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Miss Jean Bach
Missionary to Nigeria
Florence (KY) Baptist Church
By Mrs. Blanche Beemon, 1952

      Miss Jean Bach, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Luther Bach, while attending Southern Baptist Encampment at Ridge Crest, North Carolina, felt called of God to be a missionary and there dedicated her life to service in foreign fields. Jean resigned her position as teacher in Covington schools and entered W. M. U. Training School in Louisville, graduating in June, 1948. A special service was held at the church May 16, 1948, with a message of testimony by Jean. The various church organizations expressed their appreciation with appropriate gifts to her. The order of the dedication service follows:

Pastor Harold Wainscott – Realizing that all men everywhere without Christ are lost in darkness under sin and are without hope except someone tell them of Jesus the Savior

People – We dedicate Jean Bach a missionary

Pastor – With a full consciousness that the Great Commission is binding upon us today that we should go to the ends of the earth

People – We send Jean to represent us

Pastor – With deep gratitude unto God for calling her from our midst

People – We pray that He will go with her to protect, guide, bless, and make her a blessing

Pastor – Aware of the great sacrifice she is making

People – We pledge our support to her and to all missions

Pastor – Realizing her needs of help from our Lord

People – We pledge our prayers

Pastor – Knowing full well her need for fellowship

People – We pledge our communication.

      The church gave Jean an Argus 3-C camera to take pictures of her work so that slides and strip film might be shown upon her return from the mission field. She was presented with checks from the church totaling more than $700.00 to be used in preparation for her stay of three years in West Africa. She sailed in October, 1948, to serve as a missionary teacher in the Ida Aba Girls’ School in Abeckuta, Nigeria.

      In December 1951, Jean Bach returned home on furlough. She has spoken and shown pictures of Baptist work in Nigeria in many churches in Kentucky and in other states during the year. She will sail for Nigeria on November 21 [1952] to renew her work there.


[From "History of the Florence Baptist Church," presented to the Boone County [KY] Historical Society, copied via Northern Kentucky Views. Transcribed and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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