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Clinton College Ad, 1909
Clinton, Kentucky
I am set for the defense of the gospel. - Paul
Murray, Kentucky.
August 19, 1910.
Elsewhere in this issue yon will find an "ad" of Clinton College. This is the only Kentucky Baptist school west of the rivers. It has taken on new life under the management of Pres. Lowry and the outlook for the coming session is brighter than ever before. The course of study is more thorough than in in any years and in every way possible the standard of excellence is being raised. Our Baptist people in the eight counties west of the rivers ought to rally to the support of this - our own school. Earnest efforts are being put forth to strengthen the Bible department of this school by securing one of the safest, sanest, best teachers of the Bible and our Baptist doctrines in all the South. We sincerely hope that they may secure him for this work. Clinton College is trying to "keep the quality up" and improve every department possible. Instead of sending their boys and girls to Bowling Green, Lexington and other state schools or other cheap schools of the normal variety, Baptists ought to send their children to our Baptist schools. Our Shibboleth should be Baptist schools for our Baptist boys and girls and as a loyal son of Old Kentucky we might add Kentucky Baptist schools for Kentucky Baptist boys and girls. Reader, if you live in West Kentucky and want to send your children to a co-educational school send them to Clinton College; if you prefer a college exclusively for boys send your boys to Bethel College. If you are a booster, boost our Baptist school. Since writing the above we learn that Dr. J. H. Anderson has accepted the work as teacher of the Bible and Theology at Clinton College. We rejoice that he is coming to West Kentucky. We count B. H. Carroll and J. H. Anderson the two greatest teachers and expounders of the Bible in all our Southland. If Bro. Anderson plans a pastor's course in Bible study any exposition, as we hope he will, every pastor in reach of Clinton College, who has not already had such a course ought to take advantage of such a rare treat.
Many of our laymen, whom God has blessed with this world's goods, ought to count it a privilege to give $100 a year towards the salary of this man of God, while he teaches our young preachers the Old Book.
Well did the Psalmist say: "In God have I put my trust, I will not he afraid, what can man do unto me?" And Isaiah says; "Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is staid on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee." He giveth His beloved, who cast their cares upon Him, rest, peace, freedom from anxiety and sweet refreshing sleep.
[Documents provided by Ben Stratton, Farmington, KY. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
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