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Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by
in the office of the Clerk of the District Court for the Middle district
of Tennessee.
I. - Not ashamed of the Gospel, 7
II. - The Inspiration and Utility of the Scriptures, 17
III - Wresting the Scriptures destructive, 27
IV. - God's method of pardoning sin, 38
V. - The Law and the Gospel, 47
VI. - God is not the author of sin, 55
VII. - The wisdom of God in Redemption, 69
VIII. - Accountability to God, 77
IX. - No Teacher like Christ, 86
X. - The import of the name Jesus, 95
XI. - Christ the source of Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption, 101
XII. - Christ the Way, the Truth, and the Life, 109
XIII. - Enmity to the Cross of of Christ, 119
XIV. - Those who do not love Christ accursed of God, 129
XV. - The Friends of Christ, 139
XVI. - The believer Persuaded of Christ's ability to save, 147
XVII. - The death of Christ a wonderful event, 155
XVIII. - Regeneration, 160
XIX. - The nature, effect, and necessity of Conversion, 168
XX. - Justification, 176
XXI. - Adoption, 187
XXII. - Sanctification, 195
XXIII. - The Holiness of God, 202
XXIV. - Fools make a mock at sin, 207
XXV. - Reasons in favor of Repentance, 215
XXVI. - Want of love to God, 222
XXVII. - The Lord reigns, 228
XXVIII. - The upright, - what God is to them, and does for them, 235
XXIX. - God the Guide of his people, 243
XXX. - Religion productive of happiness, 249
XXXI. - Influence, 258
XXXII. - Thanksgiving, 268
XXXIII. - Godliness in all respects profitable, 278
XXXIV. - Walking with God, 286
XXXV. - Death the wages of sin - eternal life the gift of God, 292
XXXVI. - The value and improvement of time, 299
XXXVII. - Reasons for not loving the world, 307
XXXVIII. - The broad way and the narrow way, 313
XXXIX. - The results of Apostolic preaching on Pentecost, 321
XL. - A Church of Christ the Temple of God, 331
XLI. - The Christian Profession, 340
XLII. - Christians urged to glorify God, 348
XLIII. - Christ's Disciples in the world, 356
XLIV. - Christians should awake out of sleep because their salvation is near, 363
XLV. - The rich saved with the greatest difficulty, 370
XLVI. - Duties of the rich, 381
XLVII. - Glorifying God in death, 396
XLVIII. - The dying Christian Triumphant, 409
XLIX. - Victory over death and the grave through Jesus, 422
L. - The departing spirit committed to Christ, 432========= [From J. M. Pendleton, Short Sermons on Important Subjects, 1859. This book is from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Library, Wake Forest, NC via Inter-Library Loan through Boone County Public Library, Burlington, KY. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
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