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Daviess County [KY] Baptist Association
By Fred D. Hale, 1898
      The two subjects that attracted most attention at the meeting of this body were the temperance question and the "Whitsitt matter."

      Following is the report on temperance:
      "The anti-saloon sentiment is steadily growing among the Baptists of Kentucky, and from them it is spreading out to other denominations, and an increased activity is observed all along the line of temperance workers. The form of opposition now being taken by the organizing forces against the licensed saloon is local option. An effort is being made by the Interdenominational Committee to arouse the temperance people on the subject of voting for local option men for the Legislature, in order that a bill may be passed authorizing county local option elections. The State conventions of evangelical denominations are moving in this direction, and a union effort is being made to employ a State Secretary to give his entire time to the work.

      "Your committee would recommend that this association adopt the following suggestions as the sense of this body, and heartily recommend them to the consideration of the membership of our churches:

"1. That we totally abstain from the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage.

"2. That we do not give aid in the making or selling of strong drink for beverage purpose.

"3. That, irrespective of political affiliations, we work and vote in behalf of men who will go to the Legislature and do their best to secure the passage of a county local option bill.

"4. That we take and read 'The Kentucky Star' which is the official organ of the local option workers, published at Georgetown, Ky., and edited by Bro. J. J. Rucker.

"5. That we recommend our people to hold mass-meetings in their respective precincts, irrespective of party lines, and notify the respective parties and party leaders, that, if they do not nominate for office men pledged to the foregoing principles, we will not support the nominees of our respective parties, but will vote for the man irrespective of party lines."

      Several leading laymen made enthusastic speeches, saying they would lead their respective precincts in the proposed mass meetings. The consensus of opinions was that we had struck the key note in moving toward sending proper men to the Legislature.

      By a vote of 71 to 12 the association adopted the same resolution as last year with reference to withholding support from the Seminary so long as Dr. Whitsitt is connected with it.

      The pastors were requested to secure petitions from their members memorializing the President and Congress in reference to religious liberty in Cuba, Porto Rico, etc.

      The association endorsed the course of our missionary, Bro. A. N. Whittinghill, in his reproving a too officious woman in one of his meetings, and in his defense in court, when he was sued for slander. Dr. Coleman presided in his characteristic style. Br. C. E. Eades and Bro. C. W. Wells made splendid secretaries. The association was the largest in its history, there being 183 messengers present. A departure was made in that the letters were not publicly read, but referred to a committee, who reported a summary of facts and figures. Three newly organized churches were added to the body, making now a total of 57. There were 455 persons baptized during the year, making a total now of 9,236. Only about $2,000 was given for missions. The total amount given for all purposes was a little over $28,000.

      There was perfect unanimity of sentiment on every question except the "Whitsitt matter," It was a spiritual, helpful meeting, lasting three days.

     The three state papers were commended - the "Recorder," Argus and "Flag." A collection was taken for the Orphans' Home. The session next year will be held with the Owensboro Third Baptist Church, Bro. G. L. Morrill to preach the sermon.
OWENSBORO, KY, August, 19.

[From The Baptist Argus, September 22, 1898, p. 12. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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