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History of the Franklin Baptist
Association from 1815 to 1912

By U. V. Williams and F. W. Eberhart

      The preparation of the History of the Franklin Baptist Association has necessitated a very great and persistent effort to collect the data for its compilation.

      The Record Book, in which the first fifty annual minutes was transcribed, was destroyed by fire, and the supplying of this matter in its entirety has simply been impossible; as well as much of interest occuring during the civil war and immediately succeeding, could not be supplied.

      To approximate a connected and authentic history has been a constant labor of correspondence, covering several States and various sources within the State, and searching, as far as possible, the church records of very many churches not now connected with the Franklin Baptist Association, but had formerly been connected with it and active participants in its work.

      To Spencer's History of Kentucky Baptists, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the Colgate Theological Institute of New York, and the free use of its extensive collection of Baptist History of the United States and scores of interested brethren, is due the even incomplete history here presented; and to each and every one of whom and from whatever other source of information, thanks is hereby tendered. The above data and its obtaining has occupied the author for the past eight years.

      But more than all or from any other source is the author indebted to the valuable assistance and hearty co-operation of Rev. F. W. Eberhart, in compiling the work; and without his able assistance one or more years would have been consumed, and even then the work would not have been so satisfactorially complete.

      The author has made strenuous efforts to have each church contribute a cut of the church house with a short foot note of its biography. To such as have responded, the request has been complied with, the illustration has been inserted, and adds very much to the appearance of the booklet. Thanking the Association for the patience and courtesy extended the author in the long delay in its publication, he is


      All The history of an Association of New Testament Churches is in reality a history of the individual churches composing it, and should concern itself with the records of these churches from their constitution. This is not pos sible, however, in the brief compass of this sketch, therefore only such matter as concerns the annual meetings and facts bearing thereon will be considered. Unfortunately the file of the minutes or these annual meetings is incomplete. The writer has had access to those preserved in the library of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and to the more complete collection of Colgate. Most of all we are indebted to Dr. U. V. Williams for his valuable contributions and his earnest efforts to collect and preserve historical material bearing on the Association's history. To his perseverence, in fact, this brief outline is due.

First Decade, 1815-1824

      The organization of Franklin Association was effected at South Benson meeting house, Saturday, September 16th, 1815. The sermon was preached by John Taylor, from Psalm 133:1. John Penny was the first Moderator and John Scott, Clerk.

      The following resolution was adopted: "Agreed, first, that the churches represented in this council do unite to form an Association in union with those Associations from whence these churches came, to-wit: Long Run, Elkhorn and North District; with which Associations, together with those in union with them, a correspondence is invited. Agreed, second, that this associate body be known by the name of Franklin Association."

      The churches entering into this compact were Forks of Elkhorn, South Benson, Salt River, Twins, Hopewell, Mt. Pleasant, Mouth of Elkhorn and Big Spring. Of these South Benson was the oldest and deserves to be called the mother church of the Association.

      According to Spencer---a history of Kentucky Baptists---the first anniversary of the body was held at Mt. Pleasant, presided over by the same officers as at the previous meeting. The sermon was preached by John Scott. There were now twelve churches with 819 members. The succeeding year 351 persons were baptized into the churches of the body.

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      First known as Mt. Gomer. Mt. Gomer was organized July 24th, 1790, on the precepts of Matthenw XVIII, 15th verse: "If thy Brother trespass upon you," etc., etc. Organized by Daniel James, James and Craig Hayden, Church Poindexter, Bledsoe and Head Blanton. The first church meeting was held in house of Bledsoe Hayden, on 25th of September. 1790, and still continued the place of worship until a house was built. Arrangements for which building was determined upon on January 22, 1781, which was completed and dedicated in a few months. In 1801, the name was changed to Mt. Pleasant. This church has a remarkable history, passing through many trials and vicissitudes arising mainly from doctrinal differences, but always maintaining the faith once delivered to the saints, the fires never dying on her altars. Among her pastors almost every old pioneer has ministered to her. One of her own young men, converted at Bethel, educated for a lawyer, immediately was ordained and served as her pastor for more than 30 years---the late and lemented F. H. Hodges. The present church house is on same ground as her predecessor and near the site of the first.

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      In 1820 the annual meeting was held at six-mile meeting house, the first Friday in August, J. Scott, Moderator, J. Dudley, Clerk. Introductory Sermon by John Penny, from Matt. 1:2 1. Nineteen churches reported 105 baptisms.

      The records for 1831 show Twin's church as the place of meeting, the first Friday in August. Silas Noel. Moderator, and sermon by A. Cook, from Proverbs 8:6. Twenty churches reported only 31 baptisms. Two interesting questions came up at this session, showing how our fathers were perplexed by the same problems we face today. The first was from Goshen Church. Has not the Frankfort Church violated our Constitution by inter- fering with the internal concerns of Fox Creek Church Answer: The Association is of opinion that the constitution has not been violated, The second was asked by Mt. Pleasant, Frankfort and Mouth of Elkhorn Churches, and was answered by the Association as follows: We conceive the subject of constituting churches and ordaining ministers as of vital importance to the churches of Christ. As such we recommend to the churches to observe great caution and to refrain from either or both, except with the advice and counsel of one or more of the sister churches. At this meriting five churches were granted letters to form a new Association (Concord), viz: McCool's Bottom, Twins, White's Run, Emans and Long Ridge.

      In 1823 Frankfort was the meeting place on the first Monday in August. Silas M. Noel, Moderator, Benj. Taylor, Clerk, and John Taylor preached the annual sermon, text, Acts 3:6. Seventeen churches reported 83 baptisms.

      According to Spencer the total membership at the close of the decade, 1,824, was 1,710. Many of these were colored brethren. Of the churches, Salt River, with 218 members, was the largest. During this entire period the Association had the ministrations of three of the greatest men Kentucky Baptists ever had. William Hickman Sr., John Taylor and Silas M. Noel.

The Second Decade, 1825-1834

      This was the period when the turbulent aggressions of Campbellism were met and overcome in Franklin Association. The controversy which was so sadly agitating the churches of the State, raged with bitterness around Frankfort, owing to the splendid championship of the truth by Silas M. Noel. The records for Frankfort Church for 1827, contain a strong letter on this subject, addressed to the Association in session with Bethel Church. South Benson suffered more than the other churches and

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through the efforts of the two Creaths was, at one time, almost lost to the Baptists.

      In 1828 the meeting was held with Indian Fork Church, on the second Friday in October: William W. Ford, Moderator, Henry Wingate, Clerk. The annual sermon was preached by Silas M. Noel, from Acts 11:42. There were now eighteen churches: Forks of Elkhorn, Mt. Pleasant, South Benson, Hopewell. Frankfort, Mouth of Cedar, Buck Run, Beech Creek, Indian Fork, Six Mile, Buffalo Lick, Zoar, Mt. Carmel, Lebanon, North Benson, Pigeon Fork, Bethel and Union. These report 285 baptisms for the year and a total of 1,788 members---South Benson now being the largest of the churches, with 275 members.

      There are no available records for 1829. From Spencer we learn that William W. Ford was again Moderator. The session of 1830 was held with Frankfort Church, the second Friday and Saturday in July. Spencer (Vol. II, p. 291) speaks of an extra session, but the minutes do not refer to this meeting as an extra session. It is probably the only one held during the year. It was in this year the Association issued a circular to the churches, in which the errors of Campbell's teachings, by Silas M. Noel. (Spencer, Vol. I, p. 625, and Vo!. II, p. 29 1.) Nineteen churches reported but no statistics were given. William W. Ford was again Moderator, Henry Wingate, Clerk, and George W. Sedwick preacher of the annual sermon from I John 3:1.

      In 1833 the Association convened at the Cave Spring on Sept. 20th, and in Frankfort on the 21st. James Ford was chosen Moderator and Henry Wingate, Clerk. The sermon from Ephesians 3:14, was preached by Wm. Ford. Only seventeen churches were represented, reporting 123 baptisms. Appended to the minutes of this session was a series of questions implying the duty of Christians to send the Bible and a preached Gospel to the whole earth, and that God would hold them responsible for failing to discharge that duty.

      In 1834 the Association met at Beech Creek meeting house, Sept. 20, 21, 22, with James Ford, Moderator, and E. B. Chambers, Clerk. The sermon was by Joseph Taylor, from John 20:28. Sixteen churches reported 265 baptisms and a total membership of 1,874. Six Mile is now the largest church, with 261 members. It is interesting to note that in spite of the schism which resulted in the defection of many, and that several churches were granted letters to unite with other Baptist Associations, there is, nevertheless, a good gain in membership, mostly by baptism, for the ten years. It is never a mistake to contend earnestly and lovingly for the Faith.

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      The above is a good cut of the North Fork Baptist Church, located at the village of Switzer, on the F. C. R. R. eight miles from Frankfort. This is one of the oldest churches in the Franklin Association, being constituted in 1801, and joining the Association in 1848. The church has had a uniformly prosperous career, having had no divisions or dissensions except in the 30's, when the Alexander Campbell movement led off many of her members.

      This church has been a great influence for good in the community in which it is located. It has a Sunday School which has been in continuous session each Sunday morning for more than thirty years, a record that few country churches can claim. Other auxilliaries are, an active Woman's Missionary Society and a Sunbeam and for the development of the missionary spirit among the children. The church was never more united and prosperous than under the leadership of the present much beloved pastor, W. D. Ogletree.

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Third Decade, 1835-1844

      As the former decade was marked by the culmination of the struggle with Campbellism, so this marked the crisis between the missionary and anti-missionary parties in the churches. After the organization of the General Association in 1837 the opposers of missions withdrew and organized churches of their own. In 1,832 the Kentucky Baptist State Convention had been organized at Bardstown, largely under the influence of Franklin Association, led by Silas M. Noel. This was avowedly a missionary organization and as such was bitterly opposed. The last meeting was held in Frankfort in l835. The brief existence of this society served to unite the friends of missions to plan for a more thorough campaign in the interest of the cause, but at the same time it united the opposers and led to the final schism. This final separation, as noted above, culminated in the organization of the General Association.

      At the meeting of the Franklin Association in 1835, held with Forks of Elkhorn Church, September 19, 20, 21, the following churches were represented: South Benson, Frankfort, Mouth of Cedar, Buck Run, Bush Creek, Indian Fork, Six Mile, Buffalo Lick, Forks of Elkhorn, Mt. Carmel, North Benson, Zoar, Pigeon Fork, Mt. Pleasant, Bethel and Lebanon. These reported 70 baptisms and 1,680 members. James Ford was Moderator and Henry Bohannon Clerk. The sermon was preached by William Hickman, Jr., from I Corinthians 3:20-22. This was the last meeting attended by the venerable pioneer, John Taylor. He died in January of the following year, William Hickman, Sr., having preceded him to the Heavenly Rest in 1830.

      The session of 1837 was held with Mt. Pleasant Church, September 16, 17, 18. James Ford was again Moderator, and Henry Bohannan, Clerk. Wm. T. Ford preached the sermon from I Corinthians 2:45. Only 14 churches were represented: Bush Creek, Zoar and Pigeon Fork are missing and Lawrenceburg reports for the first time. The membership fell to 1,431, while the total number of baptisms was 20. This was perhaps the darkest period of the Association history. In 1840 the annual meeting was held at Cedar Creek September 18, the same officers presiding as in 1837. The sermon was by Wm. T. Ford from Acts 14:22. Of the 15 churches represented "Harmony" appears for the first time. 483 baptisms are recorded, 180 being credited to Frankfort. The total membership is 1,864, a gain of more than 400 in three years. It was at this time that Protracted Meetings came to be held

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by Baptists, and for six years from 1 837 the churches of the State were in the midst of a great revival. Franklin Association must have profited by this spiritual awakening for in 1844, when the body convened at South Benson, August 1 6, 17, the 17 churches reported 2,573 members, though but 76 persons were baptized during the year. James Ford was Moderator and Henry Wingate Clerk. Union and Lockport churches appear on the roll for the first time.

The decade began with 16 churches and 1,680 members; at its close there were 2,573 members in 17 churches, of which Frankfort was the largest with 337. On May 5, 1839, Silas M. Noel died. He was the most influential man the Association ever had in its bounds. The two great pioneers, John Taylor and William Hickman, had given the best part of their lives to the work in Elkhorn Association, but Noel gave the best of his splendid talents in the full promise of manly powers to us. His greatness was manifold. His fidelity to New Testament doctrines as held by the Baptists made him our champion against the innovations of Alexander Campbell and against the reactionaries who fought against the inevitable duty of making Jesus Christ known and loved and obeyed in all the world. He was a consistent advocate of Christian education and a great leader in harmonizing and organizing the Baptist forces of the State.

Fourth Decade, 1845-1854

      For this period the only available minutes are those of 1,846 and 1,851. From the records of the Frankfort Church a few additional facts are obtained and Spencer's history contains much valuable information. The session of 1846 was held at Christiansburg, August 21, 22. James Ford, Moderator, and Henry Wingate, Clerk. The sermon was by Frank H. Hodges, from Galatians 6:9. The 15 churches are South Benson, Frankfort, Mouth of Cedar, Buck Run, Indian Fork, Christiansburg, Buffalo Lick, Forks of Elkhorn, Mt. Carmel, North Benson, Mt. Pleasant, Bethel, Lebanon, Harmony and Union. These record 85 baptisms and 2,224 members. Three churches of the former decade are now wanting, viz: Six Mile, Lawrenceburg and Lockport.

      In 1851 the annual meeting was held with Buck Run Church, August 15, 16, 17, Henry Wingate, Moderator and Cadwallader Lewis, Clerk. Joseph W. Warder preached the sermon from 2 Timothy 1:10. Two new churches report for the first time: North Fork and Mint Spring. There were now 17, reporting 278 baptisms and 2,908 members. For the first

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time the minutes record offerings made by the body. For printing minutes, 21.80 had been contributed, and for the work of the General Association, 107.15. Offerings for General Foreign Missions and for Indian Mis ions had been made for many years previous but were not reported in the minutes. Now that a correspondence had been entered into with the State organization, the local interest, in objects of beneficence, began to assume definite proportions.

      "In 1850 protracted meetings were recommended as a means of supplying, in some measure, the destitution within the bounds of the Association. On application of their messengers, the Association appointed meetings to be held during the succeeding year with nine out of seventeen churches. Ministers were also appointed to conduct these meetings, but no provision was made for their compensation. This experiment was repeated the next year and then abandoned.”---Spencer, Vol. 2, p. 294.

      In 1852 he annual meeting was held at Lebanon the 3rd Friday in August; in 1853, at Harmony, the 3rd Friday in August, and in 1854 at Indian Fork, August 22.

      β€œIn 1853, the Association appointed an Executive Board to supply the destitution within her own bounds, as far as the means appropriated by the churches would enable it. It also resolved to raise 500 for the purpose of establishing a book depository, and a system of colportage."---Spencer, Vol, 1, 2, p. 294-5.

      At the close of the decade the membership of the body was over 3,000. Frankfort Church was still in the lead with 413. However this was considerably less than in 1852. This church, though the largest, had at this time only twice a month preaching, paying their pastor 250.00 a year stated salary.

      Two notable facts should be recorded, the first being the death in 1845 of William Hickman, jr., for forty years the beloved pastor of South Benson Church; the other the beginning of the labors of Frank H. Hodges, who for almost 40 years, from 1 844, labored with wonderful success as pastor and evangelist throughout the Association. It has been estimated that 4,000 people were baptized by him during his ministry for more than 30 years pastor of North Benson Church.

      [In June, 1848, he held a protracted meeting at North Benson, assisted by Rev. Combs, at which there were more than 100 additions to the church at the close. He immersed in Benson Creek, at Dooley's Mill dam, 76 candidates in exactly three quarters of an hour, the writer being one;

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and at the close said he and eleven others like himself could have easily baptized the three thousand Penticostal (sic) converts in one day; and said, "away, with the theory for sprinkling---that it was quite impossible to have immersed that number in one day." He preached like he baptized, with his watch open and before him, and when forty and five minutes were out he would hold up his hands and say "Receive the Benediction."--U. V. Williams.]

Fifth Decade, 1855-1864

      The stormy period of the civil war was ushered in by the Know-nothing controversy which did the churches more harm than the war itself. A serious disruption occurred in one of the strong churches of the body, resulting in the organization of a new church, which became identified with Elkhorn Association.

      About the same time, the Temperance movement assumed new proportions all over the nation, and agitated the churches of Franklin Association no little. In 1854 the body adopted a resolution declaring that membership in a temperance society ought to be no bar to church fellowship. Notwithstanding this resolution, the Lebanon Church expelled several of its members for joining the Sons of Temperance. At its next session the Association passed the following resolution: "That we affectionately and sincerely request said church to reconsider their action, and reinstate those brethren into their fellowship." The church continuing to disregard the advice of the churches, a third resolution was adopted declaring "the grounds for such exclusion insufficient, and that any other church receiving such expelled members will not be acting contrary to the rules of the Association."---Spencer, Vol. II, p. 285.

      In fairness to Lebanon Church it ought be stated that the brethren were not in favor of the sale or use of intoxicants; their objection referred solely to any member becoming identified with a secret society.

      At the opening session of this decade, 1855, the annual meeting was held at North Fork, August 21, 22, 23. Moderator, Henry Wingate; clerk, S. E. Miles. Andrew Broadus preached the sermon from Isaiah 53:1. The churches represented were South Benson, Frankfort, Cedar Creek, Buck Run, Indian Fork, Christiansburg, Buffalo Lick, Forks of Elkhorn, Mt. Carmel, North Benson, Mt. Pleasant, Bethel, Lebanon, Harmony, Union, North Fork, Gratz. These report 161 baptisms ani 3,127 members.

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      Constituted in 1801. The oldest in the Association, except Forks of Elkhorn, 1777, and Mt. Pleasant, 1790. North Fork constituted same year, 1801, was present and assisted in forming Franklin Association. Had a prosperous and useful history. Some of the most famous preachers of the old school, as well as those of more modern date, are numbered among its pastors. Numbered among its oldest members were: Revs. Wm. Hickman. Jr., Wm. C. Blanton, J. S. Major and A. R. Macey. Laymen---H. L. Fore, S. B. Scofield, 7homas and Silas Farmer, Dr. J. Russell Hawkins, Joseph, J. D. and William Parrent, Dr. J. Hiter Ellison. During the Alexander Campbell agitation,'24-'26, it was divided, numbers of its members, going to the Bridgeport Christian Church, and others forming Buck Lick Church in Anderson county, each being organized from the disaffected membership. Again in 1883, differences in its own membership caused another split. The present Evergreen Baptist Church was organized out of the membership of old South Benson, since which time South Benson has declined, its membership ceasing to have regular service, many of the members joining other Baptist Churches near by. The church house having been sold and now being converted into a tobacco barn. See photograph. A few faithful old members still revere its memory and hang their harps on the willows and weep--

"I give them the end of a golden string,
Only to wind it into a ball--
It will lead them into Heaven's gate,
Built in New Jerusalem's wall."

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      The meeting of 1856 was held with Mt. Pleasant Church August 19, 20, 21. Moderator and clerk as in 1855. B. T. Quinn preached the sermon from Isaiah 9:7. 86 baptisms were reported.

      No minutes are obtainable for the next three meetings. It is known, however, that the meeting of 1857 was held at South Benson; that of 1858 at Christiansburg, and that of 1859 at Forks of Elkhorn.

      The following resolution adopted by Frankfort Church, at the August meeting of the church, 1857, is of interest: β€œ1st. Resolved, That we take a quarterly collection for the following objects: Home Missions, first Sabbath in October; Indian Missions, first Sabbath in January; Foreign Missions, first Sabbath in April; Bible Cause, first Sabbath in July. 2d. Resolved, That our pastor be requested to preach on each of these objects at 11 o'clock on the above named dates, and that at night we hold a concert of prayer in behalf of the objects specified.” It should be noted that by 1859 the church reports to the Association 67.25 given to Foreign Missions, 100.00 to the General Association, 50.00 to Indian Missions and 25.00 for Bible Work; in addition the church, for the first time, reports preaching every Sunday.

      The session of 1860 was held at North Benson, August 21, 22, 23. Henry Wingate was again Moderator and S. E. Miles, Clerk. Sermon by W. M. Pratt, from Jeremiah 17:9; 7:22. 19 churches report 98 baptisms and 3,167 members; of these Pleasant Ridge and Frankfort colored appear for the first time, the latter having 415 members, leaving the white church with only 115. Fourteen churches now report a larger membership than the white church.

      In 1861 the body convened at Bethel, August 20; in 1862 at Buffalo Lick. Thos. Farmer is now Moderator and S. E. Miles, Clerk. Sermon by B. T. Quinn, from I John 5:4. The 19 churches report 43 baptisms and 3,145 members.

      In 1863 the meeting was held at Buck Run, August 18, 19. Moderator, Thos. Farmer; Clerk, A. R. Macey. Sermon by B. Onan, from Ephesians 2:18. The 19 churches report only 3 baptisms. The meeting of 1864 was held with South Benson Church. Thos. Farmer, Moderator, and S. E. Miles, Clerk. Sermon by R. L. Thurman, from 1 Corinthians 15:58. The churches report a total of 112 baptisms.

      At the opening of the period there were 17 churches in the Association, with 3,127 members, of these Frankfort Church was the largest, with 467; at the close there were 19 churches of which Frankfort colored was

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the largest, 573. The total membership is not ascertainable, as four churches sent no letter.

      On the whole, in spite of the sad ravages of the civil war, and the controversies noted, the work shows progress along many lines.

      A matter of interest concerning public worship in the churches is recorded on the book of Frankfort Church, August, 1864. It is a communication, To the members of the Baptist Church, Frankfort.

"Dear Brethren and Sisters: In looking at the various improvements other churches are making for the purpose of maintaining a popular public worship, we have come to the conclusion that our own church ought, in justice to herself, make at least, a corresponding advancement with them, and believing our singing can be very greatly improved, we respectfully request permission to introduce a melodeon as an appendage to public worship. "(Signed) Young Members."
      It is pleasing to note that unanimous consent was given to this courteous request of the young members.

      As showing the financial burdens caused by the war the following from the History of South Benson Church for 1864 will be of interest: Whereas, our pastor (Ben. T. Quinn) was drafted into the United States service. and paid 800.00. for a substitute, that he might still have the privilege of preaching the Gospel; therefore, Resolved, that we as a church raise by subscription the sum of four hundred dollars to reimburse him in part of this expense.

Sixth Decade, 1865-1874

      This may well be called the period of readjustment. It is gratifying to note with what degree of Christian wisdom the various problems of this trying time were met and adjusted. There was first of all the question of the new attitude of the colored church members, resulting from their general emancipation. The action of the church in Frankfort is doubtless characteristic of all the others. Seemingly without friction and in a kindly spirit that church on July 25, 1867, granted to the "African Branch," the rights and privileges of an independent organization.

      Another difficult problem related to the fellowship, in the same church, of brethren who had fought on opposite sides in the terrible four years' conflict, and of those who, while not belligerents, sympathized strongly with one side or the other. Here, too, it is pleasing to observe how the grace of Jesus Christ was sufficient to harmonize men's mind and bring their


      Constituted in 1802, one of the oldest churches in the Association, and, except Frankfort, the largest in point of numbers. One of the landmarks of the denomination; well abreast of times and usages of the Baptist. Holding at all times distinction of being a New Testament Church. Neither irregular in practice nor heretic in Doctrine. Forward in Missionary and Sunday-school work; her light not hid under a bushel of selfishness or bigotry. The decendents of her founders still abide and worship among her environment. Was the spiritual birthplace of one of the oldest and most revered of all the ministers of the Franklin Association, the Rev. F. H. Hodges, who for more than 50 years lived and labored exclusively within the bounds of this Association, and often as her pastor. Her membership has always been large in numbers and devoted in all Christian work.

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passions under the sway of the Divine Spirit; so that now in Him there is no North or South among Baptists but all are one in Christ Jesus.

      A third difficulty was that of finances. The returning soldiers were mostly poor. Their families had lost much of their property. Many were maimed for life and unable to work, and vet it was during this very period of financial hardship that the churches enlarged their offerings, not only for the work at home, but more abundantly still out of their deep poverty did they supply the needs of the opening fields at home and abroad.

      In 1865 the Association met at Indian Fork (date not given). Thos. Farmer was Moderator and S. E. Miles Clerk. The sermon was preached by A. B. Hunter, from Hebrews 7:25. The churches composing the body were: South Benson, Frankfort, Frankfort Colored, Buck Run, Cedar Creek, Forks of Elkhorn, Indian Fork, Christiansburg, Buffalo Lick, Mt. Carmel, North Benson, Mt. Pleasant, Bethel, Lebanon, Union, Harmony, North Fork, Pleasant Ridge, Gratz. These report 127 baptisms and 3,238 members.

      For the next five meetings no data can be given, save the mere facts of time and place. In 1866 the session was held with Forks of Elkhorn Church, August, 21; in 1867, with Christiansburg, August 20; in 1869, with Cedar Creek (date not given); in 1870 with North Benson.

      In 1871 the body convened with North Fork Church, August 22, 23. E. H. Black, Moderator, and U. V. Williams, Clerk. The sermon was by T. J. Stevenson. The 18 churches reported 101 baptisms. Reports were received and adopted on State and Home Missions; Orphan's Home (for which an offering of 70.00 was made); endorsing the removal of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary to Louisville; Religious Literature; and favoring the establishment of a Baptist State Historical Society.

      The session of 1872 was held at South Benson, August 20, 2 1. Moderator, E. H. Black; Clerk, U. V. Williams. Sermon by L. W. Seeley, from Matthew 28:19, 20. Only 15 churches now report, showing 18 baptisms. Reports were approved on Foreign Missions; Orphan's Home; Ministerisl Education; Sunday-school Work, and Religious Literature. The offerings recorded were, for Orphan's Home, 38.00, and for Ministerial Education (Georgetown College) 132.00.

      In 1873 the annual meeting occurred at Pleasant Ridge Church, August 19, 20. E. H. Black was again Moderator, and U. V. Williams, Clerk, F. H. Hodges preached the sermon, from I Corinthians 14:40. Mt.

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Vernon Church was received into the body at this session, bringing the number up to 16, reporting 207 baptisms. Reports were approved on Domestic Missions; Religious Literature; Sunday Schools and Ministerial Education (for which an offering of 124.00 was made). A beginning was made in tabulating offerings for Ministerial Support at home.

      The 1874 meeting took place August 18, 19, 20, with Forks of Elkhorn Church, the same officers in charge as at the previous meeting. Frank H. Hodges was again the preacher, his text being John 6:44. Baptisms reported 136. Foreign, Home and State Missions were indorsed; also Sunday-schools and Ministerial Education. For the latter a pledge of 300.00 was made. A collection of 16.50 was taken for African Mis- sions. A resolution to dissolve the Association was indefinitely postponed.

      In reviewing this period the impression grows upon us that the brotherhood of Baptists in the churches of the Association are to be commended for their unfaltering loyalty to their work in spite of many grievous hindrances. A new emphasis was placed on Sunday-school work. As early as 1866 the brethren were urged to foster schools in every church. That progress was not too rapid, however, is attested by a quotation from the letter of Frankfort Church to the Association in 1867: "Our Sabbath school is in a flourishing state, considering the small and stingy interest manifested for its welfare by church members generally."

      There was also a beginning of systematic effort towards missions and education and a consequent revival of interest in the spiritual condition within the bounds of our Association.

      The decade closed with 16 churches, 3 less than at the opening, of these Cedar was the largest, with 356 members. The colored church had ceased to report and two other churches, Christiansburg and Buffalo Lick had made new affiliations.

Seventh Decade, 1875-1881

      This period is unmarked by any matter of special interest, save for the larger contact with denominational affairs brought about by the removal of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary to Louisville. This brought into the Association as pastors men of national reputation. Beginning with Dr. John A. Broadus in 1879 the Forks of Elkhorn Church has had almost constantly as pastor some of the most notable Baptist preachers in the land. The organization of the first Woman's Missionary Society in the Association occurred in the Frankfort Church in 1878. It is to be regretted that so few churches have followed this commendable example.

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      Founded in 1816. First worshiped in house of Presbyterian brethren. First church house in Southeast corner of old State House grounds. Burned. Next erected on Lewis street. Burned, and present house erected in 1868. Since twice remodeled. First Pastor, John Taylor, was succeeded by S. M. Noel. Has numbered among its pastors many of the most noted of Baptist clergymen of the State. Under the guidance of its present pastor, F. W. Eberhart, is enjoying a season of its greatest prosperity and usefulness. Has a membership of near 900; a large and flourishing Sunday School, and all other church accessories. To enumerate the older actors in this church would be to give a biographical sketch of the principal citizenship of Frankfort for the past century, the writer only wishes to enumerate a few among the christian momen: Mrs. Mag Graham, Vrs. D. H. Smith and Mrs. Thomas Rodman. The latter has a memorial window erected by the Sunday School. Mrs. Sarah LeCompte, Mrs. Elonor Holmes, Mrs. W. J. Chinn, Mrs. Penolope Wingate, the donor of the present Sunday School Chapel, her venerable daughters, Mrs. Mariah Campbell and Crs. N. J. Sawyier.

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      At the session of 1875, which convened with Mt. Vernon Church, 16 churches were enrolled: South Benson, Frankfort, Forks of Elkhorn, Harmony, North Benson, Mt. Pleasant, Bethel, Lebanon, Union, Gratz, Cedar, Mt. Carmel, North Fork, Pleasant Ridge, Hardinsville, Mt. Vernon. These show 134 baptisms and a total membership of 2,372. E. H. Black was Moderator and U. V. Williams, Clerk. Green Clay Smith preached the sermon, from Rom. 1:1 6. The circular letter was an appeal to the churches to take a deeper interest in Prayer-meeting and Sunday-schools. The report on the Centennial observance was adopted recommending that our Literary Institutions be placed on a more permanent basis, and endorsing the removal of the Seminary to Louisville. Other reports were adopted on Foreign, Home and State Missions and on Sunday-schools.

      In 1876 the body met at Hardinsville, August 25, 26, 27. Moderator, Thos. Rodman; Clerk, U. V. Williams. Sermon by F. H. Kerfoot, from Proverbs 3:9. The 16 churches report 110 baptisms. The circular letter is a brief history of the Forks of Elkhorn Church. For the first time the minutes contain a table of offerings made by the churches. This is manifestly incomplete, but it shows how the churches are realizing the responsibility of sharing in the Kingdom wide work of Jesus Christ. Even today our financial reports by no means show all the offerings of the churches. Many individual gifts not being reported at all. It may be well, however, to compare this first table with the last in 1911. In 1876 three churches gave a total of 125.00 for Foreign Missions; four, a total of 95.00 for Home Missions; four a total of 130.00 for State Missions; while 79.75 was given for Sunday-school work, and a collection of 36.65 was given for Orphan's Home---a total of 465.40 for all benevolences. In 1911 the total offerings recorded were over 2,000.00.

      The meeting of 1877 was held with Mt. Pleasant Church, August 21, 22, 23. Moderator, Thos. Rodman, Clerk, U. V. Williams. Sermon by T. J. Stevenson, from Rom. 12:1. Cedar Grove Church was received into the body at this session. The 1 7 churches reported 90 baptisms. The circular letter was a history of Mt. Pleasant Church. Reports were received on Foreign and Home Missions, Schools and Colleges, Sunday- schools, and Orphan's Home. The table of offerings showed 2,434.00 contributed for Home expenses and 552.95 for objects of Benevolences (for Home and State Missions and Orphan's Home).

      In 1878 the Association met at South Benson Church, August 20, 21. 22. Monerator, J. M. Lewis; U. V. Williams, Clerk. Sermon by

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J. M. Frost, jr., from Romans 5:2. During the session the Association went into a commitee of the whole to consider the needs caused by "the destitution within our bounds." A resolution was adopted favoring a systematic schedule for Missionary offerings. The circular letter contained a history of North Fork Church. The seventeen churches report 78 baptisms.

In 1879 the Association met at Frankfort, August 19, 20. Moderator, J. M. Lewis; Clerk, U. V. Williams. Sermon by J. M. Lewis, from I Corinthians 16:1. Gratz Church was dismissed to Concord Association and South Frankfort was received, leaving the same number of churches (17) enrolled. These reported for the year 182 baptisms. The circular letter contained a history of South Benson Church, written by Mrs. Fannie E. Farmer and U. V. Williams. The table of offerings showed 2,768.56 given for local expenses and 273.85 for Benevolence (for Home and State Missions and Orphan's Home). The usual reports were received on State, Home and Foreign Missions; Executive Committee; Orphan's Home and Schools and Colleges.

The annual meeting for 1881 was held with the Mt. Carmel Church, August 23, 24. Moderator, J. M. Lewis; Clerk, J. B. Lewis. The sermon was preached by J. B. Tharp, from 1 Corinthians 16:13. The 1 7 churches reported 79 baptisms.

The 1882 session convened with North Benson Church, August 22, 23. Moderator, J. M. Lewis; Clerk, J. B. Lewis. Sermon by D. T. Phelps, from Daniel 2.44. There were 159 baptisms reported. The table of offerings showed 2,899.00 expended for home church expenses and 525.00 for objects of benevolence (Foreign, Home, State and District Missions; Orphans' Home and Ministerial Education). The circular letter was an appeal for the support of the Home Mission Board now removed to Atlanta. A resolution was approved requesting each church to report to the Association only such members as were in good fellowship. The following question was sent up from South Benson: Is it consistent for Baptist Churches to receive excluded members of other churches? Answer: As we have no control over the churches we think that this matter should be left to the churches in their best discretion, with all due regard to the law of Christian love.

In 1884 the body met with Forks of Elkhorn Church, August 19, 20, Moderator, Geo. W. Robb; Clerk, U. V. Williams. Sermon by J. M. Lewis from Colossians 1:15. There were now 16 churches, South Frankfort had disbanded. At this meeting Harmony was granted a letter to Concord

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Association. 115 baptisms were reported. South Benson Church was restored to fellowship. The table of offerings show that 2,266.50 had been given for local expenses and 226.45 for Benevolence (Foreign and Home Missions; Orphan Home and Ministerial Education).

On the whole the work of this decade was not encouraging. The attempt to systemize the activities of the body and to increase the offerings of the churches for the Kingdom, work had not yet borne much fruit. The territory of the Association was becoming circumscribed. There were now only 15 churches as against 16 at the opening, with a membership of 2,243; a loss of more than 100 in the ten years. Frankfort, with 341 member;, was now the largest church.

Eighth Decade, 1885-1894

      At the opening of the eighth decade the churches enrolled numbered 15. Forks of Elkhorn, Mt. Carmel, Frankfort, Pleasant Grove, Lebanon, South Benson, North Fork, Cedar, North Benson, Pleasant Ridge, Cedar Grove, Union, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Vernon, Beihel.

The session of the body met in 1885 with Cedar Church, August 18, 19. Moderator, Geo. W. Robb; Clerk, U. V. Williams. Sermon by J. T. Burton, from Mark 16:20. In addition to the usual reports the minutes of the meeting contain a strong temperance resolution. 12 Sunday-schools were reported. The table of offerings shows only 282.15 contributed for Benevolences (Foreign and Home Missions; Aged Ministers; Orphans' Home and Sunday-schools.)

      The meeting for 1886 was held with Frankfort Church, August 24, 25. Moderator, Thos. Rodman; Clerk, U. V. Williams, Sermon by R. M. Dudley, from Matthew 16:3. The 14 churches report 275 baptisms. The body adopted a carefully prepared plan of co-operation for the furtherance of the interests of District, State, Home and Foreign Missions; Sunday-school and Colportage Work. This is still the working plan of the Association, save that the appointment of definite amounts to the individual churches is not observed. The table of offerings show 5,322.50 expended for Home Work and 670.00 for Benevolence (Foreign, Home and State Missions; Orphans' Home and Sunday-schools).

      In 1887 the Association convened with Pleasant Ridge Church, August 23, 24. Moderator, Thos. Rodman; Clerk, R. J. Shannon. Sermon by G. F. Bagby, from Matthew 28:19. There were now 16 churches, two of them sending no reports. There were 216 baptisms.

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The usual reports were adopted; also a strong resolution on Temperance. Only 514.15 is tabulated as the expenditure for Home Work. Most of the churches sending in no statement for this item. 591.00 was contributed for Missions and other objects of Benevolence.

      In 1888 the Association met with Union Church, August 21,22, 23. Moderator, Thos. Rodman; Clerk, R. J. Shannon. Sermon by J. A. Peters, Romans 6:22. The 17 churches record 174 baptisms. An extended report is made for the Executive Committee, by J. H. Burdin, Missionary, and the officers. In additon separate reports were adopted on Foreign Missions, Sunday-schools and Orphans' Home. The financial table shows 678.00 given for Missions and other Benevolences.

      The meeting for 1889 was held with the church at Cedar Grove, August 20, 21. Moderator, Thos. Rodman; Clerk, R. J. Shannon. Sermon by J. R. Sampey, from John 15:4. The 17 churches report 144 baptisms. The Executive Committee report, made by J. H. Burdin, stresses the Sunday-school work and points out the fact that there are 21 Sunday-schools in the Association, 9 of them being Mission Schools. The offerings for church and Sunday-school expenses were 4,686.52, and for Missions, etc., 768.11,

      The session of 1890 convened with Mt. Pleasant Church, August 19, 20, with Thos. Rodman, Moderator, and R. J. Shannon, Clerk. The sermon was preached by E. S. Alderman, from Luke 5:38. The 17 churches reported 226 baptisms. Beside the usual reports the so-called Warder plan, as adopted by the General Association, was endorsed, after earnest discussion. 3,700.00 was reported for local expenses and 989.88 for Missions and other objects.

      In 1891 the messengers of the churches met for conference at South Benson, August 19, 20. Thos. Rodman was again chosen Moderator and W. H. Parrent was elected clerk. J. B. Moody preached the sermon, from I Corinthians 11:22. The 17 churches reported 126 baptisms. The minutes contain an interesting review of the work of the District Board for the past seven years. Four Missionaries had been employed by the Board in that time: Frank Middleton, J. A. Peters, J. T. Burton and J. H. Burdin. 3,811.54 had been raised for Missions, etc., and 464 members added to the churches through the labor of the Missionaries. 3,324.00 had been expended by the churches on local work and 800.79 for Missions and other objects of Benevolence.

[Picture not available.]

      Constituted in 1818 at the home of John Wilson, with present Rev. John W. Taylor, Wm. Hickman, Sr., S. M. Noel, Joseph and Elizabeth Taylor, Presley and Fanny Neal, Julius and Elizabeth Blackburn, John and Catherine Graves, Lewis Nall and Elizabeth Gatewood, John and Susan Price, Isaac and Lucy Wilson, Francis Castleman, L. B. Fuller, Nancy Triplett and Sallie Head, Lucy Hale. Wm. Hickman, Sr., as Moderator and S. M. Noel, Clerk Church Covenant. Rules of Decorum adopted and the new church was then named BUCK RUN, which was completed and occupied for the first time July, 1813 [1818], John W. Taylor, the first pastor for ten years succeeded by Revs. Brice, Joseph Taylor, A. M. Lewis, Kenney, B. T. Quinn, Black, Seely, Stevenson, Wells, Nash, Cody, Walsh, Eberhart, Mitchell, Nash, Braden, Darvin. In 1888 the church was removed to Woodlake and from there to Forks of Elkhorn, where it now stands.

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      In 1892 the Association was in session with Buck Run Church, the meetings being held in the beautiful Macklin woodland. Thos. Rodman and W. H. Parrent were again chosen Moderator and Clerk. W. C. Taylor preached the sermon, from John 1:28. The churches reported 113 baptisms. 36 Sunday-schools of all denominations were reported in the territory of the Association, of which number the Baptists had 23, with 1,600 pupils. Offerings for Home purposes were 4,159.51, and for Missions, etc., 1,174.80.

      The session of 1893 was held with Bethel Church, August 23, 24. Thos. Rodnan, Mcderator, and W. H. Parrent, Clerk. Sermon by J. H. Burdin, from Romans 1:16. There were now but 16 churches, Pleasant Grove having disbanded; these reported 142 baptisms. The Executive Board, through the Missionary, J. H. Burdin, again made an encouraging report on the progress of the work. 3,910.75 was the amount paid out for local expenses, and 1,297.1 6 for Missions, etc.

      In 1894 the body convened with Mt. Carmel Church, August 22, 23. Moderator, Thos. Rodman; Clerk, W. H. Parrent. Sermon by J. A. Head, from Acts 21:13. There were 17 churches, Evergreen having been received at this session. 114 baptisms were reported. For Home Expenses, 3,660.45 was reported, and for Missions, etc., 1,030.51.

      A remarkable fact concerning this period is the uniformly good report on baptisms. The total number given is 1,820, the largest number for any one year being 289 in 1885; the smallest 113 in 1892. On the whole this appears the best of all the decades in spiritual progress. The resident pastors were men of piety as well as ability, and the churches manifested a generous spirit towards the student pastors from the Seminary and Georgetown College. The writer, F. W. Eberhart, himself a student at the Seminary, was ordained at the call of Buck Run Church, in 1891, and remembers with gratitude of heart the cordial helpfulness of the brethren of Buck Run and Evergreen Churches.

Ninth Decade, 1895-1904

      The bright outlook of the former period was somewhat clouded during the next ten years. Why this should have been, is not easy to understand. True, there were several outside influences calculated to disturb the harmony of the churches; yet on the whole these were dealt with in wisdom and love. The celebrated Whitsitt controversy is not even mentioned in the

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minutes. The excitement attending the shameful Goebel assassination was not permitted to mar the fellowship of the churches to any appreciable degree; and the Temperance campaign, through the agency of the Anti-Saloon League, found the Association united in support of the County Unit law and other legislation favoring the restriction of the liquor traffic.

      The meeting of the Association for 1895 was held with Mt. Vernon Church, August 21, 22. Moderator, Thos. Rodman; Clerk, W. H. Parrent. Sermon by C. M. Riley, from Hebrews 10:15. The churches enrolled were Bethel, Buck Run, Cedar, Cedar Grove, Evergreen, Forks of Elkhorn, Frankfort, Lebanon, Mt. Carmel, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Vernon, North Benson, North Fork, Pleasant Ridge, South Benson, Union and Swallowfield; the last named having been received at this meeting. 269 baptisms were reported and a total membership of 3,638. There were 12 Sunday-schools with 914 pupils. 5,060.02 was reported for Home expenses; 832,88 for Missions, etc., and 1,007.95 for miscellaneous objects. The question of sinless perfection being taught by members of one of churches was brought before the body, but the Moderator decided that the Association "could take no action in regard to any false doctrine taught by a local church."

      The session of 1896 convened with the Frankfort Church, August 19-20. Officers as at previous session. Sermon by W. C. Taylor from Mark 5:19. There were 129 baptisms reported by the churches, also 14 Sunday-schools with 882 pupils; $4,114.41 had been spent for Home work; $693.23 for Missions, etc., and $523.79 for miscellaneous purposes. The B. Y. P. U. work was presented in a special report, but received scant endorsement. The revised constitution is printed with the proceedings.

      In 1897 the Association met with Evergreen Church, August 18-19. Moderator and Clerk as before. Sermon by W. E. Gwatkins on Luke 6:46. Baptisms reported 125; Sunday-schools 17, with 1,002 pupils. Offerings, Home Expenses, $3,951.92; Missions, etc., $677,11, and miscellaneous, 634.81. Vigorous resolutions were adopted on temperance and against the teaching of sinless perfection.

In 1898 the Association was in session with the Forks of Elkhorn Church. Officers as before. Sermon by R. W. Weaver from John 1:6. The discourse delt in a historical way with the character and work of the five great pioneers: Hickman, Taylor, Dudley, Craig and Gans [Gano]. It is printed in full in connection with the proceedings. The 17 churches

[Picture not available.]

      Organized in 1825. First pastor, Wm. Hickman, Jr. The first church house was near the present location of this, the third house of worship. Among its noted pastors, after Hickman, was Wm. C. Blanton, who was succeeded by F. H. Hodges, who served for more than a third of century; succeeded by W. W. Foree. Hodges again, S. Wilson, Tharp, Burdin, Head, J. M. Taylor, W. E. Lowe and possibly others. The present pastor, W. D. Ogletree, under whose efficient pastorate the church is enjoying its most successful period of prosperity and usefulness. Numbered among its founders and earliest supporters was Landon Sneed, J. D. Robinson, David Williams. W. A. Powers, John Truel, E. A. W. Roberts, Elijah Lea, Thornton Hale, Corbin Hale and the Sudduth brothers, five in number, W. W. Wilmoih, Leroy Wooldridge, the Hewletts, Moores.

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reported 180 baptisms and 22 Sunday-schools with 1,370 pupils. Offerings were: Home Purposes, $3,114.94; Missions, etc., $585.85 and miscellaneous, $595.78.

The 1899 meeting was to have been held at Lebanon, but owing to severe drougth and the abseuce of water, that church asked to be relieved and a brief session was held at Frankfort. 77 baptisms were reported and 18 Sunday-schools with 1,180 pupils. Cedar Church was granted a letter to unite with Owen County Association. $3,427.33 had been contritbuted for Church Expenses; $749.76 for Missions, etc., and $892.22 for other purposes.

In 1900 the body convened with North Benson Church August 22-23. U. V. Williams was elected Maderator and E. R. Jones, Clerk. These brethren were re-elected each year for six years. Again there was no sermon and little business transacted, owing the excessive rains. The Minutes show 112 baptisms; 16 churches; 15 Sunday-schools with 974 pupils. Contributicns were for: Church Expenses, $4,065.79; Missions etc., $871.16; miscellaneous. $288.16.

The session for 1901 was held at North Fork, August 2 1-22. Sermon by W. C. Taylor, from John 8:32. 16 churches report 117 baptisms and 13 Sunday-schools with 1,074 pupils. Offerings were for: Church Expenses, $4.361.11; Missions, etc., $904.25; miscellaneous; $2,009.13. The Minutes contain a memorial page in honor of Thomas Rodman, for so many years the devoted Moderator of the body.

In 1902 the messengers assembled at Mt. Pleasant Church, August 20, 21. Sermon by J. N. Prestridge. 16 churches report 164 baptisms and 16 Sunday-schools with 995 pupils. For the first time a report on Womans' Missionary Society is incorporated in the minutes. Offerings were, for Home expenses $4,483.00; for Missions, etc.; $908.95, and for other objects, $470.72.

In 1903 the body was in session with Pleasant Ridge Church, August 19, 20. Sermon by M. B. Adams. 104 baptisms were reported by the 16 churches. There were 15 Sunday-schools with 901 pupils. $4,715.00 was contributed for church and Sunday-school expenses; $1,066.39 for Missions, etc., and $1,370.83 for other objects.

The session for 1904 was held at Frankfort, August 24, 25. Sermon by 0. L. Powers. 85 baptisms were reported by the 16 churches. There were 13 Sunday-schools with 898 pupils. $237.50 was subscribed for a tent to be used by an evangelist on the field of the Association in co-operation

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with the State Board. Offerings were, for Church Expenses, $4,445.62; for Missions, etc., $963.04; for other objects, $5,098.14.

At the close of the decade there were 3,249 members as against 3,638 at the opening. One of the largest churches, however, Cedar, with over 300 members, had gone into another Association. Still the progress of the churches was very slow and the reports of the District Board were generally discouraging.

Tenth Decade, 1905-_______

      At the opening of the tenth decade of the Association the outlook for the 16 churches was quite hopeful. The first session was held at Frankfort, August 23, 24, 1905. The sermon was preached by J. J. Taylor, from Revelation 11: 15. There were 179 baptisms reported, with a total membership of 3,323; 13 Sunday-schools with 821 pupils. The District Board report was the most encouraging for some time. Offerings for Church Expenses were $4,556.09; for Missions, etc., 1,344.98, and for miscellaneous objects, 3,161.45.

Bethel Church entertained the body in 1906, August 22, 23. A. Paul Bagby preached the sermon from John 11:36. Baptisms reported, 134; membership, 3,314; Sunday-schools, 18, with 1,634 pupils. The District Board again made an encouraging report. The Association adopted a rule limiting the term of its officers to two years. In answer to two questions sent up by Frankfort Church, the body adopted the report of the committee appointed to draw up the answers as follows: First, Baptist Churches ought to practice scriptural baptisms, baptizing all who are received into their fellowship, who have not been baptized according to the Scriptures; hence those coming from other churches ought to be baptized; second, conditions may arise whereby a Minister of the Gospel would be scripturally authorized to administer baptism without having been previously authorized by any church (Acts 8:36-39). All who are fit subjects for baptism have experienced a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, having been born again. Baptist Churches ought to pass upon the credibility of the profession of faith before authorizing the baptism. $5,720.98 had been contributed for Home Expenses; $1,282.35 for Missions, etc., and $2,064.3 1 for other purposes.

Beginning with 1907 all the annual meetings have been held at Glenwood Park, near Frankfort. In 1907, August 28, 29, with U. V. Williams, Moderator, and Crawford Lee, Clerk; 1908, August 19, 20,

[Picture not available.]

      Constituted in 1883. First pastor, Rev. B. F. Hungerford. Being an offshoot of Old South Benson Church. From its establishment has been a live working church and a perpetual bloomer, and as its name indicates, a hardy plant. Chief of its founders was the late Thomas Farmer and his devoted and consecrated wife, Mrs Fannie J. Farmer, long since gone to their reward, hut their memory revered their good works do follow them. Eclestiaste [sic] 9:1: That the righteous and the wise, and their works are in the hand of God. . . . The church has prospered and is doing a great work in all departments; united in harmony and love and has a promising future. The most remarkable feature of the pastorate of Evergreen is the fact that nine students of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, have begun their ministerial life in this church, and have gone forth from it to prominence. Really a kindergarten for the training of the best. The following, with others the writer may inadvertently omit: W. E. Gwatkins, C. J. Thompson, F. W. Eberhart, D. W. Williams, J. F. Brown, A. R. Wright, F. W. Wright, Western Brunner and J. F. Brown.

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with E. R. Jones, Moderator, and Crawford Lee, Clerk; 1909, August 20, 21, with E. R. Jones, Moderator, and J. H. Martin, Clerk; 1910, J. H. Burdin, Moderator, and J. H. Martin, Clerk; 1911, J. H. Burdin, Moderator, and L. D. Stucker, Clerk.

      In 1907 the annual sermon was preached by A. Paul Bagby, from James 4:14; in 1908, by J. H. Burdin, from Revelation 22:6; in 1909, by J. W. Porter, from Jude 3; in 1910, by E. J. Caswell, from John 9:4; in 1911, by F. W. Eberhart, from Galatians 6:10.

Baptisms reported, for 1907, 164;
1908, 205;
1909, 194;
1910, 76;
1911, 171.

Membership for 1907, 3,235;
1908, --- 3,416;
1909, --- 3,520;
1910, --- 2,949 (four churches not reported);
1911, --- 3,140 (with four churches not reporting).

The offerings were as follows: Church and Sunday-school Expenses --- Missions, etc. --- Miscellaneous
1907 --- $5,931.06 --- $1,299.35 --- $2,187.58
1908 --- $5,795.80 --- $1,011.80 --- $2,517.37
1909 --- $6,188.01 --- $2,605.31 --- $951.34
1910 --- $4,817.00 --- $1,744.00 --- $3,700.00
1911 ---$5,136.16 --- $2,027.01 --- $2,086.59

In 1907 there were 15 Sunday-schools, with 1,508 pupils;
1908, 13 schools, with 1,155 pupils;
1909, 15 schools with 1,117 pupils;
1910, 13 schools, with 1,008 pupils;
1911, 11 schools, with 1,134 pupils.

Churches composing Franklin Association in 1911-12:
Name --- Date of Organization --- Membership --- Pastor
Bethel --- 1802 --- 293 --- L. D. Stucker
Buck Run --- 1818 --- 77 --- ? Hill
Cedar Grove --- 1882 --- (1910) --- 170 --- ____
Evergreen ---- 1883 --- 100 --- F. F. Brown
Forks of Elkhorn --- 1777 --- 131 --- J. R. Sampey
Frankfort --- 1816 --- 1,030 --- F. W. Eberhart
Lebanon --- 1825 --- 262 --- J. A. Davis
Mt. Carmel --- 1824 --- 240 --- J. A. Davis
Mt. Pleasant --- 1790 --- 111 --- T. J. Singleton
Mt. Vernon --- 1872 --- 150 --- E. R. Sams
North Benson --- 1825 --- 185 --- W. D. Ogletree
North Fork --- 1801 --- 252 --- W. D. Ogletree
Pleasant Ridge --- 1856 --- (1910) --- 250 --- _____
Swallowfield --- 1891 --- (1909) --- 72 --- J. A. Davis
Union --- 1810 --- (1909) --- 163


      Note: The statistics on the page 23 have been reformatted. The $ sign did not appear in the document until the ninth decade.

[From U. V. Williams and F. W. Eberhart, History of the Franklin Baptist Association from 1815 to 1912, 1912. This document is from UK digital in PDF format. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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