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History of Bank Lick Baptist Church
From 1842 to 1886
North Bend Baptist Association Minutes, 1887

      The year 1842 seems to have passed quietly; the church was at peace; Elam Grizzle was pastor.

      At the regular meeting of the church for business, January 14, 1843, it was agreed to engage in "a travel­ing meeting from house to house, and engage in singing, prayer and exhortation." These meetings commenced the first Sunday in February following, at the home of William Grizzle, and were continued until May 1st. During this time the church was greatly revived, and the presence and the blessing of the Lord was manifest, some 75 persons being received into fellowship, nearly all by experience and baptism.

      At a called meeting, February 11, 1843, G. F. Northcutt was licensed to preach the Gospel.

      It would appear that there had been a rule in the church forbidding connection with temperance societies, for at the regular meeting February, 14, 1843, a motion prevailed that, "we will not make it a bar of fellowship with those who may belong to the Temperance Society."

      At the regular meeting, March 11, 1843, S. Grizzle was dismissed as a deacon, and Joseph Stephens chosen in his stead.

      November 11, 1843, it was deemed desirable to have "further ministerial aid to assist iu administering in word and doctrine," and a call was extended to James Vickers, which it is presumed he accepted, as the records show that on "Monday, November 20, 1843, Bro. Jas. Vickers preached at the meeting house, received Betsy Ragen by experience.

      At the regular meeting, September 14, 1844, letters of dismission were granted to 35 members to constitute a church on De Coursey Creek, and helps sent to assist in the constitution of a church there the first Saturday in October of the same year. Elam Grizzle, who had stood faithfully by the church for a long number of years, was one among the number of those to whom letters were granted to form the church on De Coursey Creek.

      October 13, 1844, James Vickers accepted the call of the church to preach at her regular stated meetings. At this meeting the church also took into consideration "the gift of Bro. Jno. Moore, and agreed that he have liberty to exercise in a public way, where God. in his providence may cast his lot."

      May 10. 1845, helps were sent io assist in ordaining deacons at De Coursey Creek.

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      October 11, 1845, helps were sent to Wilmington church, to assist in the ordination of Martin Lumis to the ministry.

      November 8,1845, helps were sent by request of Licking Valley Church, to assist in the ordination of Robert Vickers to the Gospel Ministry, the first Saturday in December. The church paid James Vickcrs $29.25 for preach­ing during the year 1845.

      November 14, 1846, the church considered the propriety and necessity of building a new house of worship, and F. Bird and Geo. F. Northcutt were appointed a com­mittee to "select a situation and report to the church."

      February 13, 1847, it was agreed, and the church de­termined "to build a new house on the lot of ground given by Frances Bird and the heirs of A. Wilson, de­ceased," these parties having agreed to give half an acre each to the church for this purpose. At this meeting Thomas Stephens was released, at his request, from the office of deacon and clerk, and Geo. F. Northcutt was appointed deacon in his place.

      At the meeting in March, 1817, it was "agreed that our new house be built of brick, on a strong stone foun­dation, 41 feet long, 36 feet wide, 12 feet story, and furn­ished in a plain, decent and strong manner. John B. Stephens was elected clerk at this meeting.

      February 10, 1849, James Vickers, who had served the church as pastor for 5 years, declined to accept another call, and the church was without regular preaching until June 9, of the same year, when Robert Vick­ers was elected, and accepted the care of the church, preaching on the 2d and 4th Sundays in each month. The church at this time also agreed to move into their now house of worship, which was now completed and ready for occupancy.

      February 10, 1850, helps were appointed to assist in the constitution of a Baptist church at Crittenden, Ky.

      May 10, 1851, Wm. Grizzle, a licensed preacher, was received into the membership of the church.

      Helps were sent by request of Ludlow Baptist church to assist in the ordination of Charles Scott to the Gos­pel Ministry. At this meeting Allen Northcutt and Thos. Stewart were appointed "singing clerks."

      Another decade had now passed — the fifth in the history of the church. During these ten years the church while her membership had not materially increased, ow­ing to many having taken their letters for the formation of new churches and others moving away, had yet made steady and notable progress. There had been received into fellowship by experience and baptism, 91; restored, 6; by letter, 17. She had dismissed by letter, 85; exclu­ded, 17; died, 8, leaving a net gain of 4.

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      She had exercised a rigid and strict discipline, main­taining regular preaching of the Gospel, and built a new house of worship. The Lord had been present in all her meetings; she had passed through these "times of re­freshing" with joy and thankfulness, and with a membership "at peace among themselves," had reason to re­joice and take courage.

      At the regular business, meeting, August, 16, 1855, the church agreed to ask for dismission from the Camp­bell County Association; and at the same time Robert Vickers, George Lipscomb, Enoch Morgan, Wm. Grizzle, Geo. F. Northcutt and Joseph Stephens were appointed to attend the next meeting of the North Bend Associa­tion, September, 1851, and ask for admission into that body. Being admitted, she has ever since remained in the North Bend Association.

      June 12th, 1852, the church agreed to fix the pastor's salary at $50 for the year. She also determined to extend an arm to Walton.

      August, 1852, "The church by a vote approves the en­terprise of the Home Mission in the North Bend Associa­tion." At this meeting also, Geo. F. Northcutt, and Al­fred W. Pickett, (having been previously elected) were set apart to the office of Deacon. The ordination sermon was preached by Rev. James Kirtley.

      March 12, 1853, Wm. Grizzle was examined as to his qualifications for the Gospel ministry, by a council invit­ed to be present at this time, and on the following day, Sunday, was ordained as a minister of Christ, Elder Robt. Kirtley preaching the ordination sermon. A protracted meeting was begun at this time, and continued until April 9th. During this meeting the Lord was pleased to manifest himself in love to the unsaved, 29 persons being received upon a profession of their faith in Christ.

      At the November meeting, 1853, Wm. Grizzle, recent­ly ordained by the church, was called to preach for them the 4th Sunday in each month.

      December 25, 1853, the record reads: "Received a black woman for baptism." From this time on until February 1, 1854, the church enjoyed a season of re­freshing from the hand of the Lord, and was greatly revived, 35 persons were received into fellowship, 33 being by experience and baptism.

      At the January meeting, 1854, Allen Northcutt, Thos. Stewart, Eli Morgan and Philip Pickett, were ap­pointed "singing clerks to lead in singing."

      July 14, 1855, Elder A. W. Mullins was called and accepted the pastorate of the church.

      The North Bend Association [held] its annual session, with this church in September, 1855.

      November 10, 1855, charges of unchristian conduct

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were preferred against Robert Vickers, the former pastor of the church, and a council of brethren from sister church­es, was called to meet, with the church at her regular meeting in January, 1856, to take part in the investigation of the said charges. It was a matter of regret to the church that this action was deemed necessary against one who, for six years, had been the under-shepherd of her people, and under whose ministration they had grown in spiritual things, and the church had made notable progress; but true to the character of her high and holy mis­sion, she must needs, as she had always done, exercise a rigid and strict discipline over each and all of her mem­bers. At the trial, Bro. Vickers admitted the wrong com­mitted, and asked the forgiveness of the church, which, with the concurrence of the council, was freely and cordially given and a letter of dismission was granted to him.

      October 11, 1856, James McCullum was appointed deacon, and J. B. Stephens, clerk.

      September 12, 1857, Josiah Hubbord was called to preach for the church the fourth Sunday in each month. An arm of the church was also extended to Bowman School-house.

      November 14, 1857, the church agreed to have a prayer meeting on Saturday of each month, but there is no further account made of these meetings.

      June 12, 1857, Martin Lumis was called and accept­ed thp pastoral care of the church.

      July 25, 1858, helps were sent to assist in constituting a Baptist Church at Bowman School-house.

      December 24, 1859, helps were sent to Bowman School-house to assist in the ordination of James Cornelius to the Gospel Ministry.

      April 28, 1861, S. Faulkner and A. J. Morris were chosen deacons in the place of James McCullum and Wm. Grizzle, resigned.

      May 25, 1861, brings to a close the sixth decade in the history of the church. During some of the ten years just passed, but little could be said for encouragement, and, no doubt, many regrets for failures; for lukewarmness, and, at times, perhaps, coldness of the membership; but, withal, there was occasion for rejoicing; for God was often present, and that to bless. Regular meetings were kept up, and some precious revivals held, during which many were led to know the "joyful sound," who were once "without God and hope in the world." The church received, during this period, by experience and baptism, 72; by letter, 8; restored, 4; dismissed by letter, 70; ex­cluded, 14; died, 1; a loss of one.

      At the September meeting, 1861, James Spillman was called to the pastorate of the church, and served them until May, 1865. During these years there is nothing on

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the records to show what progress, if any, was made by the church. It was at a time when the countiy was dis­turbed by all the horrors of a civil war; but strife seems not to have entered the membership of this church; regular meetings were continued, and "all at peace" is the expression of each meeting.

      June 24, 1865, James Jolly was called to the pasto­rate of the church.

      August 5, 1865, J. B. Stephens resigned as clerk, and on November 4, 1865, A. J. Morris was chosen to be clerk.

      December 2, 1865, Wm. Stevens was appointed "sing­ing clerk."

      April 7, 1866, the first mention is made of the Sun­day-school work, the church agreeing at this time to meet the fourth Sunday in the month for the purpose of forming a Sunday-school.

      July 14, 1866, helps were sent to assist in constitut­ing a Baptist Church at Walton, Boone county, Ken­tucky, and Geo. F. Northcutt and others granted letters to go into that church.

      In September, I866, the North Bend Association met with this church again.

      November 10, 1866, A. J. Morris was elected treasur­er and Thomas Stephens appointed to assist him.

      February 9, 1867, Jas. Jolly resigned as pastor, but on May 11, of the same year, again accepted the care of the church.

      April 11, 1868, it was thought best to tear down the old church and build a new house, and a committee was appointed to have charge of the work of getting subscrip­tions. Thos. Stephens, Robt. Stephens, Wm. Stephens, Hayden Petty and A. J. Morris, were appointed trustees.

      June 13, 1868, it was resolved to build a new house of worship.

      The following record appears: "September, 1868, met on the stone pile — no business done."

      The new house of worship being finished, was dedi­cated January 10, 1869, James Jolly, the pastor, preach­ing the dedication sermon. The cost of building the new house is not accurately stated, but it was something over $1,000.

      June 10, I869, the church decided their house of wor­ship was no place to hold a concert.

      At the meeting, February 12, 1870, the church ac­cepted the legal right to the property of DeCourtey Creek church "to hold in trust, or sell, as was thought best for the Baptist cause," and extended an arm to DeCoursey.

      November 12, 1870, Robt. Stephens was chosen as dea­con, and was ordained by a council called for that purpose December 11, 1870.

      This will now bring us with the May meeting, 1871,

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to the close of the seventh decade in the church's his­tory. We can only learn from the records that the members, mainly, were faithful and zealous for the cause of Christ, and doing what they could to promote the exten­sion of His Kingdom. It cannot be learned from the record how many were received into the fellowship of the church during this time, but it is known that during the year 1866, or 1867, Rev. N. C. Pettit, in connec­tion with the pastor, J. M. Jolly, hold a protracted meeting with the church, in which some 44 persons were received upon a profession of their faith in Christ; and those gath­ered in, added to the church much strength.

      June 11, 1871, the church decided to have preaching two Sundays in each month, and Bro. J. M. Jolly was unanimously chosen again as pastor.

      The Sabbath-school would appear to have been under the direct supervision of the church, for we find at the April meeting, 1872, the church elected A. J. Morris, super­intendent, and A. Sanders assistant.

      The following resolution adopted December 14, 1872, will give some idea of the feeling of the church on the sub­ject of temperance, viz:

"Whereas some members of Baptist churches have so far forgot the high vocation wherewith they are called as to start bar-rooms for the purpose of sell­ing intoxicating liquors to their fellowmen; and whereas, we believe that such practice is an injury to the church and a hinderance to the spread of the Gospel of the Son of God; therefore be it resolved, that this church will not give church fellowship to any one who will sell intoxicating liquors as a beverage."
      With the meeting June 13, 1874, J. M. Jolly closed his labors with the church, having been pastor for nine years. The church was without a pastor until September of the same year, when N. C. Pettit took charge of the flock, serv­ing them only until April, 1875. At the March meeting 1875, Jas. Williams and F. P. Bird were chosen trustees.

      Wm. Stilwell preached for the church several times during the months of May, June and July, 1875.

      August 14, 1875, Jesse Bengle was chosen pastor, and served the church one year, when C. J. Bagby was called, and accepted the care of the church.

      March 24, 1876, the church was called upon to mourn the loss of J. B. Stephens, one of the most lailhfnl and use­ful of her members.

      The North Bend Association held its annual session with the church in September, 1877.

      May, 1881, closes the eighth decade in the church's his­tory. The records for the 10 years past do not furnish much of statistical information. The business of the church was promptly attended to, regular preaching was kept up most of the time, and the church was at peace.

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      C. J. Bagby being the pastor at the beginning of the ninth decade.

      February 11, 1882, helps were sent to Wilmington church to assist in the ordination of S. G. Mullins to the Gospel Ministry.

      April 14, 1883, W. J. Stephens and E. J. McCullum were chosen as deacons, and were duly ordained at the next regular meeting following May 13, 1883, C. J. Bagby preaching the ordination sermon, prayer by A. J. Morris.

      January 11, 1884, A. J. Morris, who had served the church in the capacity of clerk for nearly twenty years, resigned the office, and F. P. Bird was chosen in his place.

      August, 1884, C. J. Bagby, having served the church for a little over six year, offered his resignation as pastor, which was accepted.

      December l3, 1884, N. C. Pettit, who had been sup­plying the pulpit since the resignation of C. J. Bagby, was called to the pastoral care of the church, and ac­cepted tbc charge. At the meeting the church also agreed to extend an arm to Independence.

      During the year 1885, the church suffered the loss of one of her most useful and consistent members, in the person of E. J. McCullum; he had been an active and zealous member for more than thirty years, holding at the time of his death, the office of deacon.

      June 13, 1885, letters of dismission were granted to sixteen members of the church, who desired to constitute a Baptist church at Independence.

      September 11, 1886, F. M. Morris was licensed to preach the Gospel.

      This history closes at the last named date. Since May, 1881, there have been received into fellowship, by experi­ence and baptism 19, by letter 1, restored 2, dismissed by letter 14, died 6, the present membership being 61.

      The dealings of the Lord with the church have been briefly mentioned during the progress of this history, and her labors of love for His glory, received often the Divine approval, his blessing duly following. The church is a model, especially during her early history, of careful, and strict discipline; no offense was allowed to go unrebuked; but with a jealous zeal was the honor of the Lord guarded, and her members required to account for each and every departure (when known) from the plain nnd positive path of right living and doing. During her history some seven churches have been constituted directly out of her member­ship; while many others have been blessed by the reception of members dismissed from under her watch-care. About fifteen of her members in all, from time to time were given license to preach the Gospel, and many of these became useful and honored Ministers of God.

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      There seems to have been no thought of ceasing the work she had undertaken, though often feeling muchh weakness, especially during the times, when she suffered loss in the departure of useful members to form new churches. She has always rallied under every time of depression and trial; maintained regular preaching of the Gospel, and endeavored to push forward the Master's cause.

      At the present time Rev. N. C. Pettit is pastor, who with deacons W. J. Morris, W. J. Stephens and Robert Stephens, together with many, faithful and prayerful breth­ren and sisters, some of whom have long been prominently identified with every good word and work in the church, are doing what they can to sustain the work of the Lord in their midst.


[From North Bend Baptist Association Minutes, 1887, pp. 19-26. This document is from the Northern Kentucky Baptist Association office, Erlanger. - jrd]

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