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Southwestern Baptist University
(now Union University)
Baptist and Reflector, 1900
      Commencement exercises of the Southwestern Baptist University began on Thursday evening. May 24th, when the School of Expression, conducted and drilled by Prof. Booth Lowery, held the annual contest for the diamond medal, in which the training of the gifted instructor is made manifest by the delineations of the pupils. Miss Lillian Martinnetti of Kentucky was the successful contestant.

      Friday evening. May 25th, the Palladian Literary Society, composed of young ladies, had its exercises, and as usual drew a large and enthusiastic crowd. Miss Frances Copass of Kentucky was the winner of the prize.

      Saturday evening the Joseph H. Eaton medal was hotly contested for. Victor Kee of Tennessee was the happy contestant.

      Sunday, May 27th, the commencement sermon was preached by Dr. Geo. B. Eager of Alabama. His sermon was a grand inspiration, helpful to both old and young. The doctor won evergreen laurels by this his first effort before a Jackson audience.

      Dr. O. L. Halley of the Arkansas Baptist preached the annual sermon before the J. R. Graves Society, composed of the young ministers. This was a wise selection by the Society. The doctor met the demands of the occasion to the entire satisfaction of all hearers. He graduated from the University in 1878. The University is proud of this son and always welcomes him gladly.

      Monday morning the J. R Graves award was won by Rev. J. W. Dickens of Bolivar. His theme was "The Plan of Salvation."

      Monday evening the Apollonian Literary Society had Its annual celebration. This was an inspiring occasion. W. J. Evans of Tennessee won the medal for the best oration.

      Tuesday evening came the celebration of the Calliopean Literary Society. A great crowd was present. Mr. E. D. McNatt of Tennessee was the successful man for the honors of his society.

      Wednesday evening, May 30th, was a great d a y - great because of the immense crowd to hear the annual literary address and great because of the grand oration delivered by Hon. Walker Kennedy of the Memphis Commercial Appeal. Too much praise can not be heaped on this masterly production. The subject was "The New Mood in Literature."

      Thursday, May 31st, graduating day, will ever be a notable day In the history of the University. The exercises were all that professors, pupils and hearers wished. Mr. W. J. Evans of Jackson won the C. H. Strickland medal for the best oration. His production was fine.

      Following are the graduates:
      Literary Department - B. L. Anderson, W. J. Evans, Miss Altona Webb, B. S.; Miss Frances Copass, R. E. Pettigrew, B. A.; Misses Lessie Bray, Louise Savage, M. A.
      Law Department -tn P. E. Holland, R. R. Sneed, J. L. Brookes.
      School of Expression - J. S. Pate, D. D. Shuck, Mrs. J. E. Hobson, Miss Lillian Martinnetti.
      Theological Department - E. Westrup.

      This has been the most successful year of the University. The enrollment was 39 greater than last year. Prof. Jameson, treasurer, reported the finances in splendid condition. The faculty will remain the same as last year, with the additional name of Prof. Loud in the law school.
      The University hereby extends to Editor Folk its thanks for courtesies and labor tendered during the last scholastic year, and promises continued support to the Baptist and Reflector and a continuation of the use of the paper.


[From the Baptist and Reflector , June 7, 1900, p. 4, CD edition. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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