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Ohio River Baptist Association (KY)
A Session Full of Enthusiasm
(Crittenden County)
From The Baptist Argus, 1904
      Deer Creek church is pleasantly situated near Sheridan in Crittenden county, some ten miles from Marion and about the same distance from the Ohio River. The association comprises thirty-six churches and thirty-five of them were represented at their three days' meeting, beginning the 24th of August.

      Seldom has the writer attended a similar meeting where there were better speeches, more interest in all lines of work fostered by the association or where there was a better prospect for advancement.

      Spiritual fervor ran high. Each session was begun with a period of devotional exercises, lasting sometimes half an hour. Eleven different sermons were preached (including the introductory) by different brethren during the three days. Coming between the report on Orphans' Home followed by a cash collection of $40, and the report on Ministers' Aid Society, and after a touching address by Rev. D. M. Green, of Calvert City, the patriarch of that section of the state, with a cash offering for his personal benefit, was a season of refreshing from the presence of the Lord seldom equaled in any meeting. With love in their hearts finding expression in songs, shouting and tears, it lasted for nearly half an hour and included nearly every one in the house. This was renewed while singing the closing song and giving the parting handshake.

      But few of the associational "tramps" were present, so the brethren at home got the chance to speak their minds. They did it well and profitably in most instances. While there were differences of opinion touching some points, the discussions were in a good spirit. In their eagerness to carry some points, the association reversed themselves on their expressed vote in one or two instances.

      The report of the committee on digest of letters furnished the following interesting facts and figures:
     Number of churches, 36; number of members, 3,610; number of baptisms, 251; gain in members, 128; total contributions, $7,227.37; pastors' salary and church expenses, $6,235.83; outside objects, $991.54. This shows a gain of $1,673 03 over last year in the item of pastors' salary. It also disclosed the sad that ten churches had no Sunday schools, and two had died or suspended during the past year. This ought not to be so.

      Rev. W. R. Gibbs and Rev. R. A. LaRue were promptly re-elected by the deposit of one ballot, to the offices of moderator and clerk. Both performed their duties admirably, so much so that the salary of the clerk was increased 25 per cent.

      Nowhere is hospitality more abundant and hearty than in western Kentucky and this community proved that it was no exception. The large delegation of messengers and visitors was handsomely and hospitably entertained. The memory of the delightful evening spent in the of Brother L. A. LaRue in company with some thirty others, will linger long with the Argus man. A singing match was the feature of the evening. The old folks sang the old songs by Bro. D. M. Green; who at eighty-five is active and vigorous in mind body and young as a boy at heart. The young folks sang the new songs with the help of the organ and it was hard for the umpire to judge between them.
          H. E. C.


[From From The Baptist Argus, September 1, 1904. p. 5; via Baylor U. digitized documents. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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