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North Bend Baptist Association
By H. E. Cleaton
The Baptist Argus, 1898
      This venerable body met in its ninety-sixth annual session, with the Madison Avenue Baptist Church, Covington, on Wednesday, 14th inst. Delegates were present from every church in the Association.

      Rev. M. J. Hoover preached a stirring missionary sermon on the morning of the first day. The keynote of the entire session was missions.

      Brethren B. F. Swindler, J. A. Kirtley and D. E. Castleman were re-elected moderator, assistant moderator and clerk, in the order named.

      One new church, that of Milldale, Ky., of which Rev. Wm. R. Hutton is pastor, applied for admission to membership in the Association. Their application was laid over, pending the settlement of some preliminary matters.

      The Association appointed a committee to prepare a memorial of Rev. R. E. Kirtley, and make the minutes of this sessions memorial.

      A ringing report on temperance was presented and adopted, and a committee was appointed to co-operate with the Inter-denomination Temperance Committee in their efforts to secure proper local option legislation. Brethren C. G. Jones, S. M. Adams, N. S. Walton and G. M. Adams constitute the committee.

      The reports on Foreign, Home and State Missions were presented in the order named by Brethren J. A. Lee, M. J. Hoover and C. G. Jones. The vast congregation was thrilled from center to circumference by the address of Dr. J. S. Felix, of Ashville, N. C., who spoke on these reports by special request.

      The Orphans’ Home was not forgotten. The report on this work was read by Bro. A. Logan Vickers, and Dr. Felix took a collection of $46.48 in cash and $157 in pledges. One Presbyterian brother, whose wife was a Baptist, offered $10 for the privilege of speaking ten minutes on the subject. He was granted all the time he wanted on the same terms.

      The report on District Missions by Bro. b. f. Swindler showed that $856.41 had been contributed by the churches, which was an increase over the contribution of last year. Brethren B. F. Swindler, J. a. Lee and J. A. Kirtley spoke on this subject.

      The report on Education was offered by Bro. W. W. Alexander, who yielded the floor to Rev. W. B. Crumpton, of Georgetown College. His plea for the education of our young men and woman was truly eloquent.

      At this point the association heard a sermon from Dr. Eaton.

      After the completion of miscellaneous and minor business, the association adjourned to meet next year with the Burlington Baptist Church.

      This closed a profitable and harmonious session, in which the presence of the Holy Spirit was manifested through the spirit of brotherly which prevailed throughout the session. The hospitality of the three churches of Covington was abundant, and everybody was sure they had the very best place. I was fortunate enough to be assigned to the home of Deacon G. A. McCracken, and will go back again upon the slightest provocation. I am greatly indebted to him for special favors.


[From The Baptist Argus, September 22, 1898, p. 12. Transcribed and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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