Editor's note: This small document is from a copy located in the Nelson County Public Library, Local History Room. There is no date on the Year Book, but there are many local advertisements and all of the telephone numbers listed are three-digits; this indicates it was published before dial telephones were available. The author or compiler of this document is unknown. - Jim Duvall]
Year Book of Little Union Baptist Church
Fairfield, Ky.Notes on the History of Little Union Baptist Church
Your eyes are about to fall upon sacred lines - made sacred by rehearsing the holy endeavor of godly people. Tread softly and gently aa you go. And read to learn.
The church was constituted in 1811 on April 20th, as the Little Union Baptist Church of Jesus Christ - not just a Baptist church.
As we read the minutes of the church meetings for the year 1815, we gather one clear fact: They meant business. They cited Brother McGhee at one business meeting, incited him to speak for himself at the next meeting. He failed to appear and was excluded. They also withdrew a letter granted previously because the man did not join another church as promised and cited him to explain his actions.
An interesting item in 1816 was the reception, of "Aunt Abigail, a woman of color and John and Mary, people of color," on one Sunday morning. At least a third of the members received this summer were people of color. All during the summer there were conversions credited each business meeting. They didn't seem to have much else besides conversions and discipline. They excluded a man for talking about another man's wife; they disciplined a colored member for being unruly to his master, a man for telling falsehoods, another for drinking to excess, excluded a man for whipping his wife, disciplined a couple for non-attendance.
Agreeable to a request of the Association, the church set aside the Third Sunday in March in 1818 for fasting and Thanksgiving.
Familiar names on the early pages of the minutes were: Bridwell, Weaver, Wells, Wigginton. Brother George Wells was chosen deacon on April 13, 1820.
The first mention of preaching was in the minutes for March, 15th, 1822 when they had to postpone charges to give time for preaching. They invited Brother William Stout to preach every first Sunday at a meeting in July, 1823. A year later they excluded two people for quarreling and gave Sam, a brother of color, a certificate for exhorting among his own color.
About this time the "internal" expenses of the church were met by an equal assessment of the males. They hired some church seats made for 75c each. And invited Samuel Jackson, a colored exhorter, to preach for them. They liked him so well they invited him to preach as often as convenient.
Brother George Wells agreed to take care of the meeting house for one year for $1.50 in silver money (year 1826). The church disciplined a brother for trying to prevent a marriage. In 1851 care of the church house cost $12.00, and they paid $70.00 for help in a revival meeting. However, they had three preachers on hand and had 60 additions. In 1860 they paid $25.00 for care of the church house.
____________________ Charter Members
Alexander McDonald, Sanford J. Clack, George Wells, Pressly Bridwell, Elijah Wigginton, Aaron Bridges, Stephen Beard, William Pierson, Uriah Hughes, Mrs. Tichenor, Coleman Bridwell, Stephen Bridwell, Presley Bridwell, Fielding Bridwell, Felix Beard, William Jones, Townson Jones, Henry Napper, Hezekiah Hughes, Moses Jewell, Aaron Jewell, James McDonald, Edington Wells, Joseph Stanley, Coleman Wells, Jacob Drake, Bailey Riley, Alexander Beard, Daniel Bridwell, Williamson Loyd, Frances Loyd, Mary McDonald, Savanna Jewell, Fancy Wells, Trecy Bridwell, Eadey Foxworthy, Nancy Brides, Sally Beard, Old Sister McGee, Elizabeth Hughes, Elisabeth All, Wally Beard, Patsy Bridwell, Polly Beard, Henrietta Jones, Sally Napper, Elizabeth Hughes, Teany Froman, Sophia Bridwell, Rachel Froman, Pamela Hughes, Mildred Stanley, Susanna Murphy, Sally Fox, Nancy Bridwell, Sarahann Wells, Delilah Drake, Nancy Beard, Lettie Bridges, Elizabeth Jewell, Sophia Jones.______________________ Colored Members
Joseph, Marget, Clary, Sheley, Bill (Servants of George Wells). Abigail, Jane, Catsby, Paul, Daniel, Lettice, Sarah, Mariah, Semone, Henry, Soak, John, Mary, Dermis, David, Louis, Kitty, Aun, Rose (wide [wife] of old 'Wash' Petter), Phebie, Malinda, Nancy.There are 31 men, 33 women and 34 colored charter members, or at least in first few years of the church's life.
______________________ Interesting Items
Reverend Wm. Vaughn, D. D. was pastor from May 1, 1844 to 1862, succeeded by Elder Samuels.They had an officer known as singing clerk in 1862.
They strongly believed in the members filling their seats on business days and enquiring after the fellowship of the church before anything else was taken up.
The pastor could not leave his pulpit vacant except by permission of the church and the church secured the supply.
The books of the Treasurer were audited each year by a committee.
The pulpit used to be at the east end of the house.
The agent for state missions collected $35.50 in 1878.
Dr. Harrison Wells was Church Moderator for 33 years.
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