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Big Hatchee Baptist Association
The Baptist newspaper 1839,

Associational Record - Big Hatchee

      The annual session, for 1838, of the Big Hatchee Association, was held with the Church at Cane Creek, Madison County, Tennessee, 27th, 8th, and 9th, of October. S. Gayle, Moderator, and brother Nat G. South, Clerk. This body numbers 15 Churches, 27 ministers and 1334 Members. Baptized during the year 375, received, by letter 105, and 4 restored, making a gross increase of 414, from which we subtract 64 dismissed by letter, 13 excluded and 1 dead, and find left a nett gain of 336 members. They received, at this session, 3 new Churches. The circular letter, prepared by Elder Finlay, of Jackson, is on "the distinctive appellations of Jesus Christ." It is an able document, which we would, did space permit, gladly transfer to our pages. The next annual session is to be held with the Church at Philadelphia, Fayette County. We notice, among the proceedings, the following interesting items.

      Your committee whom you appointed to inquire into, and report, on the state of religion within the bounds of this Association, beg leave to report, that they take great pleasure in saying that the moral and religious state of society is very much improved in our country within the last few years past. Some seven years ago our denomination resembled a vessel on a smooth tide constantly tending down stream by its own weight, but we have reason to thank God that a spirit of enquiry was awakened among us, and many of the servants of the Lord Jesus were induced to believe that there were too little activity and effort manifest. We succeeded in establishing the Convention, (and thereby brought into requisition the latent energies of many pious Christians.) -
. . . . [The remainder of the document is not available.]


[From The Baptist newspaper, February, 1839, p. 1. Transcribed and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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