Samuel Haycraft
Early Kentucky Baptist
The Baptist Encyclopedia, 1881
Samuel Haycraft, a distinguished citizen of Kentucky, was born in Elizabethtown, Aug. 14, 1795. He was clerk of the county and circuit courts, practised law, and represented his district in the State senate. Mr. Haycraft joined Severn's Valley Baptist church, the oldest congregation in the Mississippi Valley, in early manhood. He was one of the constituents of the Baptist Convention and General Association of Kentucky, and a generous contributor to its objects. He assisted liberally in the endowment of Georgetown College and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was connected with the Sabbath-school of his church as superintendent and teacher forty years. He was a brilliant and humorous speaker and charming writer, a gentleman of superior culture, an almost unrivaled conversationalist, and during his long life made good use of his talents in devotion to Christianity and practical benevolence. He died Dec. 22, 1878.
Samuel @ 83 years of age & Sarah @ 73 years of age in 1877.[Essay from The Baptist Encyclopedia, 1881; reprint, 1998, pp. 512-3. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall. Pictures via my son, James K., Boone County Public Library, Burlington, KY.]
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