jehu Lewis - Simerwell, Robert - Simmons, T. P. - Slade, H. C. - Smith, Garner - Smith, Green Clay - Smith, Hezekiah - Smith, James - Smith, John - Sparkman, John - Spencer, John H. - Spurgeon, Charles H. - Stearns, Shubael - Stennett, Joseph - Stevens, C. D. - Stevens, Charles H. - Stevens, John - Stevenson, Moore - Stifler, J. M. - Straton, J. Roach - Suggett, James - Sutcliff, John - Swain, Joseph - Symonds, Joshua -

Tanner, John - Tarrant, Carter - Taylor, A. S. - Taylor, Alfred - Taylor, Edwin R. - Taylor, H. Boyce - Taylor, John - Terrell, Gail. E. - Terwoot, Hendrick - Thomas, Jesse B. - Thomas, Wm. Doyle - Thomas, William - Thompson, Calvin Miles - Tichenor, Isaac - Tinsley, Thomas - Tolbert, Benjamin - Totevine, Isaac - Tribble, Andrew - Trimble, Seldon - Trott, Samuel -Truett, George W. - Tucker, Henry Holcombe - Tull, Selsus - Tyndale, William - Upham, Edward - Vardeman, Jeremiah - Vaughn, Charlie Leroy - Vaughan, Joshua - Vaughan, William - Vedder, Henry C. - Vick, George Beauchamp - Vickers, Moses -

Walker, Clarence - Waller, Edmund - Waller, George - Waller, John - Waller, John L. - Warden, Walter - Warder, Joseph - Warfield, William C. - Watters, Henry E. - Watts, John - Wayland, Francis - Weatherford, John - Welch, Bartholomew T. - Welch, James Ely - Wells, Norman - Werden, Peter - Whitaker, John - Whitfield, Charles - Whitsitt, James - Whitsitt, William - Wilcox, Thomas - Williams, Alvin Peter - Willis, Joseph - Willson, John S. - Wilson, Samuel - Wood, John Henry - Wood, W. A. M. - Wood, W. K. - Yeaman, W. Pope - Yeiser, Daniel E. - York, Wallace - Wycliff, John - Young, John

See British Bios for 29 additional bios.

      There are also bios from Elkhorn Association (KY) - [26], Long Run Association (KY) - [27], Northbend Association (KY) - [7], Sandy Creek Association, (NC) - [13]; and Estill County, KY [39]; seventeen from Grassy Creek Baptist Church and nineteen from Semple's Virginia Baptists.

      Additionally eleven early Delaware bios; thirty-two brief Illinois bios; fifty-four from Ohio & more early Ohio and more early Ohio. Also from Spencer's Kentucky Baptists: vol. 1; and sixty-seven Missouri bios from Duncan's history. Early Oklahoma bios here. There are also seventeen bios by Ben Bogard here. Thirty-three short North Carolina bios. There are 1400 short Florida Baptist Bios here. Also see under Boone County (KY), and the British section. Thirty-five brief bios from the Little River Association (KY) here. And more than twenty early KY Emancipationist Baptist bios here.

American Baptist Missionary Report
"Abstract of the 33rd Annual Report"
From the Tennessee Baptist newspaper, 1847

The American Baptist Ministry of One Hundred Years Ago
The Baptist Quarterly, 1875
By John A. Broadus,

Biographical Sketches of the Pastors
of Grassy Creek Baptist Church (NC)

By Robert I. Devin, 1880
There are seventeen bios.

Sandy Creek Association Bios
A History of the Sandy Creek Baptist Association
By Elder George W. Purefoy

Biographies of Early Pastors of Elkhorn Baptist Association
J. H. Spencer's History of Kentucky Baptists

Biographies of Early Pastors of Long Run Association
A History of Kentucky Baptists
By J. H. Spencer, 1886

Early Prominent Leaders of the Northbend Baptist Association
Spencer's History of Kentucky Baptists
There are seven.

Early Baptist Ministers in Mid & Northern Ohio
By Jacob Drake, 1859

Prominent Baptists in Southwestern Ohio
in the Early 19th Century

By A. H. Dunlevy, 1869

Early Baptist Preachers in Virginia
History of Baptists in Virginia
By Robert B. Semple, 1894

Missouri Baptist Biographies
By Robert S. Duncan, 1882
[Sixty-seven bios here]

Early British Bios
J. M. Cramp's Baptist History
There are twenty-two bios.

Baptist History Homepage