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History of the Elkhorn Baptist Association
By J. E. Farnam
Eighth decade
[p. 24]
The association met with the Mount Vernon Church in the 12th, 13th and 14th days of August, 1856. The Introductory Sermon was preached by Elder Wm. M. Pratt, from S. S. [Song of Solomon] vii:10-12. The association was composed of Messengers from twenty-six churches, reporting 6,132 members. Baptisms reported during the year, 399.

The Association was organized by the election of Elder Y. R. Pitts as Moderator and Elder Wm. M. Pratt as Clerk. Corresponding Messengers were present from Long Run, Concord, Boone's Creek, South District, Franklin and North Bend Associations. Sermons were preached by Elders S. W. Lynd, Vickers, Ford, J. L. Smith, C. Lewis, and J. D. Black. Resolutions were passed "earnestly requesting all the churches in the Association, through their pastors, to take up collections for the purpose of educating indigent and worthy young men who are disposed to qualify themselves for the ministry," also, "commending to the benevolence of the churches of this Association the effort being made by Doctor Campbell to endow Georgetown College."

Amount contributed by the churches of the Association during the year for benevolent objects, as reported by the Financial Secretary, $1,452.16.


Association met with the Baptist Church at Paris, Bourbon County, Ky., on the 11th, 12th and 13th days of August, 1857. Introductory sermon preached by Elder C. Lewis, from Acts ix:6, "Lord what will thou have me to do?" Twenty-six churches represented, reporting a total membership of 6,516. Baptisms during the year, 311.

Association organized by the election of Elder Y. R. Pitts, Moderator, and Elder W. M. Pratt, Clerk. Letters and Messengers from the following Corresponding Associations received: Boone's Creek, Bracken, Franklin, North Bend, Union and Sulphur Fork.

Contributions to benevolent objects during the year: Elkhorn and General Associations, $344.80; Foreign Missions, $244.60; Indian Missions, $202.40; Bible Society, $91.61; Sunday-School, $68.53.

The Association met with the Baptist Church at East Hickman, Fayette County, on the 17th, 18th and 19th of August. Introductory Sermon by Elder A. W. Larue, on Matthew v:47. Twenty one churches were represented by Messengers and letters, reporting an aggregate membership of 6.967 and 834 baptisms during the year -- the largest number of additions by baptism since the year 1841. A resolution was adopted recommending "that the churches of the Association raise means enough for at least two missionaries, one to labor in the bounds of Elkhorn Association, and the other among the Indians -- the missionaries to be appointed by the Missionary Board of Elkhorn Association, located at Lexington. Prof. Farnam was requested to furnish next year, in place of the usual Circular Letter, an exegeis of Acts 11:38. On Motion of Elder Pratt it was unanimously resolved "to hold a mass meeting in Lexington
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commencing on Tuesday, the 6th of October next, for mutual edification and consultation upon what, under the bIessing of God, will promote the spirituality and efficiency of the churches, develop their latent talents and the extension of the principles we hold as most sacred and dear to us."

Contributions to benevolent objects this year: Foreign Missions, $+00?; Indian Missions, $160.50; Elkhorn and General Association, $370;30, Bible Circulation, $10.10.


Association met with the Baptist Church, at Stamping Ground, on the 16th, 17th and 18th days of August. Introductory Sermon by Elder John L. Smith, I Thess. iv:3. Twenty-three churches represented by delegates and letters, reporting an aggregate membership of 7,524, and 401 baptisms during the year. Letters and Messengers from Corresponding Associations received as follows: Boone's Creek, North Bend, Union, Tate's Creek, Long Run, Concord, Baptist, Sulphur Fork, South District and Franklin. Preaching by Elders Dillard, Varden, Ford, J. L. Smith, Helm, J. Kirtley and V. E. Kirtley.

Contributions to benevolent objects: Elkhorn and General Associations, $933.50; Foreign Missions, $913.43; Indian Missions, $484.53; Bible Society, $27; Sunday-schools, $126.


Association met with the Baptist Church at Cane Run, Fayette County, on the 14th, 15th and 16th days of August. Introductory Sermon preached by Elder G. Varden. I Peter i:4. Twenty churches represented by delegates, reporting a total membership of 7,520. Baptisms during the year, 287.

Bro F. C. McCalla was chosen Moderator and Elder Wm. M. Pratt, Clerk. The South Elkhorn Baptist Church, recently formed, applied for membership in this Association, presenting a history of its organization and a statement of its creed, and was thereupon received to membership in this body. On motion of Elder D. R. Campbell it was unanimously.

Resolved, That this Association recommend to the Board of the General Association to appoint a ministering brother to each of the towns of Richmond and Mt. Sterling, one-half of his time, and to make vigorous exertions to establish our cause there, and that this body will supply the funds to pay the salary or salaries.

Contributions to benevolent objects during the year: Elkhorn and General Associations, $1,242.70; Foreign Missions, $536.50; Indian Missions, $360.60; Bible Board, $487; Sunday Schools, $60,50; Ministerial Education, $1,026. The Association supports one Missionary to the Indians. Funds raised for Foreign Missions are forwarded to the Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, at Richmond. Va; for Indian Missions, to the Domestic Board of the S. B. C., located at Marion, Ala.; for State Missions, to the Board of General Association, Lexington, Ky.


The Association met with the Baptist Church at Hillsboro, Woodford County, on the 13th, 14th and 15th of August. Introductory Sermon by Eld. George Hunt, from Jolm iii:5. Number of churches represented by Messengers twenty-two, reporting a total membership of 7,760, and baptisms for the year, 379.

Bro. E. H. Black was elected Moderator and Elder W. M. Pratt, Clerk.

Contributions to benevolent objects, as per report of treasurer: Elkhorn and General Associations, $389.15; Foreign Missions, $643.45; Indian Missions, $145.55. Thirteen of the churches have Sunday-Schools and twenty maintain a weekly prayer-meeting.


The Association convened with the Baptist Church at Glenn's Creek, Woodford County, on the 12th, 13th and 14th of August. Introductory Sermon by Elder Thos. J. Stevenson, Michah ii:l0. Eighteen churches were represented
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by Messengers, reporting an aggregate membership of 6,680, and 132 baptisms during the Associational year.

Elder Ryland T. Dillard was chosen Moderator and Elder W. M. Pratt, Clerk. Messengers from Corresponding Associations were present from Frankiin and Long Run. Preaching at the stand by Elders D. R. Campbell, George Hunt, S. F. Thompson, W. M. Pratt and W. P. Yeaman. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
1. That it is the duty of every christian, in view of our National troubles, daily to supplicate the Almighty that He would mercifully avert from our Nation impending calamities, and that He would so overrule events, now transpiring as to promote the advancement of His cause on earth and the best good of mankind among all nations and in all future time.

2. That one hour be devoted this afternoon in supplicating the mercy of God with respect to our country.

Elders Dillard, Campbell, Frost, C. Lewis, Pratt and P. Burbank were appointed to represent this body in the General Association at its approaching annual meeting in Frankfort.

Amount contributed to Home Missions this year, $848.90; to Foreign Missions, $122.18; for Indian Missions, $41.60.

The Minutes of the Association for this year close with the following words: "The session of the Association was one of great harmony of action. Not a discordant note was sounded."


The Association met with Mt. Pleasant Church, Jessamine County, on the l0th, 11th and 12th of August. Introductory Sermon by Elder J. M. Crawford, from Heb. ii:9. Eighteen churches represented by Messengers and letters, reporting a total membership of 5,287, and 42 baptisms during the year. Delegates from the following Associations were invited to seats: Franklin, Long Run, North Bend, South District, Concord and Bapist.

Dr. E. H. Black was chosen Moderator and Elder Wm. M. Pratt, Clerk. Amount contributed to benevolent objects during the year: Foreign Missions $604.05; General Association, $,63.10.

Elders D. R. Campbell, Wm. M. Pratt and C. Lewis appointed delegates to the General Asoociation.

The following resolution was unanimously adopted: "That the first Thursday of October next be observed as a day of fasting, humiliation and, prayer with reference to the state of the country, and that we request Corresponding Associations to take like action."


The Associatlon met with the Baptist Church at David's Fork, Fayette County. Ky., on the 16th, 17th and 18th of August. Introductory sermon by Elder W. M. Pratt on II Corinthians i:12. Messengers from twenty churches, reporting a total membership of 5,355, and 317 baptisms during the year.

Organized by electing Eld. Cad. Lewis, Moderator, and Elder W. M. Pratt, Clerk. Delegates present from the following Corresponding Asscciations: Concord, Bracken, Boone's Creek, Sulphur Fork, Franklin, Long Run and North Bend. The following resolution was passed: "That the Association appoint a committee of its own body, whose duty it shall be to correspond with pastors and churches of the Association and raise and appropriate funds for the destitute portions of this Association, and build up and encourage the Sunday-School interest in the bounds of the same, and make a report of their labors at the next anniversary."

Contributed for benevolent objects this year: For Foreign Missions, $191; for General Association, $1,118.15.

Resolution adopted, "That in view of our National afflictions, we recommend to all our brethren to engage frequently in the solemn duty of secret prayer and fasting as taught by our Savior in the 6th chapter of Matthew."

Preaching at the stand by Elders J. L. Tichenor, J. M. Bent, D. R. Campbell and G. C. Lorrimer.

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Association met with the Baptist Church in Georgetown. Scott County, on the 5th, 16th and 7th of August. Introductory Sermon by Elder W. H. Felix, on I John v. 4. Twenty-one churches represented by Messengers and letters, reporting a total membership of 4,015, and 109 baptisms during the year.

Dr. E. H. Black elected Moderator and Elder Wm. M. Pratt, Clerk.

Delegates received from Corresponding Associations as follows: From Franklin, Long Run, North Bend, Concord, Bracken, Sulphur Fork, Union, and South Bend.

Elder J. W. M. Williams of Baltimore, presented the claims of Foreign Missions, and received a contribution amounting to $855. Elder Sumner, representing the Domestic Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, presented its claims, and received in cash and pledges over $1,800. These sums are in addition to regular contributions to benevolent objects amounting this year to $119.

A committee composed of brethren C. Lewis, J. E. Farnam and W. M. Pratt was appointed "to draft resolutions, to be spread upon our minutes, expressive of our high estimation of the character and usefulnes of Rev. D. R. Campbell, L.L.D., so recently deceased, and of our sadness because of his death."

NOTE -- The large decrease in membership since 1862 was caused by the colored membership withdrawing and forming churches of their own -- [Clerk.]

NOTE -- The delay in issuing the minutes was caused by the carelessness of the Post-office officials by which some of the manuscript was lost after being placed in the Lexington Post-office to be sent to Midway. -- [Clerk]

[From Elkhorn Baptist Association Minutes, 1884, pp. 24-27. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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