Baptist History Homepage


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Alabama Baptist History
Thirteen documents
Arkansas Baptist History
Nine documents
California Baptist History
Eight documents
Connecticut Baptist History
Eleven documents
Delaware Baptist History
Four documents
Florida Baptist History
Five documents
Georgia Baptist History
Forty documents
Idaho Baptist History
One document
Illinois Baptist History
Ten documents
Indiana Baptist History
Twenty-five documents
Iowa Baptist History
Five documents
Kansas Baptist History
Two document
Kentucky Baptist History
Sixty-one documents
Louisiana Baptist History
Ten documents
Maine Baptist History
Ten documents
Maryland Baptist History
Five documents
Massachusetts Baptist History
Twenty-seven documents
Michigan Baptist History
Five documents
Mississippi Baptist History
Twenty-two documents
Missouri Baptist History
Fifteen documents
Nebraska Baptists
Two documents
New Hampshire Baptist History
Three documents
New Jersey Baptist History
Fourteen documents
New York Baptist History
Twenty-three documents
North Carolina Baptist History
Forty-six documents
Ohio Baptist History
Forty-one documents
Oklahoma Baptist History
Six documents
Oregon Baptist History
Two documents
Pennsylvania Baptist History
Twenty-four documents
Rhode Island Baptist History
Seven documents
South Carolina Baptist History
Twelve documents
South Dakota Baptist History
Two documents
Tennessee Baptist History
Forty-two documents
Texas Baptist History
Eighteen documents
Vermont Baptist History
Four documents
Virginia Baptist History
Twenty-seven documents
West Virginia Baptist History
Nine documents
Wisconsin Baptist History
Two documents

History of Baptist Churches
By Dr. Gail Terrell

Baptist History Notebook
By Berlin Hisel

The Origin of the Baptists
By Samuel H. Ford, 1860
1905 edition

The Origin of the Baptists
By George B. Taylor
From The Baptist Challenge Magazine

Baptists: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
by Jarrell Huffman

The People Called Baptists
By George W. McDaniel, 1919

The Baptist People
From the First to the Twentieth Century
By P. E. Burroughs, 1934

Compendium of Baptist History
By J. A. Shackelford

There are Many Essays and Links.

The History of Baptists
By William D. Nowlin
Fundamentals of the Faith, 1922

Materials for Baptist History
By Basil Manly, Jr.
American Baptist Memorial Journal, 1856

The Trail of Blood
2,000 Years of the Baptist Story

By Ben Stratton

Baptists in History
Pillars of Orthodoxy, 1900
By W. P. Harvey

The First Baptist Churches in America
By William Warren Sweet, 1942

Baptist Church History
By Rev. R. J. W. Buckland, Pastor
Calvary Baptist Church, New York City
The Madison Avenue Lectures, 1867

A Portrait of Seventy-five Great Baptist Ministers of the Past
[Mostly British]

The Trail of Truth
by William C. Hawkins and Willard A. Ramsey
A Link

Fifty Years Among the Baptists
By David Benedict, 1860

The American Baptist Ministry
of One Hundred Years Ago

by John A. Broadus, 1875

A History of the Baptist Churches in the United States
By A. H. Newman, 1894

The Baptists One Hundred Years Ago
By B. H. Carroll, 1900

Character of the Early American Baptist Preachers
The Columbian Star and Christian Index, 1829
(There are three essays)

The Baptists and the American Revolution
By Rev. William Cathcart, D.D., 1875

Baptists of the Mississippi Valley
The Christian Index
By John M. Peck, 1852
Two-part essay

Were the Waldenses Baptists or Pedo-baptists?
By John L. Waller
The Western Baptist Review, 1849
Parts I and II

Baptist History Vindicated
By John T. Christian, 1899

The Past and Future of the Baptist Churches
The Christian Repository, 1853
By Samuel H. Ford

What Baptists Have Done for the World
Pillars of Orthodoxy, 1900
By John T. Christian

Early Statistics of the Baptists in North America
A History of the Baptists
By John T. Christian

Chart of Early American Baptist Associations
A History of the Baptists
By John T. Christian

Review of Cramp's Baptist History
Two reviews - One by Spurgeon

“A Historical Sketch of the Christian Church;
or A Miniature History of the Baptist Denomination”

By Hosea Holcombe, 1840

Baptist History Seminar Lectures
By Jim Duvall
Olmstead (KY) Baptist Church, 2016
There are three lectures
[A link transfers you to another website; to return to this website, click the "back" button.]
A History of the Baptists
John T. Christian
Volume I, 1922.

A History of the Baptists
John T. Christian
Volume II, 1926.

World View of Baptist History, 1928 chart


Canadian Baptist History Index
There are six histories and three Links.

More Baptist History
Baptist History Homepage