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John Waller Punishment for Preaching

Waller, John........... Hanover.................... Hauled about by the hair of his head.
Waller, John........... (?) ........................... Almost rent asunder by friend and foe.
Waller, John........... Caroline .................. Jerked off stage — head beaten against ground.
Waller, John........... Caroline .................. Whipped severely by the Sheriff.
Waller, John........... Caroline .................. Jailed for preaching. Ten days.
Waller, John........... Essex ....................... Jailed for preaching. Fourteen days.
Waller, John........... Spotsylvania ............. Jailed for preaching. Forty-three days.
Waller, John........... Middlesex ................ Jailed for preaching. Forty-six days.


[From Lewis Peyton Little, Imprisoned Preachers and Religious Liberty In Virginia, 1938, p. 520. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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