[Note: f = s]
Rev. Jenkin Jones.
By Morgan EdwardsHe became minifter of this church in the year 1725 which was near three years after Mr. Morgan's deceafe, and had Mr. William Kinnerfley* to his affiftant. Mr. Wood was yet
* Mr. William Kinnerfley was born in 1669 at a place called the Lynch near Leominfter, in Erdsfieid parifh county of Hereford. His wife was Sarah Turner of Rofs, in the fame county, by whom he had children, Gabriel, Peter, Aaron, Thomas, Elizabeth, Marfhal, Charles.
alive but not very capable of ferving the church. He continued in the care thereof for upwards of twenty years, and then refigned it, to become the minifter of Philadelphia church where we fhall fay more of him. His fucceffor was Rev. Peter Peterfon Vanhorn._________________ Rev. Peter Peterfon Vanhorn.
He was born, Auguft the 24th, 1719, at Middletown in Bucks county, and was bred a Lutheran. Embraced the principles of the Baptifts Sept. 6, 1741. Ordained June 18, 1747. Continued in the oversight of the church to 1762 when he refigned, and fettled at the Newmills in the Jerfey. His affiftant was Mr. George Eaton.* His wife is Margaret Marshall by whom he has children, William, Ebenezer and Mary, who married into the Duffield and Hubbs families, and have raifed him eight grand children. He came to America Sept. 12, 1714. Was an exhorter in the church of Tuxbery, but was never ordained. He exercifed his talent in that capacity with acceptance to Feb. 13. 1734 when he died, and was buried at Pennepek.
* Mr. George Eaton was never ordained but only authorifed to preach as an exhorter about the year 1734, which he continued to do with acceptance to his death in Jul. 1, 1764. He married Mary Davis by whom he had children, George, Peter, John, Sarah and James. Thefe married into the Taylor, Morris, Harris, Grays and Huntfman families, and have raifed him 28 grand children. His fecond wife was Martha Griffiths who is yet alive. He beftowed on the church 5 l. and an acre of land; and is buried at Pennepek where a tombftone is erected to his memory by his furviving and pious widow. His fucceffor is Rev. Samuel Jones, A. M.
Rev. Samuel Jones, A. M. He was born Jan. 14, 1735, at a place called Cefen y Gelli in Bettus parifh in Glamorganfhire. Came to America in 1737. Bred at the college of Philadelphia. Ordained Jan. 8, 1763, at which time he commenced minifter of Pennepek and Southampton. He married Sylvia Spicer of Capemay by whom he has a fon named Thomas. Mr. Jones's ordination fermon was printed; together with a charge given him, and a hiftorical narrative of the manner in which the folemnity was conduced.
===================== [From Morgan Edwards, Materials Towards a History of the American Baptists, 1770, pp.15-17; via Internet Archives. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
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