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Daniel F. James
Kentucky Baptist Pastor

      Daniel F. James, son of John James, was born in Lincoln county, Ky, in 1795. He was carried by his parents to Pulaski county, where he joined Flat Lick church, in his youth. He was in the battle at New Orleans, January 8, 1815. Some years after this, he was ordained to the ministry. He was pastor of Double Springs church in Lincoln county, and some others. He was probably never the regular pastor of Flat Lick church, yet his labors for its prosperity, his constant, cheerful and devoted piety did much to build it up, and perhaps no member or pastor of this old fraternity, was ever more warmly loved or highly respected by the whole community, than was this eminently godly man. He died, at his home in Pulaski county, Dec. 1, 1871. His oldest son, A. J. James, was many years a prominent lawyer in Frankfort, Ky.

[From A History of Kentucky Baptists, Volume I, By J. H. Spencer pp. 416-17. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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