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"Mr. Baptist"
A Biography of Clarence Walker
By Evangelist Bill Beeny, 1955


      It is not often that publicly, in print, a lone Baptist preacher would attack, and expose the sins of a powerful political figure running for the Presidency of the United States. But feeling his call to stand for the right and warn the people of the danger that America faced, Mr. Baptist cried out to the American people through the printed page a warning against the election of Al Smith.

      A well known Attorney in the city of Lexington today told me that the battle which Clarence Walker waged against Al Smith by exposing his character to the American people may have been the leading factor in his defeat. For this attack against lawlessness, drunkenness, and false doctrine of Catholicism was not only circulated in the Ashland Avenue Baptist Paper, but calls came in from all parts of the nation for permission to reprint the articles; these ran literally into the millions of copies which were circulated in this campaign against vice.

      It would be impossible to duplicate the ferver, the excitement, and intensity of the battle during Mr. Baptist's crusade against lawlessness, but the following will give you an idea as you read some of the bold attacks made by Brother Walker.


      Sunday night saw one of the largest crowds ever gathered at Ashland Avenue to hear the Pastor give his reason as a Democrat for refusing to support Al Smith and announcing that he would not only support Herbert Hoove but do all in his power to elect Hoover. The Pastor read the parable of the Talents found in the 25th chapter Matthew and selected the following verses as a text:

      "After a long time the Lord of those servants cometh, and reckoned with them.
      And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
      His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

      The teaching contained in the parable of the Talents is that the Lord Jesus will return to this earth again and demand an account from every one as to the use of the talents which he has placed in their hands. Among these talents is the ballot - the right to vote. It is the duty of believers as in everything else, to vote for the glory of God. I am thinking of those who put Christ before party, who think more of loyalty to the truth than to any man made institution or organization and their reward in that day Judgement.

      Tonight I have for my subject a matter that is of vital importance to each one of us - and not only to us but to our children and our childrens' children.

Preachers in Politics

      From certain quarters there continually comes a cry again what is called, "Preachers meddling in politics." Don't let it hot you at all. IT IS SIMPLY THE HOWL OF A HIT DOG. It is the preacher's business to speak forth the truth and to interpret current events in the light of God's Holy Word. A true prophet must never fail to rebuke sin and wickedness no matter in whom or where it is found. John the Baptist lost his head for doing it but, received the Crown of Life for being faithful to his God. I make absolutely no apologies for what I am about to say, but rather rejoice that I am counted worthy to speak forth the truth that is in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

A Democrat

      I am a Democrat. My people have always been Democrats. My mother was born at the close of the civil war and in his enthusiasm for the South my grandfather gave to her the name of Dixie. I have given that good old southern name, also to my first-born. None so far as I can learn have ever bolted the party in a presidential election, and be it far from my heart's desire to leave the ranks that have been led in other days by Jefferson, Jackson, Cleveland, Wilson and the greatest of them all, the golden hearted and silver tongued - the late William Jennings Bryan. The truth is that because I am a real Democrat and true to the principles of my party I refuse, absolutely, to be driven like a dumb ox into the wet and vile ranks of Tammany Hall. For that reason I announce to my congregation and friends everywhere that I shall vote for Herbert Hoover, the Democrat who voted for Woodrow Wilson and do all I can by my voice and pen to secure his election as the chief magistrate of our country.

      I shall give three reasons why I take this step and any one of the three ought to be sufficient to defeat Al Smith. The three reasons are:

      First - Tammany Hall.

      Second - Al Smith is wet.

      Third - Al Smith is opposed to religous liberty.


      Tammany Hall is a political organization located in the City of New York. It is supposed to be a democratic club. On the outside it is as sweet as sugar, but on the inside it is rottenness itself. It is famous above all other such bodies for its use of corruption and vice to secure its ends. And the ends when obtained are used for the purpose of robbing the tax-payers. Its greed has no limit. The integrity of our nation and its future is wrapped up in the ballot box. In the purity of the ballot is to be found a future growing richer and fuller with the inheritance of the past. But a corrupt ballot box means nothing less and nothing more than America headed for the rocks.

      Tammany Hall holds its power by corrupting the vote. There is no secret about this and I suppose that there is no sincere denial. It is true that the leaders of the organization are too intelligent to permit the appearence of evil but the very name of Tammany Hall has come to mean stealing and thieving and corruption in elections.

      The history of Tammany Hall proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that she cares nothing for those great and lofty ideals up which the republic has been founded. Her mission has been to secure the election of men who can be bought and sold, who use the treasuries of the commonwealth as a means of enrich the leaders of Tammany such as Tweed, Murphy and Croker. stealings under Tweed were estimated to be from $30,000,000 to $200,000,000.

      Al Smith is Tammany's protege. A saloon keeper, one of the precinct bosses took him up when a young man introduced him into the councils of this so-called democratic club and because he has always been obedient and true to the ideals of Tammany they have supported him - and now propose to elect him to presidency of our nation.

      It shall not be so. Their rock is not as our rock. To them Bryant was the devil incarnate. Every democratic president since the days of Grover Cleveland have had the opposition of Tammany Hall. Tammany fought Cleveland, Wilson and Bryan. It caused the defeat of Samuel J. Tilden, James M. Cox and John W. Davis, they ask us who love the memory of the great "Commoner" to forget him and our principles and come at their beck and call and by our vote give sanction to their iniquities and crimes. Again I say it ought not to be. We that love America for what she is and for what she has given to the world in the way of things that are right will not be trapped and made to vote for Al Smith since by Tammany's methods he has stolen the nomination and repudiated the platform in less than twelve hours after he was nominated.


      My second reason for not supporting Al Smith and voting for Mr. Hoover is, that Al Smith is wet. He is opposed to a part of the constitution which every president who takes the office swears to uphold.

      The open saloon is prohibited from America by the constitution. This is right. From any standpoint that you study the situation, prohibition is best for the nation. I am thinking of the broken lives, of the ruined homes and the disasters that have followed as a result of the saloon. Once I knew a young man. He was bright and full of ambition. He had a lovely home and beautiful children blessed it. One day he fell into a saloon and as a result early in life he filled a drunkard's grave, leaving behind him a multitude of hearts bereaved and saddened.

      Today that vile temptation is prohibited by the constitution but Al Smith says, "Bring it back so that once more we can put our foot on the brass rail and blow the froth back."

      He has done all that he can in the great state of New York to nullify this eighteenth amendment. All state laws in New York have been repealed. The state administration and the police forces of New York offer no sympathy to the federal officers in the enforcement of the requirements of the prohibition law.

      This is the time for mothers and fathers to stop and think. There must be no nullification of our laws against the demon of liquor. This is the time for us to build for our children a civilization to protect them rather than to destroy their souls. We must remember that the enemy of prohibition is entrenched and that with every available weapon possible he shall seek to elect Al Smith for no other purpose than to nullify the 18th amendment.

      There are certain democrats who are saying today, that it doesn't matter about Smith's wetness that as president he cannot undo the constitution without congress.

      What about the appointments that he makes? What about conditions in the State of New York under Smith? And then the wets know better. Take as an illustration the coming of John Raskob to Smith's banner, leaving the Republican party after he had begged Coolidge to be the Republican nominee. Every true prohibitionist in the southland ought to answer Raskob's appointment by coming out boldly for Hoover and opposing Smith. Al Smith in the White House means the saloon back in America in less time than many dream of.

      Once I heard the great Bryan enumerating the many fine things the democratic party had achieved by writing them into the laws of the land. Among them was the 18th amendment. That which was a glory in Mr. Bryan's day has seemed now to become a glaring mistake and a disgrace.

      No! I shall uphold the glory of my party by refusing to submit to a wet and untried leader and vote for a dry Republican that voted for Woodrow Wilson.

      There is a man, a member of our church, a deacon, the treasurer, a man of faith and one who loves God. When he was a young man he got under the influence of liquor and with his own mouth he told me that for 20 years he never drew a sober breath. Standing in my home the other day he said, "I am a democrat and have always been one, but I know what prohibition means to this country. Whiskey held me a slave for years and then took me down to the gates of hell. I shall vote against Al Smith for I do not want the temptation to be here for the young people now that I had in my day."

      Whenever I think of this man and what he means to his church and to this city I say give us prohibition every time.


      My third reason and my greatest reason for opposing Al Smith is that he is opposed to religious liberty. At once you hear the hue and cry raised - then you don't believe in religious tolerance. No, I do not believe in religious tolerance. I BELIEVE IN RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. I want to live in a country where Al Smith has got as much right to te a Catholic as I have to be a Baptist. In Mexico for centuries the Catholic Church has been the state church. For centuries none other was allowed. Then religious tolerance was granted for other religious people but wherever religious tolerance has been granted in Roman Catholic lands it has been granted in the face of Catholic opposition. No, I do not believe in religious tolerance but I do believe that a man ought to be permitted to worship God without interference from anyone and that right not a tolerance but a privilege.

      Al Smith, as an orthodox, indorsed, and representative Catholic believes that the Catholic Church alone should be permitted to exist and had they the power they would crush out all other religious bodies. The Catholics, if you have noticed, carefully do not answer this charge by giving proof and illustration that they do not believe in it but are either silent or appeal to prejudices or ridicule or make light of those of us who have the courage to go into their writings, their history and show what they have done and expose their purposes.

      They say that their Pope is infallible. Here then is what Pope Gregory IX says and other Catholic authorities:-

     Pope Gregory IX (Paragraph from his syllabus): "The church has the right to require the state NOT to leave every man free to profess his own religion. The church has the right to exercise her power without permission or consent of the state. The church has the right to prevent the foundation of any national church not subject to the authority of the Roman pontiff. The church has the right to deprive the civil authority of the entire government of public schools. The church has the right of perpetuating the union of church and state. The church has the right to require that the Catholic religion shall be the only religion of the state, to the exclusion of all others. The church has the right and the power of requiring the state not to permit free expression of opinion."

      The Catholic World (Vol. XI, No. 64): "The supreme duty of Catholics is to obey the pope and seek in every way, especially by means of the ballot, to render the Catholic policy effective in this country. Catholics should vindicate this policy with property, liberty and life. If the pope's authority and that of the civil government comes into conflict upon any vital point, the Catholic is to act in the 19th century precisely as he did in the first and second century."

      Priest Phelan (Editor Western Watchman of St. Louis, Mo.) "Tell us we are Catholics first, and Americans and Englishmen afterwards."

      Morning Star (published in New Orleans): "Twenty five years hence the Catholics of the United States will not be sixteen million, but twice that number. The vote will be in their hands and the future republic will depend upon the use of it."

      Catholic World: "There never has been a period in American history when the church's opportunity has been so close to her. To a great extent the ancient antagonisms have died. Protestantism is disintegrating before our eyes. The moment is ripe to build a CATHOLIC AMERICA, and strong men are now laying the foundation."

      These authoritative quotations prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Catholics believe America ought to be a country with the Catholic Church as a state church and you may not believe it, but that is what the Catholic heirarchy wants with Al Smith in the president's chair. Not that he could revoke the provision in the constitution that guarantees religious liberty at once but his election will be the beginning.

      Another proof of this question is found in Mexico today. The Catholic Church has been the state church, but recently the government was strong enough to grant religious liberty to all the different denominations - Catholics were placed upon the same footing with Baptists, Methodists and all others as far as the state was concerned. Everybody knows the kick that has been raised by the Catholics and the fight they are making against the Mexican government and by the way, didn't the Knights of Columbus raise and send vast sums of money to help the Catholics in their fight against religious liberty?

      And isn't Al Smith a member of the Knights of Columbus?

      I, for one, am opposed to any man who believes in state and church south of the Rio Grande or North of it either. Remember the point that I am making is that Al Smith is opposed to religious liberty. He admits that he is a good Catholic and bows in subjection to the Pope. Did he not kneel and kiss the papal ring when an Italian representative of the Pope visited New York? That kiss was not a lover's kiss, neither was it the kiss of a mother for her babe, BUT IT WAS THE KISS OF SUBJECTION. I shall close by giving still further proof that Catholics will stop at nothing to secure their end. Most everybody has heard about St. Bartholomew's day, but very few know the facts in the case. In France there were at this time a great number of Protestants known Hugenots. A plot was made by the Catholic Queen in connection with the Pope to arise on a certain morning and every Catholic killed their Hugenot neighbors.

      St. Bartholomew's Day in France The following account is taken from Ridpath History of the World:

      "The Italian woman who at this time ruled France, and son who was the nominal king, had now completed the plot which for treachery in conception and horror of execution surpassed any tragedy of modern times. It had been arranged to entice the Hugenots to Paris and destroy them in a general massacre. After that, the scenes were to be renewed in different parts of the kingdom infested with Protestantism until the heresy should be extinguished in blood. It was arranged that the massacre should begin at the sound of the Matin Bell, in the church of St. Germain, on the morning of St. Bartholomew's day. At that signal the Duke of Guise, the Catholic leader and the Italian guards of the palace were to rush forth and set the example of butchery, beginning with the murder of Coligni, the Protestant leader. This done, the work was to be carried on by the Catholics until the last Protestant was exterminated. Orders were secretly issued to all the principal cities of the kingdom to proceed in the same manner until none should be left further to trouble the peace of Catholic France.

      The horrible program was carried out to the letter. The bells of St. Germain were sounded and the general massacre of helpless men, women and children began. Paris soon reeked like a butcher stall. The streets were slippery with blood. The residence of every Protestant had been marked, and now woe to the inhabitant. The city became a horrid uproar. Crowds of Protestants surged along the streets pursued by other crowds with drawn swords dripping with blood.

      In Paris nearly all the Protestants were killed. On the day following St. Bartholomew's, the city of Meaux was sprinkled with the blood of the Protestants. At La Charite the massacre occurred on the 26th, and Orleans on the 27th. The waves of the crimson sea rolled as far as Samur and Angers on the 29th, and Lyons on the 30th of the month. Nor did this dreadful drama of murder cease until the 3rd of October when the curtain fell in the surf beyond Bordeaux."

      When the Pope at Rome heard how the execution had been carried out he ordered a service of thanksgiving in the Cathedral of St. Peters and issued a letter lauding the fact and the manner of this single triumph over heresy and ordering "TE DEUMS" to be sung in the Catholic Churches.

      The ring that Al Smith kissed on bended knee upon the hand of an Italian Cardinal is symbolical of the rule that caused the massacre on St. Bartholomew's Day.

      Thus I have proven from their writings, from present day history and from the past that Rome is opposed to religious liberty. The most priceless treasure in the treasure chest which we call the Constitution of the United States. I shall vote for Hoover because I believe in religious liberty.


      (Many were turned away from Ashland Avenue Church, Sunday night, who were not able to get into the building because of the tremendous crowd gathered to hear Pastor Clarence Walker answer the unjust and unwarranted attack made upon him by Governor Al Smith in his Oklahoma speech. It was a service of great power and the name of the Lord was glorified.)

- by Pastor Walker

     Let us give our most reverent attention to the reading of the Sacred Word. The first passage that I shall read and which is the text for the evening is found in the book of Exodus, the 20th chapter and the 16th verse, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."

      In connection with this text I shall read Mark, the 4th chapter and the 22nd verse, "For there is nothing hid which shall not be manifested; neither was anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad;" also Matthew 10:26-27, "Fear them not therefore; for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness THAT speak ye in light; and what ye hear in the ear, THAT preach ye upon the housetops."

      The Son of God declares in these passages in terms that everybody can understand that all things that are said and done in secret shall be brought out into the open. He goes further saying that what we have heard in the ear, that is - whispers - speak them from the housetops where everybody can hear them.

      The Lord Jesus knows best - and since He commands it, don't be afraid of the light. It is only evil that must hide under the cover of darkness. It is only the wrong-doers that take refuge in a cloak of misrepresentation.

      I say, that according to the Lord Jesus, a campaign of whispers - if they be untrue - never hurt anybody. That man who is afraid of "whispers" must know that there is some truth in them if he fears that they shall injure his cause. And it is just as true that as the light of the morning follows the darkness of the night, so the light will follow a campaign of whispers if they be untrue.

      Tonight, I want to answer the unwarranted and unjust attack, made upon me by Gov. Smith in his Oklahoma City speech. As I have often said before, I come of a family that has always been Democrats. Some have thought that I am against Smith because he is not of my religious faith. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I voted for Wilson and against Hughes - a man of great power and a consecrated Baptist. Likewise I voted for Cox against Harding - a noble Baptist layman.

      No, it isn't reigious prejudice. The truth is that Al Smith is not of our political faith. When the great Bryan breathed his last, Al Smith and the Tammany crowd came in and crucified our party upon a cross of Alcohol.

      I have great love and respect for all my Democratic brethren. There isn't a man in this world that I hate or would willfully misrepresent. Knowing the Democrats of Kentucky and the South as I do, I firmly believe that if the real issues of this campaign were shown to them in their true light, Al Smith and the Tammany crowd would not carry a single county.

      Now as to the attack I am first going to give the article that Gov. Smith called attention to, which is as follows:


      As thoroughly known as the Hudson River and Coney Island is the drinking habit of Al Smith. On his recent vacation on Long Island, the last night he drank several toasts to several individuals present and before he was through he was so intoxicated he could hardly stand up, and so could not call the names of the parties present.

      Again and again he has been seen in such an intoxicated condition at Albany that he has had to be carried into the Governor's Mansion.

      Recently the papers published how he came near to a serious accident driving fifty miles an hour down Broadway, and with the siren wide open - he was driving the car himself. He was practicing his wet gospel. - The Fundamentalist.

      Next I shall give the account of the attack as reported by the Lexington Herald:

      OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Sept. 20. - In his speech here tonight, while discussing attacks which are made on him because of his religion, Governor Smith referred to an article which recently was published in the Ashland Avenue Baptist, a Lexington, Ky., church publication.

      "Listen to this," said the governor. "There was printed in Lexington, Ky., on the front page of the Ashland Avenue Baptist, a. church publication, the following in a box, in heavy black type:

      "'Recently the papers published how Governor Smith came near to a serious accident driving fifty miles an hour down Broadway while intoxicated. He was driving the car himself, practicing his wet gospel.'

      "Now, everybody that knows me, knows that I am unable to operate an auto. I never tried in my life and, what is more, I am never going to try it, and the statement that I was running the car myself down Broadway at fifty miles an hour is just as absurd as the other part of it."

      In passing I would have you notice that the article from the Herald makes it appear that we are attacking Al Smith's religion. Read the article and see if you can find one earthly thing about his religion in it. I certainly can't find it.

      You will notice that Gov. Smith does not deny drinking and that he does not deny being drunk. He only denies that he was drunk at particular times and places. The Ashland Avenue Baptist copied the article from The Fundamentalist - the editor of which paper telegraphed me, "Large numbers saw his intoxicated condition driving up Broadway."


      Then I wrote to Rev. O. R. Miller, Supt. of the N. Y. Civic League, Albany N. Y., where Gov. Smith lives, about these things. He replied in the following two letters:

     Albany, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1928 Dear Brother Walker:-
      "Yours of September 25, just received telling me of Governor Smith's attack upon you or your paper for publishing an article concerning his drinking habits and asking me for material along this line.

      Personally, I have never seen him drunk but a number of people have told me that they have seen him drunk, some of them said so drunk that he could not walk, others said that he was staggering all over the street, and a number of times in public places. I never heard of Governor Smith denying his drinking habits around Albany where so many people have seen him frequently apparently under the influence of liquor. He has to go a long ways from home to deny that, and get away with it.      Sincerely Yours,      O. R. MILLER,
     State Supt., N. Y. Civic League

     Albany, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1928
Dear Brother Walker:-

     I enclose you herewith page 24 from today's issue of the New York Herald Tribune with something more concerning Governor Smith's drinking habits. Reports similar to these are very common in different parts of this State and we have never heard of him attempting to deny them in New York State.      Sincerely Yours,      O. R. MILLER,      State Supt., N. Y. Civic League

      I have written the following letter to Governor Smith and embodied it in a telegram that if he would answer would forever clear him. - Will he answer?

Letter To Smith

Governor Alfred Smith,
Albany, N. Y.
Dear Governor Smith: -

      In your Oklahoma City speech you made a bitter attack upon the Ashland Avenue Baptist, of which publication I have the honor of being editor, for publishing an article about you drinking habits.

      You utterly disregarded the fact that it was copied from another paper, "The Fundamentalist" of Ft. Worth, Texas, to which paper due credit was given.

      This misrepresentation of facts certainly convicts you of a contemptable purpose to deprive your hearers.

      However, if the statement is untrue concerning your drinking haibits, why did you ignore the following telegram which was presented to you just before you began your speech? The telegram places the responsibility for the circulation of these incidents upon your friends - then why ignore it?

The Telegram

      "We do not want to be unfair to you. We know of no organization or responsible citizen, except Senator Robinson, your running mate, and democratic party leaders who talk about you being drunk, but we are quoting the statement of Mr. Villard in his magazine, The Nation, of November 30, last year, page 596, column two, first paragraph, where he says, 'Does Al Smith drink and does he drink too much? Well, I am reliably informed that he drinks every day and the number of his cocktails and highballs is variously estimated at from four to eight.' We understand that Mr. Villard is supporting you for president. He claims to have submitted the above statement to your publicity manager, Mrs. Henry Maskowitz, and it met her approval. Please wire us collect, whether that statement is substantially correct. If not, whether you drink alcoholic liquors at all? If not, have you been a total abstainer all your life? If not, when did you cease to use such liquors? If elected President, will you drink such liquors or allow them to be served or brought into the White House? These questions answered by anyone else will not be satisfactory. We want your answer that we may be fair to you."      "Board of Managers of Anti-Saloon League of Texas,       - By Atticus Webb, Supt.

      Since you ignored the fact that the Ashland Avenue Baptist had copied the statement which you criticised from another paper the attack you made was a personal one upon me as the editor. Many are wondering why you gave such prominence to a church publication. We see through your game. Recently I preached a sermon on, "Why I, a Democrat, Cannot Vote for Al Smith." This sermon was published in many special editions of the Ashland Avenue Baptist and as you know has been broadcast throughout the Southland by the free will offering's of the people. Yet, you failed completely to bring discredit by such an unfair attack upon the truth of the issues contained therein is a clarion call to every loyal Democrat - those who love the memory of Bryan, Wilson, Cleveland, Jackson, and Jefferson, to vote for Herbert Hoover, the Democrat who voted for Woodrow Wilson.

      To give you a chance to meet openly and fearlessly the issues of this campaign I challenge you to a debate to be held in some Southern city on the three issues raised in the sermon. If I am in the wrong a debate would forever discredit the sermon.      Very Cordially yours,      CLARENCE WALKER

      One more word. Just this week a Mr. Bruce gave out the statement that Herbert Hoover had been drinking with Clarence Darrow. The newspapers from one end of the country to the other printed this "WHISPER".

      At once Mr. Hoover emphatically denied the statement and stated further that he did not use intoxicating liquors.

      At the other end of the line Clarence Darrow came out with the statement that he had never drunk with Mr. Hoover and I believe stated that he never met him.

      Listen to me - If I were a drinking man and I am not, I would never vote for a man to be president who drank - a thousand times - NO!

      Hell alone would reveal the terrible results in broken homes, crushed hearts and ruined lives. I have answered Al Smith - But let every voter answer on November 6, by voting against a man who is, as the papers show, a habitual drinker.


      In 1939 came his battle against infidelity in U. K.


      A distinguished citizen of Lexington called my attention to a text book that was being taught in the University of Kentucky. He charged that it taught the rankest infidelity. I secured a copy of the book and found it was worse than I had heard. I called Dr. McVey on the phone but he was not in his office, so his secretary took the message in which I told him that such a book was being taught in the University. The following letter from Dr. McVey speaks for itself.      January 19, 1938 My dear Dr. Walker:
      Your telephone message was given me yesterday and I am writ ing to say that the book you spoke of will not be further used. I am always glad to hear from you.      Very truly yours,      Frank L. McVey      President of the University

      Every true Christian will rejoice in this great act of Dr. McVey. He is one of Kentucky's formost citizens and one of the most distinguished educators in the world. In the years to come the memory of many of the great things that he has done will be forgotten, such as the many buildings that have been erected and the vast sums of money expended during his administration, as well as the tremendous increase in the student body of the University. But throughout eternity the memory that he excluded a book that contained deadly poison to the souls of men will not be forgotten.


      I have been told that the University has a rule that when the President reaches the age of 70 he must retire. Dr. McVey is his prime both mentally and physically. Kentucky needs him and as the time is soon approaching to elect a new Governor I want nominate President McVey for Governor of Kentucky.

      I do not know whether he is a Democrat or a Republican. That little matters. He is a mighty man and would make Kentucky the leader she needs.

      You remember Woodrow Wilson went from a university to Governorship and then to the Presidency. Again I nominate McVey, the man who wrote, "THE BOOK . . . WILL NOT FURTHER USED."


     Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 18,
My dear Mr. Walker:-
      Thank you warmly for inviting me to your services on Sunday evening, the twenty-second.

      A regular attendant at Sunday School throughout my youth, a product of a denominational college and today a vestryman in the Episcopal church, I do not believe any individual can accuse me defending or encouraging atheism. Moreover, I have been vigorous in my denunciation of the tactics of European dictators.

      Because of a previous engagement I am afraid I shall be able to be with you on Sunday. With cordial good wishes, I am,
     Faithfully yours,
     A. B. Chandler, Governor


      "Kentucky Baptists have faith in and respect the views of Clarence Walker," stated an outstanding Baptist preacher in my hearing the other day. Mr. Baptist has been in literally hundreds of Baptist Churches. For over 50 years he has preached in these churches, fellowshipped with these Pastors and their members. Since 1923 the Ashland Avenue Baptist Paper has gone out not only in the state but throughout the world. For these many years it has stood for the same truth. BIBLE TRUTH. It has stood against MODERNISM, WORLDLINESS, UNIONISM, DENOMINATION HEIRARCHY wherever it has appeared.

      Mr. Baptist has not hesitated to expose error that has appeared in many of the Southern Baptist Institutions which his church, as well as thousands of other Southern Baptist Churches have supported. He has and is showing to Baptists the liberal stand taken by the Louisville Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Of course this stand is not popular, denominational leaders with modernistic views have hated and scoffed at the stand that the Ashland Avenue Baptist Church has taken against modernism and worldliness. God gave us more to stand today for the old fashioned doctrines without the fear of man causing us to compromise.


      I was a student at Georgetown College in 1948 when this Fraternity Battle raged. It was during these early days of my ministry when so many of the preachers were compromising for popularity that I learned to appreciate Brother Walker as a man of convictions. His stand against worldliness in the social fraternities was an inspiration to many of us who were then young preacher boys starting out in our service for the Master. As a result of his stand along with other faithful Pastors of the state the question was carried to the floor of the General Association of Kentucky Baptist, the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of putting ou the fraternities.


Do You Favor the Social Greek Letter Fraternities and
Sororities in Georgetown College? Yes____ No____
Results: Yes 88, No 233

      The General Association of Kentucky Baptists is composed over 2,000 Baptist Churches in Kentucky. The Association held its annual meeting Nov. 9-11 with the Calvary Baptist Church, Bro. Russell Purdy, Pastor. They did a wonderful job entertaining the multitude of messengers from the churches. Bro. R. E. Humphrey was elected moderator to succeed Bro. George Ragland. Bro. E. D. Davis was reelected clerk.

      I wish we could report all the proceedings but you can readily see our space is very limited. This year's meeting was, indeed, a great session. Bro. J. S. Bell, a young mountain missionary preaced the annual sermon - a sermon that will be long remembered. It lifted us all nearer to our God as we heard of the "marvelous grace" manifested toward us poor sinners.


      I believe Kentucky Baptists are the soundest in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ of any group of Christians anywhere in the world. I do not think there is a man among us who denies the Deity and Lordship of Christ. These Kentucky Baptist churches and pastors believe and preach that the Lord Jesus is "God, blessed forever." They do preach, "Repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ." They know the Savior by an experience of Grace and that no man is saved except he know, "Christ Crucified". Their hope and trust is in the shed blood - the blood that was shed on Calvary's Cross and with which the atonement was made in Heaven. They believe in a real Hell and Heaven.


      It was in the Minister's Meeting - a meeting which is held each year proceeding the Association, that these thoughts came to me with great force. Three great addresses were delivered to the preachers: "The Pre-Historic Christ," by Brother L. M. Polhill; Brother George Ragland, "The Historic Christ," and Brother A. M. Volmer, "The Risen Christ." These brethren surely lifted the Saviour up, not only as to His perfect humanity, but His Godhead. They portrayed His preexistence, His life on earth, His death, burial and resurrection, His coming again, and the redemption that is ours through His precious blood. Yes, the preachers from the Baptist churches of Kentucky joined with the apostle Paul in glorifying the Lord Jesus as "The King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen." - (I Tim. 1:17.)


      For years, Greek letter social Fraternities and Sororities in Georgetown College have disturbed the churches and brethren. Once before they were present on the campus and were eliminated. They are back again. Many good things are said about them and mighty fine people belong to them. The administration of the College has them in complete control. The members are forbidden to have dances and other affairs which are generally sponsored by social fraternities in state institutions. There are those who say they are fine organizations.

      Georgetown College was founded by our Baptist forefathers before the General Association was organized. The college has had a glorious history. It has had its "ups and downs," but its contributions to the Baptists of Kentucky, the South - the whole world, can not be denied. It is now supported by the gifts of the churches through the cooperative program and designated offerings.

      The Baptists of Kentucky love Georgetown College. They know the need of such an institution, not only where our young preachers can go, but a place where anyone can send their sons and daughter and they will be given a "Christian Education." I spent four happy years at Georgetown and am thankful for what those years have meant to me. It ought to be one of the largest of all Christian Institutions in Kentucky. It ought to be a place where people throughout the world could send their children and be perfect content they will be taught "the way of the Lord more perfectly." Baptist young people and all others who desire to attend ought to know that at Georgetown they will find a Christian atmosphere with the true Baptist spirit. The great doctrines given to the church by the Lord Jesus Christ ought to be implanted in the hearts of all who attend our Baptist schools.

      This year a number of District Associations discussed these fraternities at Georgetown and sent requests to the General sociation to act on the matter. When these "memorials" were presented, Brother W. M. Nevins made a motion that "All campuses of all our Baptist schools." [?] The motion was seconded and after a brief discussion was referred to the resolution committee who held a hearing on Tuesday night, after the session of the Association. Brother H. Leo Eddleman was the chairman - no finer Christian and gentleman ever presided and directed a hearing better than he did. He gave both sides, not only all the time they needed, but all they wanted to present their arguments.

      The committee made its report at 9 o'clock Wednesday night. A tremendous crowd gathered to hear the report and discussion. However, the main item in the report was that a vote be taken - "at once." This shut off all discussion. I felt it would have much good to let everybody have "their say." I still believe it would have done much good - but I was overruled. The brethren wanted to vote - and they did vote - voted far better than I, or anybody else believed.

      A ballot was given to each messenger with this question written on it: "Do you favor Greek letter social Fraternities and Sororities in Georgetown College? Yes____, No____"

      When the vote was announced - WHO wasn't surprised - astounded. The announcement said, There were 88 - 'Yes', and 233 - No.' The chair announced - The "No's" have it.

      There was no demonstration. I do beieve that God, the Holy Spirit, led the meeting. Brother Humphrey, the gifted moderator, so led the hour that there were no bitter words. He is an outstanding brother and everybody could see he wanted to do the thing that he thought was best for all concerned.

      I voted "No" and had a discussion taken place, I intended to give the following reasons why I believed the Social Fraternities and Sororities ought to be eliminated from our Baptist schools.


      1. THEY ARE UNDEMOCRATIC. A Baptist school ought to represent, no only in its teaching, but in its practice, Baptist churches. A Baptist church is a pure democracy. Every member in the church is entitled to all the privileges and blessings of a New Testament church. This cannot be true if there are those in the church who have an idea that their standing, socially or otherwise, entitles them to opportunities and blessings the other members do not enjoy. Our Lord said, "But be ye not called Rabbi, Rabbi, for one is your master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth, for one is your Father, which is in Heaven." "Neither be ye called Masters for one is your Master, even Christ." - (Matthew 23:1-12)

      This passage teaches us, not only NOT to have grades in the ministry, but in our church. "Ye are all brethren," makes it clear that the children of God are to enjoy an equality in the church. We are not to call any man "Father" in a religious sense, nor "Master" in the sense of a "Bishop" exercising lordship over and controlling the ministry and people. I repeat, a Baptist school ought to represent the doctrine of Baptists - and New Testament churches are pure democracies.

      2. CERTAINLY - SOCIAL FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES ARE UNBAPTISTIC. Our Lord taught after we are saved we are to separate ourselves from the world. Baptists claim the Bible is our only rule of faith and practice. They feel that whatever the Lord Jesus has taught on any subject, they ought to believe, accept it - PRACTICE IT. For this reason Baptist churches and pastors preach and teach a Christian is to live a life separated from the world and dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ. A Baptist says in his baptism, "I am dead to the world and arise to walk in the new life.'' The Old Man, the old life of sin, is symbolically buried in the watery grave and is to be counted - "reckoned dead." - (Romans 6:11)

      Did the Lord Jesus teach this doctrine of separation from the world? Listen, "If any man think himself to be a prophet (God-called) or spiritual (Spirit-led), let him acknowledge the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord." - (I Corinthians 14:37.)


      The commandments of the Lord Jesus on this subject are - BE YE NOT UNEQUALLY YOKED TOGETHER WITH UNBELIEVERS." . . . "For ye are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God and they shall be my people. Wherefore, come out fron among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord . . . and I wil be a Father unto you . . . having, therfore, these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God." (I Corinthians 6:11-7:1, read the whole passage.)

      It is a well-known fact these organizations and the people associated with them do not claim to be Christians - living lives separated from the world. In fact, men associate fraternities and sororities with the world and worldly things. In the society column here in Lexington, hardly a day passes but that you read of dances and other wordly affairs sponsored by the fraternities and sororities of the University. This message is to God's people. It is a call from the Lord Jesus Christ to all of His children, "Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers" - "wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord."

      I know the fraternities in Georgetown are forbidden to sponsor such things or attend them.

      Yet the fact remains, these organizations are a part of nation-wide institutions which stand for these things and practice them. The other day I heard of a girl - a member of a sorority. She became converted and dediated her life to the Lord. This girl resigned her membership in the sorority. She, undoubtedly, felt that the Spirit of God and the spirit of the sorority were different - entirely different. These fraternities and sororities are of the world - WORLDLY.

      All of us have heard the story of a young lady who believed that she could be a Christian and dance. She tried to prove her point in this way. While on the dance floor - and dancing, she asked her partner, "Are you a Christian?" He answered. "No, are you?" She replied "Yes." "Then, why are you here on the dance floor? This is no place for a Christian."

      This unsaved boy knew that a Christian ought to be different from the world. He knew dancing was of the world and worldly.

      There are other reasons I could give as to why I voted "No," but these two, (1) they are undemocratic and (2) the Lord Jesus forbids us to be yoked in such fellowship. They are of the world - WORLDLY!

      I preach and teach these great truths in Ashland Avenue. We try to so "speak the word" that sinners will be converted - that they will see Him, their Sin-bearer, that HE had done everything for them whereby they are saved. One of the hardest truths to get folks to see is - We are saved, NOT by what we do for the Lord - but by what HE has done for us.

      Then after we are saved - to walk in the center of His will for us __ WE MUST KNOW AND OBEY HIS WORD. May God give us all grace to follow Him all the way - no matter what the cost.

[Chapter 7 Conclusion]

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