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      This association was established in 1786: the oldest in the state.

For the Tennessee Baptist

Holston Association
Jonesboro' E. Tenn., August. 25, 1847

Dear Brother Howell:
      The Holston Association closed its 62d anniversary on Monday, the 16th of this month. Thirty-three churches were incorporated in the Association, all of which were duly represented except one. Two of these churches were recently constituted, and received into the Association this year. The churches reported 160 baptized. Total number 2473. Gain 128. The two Missionaries appointed in 1846, to travel and preach among the destitute, and to hold protracted meetings with feeble churches, reported 328 days labor; 310 sermons preached; 289 conversions; 158 baptisms; 3 ministers ordained, and 1 Temperance Society organized: for which they were compensated by the Association, as auxiliary to the General Association of East Tennessee.

      The business of the Association was transacted with great harmony; and much good feeling prevailed throughout the meeting. An appropriate Address was delivered before the whole assembly, on Saturday morning, by Eld. R. G. Kimbrough, on the subject of his agency, in the endowment of the "Union University." Elders Moore and Buckner preached on Sabbath. The congregation was large and attentive, and the preaching was heard with deep emotion.

      The forenoon, on Monday, was occupied on the subject of Foreign Missions. We have organized a Board of Foreign Missions, in the Holston Association, of which I have not time to speak particularly. Some interesting remarks were made by elder N. Cate, accompanying his report, as agent of that Board. His report is not before me, though, he has been able to secure something over $100 for foreign Missions, during the last year. This is not much, but if every Association in Tennessee had raised the same amount it would have been something. Brethren think about it.

      The meeting was protracted for several days after the Association adjourned, by Elders Tipton and Newell, from Jefferson county, which resulted in the baptism of some nine or ten persons.
Yours, &c.,
William Cate.


[From the Tennessee Baptist, Nashville, September 4, 1847, CD edition. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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