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North Bend Baptist Association
[Now Northern Kentucky Baptist Association]
From The Baptist Argus, 1902
      It was the largest and best district association that we have ever seen in a city. We were greatly surprised when stepping into the capacious auditorium of the First Baptist church of Covington, to find it filled. Not only did the brethren and sisters from the country come, but the city folks were there in great numbers. Then the association had all of the manifestations of open-hearted hospitality that are found in the best regulated country churches. Dinner was served both days from the basement, a hundred being able to find seats at a time. A delightful lunch was served, including two kinds of meat, coffee, sliced tomatoes and other good things.

      Moderator B. F. Swindler gracefully nominated for moderator-emeritus Dr. J. A. Kirtley, who had presided over the body for thirty-one years, having succeeded his father, who had been moderator for thirty years previously. Dr. Kirtley declined to be re-elected a few years ago because of failing strength. Unanimously were Moderator B. F. Swindler, Assistant Moderator S. M. Adams and Clerk D. E. Castleman re-elected.

      Resolutions were passed fittingly expressing agpreciation [sic] of the character and service of ex-Pastor C. G. Jones, who had so cordially and tenderly invited the association to meet with the First church. We take pleasure in presenting a new picture of him made from his latest photograph. [Not available]


      For the time women's missionary work was taken up in the association, sympathized and endorsed. The association has five societies which reported in cash $381.72.

      President Gray, of Georgetown College, and Temperance Secretary Young had the entire first evening, and they proved to be at their best.

      G. W. Young: "Over a hundred blind tigers and whisky drug stores have been closed in Owen county, as many more in Magoffin county under the workings of the new blind tiger law."

      Among the other visitors present were Rev. Howard L. Weeks, of Missouri, Rev. J. A. Rader, Amelia, Ohio, Rev. Laf Johnson and Secretary Geo. H. Cox.

      G. W. Hill: 'The reading of this report of the ladies throws light on some of our church letters. It seems that these ladies' societies gave a good part of the funds reported."

      A Presbyterian brother, E. B. Sayers, made an appeal for the Orphans' Home and started the subscription with a liberal donation.

      The association appropriated $25 to secure a "Sunday school expert" to hold one or two model Sunday school conventions. J. Rees: "We need to get a Sunday school expert to help us get back in Sunday school work to where we were eight years ago."

      “Tom” Porter, in the most gladsome way, was everywhere, all possible kindnesses and hospitable things for everybody. It was a pleasure to break bread in his home along with the new pastor, Bro Daniel, and President

      We were delightfully entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Abbett.

      We were glad to hear that Pastor C. M. Thompson, Newport, has seen his church debt go down $6,200 to $5,400 with definite assurance that the decrease will continue. We heard that his auditorium overflows every Sunday night and they are contemplating holding an overflow meeting.

      Pastor Daniel was most warmly received, and he won hearts in every direction.

      Further details of the association will be given next week from the pen of Bro. D. E. Castleman, the accomplished clerk.

From The Baptist Argus, October 16, 1902, p. 5; via Baylor U. digital documents. Scanned and formatted by Jim Dvuall.]

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