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Choctaw Baptist Association
The Christian Repository, 1858

      WE have been furnished with a copy of the Minutes of that Association, by Elder J. B. McLelland, Clerk. It met with the Bethesda Church, Oktibbeha county, [Mississippi] on Saturday, the 17th of October last [1857], and from the Minutes we would presume that there was a large attendance of delegates and visiting brethren.

      Elder Lewis R. Barnes was chosen Moderator. Elder S. S. Latimore was for many years a member of this body, where he was highly appreciated and greatly loved. The Association passed the following resolutions, with request to publish in the Mississippi and Tennessee Baptist newspapers: -

      ELDER. S. S. LATTIMORE. - On motion of Bro. J. M. Cunningham, the order of business was suspended to enable him to introduce the following resolutions, to-wit:

      Resolved, That this Association regards the late attack, made by the Evansville Journal and Capt. Smith of the Northerner, on the ministerial and moral character of Elder S. S. Lattimore, as malicious and false.

      Resolved, That this resolution be entered upon the Minutes of the Association, and published in the Mississippi Baptist and Tennessee Baptist.

      The resolutions were warmly sustained, in a short address, by Dr. Harrison, and several other brethren.

      The Association also expressed its sentiments on the action of the American Tract Society.

      Whereas, the American Tract Society at its annual meeting passed a resolution, which, while it violates the Constitution of the Society, seeks to lord it over and to trample upon the rights

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of the South: and whereas no publishing societies, worthy of the members, the wealth and the talent of the South, can be rationally hoped for in the South so long as we continue to co-operate with these mammoth establishments at the North: and whereas, we have often suffered greatly by our patronage of Northern colportures, and may expect to suffer still more if we continue to patronize them : and whereas, it is both desirable and right that the literature of the South should be supplied by Southern minds, therefore,

      Resolved, That this Association advise her memberships to entirely withdraw their patronage from the American Tract Society until said Society withdraw its obnoxious resolution on the subject of slavery.

      2. That we recommend our brethren to patronize and encourage the South-western Publishing House, Nashville, Tennessee, and the Southern Baptist Publication Society, Charleston, South Carolina, and to show a uniform preference for Southern Publications.

      3. That we will encourage in whatever way it may be our duty, and we may have opportunity, reliable efforts to build up Southern Publishing Establishments.

      4. That we feel a deep interest in the efforts now making, to supply Southern Sabbath Schools with Southern books, and that we gladly pledge to this enterprise our prayers, our contributions, and our patronage.

      5. That these Resolutions be published in the Mississippi Baptist, and that our other papers be requested to publish them.

      The Association did not forget the Mississippi Baptist both in deed as well as in word.

      Your Committee would especially urge our brethren to give the Mississippi Baptist their fervent prayers and liberal patronage. It is a paper of which the Baptists throughout the State should feel proud. Its Editor is a thorough Baptist, and is a “good man and true, full of the Holy Spirit and faith.” He has staked his living upon the enterprize, relying upon the patronage of his brethren.

      We need the paper he is making for us. It is unworthy of us to be without such a paper. It would be shameful for us not to sustain it, now that it has been commenced. It is our imperative duty to sustain our State organ. We can do this easily and still continue our patronage as heretofore, to other papers and periodicals. It is due upon our part as an Association, and as Baptists, that a strong pull, a long pull, and a pull altogether be made in support of the Mississippi Baptist. Dear Brethren, let no stop backwards be taken in this matter.

      All of which is respectfully submitted.
            Jas. B. McLELLAND, Chairman.


[From The Christian Repository, January, 1858, pp. 79-80. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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