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Rev. James M. Pendlton
Comments on His last Sermon in KY
Tennessee Baptist, 1850
      A correspondent writing from Bowling Green, Ky., on the 3lst uit. says: "Bro. Pendleton preached his farewell yesterday. It was most touchingly, pathetic, there was not a dry eye in the house. Towards the close his voice was so choked that he could not utter a sentence distinctly. After having spoken of his attachment to the people, his love for the church, and the attraction which the grave-yard had for him, he said he had a request to make; and his voice instantly grew firm and clear. He said he had heard that it had been said of him, that if he had known that the cause of Emancipation in Kentucky was so unpopular that he never would have espoused it; now if there was an individual present bound to him by a sentiment of gratitude or affection, he entreated them in the event he should die before his children were large enough to appreciate the motives by which their father had been actuated, his name might be vindicated from this calumny; he said he considered it the cause of humanity - the cause of God."

[From Tennessee Baptist, January 31, 1850, p. 3. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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