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Frederic William Gotch
British Baptist Minister & Educator

      Frederic William Gotch, D.D., LL.D. an English Baptist minister, was born at Kettering, Northamptonshire, in 1807. He studied at Bristol College in 1832, and graduated from Trinity College, Dublin, in 1838.

      He immediately became pastor at Boxmore, going from thence to Stepney College, where he remained until 1845. In the same year he became classical and mathematical tutor at Bristol; resident tutor in 1861, and president in 1868, holding that position until 1882, when he became honorary president, retaining that relation until his death, May 17, 1890.

      In 1846 he was appointed one of the examiners of Scripture by the senate of the London University. He also served as a member of the Old Testament Revision Committee, and was chairman of the Baptist Union in 1868. He was the editor of the Revised English Bible Version of the Pentateuch, and also of the Old Testament issued by the Religious Tract Society.

      He was a frequent contributor to Kitto's Journal of Sacred Literature.


[From McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia, via the Internet. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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