Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2024
Generated 01-Aug-2024 00:42 UTC

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2024
Total Hits 616816
Total Files 521069
Total Pages 579364
Total Visits 46209
Total KBytes 15394320
Total Unique Sites 16116
Total Unique URLs 6333
Total Unique Referrers 3715
Total Unique User Agents 4192
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 829 5539
Hits per Day 19897 29457
Files per Day 16808 27187
Pages per Day 18689 28365
Sites per Day 519 1354
Visits per Day 1490 2134
KBytes per Day 496591 787892
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 84.48% 521069
Code 206 - Partial Content 1.71% 10573
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.02% 149
Code 302 - Found 0.00% 27
Code 304 - Not Modified 6.43% 39671
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 15
Code 404 - Not Found 7.35% 45309
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 3

Daily usage for July 2024

Daily Statistics for July 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 13331 2.16% 11634 2.23% 11999 2.07% 1451 3.14% 1031 6.40% 188925 1.23%
2 13158 2.13% 11293 2.17% 11968 2.07% 1608 3.48% 1151 7.14% 258142 1.68%
3 14206 2.30% 10788 2.07% 12821 2.21% 1720 3.72% 1203 7.46% 410248 2.66%
4 8189 1.33% 6521 1.25% 7175 1.24% 1483 3.21% 1120 6.95% 291716 1.89%
5 9002 1.46% 7387 1.42% 7829 1.35% 1686 3.65% 1089 6.76% 364214 2.37%
6 10846 1.76% 8629 1.66% 9646 1.66% 1244 2.69% 966 5.99% 516953 3.36%
7 14877 2.41% 13152 2.52% 13608 2.35% 1121 2.43% 854 5.30% 488088 3.17%
8 29135 4.72% 22710 4.36% 27817 4.80% 1298 2.81% 995 6.17% 606661 3.94%
9 27782 4.50% 25791 4.95% 26587 4.59% 1655 3.58% 1094 6.79% 628936 4.09%
10 22447 3.64% 18762 3.60% 21147 3.65% 1585 3.43% 1030 6.39% 497651 3.23%
11 21133 3.43% 19687 3.78% 19918 3.44% 2134 4.62% 1212 7.52% 517831 3.36%
12 21486 3.48% 19853 3.81% 20512 3.54% 1361 2.95% 962 5.97% 527028 3.42%
13 20961 3.40% 18821 3.61% 19653 3.39% 1257 2.72% 886 5.50% 514453 3.34%
14 28863 4.68% 24639 4.73% 27610 4.77% 1559 3.37% 1109 6.88% 749537 4.87%
15 25508 4.14% 19561 3.75% 24390 4.21% 1348 2.92% 906 5.62% 678516 4.41%
16 24824 4.02% 20839 4.00% 23758 4.10% 1307 2.83% 911 5.65% 641976 4.17%
17 27351 4.43% 24906 4.78% 25635 4.42% 1273 2.75% 870 5.40% 787892 5.12%
18 21229 3.44% 19518 3.75% 20025 3.46% 1551 3.36% 965 5.99% 569634 3.70%
19 21149 3.43% 19179 3.68% 20015 3.45% 1375 2.98% 975 6.05% 605380 3.93%
20 24832 4.03% 22943 4.40% 23695 4.09% 1947 4.21% 1260 7.82% 727138 4.72%
21 29457 4.78% 27187 5.22% 28365 4.90% 1662 3.60% 1095 6.79% 766357 4.98%
22 25525 4.14% 18456 3.54% 24248 4.19% 1258 2.72% 934 5.80% 572701 3.72%
23 23157 3.75% 18985 3.64% 21958 3.79% 1338 2.90% 943 5.85% 563286 3.66%
24 25475 4.13% 22722 4.36% 24197 4.18% 1469 3.18% 1015 6.30% 620292 4.03%
25 18889 3.06% 16800 3.22% 17640 3.04% 1267 2.74% 911 5.65% 409932 2.66%
26 26131 4.24% 24052 4.62% 24883 4.29% 1666 3.61% 983 6.10% 489444 3.18%
27 16812 2.73% 14757 2.83% 15665 2.70% 1631 3.53% 1197 7.43% 273598 1.78%
28 11441 1.85% 8307 1.59% 10249 1.77% 1461 3.16% 1034 6.42% 188180 1.22%
29 10401 1.69% 7561 1.45% 9348 1.61% 1290 2.79% 852 5.29% 198548 1.29%
30 16258 2.64% 8379 1.61% 15102 2.61% 1410 3.05% 1154 7.16% 447511 2.91%
31 12961 2.10% 7250 1.39% 11901 2.05% 2118 4.58% 1354 8.40% 293555 1.91%

Hourly usage for July 2024

Hourly Statistics for July 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1027 31842 5.16% 920 28527 5.47% 964 29894 5.16% 25934 803956 5.22%
1 823 25517 4.14% 730 22653 4.35% 760 23577 4.07% 23831 738762 4.80%
2 851 26392 4.28% 749 23225 4.46% 786 24369 4.21% 24156 748835 4.86%
3 857 26569 4.31% 783 24289 4.66% 812 25201 4.35% 23483 727967 4.73%
4 769 23852 3.87% 706 21904 4.20% 738 22886 3.95% 21280 659665 4.29%
5 745 23110 3.75% 680 21094 4.05% 716 22221 3.84% 19044 590351 3.83%
6 1011 31349 5.08% 810 25129 4.82% 984 30517 5.27% 22357 693056 4.50%
7 817 25337 4.11% 750 23273 4.47% 788 24432 4.22% 19906 617092 4.01%
8 787 24414 3.96% 671 20827 4.00% 764 23695 4.09% 19681 610102 3.96%
9 807 25017 4.06% 679 21073 4.04% 783 24281 4.19% 19420 602014 3.91%
10 845 26199 4.25% 630 19533 3.75% 815 25277 4.36% 19567 606589 3.94%
11 826 25634 4.16% 654 20293 3.89% 786 24382 4.21% 18533 574529 3.73%
12 757 23477 3.81% 652 20238 3.88% 708 21957 3.79% 20017 620517 4.03%
13 778 24136 3.91% 664 20598 3.95% 720 22326 3.85% 18561 575387 3.74%
14 747 23159 3.75% 644 19990 3.84% 684 21219 3.66% 18811 583144 3.79%
15 715 22182 3.60% 632 19622 3.77% 660 20479 3.53% 18299 567269 3.68%
16 759 23558 3.82% 648 20113 3.86% 700 21712 3.75% 18430 571320 3.71%
17 837 25973 4.21% 652 20236 3.88% 772 23959 4.14% 18799 582763 3.79%
18 780 24193 3.92% 666 20670 3.97% 710 22024 3.80% 19970 619059 4.02%
19 900 27921 4.53% 701 21737 4.17% 834 25860 4.46% 19303 598378 3.89%
20 857 26591 4.31% 691 21428 4.11% 782 24262 4.19% 19728 611558 3.97%
21 949 29424 4.77% 687 21320 4.09% 893 27686 4.78% 21358 662111 4.30%
22 793 24603 3.99% 674 20906 4.01% 735 22806 3.94% 22020 682612 4.43%
23 850 26367 4.27% 722 22391 4.30% 785 24342 4.20% 24106 747285 4.85%

Top 30 of 6333 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 233885 37.92% 1593458 10.35% /
2 63050 10.22% 557202 3.62% /
3 25330 4.11% 2991150 19.43% /stats/usage_202407.html
4 15473 2.51% 1999390 12.99% /stats/usage_202405.html
5 15471 2.51% 1995069 12.96% /stats/usage_202404.html
6 15463 2.51% 1985386 12.90% /stats/usage_202402.html
7 7579 1.23% 75999 0.49% /stats/
8 6490 1.05% 811912 5.27% /stats/usage_202308.html
9 3933 0.64% 201 0.00% /robots.txt
10 689 0.11% 98655 0.64% /
11 586 0.10% 9670 0.06% /grime.alien.immersion.1-2.html
12 575 0.09% 6203 0.04% /landmark.index.html
13 542 0.09% 4002 0.03% /western.recdr.survey.1948.html
14 503 0.08% 12524 0.08% /stats/usage_202012.html
15 502 0.08% 4546 0.03% /histories.html
16 420 0.07% 13525 0.09% /bapt.bios.html
17 370 0.06% 5670 0.04% /a-recent.documents.html
18 326 0.05% 5953 0.04% /hisel.baptist.histry.ntbk.html
19 323 0.05% 11367 0.07% /sweet.bapt.colonial.america.html
20 313 0.05% 6896 0.04% /baptist.magazines.html
21 306 0.05% 1488 0.01% /stats/usage_202104.html
22 279 0.05% 9411 0.06% /hisel.bapt.hst.ntbk.chpt6.html
23 272 0.04% 247 0.00% /search.html
24 261 0.04% 3228 0.02% /kent.hist.index.html
25 224 0.04% 1858 0.01% /fuller.andrew.index.html
26 222 0.04% 816 0.01% /texas.fbc.brief.history.html
27 220 0.04% 6265 0.04% /bapt.various.subjects.html
28 202 0.03% 2004 0.01% /
29 201 0.03% 9725 0.06% /sc.welsh.neck.bc.townsend.html
30 190 0.03% 313 0.00% /

Top 10 of 6333 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 25330 4.11% 2991150 19.43% /stats/usage_202407.html
2 15473 2.51% 1999390 12.99% /stats/usage_202405.html
3 15471 2.51% 1995069 12.96% /stats/usage_202404.html
4 15463 2.51% 1985386 12.90% /stats/usage_202402.html
5 233885 37.92% 1593458 10.35% /
6 6490 1.05% 811912 5.27% /stats/usage_202308.html
7 63050 10.22% 557202 3.62% /
8 19 0.00% 175749 1.14% /pdf/Hudson River 1821.pdf
9 34 0.01% 107336 0.70% /images/FBC_History.pdf
10 689 0.11% 98655 0.64% /

Top 10 of 5357 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 233885 37.92% 4142 9.38% /
2 7579 1.23% 1272 2.88% /stats/
3 689 0.11% 392 0.89% /
4 575 0.09% 269 0.61% /landmark.index.html
5 326 0.05% 246 0.56% /hisel.baptist.histry.ntbk.html
6 420 0.07% 217 0.49% /bapt.bios.html
7 279 0.05% 189 0.43% /hisel.bapt.hst.ntbk.chpt6.html
8 222 0.04% 182 0.41% /texas.fbc.brief.history.html
9 502 0.08% 178 0.40% /histories.html
10 586 0.10% 171 0.39% /grime.alien.immersion.1-2.html

Top 10 of 5346 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 233885 37.92% 4133 9.34% /
2 7579 1.23% 1340 3.03% /stats/
3 689 0.11% 400 0.90% /
4 575 0.09% 270 0.61% /landmark.index.html
5 326 0.05% 227 0.51% /hisel.baptist.histry.ntbk.html
6 420 0.07% 219 0.49% /bapt.bios.html
7 279 0.05% 190 0.43% /hisel.bapt.hst.ntbk.chpt6.html
8 502 0.08% 177 0.40% /histories.html
9 222 0.04% 163 0.37% /texas.fbc.brief.history.html
10 313 0.05% 159 0.36% /baptist.magazines.html

Top 30 of 16116 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 214964 34.85% 214964 41.25% 1529852 9.94% 2 0.00%
2 42175 6.84% 42175 8.09% 3137583 20.38% 2 0.00%
3 36775 5.96% 36775 7.06% 2533041 16.45% 4 0.01%
4 18557 3.01% 101 0.02% 2539 0.02% 4 0.01%
5 14774 2.40% 14774 2.84% 1025239 6.66% 1 0.00%
6 12204 1.98% 12204 2.34% 842828 5.47% 5 0.01%
7 8848 1.43% 6804 1.31% 146152 0.95% 139 0.30%
8 8077 1.31% 8077 1.55% 557080 3.62% 2 0.00%
9 7911 1.28% 7562 1.45% 113379 0.74% 4 0.01%
10 6895 1.12% 6895 1.32% 475431 3.09% 1 0.00%
11 6555 1.06% 6555 1.26% 451772 2.93% 1 0.00%
12 5940 0.96% 5811 1.12% 75574 0.49% 4 0.01%
13 5869 0.95% 5717 1.10% 78220 0.51% 22 0.05%
14 5637 0.91% 5393 1.03% 78128 0.51% 1 0.00%
15 5419 0.88% 5419 1.04% 700374 4.55% 12 0.03%
16 4685 0.76% 4685 0.90% 9739 0.06% 66 0.14%
17 4328 0.70% 4167 0.80% 114080 0.74% 34 0.07%
18 3960 0.64% 3960 0.76% 273223 1.77% 1 0.00%
19 3907 0.63% 3907 0.75% 39158 0.25% 2 0.00%
20 3834 0.62% 3704 0.71% 89251 0.58% 87 0.19%
21 3754 0.61% 3616 0.69% 80002 0.52% 94 0.20%
22 3546 0.57% 3413 0.65% 77054 0.50% 86 0.19%
23 2985 0.48% 2985 0.57% 206490 1.34% 1 0.00%
24 2742 0.44% 1 0.00% 595 0.00% 1 0.00%
25 2742 0.44% 1 0.00% 595 0.00% 1 0.00%
26 2653 0.43% 1 0.00% 575 0.00% 1 0.00%
27 2503 0.41% 2446 0.47% 28930 0.19% 1 0.00%
28 1872 0.30% 468 0.09% 6079 0.04% 56 0.12%
29 1638 0.27% 1638 0.31% 14696 0.10% 215 0.47%
30 1604 0.26% 1604 0.31% 14384 0.09% 212 0.46%

Top 10 of 16116 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 42175 6.84% 42175 8.09% 3137583 20.38% 2 0.00%
2 36775 5.96% 36775 7.06% 2533041 16.45% 4 0.01%
3 214964 34.85% 214964 41.25% 1529852 9.94% 2 0.00%
4 14774 2.40% 14774 2.84% 1025239 6.66% 1 0.00%
5 12204 1.98% 12204 2.34% 842828 5.47% 5 0.01%
6 5419 0.88% 5419 1.04% 700374 4.55% 12 0.03%
7 8077 1.31% 8077 1.55% 557080 3.62% 2 0.00%
8 6895 1.12% 6895 1.32% 475431 3.09% 1 0.00%
9 6555 1.06% 6555 1.26% 451772 2.93% 1 0.00%
10 3960 0.64% 3960 0.76% 273223 1.77% 1 0.00%

Top 30 of 3715 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 192902 31.27% - (Direct Request)
2 92428 14.98%
3 34904 5.66%
4 34897 5.66%
5 34895 5.66%
6 34894 5.66%
7 34894 5.66%
8 34892 5.66%
9 31163 5.05%
10 17922 2.91%
11 11002 1.78%
12 3907 0.63%
13 3421 0.55%
14 2669 0.43%
15 1119 0.18%
16 1118 0.18%
17 1118 0.18% https://xn--b1aap1a7d.xn--80adxhks/
18 1117 0.18%
19 1116 0.18%
20 1064 0.17%
21 1044 0.17%
22 846 0.14%
23 760 0.12%
24 760 0.12%
25 726 0.12%
26 724 0.12%
27 684 0.11%
28 672 0.11%
29 663 0.11%
30 625 0.10%

Top 20 of 149 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 96 15.48%готовый-самообнавляющий-плейлист/
2 89 14.35%самые-низкие-цены/
3 81 13.06%
4 64 10.32%
5 40 6.45%
6 32 5.16%
7 24 3.87%
8 9 1.45%
9 8 1.29%
10 8 1.29%
11 4 0.65%
12 3 0.48%
13 3 0.48%
14 3 0.48%
15 3 0.48%
16 3 0.48%
17 2 0.32%
18 2 0.32%
19 2 0.32%
20 2 0.32%

Top 15 of 4192 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 18557 3.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; freefind/2.1; +
2 18029 2.92% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
3 12950 2.10% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.0; +
4 11552 1.87% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
5 10827 1.76% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 10669 1.73% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
7 10647 1.73% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Iron Safari/537.36
8 10598 1.72% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/120.0.6099.71 Safari/537.36
9 10423 1.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
10 9629 1.56% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
11 8848 1.43% YodAlpha/Nutch-1.16 (A Search Engine For Religious, Theological, And Biblical Studies;
12 8570 1.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
13 8146 1.32% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeekportBot; +
14 8134 1.32% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
15 7911 1.28% serpstatbot/2.1 (advanced backlink tracking bot;;

Usage by Country for July 2024

Top 30 of 82 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 360829 58.50% 344619 66.14% 7709244 50.08% Unresolved/Unknown
2 131209 21.27% 83064 15.94% 2352198 15.28% Commercial (com)
3 59483 9.64% 59449 11.41% 4379566 28.45% Russian Federation
4 43101 6.99% 30274 5.81% 719072 4.67% Network (net)
5 12122 1.97% 10991 2.11% 178468 1.16% Germany
6 6912 1.12% 1235 0.24% 19000 0.12% European Union
7 564 0.09% 151 0.03% 1216 0.01% Czech Republic
8 476 0.08% 466 0.09% 4382 0.03% France
9 277 0.04% 177 0.03% 2788 0.02% Brazil
10 219 0.04% 215 0.04% 2991 0.02% Ukraine
11 166 0.03% 134 0.03% 1915 0.01% Non-Profit (org)
12 149 0.02% 137 0.03% 1283 0.01% Italy
13 143 0.02% 47 0.01% 329 0.00% British Indian Ocean Territory
14 133 0.02% 109 0.02% 3343 0.02% Educational (edu)
15 115 0.02% 43 0.01% 2262 0.01% Canada
16 73 0.01% 56 0.01% 2190 0.01% Australia
17 73 0.01% 67 0.01% 899 0.01% Poland
18 55 0.01% 27 0.01% 633 0.00% India
19 47 0.01% 42 0.01% 1328 0.01% Norway
20 35 0.01% 18 0.00% 194 0.00% Austria
21 32 0.01% 13 0.00% 1644 0.01% United Kingdom
22 30 0.00% 17 0.00% 524 0.00% Sweden
23 29 0.00% 13 0.00% 324 0.00% Colombia
24 28 0.00% 15 0.00% 361 0.00% New Zealand
25 25 0.00% 6 0.00% 63 0.00% Indonesia
26 25 0.00% 13 0.00% 487 0.00% Japan
27 24 0.00% 12 0.00% 88 0.00% Switzerland
28 24 0.00% 15 0.00% 67 0.00% China
29 21 0.00% 16 0.00% 345 0.00% US Government (gov)
30 21 0.00% 20 0.00% 285 0.00% Serbia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21