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"Mr. Baptist"
A Biography of Clarence Walker
By Evangelist Bill Beeny, 1955


      One of the most miraculous phrases of the Ashland Ave Baptist Church is the vast printed ministry which has been carried on by faith now for thirty-two years. The Ashland Avenue Baptist Paper now has nearly 100,000 circulation weekly. It been an inspiration and a source of true Bible teaching for the thirty-two years.

      The first edition of the Ashland Avenue Baptist went through the mail in August, 1922. In his first copy of the A.A.B., Broth Walker tells why he was starting the paper in the following words:


      For a long time I have felt there was a great need in our church life for a little church paper. But the question of where the money come from to pay for it has held us back. The need js so great now that FAITH says, "Go ahead, publish the paper TRUST God for the money." The Lord has never failed us and this matter we shall have great success.

      Our membership is so scattered over the country that we need a medium beside the pulpit to speak of our plans and work. Many more than half our people live in the country. In some ways Ashland Avenue is a country church. We thank God that is true. The pastor will be compelled to be away this fall because of his affliction, the hay-fever. Through the "Ashland Avenue Baptist" he can speak to them every week. Then there are many who want to know our work and by means of the paper we can testify to the world what God is doing for us. Articles will be published that shall food for both saint and sinner.

      Five things everybody can do to make this paper a success. Remember that it is to be another enterprise of faith. First - Pray for success. Second - Subscribe fifty cents a year. Third - Send it to somebody as a gift. Fourth - Make a contribution for its success, and Fifth - Secure subscribers from among your friends, neighbors and loved ones.

      On the Sunday that I made the announcement from the pulpit about the paper there were several that came after the meeting and promised their support in this new undertaking. We shall also be glad to use part of the back page for advertisements.

      The first editions of the A.A.B. were small bulletin size papers. When this work of faith of the printed page was undertaken there was very little being done in this field of religious work. The way was hard many, many times to carry on the publication of the A.A.B. There were times when it looked like the paper could not possibly carry on, but then in the darkest hours the Lord would open doors and supply the need. By 1924, two years after the birth of the paper, the circulation had grown to 1,000 on the mailing list. The cost then was about $600.00 per year, this to a small church seemed like an enormous amount of money. Now it takes thousands and thousands of dollars to carry on the printed page.

      It was during the days of the depression, during the early thirties that the A.A.B. met its most severe test. It was an hour when few were employed, and those who were employed often neglected the work of the Lord because of "hard times." - In the midst of these stormy days we see the following article in the June 1, 1934, edition of the A.A.B., which then had a circulation of about 1500:


      Last week our printer, Mr. Glass, called me into his office and told me that under the N. R. A. it would be necessary for him to raise the price for publishing the A.A.B.

      The paper has continued now for something like 12 years, standing for God and His truth. - Its record is written and while some of its battles have been fierce and the struggle hard, we are thankful to God for its achievements and victories.

      We have come through the depression and have just gotten to the place where we could see our way clear to continue its publication at its present price. Now the N. R. A. says that its cost must be increased. This would not matter if our income had increased but is has not and there IS THE RUB.

      I am writing this to ask all of our leaders every where to join with us in unceasing prayer to God that He will manifest His will and that somehow we shall be able to send out this little paper that is loyal to our Christ.

      Our homes are flooded with papers that tell of the world are of the world, worldly. Magazines, radio, and the picture show all are preaching worldliness and do not build up the cause of Christ, nor help His churches to give the truth to the people.

      This little paper does and though it goes into homes where it is the only religious paper received and maybe it is not read, I feel that it ought to be published and its testimony given even its message is neglected or rejected.

      By April of 1938, the A.A.B. had reached a circulation 3,000. But the years following this, the war years, was when the A.A.B. really began to have an accelerated ministry. It was during the II World War that the circulation of the A.A.B. multiplied many, many fold, and became a worldwide ministry.

      Hundreds and thousands of people began to write in to have their soldier boys' names put on the list for the A.A.B. , and receive the "Walter Book". Thus the paper became known throughout the whole world. Untold blessings that only heaven can reveal resulted in thousands upon thousands of lonely, discouraged, homesick boys in the service receiving the paper weekly. Many were converted through the paper, others were built up in the faith. It became a world-wide challenge to the false doctrines of Roman Catholicism, Modernism and other false doctrines.

      Neither time nor space would permit us to list all the recorded individual cases in which the A.A.B. has proved to be a blessing to thousands. I note just a few excerpts here to give an idea the blessing that the printed page has been to many:


      (Someone sent us the name of this man who is in the LaGrange prison. We sent him one of the little books, for which he wrote us a letter of appreciation. We put his name on the AAB list - he received the paper which told of a lady, who, while a church member, was not sure she was really saved. For she wrote, "I cannot say with my whole heart, I am saved." Read his letter why he can say - "I know I am saved." - C.W.).

Dear Brother Walker:
      I have been behind prison bars seven years, nine months two days, but, thank God, I have found Jesus and know him in the pardon of my sins. I know we can have that blessed assurance of eternal salvation - I know I am saved.

      Several of us inmates received the "Ashland Avenue Baptist" today. We all appreciated the papers very much and I plan on sending you more names, the Lord willing, in the near future.


      I am just a country boy from the hills of old Kentucky and I was pleased to receive your book. My dear friends - thanks a million for your kindness and the blessing it brought me. Yes, I do take God as my Savior and a dear Savior He is. He is my friend and no matter where I go I want to walk close to Him.

      Say, how did you ever know I was here? My mother belongs to the Baptist Church and has for the past 20 years. I want you to do me this favor - send my mother one of those books.

      I want you to know that I'll take this little book of yours with me wherever I go. If I go into battle I'll have my Bible and this book you sent me in my pocket. Here is my mother's address, my brother's who is in North Africa, and other names and addresses to whom I want you to send the book.


Dear Bother Walker:
      I received the wonderful book you sent me telling what happens when a saved man dies. I liked it fine - I found the Lord after I received your book and it taught me how to trust Him. It is my desire to write and ask you to pray for me that I will always keep on the right road. I know now that the Lord will see me through.

      I was injured real bad since I have been in the army. I am so glad I have found the Lord at last.
     Henry E. Gibson


Dear Pastor:
      I've been through a lot. I fought with the Third Army under General Patton in the Sixth Armoured Division, and have lost nearly all of my buddies. There was plenty [of] times I felt like crying. I didn't get mail often enough to comfort me. It seemed the A. A. B. would always come when no other mail came. It was a great comfort to me all the time I was in action. Am still wondering who that was who gave you my address. You said "It was a good friend of mine." Every time I receive this paper I wonder who it was, and I have the warmest feeling toward them. If you ever get time hope you will please write and tell me who it was so I can thank them. I can never explain how much this paper means to me.

      This paper caused the best friend of mine to be saved. I always gave it to him to read when I got a chance, while we were in action. I don't believe he ever went to church before. Then he started going every time he got a chance until he was killed in action.
     May God bless you,
     Pfc. Vernon Miller


      This boy received the book because someone sent us names. Maybe it was you. I would like to know.

      I guess you will be surprised to get a letter from this source - a prison. Before going any further along I will try to introduce myself. My name is Samuel Clark. I have ten years to serve for robbery. I am now 23 years old and was convicted at the age of sixteen.

   &Walter Doesn't Live Here Anymore." After reading it and being blessed by it I decided to write you.

      Would it be possible for me to obtain any more of these books and other good literature from you? I gather that this young man, Walter, was your brother and if God did for your brother Walter surely He can and will do it for me. I want to live for the Lord. I want to be a Christian and follow the Bible. I need your prayers and your help for I know only what you have taught in the little book.

      I was in Lexington three months ago on an escape from here. In fact I was caught in Williamstown. I used to have a wonderful sweetheart in a city near Lexington. My sins found me out and I lost her. I now have a different view of life and want to be like the Saviour. He has promised "Blessed are those who do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled." I, Samuel Clark, believe it for I have lost in this life, but in the greater one to come I will be prepared. Although I have been lonesome all these years in prison I hope now I will not be lonesome anymore. If this letter meets with your approval I would appreciate an answer. Please don't forget me in your prayers.
     Respectfully yours in Christ
     Samuel Clark.


Dear Brother Walker:
      I have been receiving your paper, the A.A.B. I have done a lot of important reading in it.

      I am not a saved man - but I go to Church every Sunday and have gotten a lot out of the Lord Jesus.

      Since I have been getting your papers I have stopped to think - a thing I had never done before. Others, if they would just take a few minutes of time and read about the Lord, would do the same thing. I have a little Bible I keep in my locker, and after I began getting your papers, I have read it every time I have gotten a chance to do so.
      About all I ever did before I got your booklet was to go out and have a good time. I want you to keep sending me the paper and I will keep on reading it.
     Most Sincerely,


      "Whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely . . . Happy are they that have washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." - (Revelation 22:14-18.)

      Earl D. Birchem, Enemy No. 1, died in the electric chair the State Prison, Eddyville, Ky., a little after midnight, Friday Feb. 1, 1952. He was executed for murder. A newspaper reported:


      The little execution chamber - just a few steps down a corridor from Birchem's cell - was crowded with prison officials, policemen, newspaper reporters and other witnesses five minutes before midnight.

      In all, 22 men were in silent expectation for the death march to get in

      "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want," came a voice from outside the open door.

      "He maketh me to lie down -."

      Tall, gaunt prison Chaplain L. J. Knoth, was quoting the 23rd Psalm as he entered, walking with his left arm about Birchem's shoulders and stooping to speak the Scripture into the shorter man's ear.

      That was the way Birchem had told Chaplain Knoth earlier that he wanted it.

      "Walk with me, with your arm around me," Birchem had requested.

      "He leadeth me beside . . ."

      "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow -"

      Birchem was seated, still smiling, in the death chair and now Stephens was saying:

      "Earl, you have this opportunity to say any last words - to make any request."

      The chaplain's voice intoned the last words of the psalm.

      "Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."


      Birchem smiled again at his audience, "I have naught against any man," he said.

      - "I was deep in sin, but since coming here I have repented. I am not ashamed to say I have repented. You gentlemen know there is a God.

      "In conclusion, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; that He lived in the flesh and died on the cross for my sins. Get yourselves right with God. You must all go some day - I hope not this way."

      For years I have been requesting our readers to send me names with their complete addresses that we might mail to each one we receive a copy of the "WALTER" book and three sample copies of this paper, praying God to bless the printed gospel message in the conversions of sinners and strengthening the saved. Thank God for the names you have sent and are still sending.

      The results have been amazing. This world-wide ministry is becoming a world-wide revival - for reports come from all parts of the world of the blessings folks are receiving.


      Someone sent me Earl Birchem's name and address: "Death Row, Eddyville, Ky." We sent him the "Walter" book and three sample copies of the paper. To this day, I do not know who sent his name.

      He wrote thanking me for the book and requesting the paper every week. Letters came from him asking about salvation. Then the one telling me he had been saved. My little book, "Sinners, Lost Sinners, Saved Sinners," or "How to Be Saved and a Saved Man's Life and Works," helped him in a big way to see the way to be saved.

      Two days before his execution I received:

     Eddyville, Ky.
     Death Row

Dear Brother Walker:       Just a few lines to let you know I'm still alive. However, due to the nature of my case, I'm expecting to leave this world on short notice unless it's God's will I exist for a reason.

      From hearing and reading the Word, the many books and A.A.B.'s you've sent me and your letters of instruction for over two years, I've adjusted myself to meet God the best I know how.

      I've surrendered the lust which makes sins and I'm believing Jesus Christ the Son of God will acknowledge me before the Father for eternal life.

      Again, I will thank you and Christians for the support given your work in making it possible for material I have received, which has been passed on to many. Don't forget, I still treasure the prayers from all of you.

      If you do not hear from me here on earth again, someday, ma we all rejoice in Heaven. That's my hope and faith.
     Yours in Christ,

      This letter touched my heart. On Thursday night I was move about 8 o'clock to send him a telegram - as he waited for death.


      Dear Earl:
      Tonight, as you go through the valley of the shadows the Lord Jesus will be with you - because "His own self bore your sin (paid your penalty under God's law) on the cross." (I Peter 2:24) To present you faultless before the presence of His glory (Jude 24.) Your Brother in Christ, Clarence Walker

      To my surprise Monday morning I received the following answer from him. It was like getting a letter from the dead.


     Death Row, Eddyville, Ky.
     Jan. 31, 1952, 10:00 p.m.

Dear Brother Walker:
      Your telegram is a comfort. A bit over two hours, I'll meet my Lord and Savior. It will be a pleasure to tell Him of the good work you and others are doing.

      If all could realize what it means to face death in less than two hours, they would simply go crazy if they did not have the assurance of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am at peace, not afraid to die. I am smiling. If I did not have the Lord, I would be frantic. Brother Walker, thank you for your blessings and your prayer thank all others who have prayed for me.
     A Brother in Christ,


   &    &    &

Walter's Funeral - M. M. Hunt Presides
David Friedley Speaks - Chester D. Adams
Preaches Sermon
One of The Biggest Funerals Ever Held in The Bluegrass Of Kentucky

   &Ashland Avenue Baptist paper.

   &    &    &    &    &A. A. B. as follows:


   &    &    &    &    &    &    &    &    &    &    &   &    &    &    &    &    &    &    &


Next to the "Walter Book" the Lord has used "The Trail of Blood", an Ashland Avenue publication, to bless the hearts of thousands. "The Trail Of Blood" was originally a group of lectures given by the late Dr. J. M. Carroll, on the history of Baptist Churches from the time of Christ, their founder, to the present time. Shortly before Dr. Carroll died he wrote these messages in a booklet form with the agreement that the late Dr. Porter of Lexington should have them published.


"When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." - (Luke 22:32.)

      When Mrs. Clara Luce, the noted playwright, congresswoman, and wife of the editor of "Life" became a member of the Catholic Church it was publicized - far and wide, by the newspapers, magazines and even the radio. Other public figures who have become Catholic converts have likewise been publicized.

      In strange contrast to this is - when Catholics are converted and become Baptists or Protestants little or nothing is said about it - WHY?

      Yet many Catholics do become Baptists and Protestants. One of the most striking conversions of this kind is told in the following letter from Brother William Burke, an ex-Catholic Priest.

      Just before I went to Michigan last August I received the letter. When I come to my office each morning, the first thing I do is go through the morning mail after Howard has sorted it. I take the letters which are marked for me and read them for the first time, after which Glo takes them with her mail - and sees that the orders, requests are properly filled and that each piece of mail we receive is given proper attention. She marks each one I am to answer personally and gives it to my secretary.


My dear Mr. Walker:
      I was a Roman Catholic priest for 10 years, leaving this church nine years ago.

      When I left Catholicism in which I no longer believed I still believed in God and in Revelation.

      Eventually I joined a Protestant church in quest of salvation; and again after several years of active membership I had not found the Lord.

      Three year ago I was saved and since then I have traveled extensively throughout the country preaching the Gospel in purity and simplicity as it was preached from the beginning.

      I have preached Believer's Baptism and I have been and always will be definitely against Infant Baptism and Baptismal Regeneration.

      In doing this work I often wondered why some group of saved people did not gather together and form a church.

      I had the blessed experience a few months ago of finding among the books in our Mission, a pamphlet or booklet entitled "The Trail of Blood."

      I at once began to read this booklet and then and there I discovered there had always been from the very beginning the church I had prayed for - the Baptist Church.

      I realized immediately that I had been and was for three years a Baptist at heart.

      At the time I made this discovery we were conducting a conference in Calvary Baptist Church, New York City. While there I applied for membership and I am to be baptized the latter part of August.

      I returned a week ago after having preached in twenty churches in Owensboro, Kentucky, and surrounding areas.

      I spoke in about 18 Baptist churches in all, among them in Owensboro proper, the First and Third Baptist.

      Although I have spoken in churches of all denominations this has been the most fruitful, spiritually of all my speaking tours. I was for three weeks with real Baptists and children of God - Southern Baptists.

      My quest for salvation and God's real church has been long and at times difficult and discouraging.

      I have journeyed through Roman Catholicism, Protestantism and Modernism which to me is as great an evil as Roman Catholicism.

      At last through prayer, grace and perseverance and above all the "gift of the Holy Spirit" I have found happiness, joy, peace and salvation.

      I found salvation in Jesus Christ, and I discovered that the church I prayed for really existed, that I was at heart a Baptist - all in Dr. Carroll's little booklet, "The Trail of Blood."
     In His love and service,
     WM. E. BURKE

      A small edition of the booklet was published, then Dr. Porter died. Brother Porter received permission for the continuation of the publishing of this most important book on church history. It was then that the book began to be circulated throughout the world. Now over 900,000 copies of the "Trail of Blood" have been printed. It now appears in five different languages. This book has been hated and feared by false churches. The Catholics have tried in vain to stamp out its message wherever it has gone taking the message of truth. It has been used of the Lord to open the eyes of thousands as to the origin, doctrine and perpetuity of New Testament Baptist Churches.

      In addition to the "Trail of Blood" and the "Walter Book", are booklets, tracts, articles by the multiplied thousands which have gone out under the direction of the A.A.B. Only heaven at the rewarding seat of Christ will be able to sum up the conversions, blessings and benefits of the ministry of the printed page, under the direction of Mr. Baptist and through the aid of the good people at the Ashland Avenue Baptist Church.

      This vast printed ministry has not been a one-man project. Many full-time workers come to the church day after day to labor for the Master, receiving a very meager salary. Others, part-time workers, give freely of their time. The able management of Brother Howard Davis has been a blessing to this phase of the work. Mrs. Walker, always behind the scene, has been a source of inspiration to all connected with the work. These all combine their united efforts day-after-day in a wonderful spirit, of teamwork to make the ministry of the printed page possible.


Chapter 6
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