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This church is located on Drowning Creek, in Madison County, Kentucky. The only written records of this church that could be found begin with the date February 16, 1901, and we understand that all the other records were either misplaced or lost. From Association records we learn that this church is more than one hundred years old. The first association record we find is in 1817, when she was admitted to North District Association, reporting at that time a membership of forty, her messengers being Samuel Kelly, Samuel Davidson, Charles Epperson and Joe Eastin. In the year 1823, at her own request, she was dismissed from North District Association, to unite with another, but the name of the association is not given. The next record is in 1859, when six other churches assembled with Drowning Creek Church, and these seven churches organized the Irvine Association, and elected Elder Smith V. Potts moderator and James Richardson clerk. How long she affiliated with Irvine Association is not known, but when she was received into Boone's Creek Association she had a letter from Land Mark Association.The church records of February 16, 1901, show that Elder A. G. Coker was pastor, and D. F. Sharp clerk. In December, 1901, Elder J. W. Parson was extended a call, which he accepted, and he remained their pastor until August, 1913, and perhaps longer, as there is a period of three years after this date during which there are no records. In May, 1902, D. F. Sharp and W. R. Woolery were ordained deacons. In December, 1913, Miss Grace Woolery was elected clerk. It is presumed that D. F. Sharp had resigned, as he had served as clerk for twelve years or more. There are no records of any meetings of the church from August 16, 1913 to June, 1916. At the latter meeting J. B. Wilson was elected clerk and has served in that capacity ever since. At this June meeting, in 1916, we find Elder W. A. Bowman pastor of the church, and he remained as such until July, 1917.
In September, 1917, Brother J. W. Richardson, a member of Locust Branch Church was ordained to the preaching of the Gospel at Drowning Creek Church, he having been called as pastor of the church and served them for one year. In January, 1919, Elder William Rix accepted the care of the church, remaining until September, 1920. From this time the church seems to have been without a regular pastor until May 13, 1922, when a call was extended to Elder J. W. Richardson. This is the last record in the church book up to date (April, 1923).
On petition from Drowning Creek Church she was received into Boone's Creek Association in 1920, reporting a membership of sixty-four, and a Sunday School enrollment of forty-five. Last year, 1922, she reported a church membership of sixty-one; she had no pastor and there was no Sunday School report.
Drowning Creek Church's quota for the Seventy-five Million Campaign was $150.00.
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This church never belonged to Boone's Creek Association, hut inasmuch as some writers have confused it with Providence Church on Lower Howard's Creek, especially after 1870, when that congregation built a new frame house upon the pike, about one mile from the Old Stone Meeting House, which was erroneously called New Providence by some, in order to distinguish it from the former meeting house.The subject of this sketch, New Providence Church, was located on Combs' Creek, Clark County, Kentucky, near Kiddvllle, on the eastern border of Indian Old Fields. It was at first an arm of Upper Howard's Creek Church, and is referred to in the records of that church as the "Arm at Old Fields" (meaning Indian Old Fields). The church was constituted in 1822, and was received into North District Association, when it convened with Goshen Church the same year, at which time the church reported a membership of fourteen, and John B. Hays and Vivion Daniel were the messengers. New Providence Church remained in North District until she ceased to exist several years ago.
Indian Creek Church was located ten miles southeast of Winchester, Kentucky, on Indian Creek, about one mile below where the present Allansville pike crosses the creek. Nathaniel Haggard, Sr., and four of his married sons emigrated to Kentucky from Albemarle County, Virginia, about the year 1788. The father and three of his sons, Nathaniel, Jr., Bartlett and James, settled in the Bush settlement around the Old Stone Meeting House on Lower Howard's Creek, but John, who married Mary Shepherd in Virginia, son of Nathaniel Haggard Sr., settled about six miles southeast of Winchester, between the waters of Four Mile and Upper Howard's Creeks, afterwards known as the Haggard-Hampton settlement. (See Unity and Mt. Olive Churches). John Haggard, Sr., became a member of Unity Church. Tradition says that when Elder James Quisenberry, pastor of Unity Church, married his second wife in 1811, within six weeks after the death of his first wife, who left twelve children, this hasty action on his part so offended John Haggard, Jr., that he withdrew his membership from Unity Church and, with others, constituted a new church, known as Indian Creek Church. Be that as it may, the first record we have of this church is to be found in August, 1823, when a deed was recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Clark County Court (Deed Book No. 20, page 122), in which John Haggard, Sr., and his wife, Mary Haggard, conveyed to the Trustees of Indian Creek Church one acre of land and the church house, which was already built, was to be in the center of the church lot. Tradition also says that the church record book of Indiana Creek Church was lost in a ftre along with the first record book of Mt. Olive Church.If Indian Creek Church ever affiliated with any association prior to 1827, it must have been Tate's Creek Association, for in the year 1827 she was received
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into Boone's Creek Association, reporting a membership of sixty and her messengers being Elder Edward Kindred, J. T. Watts, Jesse Hampton and David Reed, the last two being sons-in-law of John Haggard, Sr. The next year the church reported to the Association a membership of one hundred and five, and thereafter her membership never exceeded this number.When the division came in 182i9, between the Baptists and the followers of Alexander Campbell, Indian Creek Church stood loyal to the Baptists and was one of the seven churches to vote for retaining what is the present constitution of Boone's Creek Association. The doctrine as preached by the new sect gained but few, if any, adherents from this congregation.
In 1830, the first year after the division, Boone's Creek Association held her annual session with Indian Creek Church, at which time that church reported a membership of ninety-five.
Indian Creek Church was a faithful member of the association, reporting each year by letter and messengers, until 1845, when Mt. Olive Church was constituted by the union of Unity and Indian Creek Churches.
John Haggard, Sr., two of his sons, David T. and Martin Haggard, as well as two of his sons-in-law, David Reed and Jesse Hampton, were prominent and influential members of Indian Creek Church. In 1845, David T. Haggard, Jesse Hampton and David Reed were members of the committee from Indian Creek Church to confer with the committee from Unity Church as to the propriety of uniting the two churches, and as a result of this conference the two churches became one congregation. On this committee were two other sons and another son-in-law of John Haggard, Sr. (See Mt. Olive Church.)
Mt. Union Church was admitted into Boone's Creek Association in the year 1823. We have been unable to learn where this church was located, or when it was constituted, as the records of the Association do not make any mention of its location cr date of constitution. Her messengers to the Association in 1823 were William Boone, Thomas Downton, G. W. Allen and R. Petty. The following year the same messengers appear on the records of the Association, with the name of S. Boone added to the list, and they reported a membership of sixty-six. Judging from the names of the messengers, we believe the location of the church must have been on Boone's Creek, in Fayette County. She reported each year to Boone's Creek Association until 1829, in which year she was one of the six churches that voted for the abolishing of the constitution of the Association, and hence was lost to the Baptists.
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Hind's Creek Church was located in Madison County, Kentucky, just below Clay's Ferry. Nothing is known of the history of this congregation prior to her entering into Boone's Creek Association, at the first meeting of that body after its constitution in 1823, when her messengers were Isaac Sterns and John Manion. During the troublesome times of 1828-30, when the battle was on between the Baptists and Reformers in the Association, the Association convened in 1829 with Hind's Creek Church, and when the vote was taken as to whether or not the constitution of Boone's Creek Association should be abolished, Hind's Creek Church stood true to the cause of the Baptists, and voted to retain the constitution of the Association.Hind's Creek never reported more than thirty-three members, and she appears for the last time in the records of Boone's Creek Association in 1831.
Lower Bethel Church was received into Boone's Creek Association in 1824, but the records fail to state where she was located. It is believed to have been located at North Middletown, Bourbon County, Kentucky. The records of the Association show that her messengers in 1824 were, H. Darnal, I. Rash, I. Simms, C. Harris, and B. Mason, and she reported a membership of fifty-five. At the session of the Association in 1829, Lower Bethel Church reported a membership of one hundred and eighty-one, and was one of the six churches that voted for the abolishment of the constitution of Boone's Creek Association. The church never reported to the Association after that year, and presumably she was never affiliated with the Baptists after this.______________
Nicholasville Church was located at Nicholasville, the county seat of Jessamine County, Kentucky. The first record we find of this congregation is when she was received into Boone's Creek Association in 1825, at which time she reported a membership of nineteen, and her messengers were, R. H. Prewett and I. Sale. The church reported by letter and messengers to Boone's Creek Association until the year 1829, when she reported a membership of one hundred and seventy-two, but she was one of the six churches that voted for the abolishment of the constitution, when the Association convened with Hind's Creek Church that year, and by so doing, it is presumed, she lost her identity as a Baptist church. From that time we hear nothing more of a Baptist church in Nicholasville until the year 1848, when another Baptist church was constituted. We learn from Mr. Ernest Watts, of Nicholasville, a former clerk of the church, that the meeting house of the Baptists of Nicholasville was used as a hospital for two years during the Civil War. The church of Nicholasville which was constituted in 1848 never had any connection with Boone's Creek Association, as she has always been affiliated with South Elkhorn Association.
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Mt. Moriah Church was received into Boone's Creak Association in 1824, reporting a membership of thirty-seven, her messengers being I. Highley, F. Howard, P. Weathers and T. Jackman. The location of the church is unknown. It dissolved in 1825. There was a church by the name of Mt. Moriah that united with South Elkhorn Association in 1806 and was dismissed from that Association in 1824. We believe this to have been the same congregation.______________
MT. Z1ON CHURCH - 1825
Mt. Zion Church was located on the waters of Boone's Creek, in the south-western part of Clark County, Kentucky. The first record we have of this congregation is a deed dated April 7, 1825 (Deed Book No. 21, page 184, Office of the Clerk of the Clark County Court), and made by Richard Morton to Robert V. Bush and Flavel Vivion, as Trustees appointed by the neighborhood in which they lived. This deed is for one acre of land and the said Bush and Vivion were appointed to erect a church thereon, and on May 28, 1827, they conveyed by deed the church property to other trustees appointed by the church, stating that they had raised the money and built a meeting house to be known as Mt. Zion. This church was received into Boone's Creek Association in 1825, reporting a membership of twenty-six, the messengers for that year being Elder Richard Morton, R. N. Bush, E. Holliday and W. Webb. The church grew in numbers and when she reported to the Association in 1829, she had a membership of one hundred and seventy-eight. When the motion to abolish the constitution of Boone's Creek Association was voted on that year Mt. Zion cast her vote in the affirmative, the majority of her members having become adherents of the doctrine taught by Alexander Campbell.______________
Mt. Freedom Church had two locations in Jessamine County, Kentucky. The first location was two miles east of Wilmore, on the Shaker Ferry turnpike; the old meeting house is still standing, but is now used as a barn. The second location is at Wilmore, in Jessamine County, where they have a splendid brick building, erected in 1903, and dedicated the same year, the dedicatory sermon being delivered by Dr. W. H. Felix.The constitution of this church is described in the record book as follows: "Jessamine County, Kentucky, the Friday before the third Saturday in September, 1832. Agreeable to a former appointment for the constitution of a Baptist church of the United Order of Baptists, at the above place. There were messengers to assist in the constitution from Hickman, Mt. Gilead, Boggs' Fork, Shawnee Run and Mt. Pleasant churches. Brother John Rice was chosen moderator and Brother R. L. Steinbergin clerk of the presbytery."
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It is presumed that the new organization was composed of twelve members, as the church united with Boone's Creek Association the day following its constitution, and reported a membership of twelve, her messengers being B. P. Evans and Isaac Crisman.The church adopted as their articles of faith the terms of the General Union of 1801, between the Separate and Regular Baptists, The following resolution was also adopted on the day of their constitution: "Owing to the many strange doctrines lately propagated among the Baptist denomination, and in order that society and the world may know our opinion, we do solemnly protest against the doctrines of the Rev. Alexander Campbell and all its adherents."
In October, 1852, Brother B. P. Evans was elected clerk of the church, and he continued to serve faithfully in this position for eleven years. At the same meeting Brother Josiah Minter was invited to exercise his gift of prayer and exhortation for the church and elsewhere, as he may see proper. On motion, Elder John Rice was called as pastor, but inasmuch as they never received an answer from him, the church extended a call to Elder John Dean in May, 1833, which he accepted and served as their pastor until January, 1834. In August, 1833, Isaac Crisman was chosen a deacon. In April, 1836, Gabriel Slaughter was chosen a deacon.
Elder John Rice had preached for them from January, 1834, to April, 1837, but it does not appear clear from the records whether or not he accepted the pastorate during that time. Elder Edward Waller accepted the care of the church in April, 1837, serving them for one year.
During the annual session of Boone's Creek Association, which was held with Mt. Freedom Church in 1837, the subject of foreign missions was brought before that body in the following manner: "The Association took up the question of Hickman Church in relation to raising a fund to aid the American Foreign Bible Society sending the word of God to the heathen, and adopted the following resolution, to wit: 'Resolved, that the Association believes the Bible cause to be the cause of God and worthy of the efforts of every Christian, we therefore recommend to the churches composing the Association to take the matter into consideration and report their views on the subject and send on their subscriptions and contributions to our next Association to aid the Society in its operations.'"
According to the records of the next annual Association, Mt. Freedom was the only church in Boone's Creek Association to give anything for foreign missions. In the fall of 1837, a series of meetings was conducted by Elders Josiah Leak, Dennis Moss and Mason Owens, which resulted in thirty-three being added to the church by experience and baptism. After the close of the meeting Elder Josiah Leak accepted the care of the church, serving them until November, 1838. In January, 1838, on a motion made by Joseph Minter, the following two questions were put to a vote.
"1st Query: Is it right that a member of this church should commune with any other church that is not of the same faith and order? Answer: No."
"2nd Query: Is it right for this church to receive a member's baptism valid that was baptized by another society, that is not of the same faith and order with us? Answer: In the negative."
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After the vote Brother Minter being satisfied with the action of the church, declines requesting a letter of dismissal. In April, 1838, Josehph Minter and Joseph Curd were elected deacons. In June, 1838, the church voted to hold a prayer meeting on the first Sunday in each month. One of their members, Brother Robert Melvin, was ordained to the ministry.Elder Mason Owens accepted the pastorate in February, 1841. The church agreed to pay him $150.00 a yeair for his services. This is the first record of this church having remunerated a pastor for his services. In May, 1841, Henry Ballard was chosen a deacon. Robert Rowland and James Graves were licensed by the church, an May, 1842, to exercise their gift of preaching and exhortation. Elder Thomas J. Fisher, assisted by the pastor, Mason Owens, held a series of meetings in July, 1842, when there was added to the church by experience and baptism, fifty white and twenty-eight black members. In August, 1842, Peter Campbell and Harrison Wilson were chosen deacons.
James R. Graves and A. G. Rowland were ordained to the ministry from Mt. Freedom Church in October, 1842. Brother Graves was quite a useful man to the Baptist denomination, and became editor of the Tennessee Baptist in 1846, which he published in Nashville until the Civil War caused its suspension. After the war he continued the publication from Memphis, Tenn., for years. His industry, energy and activity were almost matchless. Although living most of his life in Tennessee, he labored much in Southern Kentucky.
On motion, the church, at its meeting in December, 1842, agreed to request their pastor, Mason Owens, to preach two Sundays in each month. Thomas Hawkins was elected clerk in February, 1843. The following month, W. L. Ballard was elected clerk. In April, of the same year, the church invited Elder James R. Graves and R. G. Rowland to preach for them once a month. We do not think this means the pastoral call of the church, as Elder Mason Owens was still their pastor. In June, 1843, the church decided to build a house of worship. It is inferred from the records that the house they had been using was also used by others of different faith. They selected a lot adjoining the one they had been using.
A series of meetings was held in September, 1843, the pastor being assisted by Elder Willis Peek; the meeting resulted in fourteen additions to the church. In January, 1844, the church agreed to observe the Lord's Supper once every two months, instead of once every three months, as had previously been her custom. Thomas Hawkins was elected clerk at this meetiing. In January, 1846, the church went into the investigation of some difficulty involving the pastor, Brother Owens, and Brother P. Campbell. Brother Campbell having insinuated that he had some objections to Brother Owens, the church called on him to state them, which he did, to the effect that Brother Owens had a fiddle in his house and that he had heard him trying to play it. The church dismissed the matter, and appointed a committee of four to try and reconcile the aggrieved brethren. In a short time the difficulty was settled. But when Elder Owens' time for which he had been called as pastor expired the following month, he declined to accept another call. In April, 1846, on motion, the part of the minutes of the January meeting
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that had reference to Brethren Owens and Campbell were ordered to be expunged from the records. In May, 1846, the church went into the call of a pastor, but could not agree on one.About this time, a difficulty arose in the church, charges and counter-charges being made againt certain members. This became quite serious, and referees were called in to see if they could not adjust the matter, but their efforts were fruitless, and the difficulty increased, finally resulting in two letters being sent to Boone's Creek Association, in 1847, each claiming to be from Mt. Freedom Church. Both letters were read and neither received by the Association, the church being declared in disorder. Whereupon letters were sent to the different churches composing the Association, requesting helps from them, to meet at Mt. Freedom Church on October 29th and 30th, 1847, to ascertain who were the true church. On the dates mentioned, committees from six churches met at Mt. Freedom Church, and selected Ambrose Bush, moderator of Boone's Creek Association, as chairman of the meeting. After a thorough investigation the convention decided that the portion of the church who were in possession of the church records were the true Church of Mt. Freedom.
In the following November, Elder Edward Darnaby was called as pastor, and the proceedings of the convention from the several churches, held in October, were ordered to be printed and distributed among the churches. In August of the same year, Thomas Hawkins was released from the clerkship, and John Bradshaw chosen clerk. Elder T. I. Drane accepted the pastorate in January, 1848, and served them for three yaers.
In October, 1851, we find the following entry: "On motion, the church appointed the following Brethren, I. Curd, James Minter, Thomas Hawkins, and J. Bradshaw, a committee to confer with the Methodist friends in selecting a preacher on our part for the purpose of dedicating the new house at this place." We infer from this that the Baptists and Methodists had jointly erected a house of worship. Elder Robert Noland accepted the care of the church, serving them for one year. He was succeeded by Elder Strother Cook, who remained with them until the latter part of the year 1853. James Dorman was chosen clerk of the church in January, 1852. Elder Rowland became pastor in February, 1854, and he was succeeded by Elder Jacob A. Ard, in April, 1856, who was in turn succeeded by Elder M. C. Clark. Elder Clark tendered his resignation in April, 1860, and was succeeded by Brother E. Neal, who was ordained to the ministry in November, 1860. Brother Neal was succeeded by Elder Strother Cook, a former pastor of the church, who began his pastorate in August, 1862.
In May, 1861, John Bradshaw and J. H. Wilson were chosen deacons. In December, of the same year, J. H. Wilson was elected church clerk. In August, 1863, the church, after the preaching service, elected her messengers to Boone's Creek Association, which was to hold its next annual session in September with Mt. Freedom Church. The church book states that all the minutes from August, 1863 to August 14, 1866, were lost. On the last named date we find this record: "On motion, a committee was appointed to prepare the statistics of the church and a letter to South District Association." However, at their meeting in September following, the church agreed to send a letter to Boone's Creek Association
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and in that letter request a letter of dismissal from the Association, which was granted. This terminated the connection of Mt. Freedom Church with Boone's Creek Association. The church entertained four annual sessions of Boone's Creek Association, in the years 1837, 1843, 1853, and 1863.Here we leave them, except to say that presumably she did not become a member of South District Association, for her records show that in August, 1867, she sent her letter of dismissal from Boone's Creek Association together with her letter requesting admission into South Elkhorn Association, and is a member of that Association at the present time, and reported, in 1921, a membership of two hundred and seventy-eight, with a Sunday School enrollment of one hundred and seventy-four, her pastor being Dr. H. B. Gabby. At the same time she reported the valuation of church property at $30,500.00, including the parsonage.
Through the present efficient and obliging clerk, Brother J. Hunt Lowry, we have had access to the old church records of Mt. Freedom Church.
Mt. Olive Church is located in Clark County, Kentucky, eight miles south of Winchester, on the Muddy Creek pike, in the locality that has been known from the earliest history of the county as the Haggard-Hampton settlement, and also as a Baptist settlement. John Haggard, Sr., who married Mary Shepherd, in Virginia, and James French, another frontiersman, secured jointly 2,000 acres of land in this section, either by preemption or patent. They afterward divided the land, Haggard taking his part on the east and south of Four Mile Creek, including the land upon which Mt. Olive meeting house now stands. French took his on the west and north of the creek. John Haggard built a frontiersman's cabin and settled on his land. French, having large land holdings in the then new country, never settled on this tract, and his land soon passed into the hands of the Hamptons, and has been in the possession of that family ever since, nearly a century and a half. John Haggard, Sr., raised a family of four girls and four boys, all of whom settled in that community, became Baptists, and were influential citizens. His son John, of whom we have something to say under Unity Church, married Mourning Quisenberry, a daughter of Elder James Quisenberry, the pioneer Baptist Preacher (See Unity Church). Sally Haggard, a daughter of John Haggard, Sr., married Jesse Hampton, in February, 1803, and we speak of him under Indian Creek Church. There was another Jesse Hampton, who married Nancy Jackson, in January, 1813, whose daughter, Polly, married A. Howard Hampton, Sr. He was also a staunch Baptist and became a prominent and wealthy citizen of Clark County. He was one of the constituent members of Mt. Olive Church, and his children and grandchildren have always taken an active interest in this church.After the records of Mt. Olive were destroyed by fire, A. Howard Hampton, Sr., and Judge A. L. Haggard were appointed a committee to write the present constitution. From her organization the church has always been a power for good
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in the community, and for many years was one of the strongest and most influential churches in Boone's Creek Association, but at present is not as strong as in former years.The records for the first ten years of this church having been destroyed in a fire (as well as the records of Unity and Indian Creek Churches, according to tradition), and all of the constituent members being dead, we would know little about the early history of Mt. Olive, but for the fact that the writer has a copy of the minutes of Boone's Creek Association for the year 1881, in which there is a
brief account of the early history of this church, but the author of the article does not give his name. However, we believe it to have been written by Judge Frank S. Alien, a former clerk of the church. It is stated in this article that the early church records were lost when the residence of the author was destroyed by fire. We find from this article that Dr. W. F. Broaddus and Elder Edward Darnaby were instrumental in gathering this church at Mt. Olive. The word of God, as sown by these orthodox men, took deep root in that congregation and has brought forth fruit to the glory of our Lord, for many of the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the constituent members of this old church are orthodox
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Baptists. We might also say here that her two daughters, Ephesus and Allansville, for most of their constituent members were from Mt. Olive, have held with tenacity to that doctrine, as received by their ancestors at old Mt. Olive.Dr. Spencer says of her first pastor, Elder Edward Darnaby, that his ministerial life was full of good fruits, and that he accomplished more in the brief period of thirteen years than many a preacher of equal advantages has wrought in a ministry of two score years.
From the article above mentioned, we abstract the following: "The records of Mt. Olive were lost, when my residence was destroyed by fire. We therefore give a sketch from our own recollections, as follows, to wit:
Born February 28, 1808;
died November 18, 1891.
"In our first recollection there were two Baptist churches, known as the Old School United Baptist churches, situated in the vicinity of the present church, about three miles distant from each other, being known by the name of Unity
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Church and Indian Creek Church, where regular meetings were held for many years, until about the year 1840, at or about which time the said two churches were left without regular preaching. A short time after this Elders William P. Broaddus and Edward Darnaby, known as United Baptist Ministers of the Missionary pursuasion visited said churches and held a meeting of days with each of them, at which time said churches were revived spiritually, and a considerableingathering of members at each of them. They called Elder Darnaby as their pastor, which services he continued to perform until about the year 1845, at which time the two churches, through the advice and counsel of their pastor, appointed committees as follows: From Indian Creek Church, David T. Haggard, Jesse Hampton, David Reed and Elder S. V. Potts, and on the part of Unity Church, Joel Quisenberry, John Haggard and Pleasant Haggard, (all being sons
Born January 3, 1820;
died December 19, 1895.
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or sons-in-law of John Haggard, Sr., except Elder Potts), to hold conference with each other, as to the propriety of uniting the two churches into one body. After due consideration, the two churches met at Indian Creek Church for the purpose of constituting what is now known as Mt. Olive Church, and after singing and prayer, they began by giving themselves to the Lord and to one another, &c., and further agreeing to constitute it upon the fundamental truths of the gospel as laid down in the Old and New Testament Scriptures, &c."This brings us up to September 17, 1853, at which date the written records of the church which have preserved begin. At this date we find Elder T. I. Wills was pastor, and David T. Haggard clerk, and the church had a membership of one hundred and seventy-two, the second largest in Boone's Creek Association at that time. In July, 1856, the church held a series of meetings and fifty-four were added to the membership. In March, 1858, the church voted to hold a three days annual meeting to commence on Friday before the third Sunday in May of each year. No doubt this gave rise to and was the origin of the Big May Meeting at Mt. Olive. In former years the crowds at these meetings were very large, dinner being served on the grounds, the whole community taking part in entertaining the visitors. After a time they ceased to serve dinner on the grounds, but the community, noted for her hospitality, entertained the visitors in their homes. As time passed and conditions changed, the crowds became smaller and smaller, so that the Big May Meeting at Mt. Olive became a thing of the past."The church proceeded to appoint a building committee, consisting of Joel Quiseuberry, Jesse Hampton, David Reed, David T. Haggard, and John Haggard, Jr., (all five being sons and sons-in-law of John Haggard, Sr.) whose labors terminated in the erection of a substantial frame house which has been kept in a good state of repair. The new church house was built about an equal distance between the two old churches. The dedicatory sermon was preached by Dr. Wm. Pratt. At this time a meeting of days was held, the church much revived and fifty-five persons added to the church. That venerable and good man, Elder E. Darnaby, was still retained as pastor, and David T. Haggard as clerk. In 1848, the church gave letters of dismissal to several of her members for the purpose of constituting what is known as Ephesus Church, Clark County, Kentucky.
"From this time until the year 1850, the church prospered under the preaching of Elder Darnaby, at which time he resigned his pastoral care of the church. The church then called Elder T. I. Wills as pastor."
In March, 1858, David T. Haggard, who had served this congregation so faithfully as clerk for fourteen years, tendered his resignation, and F. S. Allan was chosen in his place. In January, 1861, Elder George Broaddus became pastor, ssrving only a few months. At this meeting the church voted she would not tolerate drinking and dancing in the houses of her members. In May, 1862, the church held a series of meetings, having thirty-two additions. In February, 1862, Elder T. I. Wills again became pastor, but resigned in April, 1863. In the following July, Elder Wills was again extended a call, but owing to a force of circumstances he was compelled to refuse the call. (We presume he had reference
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to the conditions brought about by the Civil War). In October, 1863, Elder A. D. Rash became their under-shepherd and served them until February, 1868.Elder T. I. Wills then entered upon his third pastorate of this church in March, 1868, this last time serving until December, 1871. This valient old soldier of the cross was called to his heavenly home on September 23, 1872, and we give a part of the resolutions passed by Mt. Olive Church, whom he served so devotedly for more than fifteen years at different times.
"Resolved, That in the death of Brother T. I. Wills we have lost one who honored his profession as a minister of the Gospel, and under whose watchcare the church has altogether been blest with the words of his sweet counsel for more than fifteen years, and as a minister the church has ever had the highest regard for bis efficient services, &c."In October, 1868, a committee was appointed to meet with the Winchester First Church for the purpose of assisting in organizing a Home Missionary Board within the bounds of Boone's Creek Association. In March, 1869, at the request of a sister church, Mt. Olive voted to ordain one of her members, Brother Elias Brookshire, to the preaching of the Gospel. In November, 1871, the church voted to send some brethren to assist in organizing a Baptist church called Corinth, in Clark County. In March, 1872, after fourteen years of faithful service as clerk, F. S. Allan resigned and Henry A. Hampton was chosen clerk. In November, 1872, Elder W. B. Arvin accepted the pastorate, and remained with them until January, 1874.At the November meeting in 1872, is the first record of any missionary activities, when the church gave $50.00 for District Missions. In June, 1873, F. S. Allen was again elected clerk, which position he resigned in October, 1875, when his son, James L. Allan was chosen clerk. Judge F. S. Allan was moderator of Boone's Creek Association in the years 1879 and 1880. In October, 1874, the church voted to assess each member fifty cents for missionary work in Boone's Creek Association. In February, 1875, Elder J. L. Smith accepted as a supply pastor for a time. In May, 1875, Elder A. F. Baker became their under-shepherd, serving them with zeal and devotion for five years. He was a strong preacher and a good pastor.
In October, 1875, a brother reported to the church that he had been playing "weevil wheat," and dancing, but could not convince himself that it was wrong. A committee was appointed to confer with the brother. At the next meeting another brother came before the church and stated that he had never realized that his sins were pardoned, and therefore requested the church to exclude him. The church granted his request. He afterwards gave his heart to God and became useful in church work. In August, 1876, the church gave $227.00 to the Baptist Centennial Committee of Louisville, Kentucky.
After Elder Baker's resignation, Elder J. L. Smith again became pastor, in June, 1880, remaining this time one year. In February, 1881, George Doyle was elected clerk, after the resignation of James L. Allan. After Elder Smith declined a call for longer service as pastor, Elder J. Dallas Simmons became under-shepherd of this flock, in August, 1881, serving them with fidelity until August, 1887. When Brother Simmons notified the church that he felt called to another
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field, it was with reluctance that the church accepted his resignation, as will be seen from the resolutions embodied in their church minutes, a part of which are as follows: "That it is with profound sorrow that we are apprised of his determination to leave us, and we hereby express our love for him as a man, a Christian and a pastor, and that we are conscious of the obligation under whichwe rest, for the noble and ardent work done by him during his pastoral care of this church, and of which, through God's blessing, we have reaped the benefit, &e." ![]()
Born April 19, 1821; died July 5, 1882.In May, 1882, the church agreed to have a Sunday School. This is the first mention of a Sunday School in the church minutes, but the Boone's Creek Association records show that they had a Sunday School as early as 1876. In October, 1882, S. P. Hodgkin was elected clerk, George Doyle having resigned. In July, 1884, the church voted to let the Sunday School purchase an organ, to be used
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by the Sunday School, with the understanding that they must remove it from the house at any time that the church requested its removal. In October, 1884, the church had a roll call of her members. In November, 1886, the church agreed to forgive all of her members who had been guilty of dancing in the past, but in no wise would permit any of her members to participate in the dance in the future. In December, 1886, S. P. Hodgkin resigned as clerk, and T. S. Allan appointed in his place. In September, 1887, fifteen members were granted letters of dismissal to enter into the constitution of a new church at Allansville.After Elder J. D. Simmons left them, their next pastor was Elder J. Pike Powers, who began his labors with them in March, 1888, serving them for two years. In October, 1889, the church held a series of meetings, resulting in thirty additions to the church. Rev. A. H. Anthony became their pastor in April, 1890, remaining one year, when Rev. Richard French became their under-shepherd, in May, 1891, and kept watchcare over the flock until January, 1895. Then Rev. I. T. Creek accepted the care of the church, in April, 1895, preaching two Sundays in a month. He served them until January, 1896. In May, 1896, Elder J. S. Wilson accepted the care of the church, remaining for four years.
The church ordained to the ministry one of her members, Brother P. J. Conkwright, on September 15, 1900. In April, 1901, Elder T. S. Hubert accepted the call of the church, but remained only three months. He was succeeded, in November, 1901, by Rev. Otis Hughson, who served them for three years. In May, 1903, the church voted to adopt the envelope system for the purpose of raising money for church and benevolent expenses. In August, 1905, Rev. 0. P. Bush accepted the care of the church, and remained as pastor until January, 1908.
The minutes of October, 1905, state that God in his wisdom has seen fit to remove from earth our Brother, Dr. T. S. Allen, who has been our faithful clerk for more than eight years, and as it becomes necessary to choose some one to fill the vacancy, Gordon Haggard was elected. In June, 1909, Rev. T. C. Duke accepted the call as pastor and remained until May, 1911. In November, 1909, the church voted to abolish the envelope system for the collection of funds.
In April, 1910, the church records the death of her oldest member, Sister Sallie Gordon, in the following words: "She was ninety-three years old and had been an invalid for more than thirty years. While unable to meet and worship with us, she maintained a confidence and trust in God, her Savior . . . patient in sickness, joyous in health, resigned in death."
About January, 1912, Rev. C. E. Wanford became their pastor, remaining until May, 1913. He was succeeded by Rev. E. D. Poe, in August following, who continued in the pastorate until June, 1915. In September, 1914, the clerk and pastor were appointed a committee to revise the church roll and transfer the names to the new church book. At the regular meeting of November, 1915, the church pledged $100.00 to pay for one acre of land for the Orphans Home.
The pastorate was accepted by Rev. Z. Y. Ammerson in December, 1915, and he remained with them until September, 1916. He was succeeded at once By Rev. A. N. Nicholson, who served them with fidelity and faithfulness until June, 1920. A series of meetings was held by the pastor, Brother Nicholson, in July, 1917, he being assisted by Rev. W. R. Farrar, which resulted in fifteen
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being added to the church by experience and baptism. In July, 1918, the church instructed her messengers to the Association to vote for a two days annual session of that body, instead of a three days session, as had previously been their custom. In June, 1919, the church entertained the Sunday School Convention of Boone's Creek Association.The present clerk, Everett Gravett, accepted the clerkship in May, 1920, upon the resignation of Gordon A. Haggard, whose punctuality and faithfulness to duty during a period of fifteen years, we do not think has been equalled by any other clerk in Boone's Creek Association. There was not a single time during those fifteen years that the minutes were not signed by Gordon A. Haggard.
In January, 1921, Rev. W. S. Shearer accepted the pastorate and with love ant fidelity labored with them until September, 1922, after which time they were without a regular pastor until Rev. ____ Arbuckle accepted the call in March, 1923, but he remained only two months.
The church pledged $17,181.24 on their quota of $19,000 for the Seventy-five Million Campaign.
The church has been a member in good standing and fellowship of the Boone's Creek Association ever since the constitution of the church, and has entertained seven annual sessions of that body in the following years: 1853: 1862, 1873, 1882, 1892, 1902, 1913.
The following two brethren were ordained to the ministry by this church: Elias Brookshire, 1869, and Pleasant J. Conkwright, 1900.
Pastors. - During the seventy-eight years existence as a church, Mt. Olive has been served by twenty-three pastors, as follows: (Year indicates beginning ol pastorate) Edward E. Darnaby, 1845; Thornton I. Wills (three different periods) 1850, 1862, 1868; George Broaddus, 1861; Ambrose D. Rash, 1863; W. B. Arvin, 1872; John L. Smith (two periods), 1875, 1880; A. F. Baker, 1875; J. Dallas Simmons, 1881; J. Pike Powers, 1888; A. H. Anthony, 1890; Richard French, 1891; I. T. Creek: 1895; J. S. Willson, 1896; T. S. Hubert, 1901; Otis Hughson, 1901; O. P. Bush, 1905; T. C. Duke, 1908; C. E. Wanford, 1912; E. D. Poe, 1913; Z. Y. Ammerson, 1915; A. M. Nicholson, 1916; W. S. Shearer, 1921; Rev. ____ Arbuckle, 1923.
Clerks. - This congregation has been served by nine clerks, as follows: (Year indicates beginning of service) David T. Haggard, 1845; Frank S. Allen, (two terms), 1858, 1873; Henry A. Hampton, 1872; James L. Allen, 1875; George Doyle, 1881; Sam P. Hodgkin, 1882; T. S. Allen, 1886; Gordon A. Haggard, 1905; Everett Gravett, the present clerk, 1920.
Deacons. - (Year indicates ordination) James Haggard, 1854; Pleasant J. Conkwright, Sr., 1860; Allen S. Haggard, 1867; T. Jeff. Haggard, 1867; P. E. Allan, 1889; James Eubank 1902; R. E. Quisenberry 1902; Minor Hisle, 1902; Allen Ecton, 1906; A. J. Gravett, chosen 1910 (previously ordained by another church); Audley Haggard, 1920.
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Cow Creek Church, Estill County, Kentucky, was constituted on July 25, 1846, upon the terms of General Union of the United Baptists, entered into in 1801. There are eighteen articles in the rules of decorum, the tenth being as follows: "All members male and female shall have equal privilege in church discipline." These have been copied from the old record book, which has been lost, into a new book, beginning January 3, 1876. At this time Elder N. B. Johnson was pastor and Wallace Tipton clerk. In January, 1878, the church ordered that all members who do not attend church within three months be excluded. In June, 1879, the church revoked an order in regard to letters of dismissal being good for only ninety days, and ruled that they are good always.In June, 1880, Elder J. J. Edwards succeeded Elder Johnson as pastor, and served until September, 1883, when Rev. A. J. Daugherty accepted the care of the church for one year, and was followed by Rev. T. L. Lawson, in August, 1885. This was the last recorded meeting until June, 1899, when we find Rev. A. G. Croker pastor and G. W. Abney clerk. It appears that at this meeting there was a reorganization, as a committee was appointed to repair the church building and deacons were elected. At the July meeting, Joshua Tipton and G. W. Abney were ordained deacons. Rev. Croker served as pastor until May, 1902, when Rev. R. L. Brandenburg became pastor and remained for one year. In April, 1904, Rev. A. G. Croker again accepted the pastorate and he seems to have served them until June, 1906, when we find Rev. S. A. Owen pastor and C. M. Tyree clerk. There are no further records until August, 1907, when the church book was ordered revised. At this meeting a motion was made and carried that members be received into this church from all other denominations who have been baptized and are satisfied with their baptism. At this time Rev. Joseph Ward became pastor and served until May, 1908.
Rev. William Wells was called for six months in October, 1908. In March, 1909, Rev. J. G. Parsons became pastor and served until February, 1912, when Rev. H. R. McLenden accepted the care of the church and served until May, 1913. At this meeting, the church resolved not to receive any more alien immersion, regardless of her past action on this matter. In March, 1914, there is the first mention in the church records of a Sunday School. However, the minutes of the Association in 1910 show that they had a Sunday School at that time, with an enrollment of eighty-four. At the April meeting of the same year, there is the first mention of the contribution of any funds for missions.
Rev. W. A. Woods was called as pastor in May, 1913, and the last mention of Elder Woods as pastor was in September, 1914. From this date there are no further records until July, 1916, when Rev. T. P. Edwards became pastor, and then there are no entries in the minutes until June, 1918, when a committee was appointed to make an every member canvass for church finances. We find that Rev. Edwards was still pastor in August, 1918, and the next entry in the minutes was on June 12, 1921, when Rev. Edwards resigned as pastor. In October, 1921,
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G. W. Abney resigned as clerk, and Mrs. Zoba Muncie was elected clerk. In November, 1921, Rev. S. A. Taylor became pastor, and Brother Sidney Griffin was ordained deacon.During the seventy-seven years of the history of Cow Creek Church, the records show that the family of Tipton have always taken quite an active part in everything pertaining to the welfare of the church, and few have been the years that one or more of the Tiptons have not been messengers to the Association with which the church affiliated.
Cow Creek Church was received into Boone's Creek Association in 1846, her messengers being J. Tipton, T. M. Duvell and J. Barnes, the church reporting twelve members. The church reported each year until 1859, when she had a membership of sixty-five.
When Irvine Association was constituted at Drowning Creek Church, in October, 1859, Cow Creek Church was one of the seven churches that went into constitution of that Association. J. J, Edwards was appointed missionary in 1862 and with the aid of the General Association he was kept in the field for seventeen years. During his ministry of thirty years he baptized over five thousand people. No higher eulogy is paid to any man by Spencer, in his History of Kentucky Baptists than to Elder J. J. Edwards.
Cow Creek Church, after fifty-one years, returned to Boone's Creek Association in 1910, reporting a membership of one hundred and fifty-nine, and a Sunday School enrollment of eighty-four. The church has reported by letter and messengers to this Association at every annual meeting since her return. Cow Creek Church entertained the Irvine Association in 1S71. Her quota of the Seventy-five Million Campaign was $150.00.
Ephesus Church, Clark County, Kentucky, was constituted in 1848, and at that time there were no Baptist churches in this vicinity, the nearest being Goshen (Primitive or Old Baptist) Church, four miles north, and the two congregations that worshipped in the Baptist meeting house on Dry Fork of Upper Howard's Creek, at Ruckerville, the Primitive Baptist and the Missionary Baptist, the latter affiliating with Boone's Creek Association, and it was from this congregation that came most of the members who constituted the Ephesus Church, and after its organization, the Upper Howard's Creek Missionary Baptist Church was never heard of again.Among those instrumental in the organization were the Gordon, Hunt, Wills and Ecton families. Messengers from four churches were present to assist in the constitution, viz: Upper Howard's Creek, Providence, Mt. Olive and Lulbegrud. Elder Edward H. Darnaby was moderator and James H. G. Bush and James French clerks of the presbytery. There were twenty-seven white and six colored members who constituted the new organization. They met at a house on the farm of Brother Richard R. Gordon, about one and one-half miles from the present location of the church, which is on a pretty knoll on Stoner Creek, half a mile below where the Red River Iron Works pike crosses Stoner Creek.
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It was in this church, under the preaching of that grand old man, Rev. Ambrose D. Rash, who was then pastor, that the writer ot these sketches, when a youth, in 1875, gave his heart to God, and whenever Ephesus is mentioned, or the people who worshipped there at that time, or those who worship there now, it always brings memories of the happy past, because, as Brother French used to say, "I love dear old Ephesus."
The following account of the organization of Ephesus Church is taken from the church record book:"We, the undersigned, met according to previous arrangements, near Brother Richard R. Gordon's, on Wednesday, May 24, 1848, for the purpose of constituting a church, and after singing and prayer by Brother Ambrose Bush, Moderator of Boone's Creek Association, proceeded to business as follows: By first giving ourselves to the Lord and then to one another, and agreeing to sustain the cause of God as a church as far as God in His Providence has prospered us, and further agreeing to constitute on the following, the fundamental truths of the Gospel, viz:
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"1st, That the. Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the infallible Word of God, and the only rule of faith and practice.Article No. 10, of the Rules of Decorum, reads as follows: "A majority shall rule in all cases, except in choosing a preacher, or deacons, and the reception of members, which shall be done by a unanimous vote."
"2nd. That there is only one true God, and in the Godhead or Divine Essence, one Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
"3rd. That by nature we are fallen and depraved creatures.
"4th. That salvation, regeneration, santification and justification are by the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.
"5th. That the Saints will finally persevere through grace to glory.
"6th. That believers baptism by immersion is necessary to receiving the Lord's Supper.
"7th. That salvation of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked will be eternal.
"8th. That it is our duty to be tender and affectionate to each other, and to study the happiness of the children of Gcd in general, to be engaged signally to promote'the honor of God.
"9th. And the preaching, Christ tasted death for every man shall be no bar to communion.
"10th. And when constituted to be known as the United Baptist Church of Jesus Christ at Ephesus."On the same day that it was constituted, the church called Elders Thornton I. Wills and Smith V. Potts to serve her as pastors, and elected Jesse E. Gordon clerk. Horatio Ecton, Richard R. Gordon and John Tipton were ordained the first deacons of the church.
At the second meeting of the church, a building committee was appointed, whose labors were consummated by the erection of a good frame meeting house on the location already mentioned, being a lot given the church by one of her members, Brother James Hunt. The church building has been kept in a good state of repair during these three quarters of a century.
At the July meeting. 1848, the church elected messengers to the Boone's Creek Association, and ins-tructsd them to petition the Association for admission into that body, and we learn from the records of that Association that Ephesus Church was received into that body in 1848, when convened with Cow Creek Church, in Estill County, and she has been a member of said Association in good standing and fellowship for three quarters of a century.
In July, 1848, the church voted that the second Saturday and Sunday following of each month should be the regular days for business and worship, which days are still adhered to, although during the last few years she has not met on every second Saturday, but if there is any business it is attended to on that day. During the last few years she has also had preaching on every fourth Sunday. Ephesus is one of the few churches in Boone's Creek Association that maintains that honored and old time custom of Saturday business meetings.
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In November, 1849, the church ordained one of her members, Brother John C. Hunton, to the Gospel Ministry. Like most of the Baptist churches years ago, she was very strict in discipline. In the year 1849, the church voted to commune quarterly.In April, 1851, Elder Smith V. Potts relinquished the pastoral care of the church, but in the following September Elders Wills and Potts were again called to serve the church as pastors, and they ministered to the church until March, 1853, when Brother Wills resigned, but Brother Potts continued to serve them until 1855, when the church again called Brother Thornton I. Wills, who remained their pastor until 1861.
At the October meeting, 1851, Brother James Hunt was appointed to take charge of the Sabbath School books until next meeting, and each member was requested to make an effort to obtain the services of a superintendent to teach a Sabbath School. This is the earliest date at which any of the churches in the Boone's Creek Association had endeavored to establish a Sunday School.
At the meeting in May, 1852, the church appointed a standing committee, whose business it was to invite ministering brethren to come and hold annual meetings with the church, beginning on Friday before the second Sunday in June each year. No doubt this was the origin of what is known as the Big June Meeting, at Ephesus, and to some extent the custom is still observed at the present day, though the crowds are not nearly so large as in former years.
Four years after the constitution of the church, her membership was one hundred and twenty-nine, and in the same year, 1852, the church contributed $62.50 for missionary work within the bounds of Boone's Creek Association. This is the first mention in the records of any missionary work.
In 1853, the church held weekly prayer meetings, and this is the first mention in the records of weekly prayer meeting having been held.
At the April meeting, 1854, a committee was appointed to select a Sunday School superintendent and teachers, but we infer from the minutes of the following August, that they failed to organize a Sunday School, as the committee was discharged, and it was ordered that the Sabbath School books be disposed of.
In December, 1858, the church ordained another one of her members, Brother Nathan Edmonson, to the Gospel Ministry. Brother Edmonson was for seven years clerk of the Boone's Creek Association.
The records state that the church membership in 1862 was one hundred and seventy.
After Elder Wills' time had expired in 1861, and Elder George W. Broaddus having declined the call as pastor, Brother Thornton I. Wills again became their under-shepherd and served the church with the same love and zeal that he had always shown, until May, 1864, when Elder Nathan Edmonson accepted the call extended to him and remained their pastor until July, 1865, when Elder Thornton I. Wills again accepted the pastorate and remained with them until October, 1866. In October, 1865, another effort was made to organize, a Sunday School, and Cyrus W. Boone was requested to act as superintendent. During the same year, Jesse E. Gordon, who had served the church as clerk so faithfully since her
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organization, resigned and W. D. Strode was chosen clerk, which office he filled with efficiency and satisfaction to the entire membership for half a century. Brother Strode is still living at the ripe old age of eighty-five, and his membership is still with this church. He was also clerk of Boone's Creek Association for twenty-one years, and was one of the most valuable officers the Association ever had.In December, 1866, that eminent man ol God, Dr. Ryland T. Dillard, became the under-shepherd of this congregation, having charge over them until August, 1868. The Baptists of Kentucky have had few ministers of more value to the denomination and the cause of Christ than Dr. Ryland T. Dillard.
In October, 1867, the church appointed a committee to meet with the other churches in Boone's Creek Association, at Winchester, for the purpose of placing a missionary within the bounds of said Association.
In December, 1868, Elder W. B. Arvin accepted the call as pastor, serving them until March, 1871, when he resigned. In June, of the same year, Brother Thornton I. Wills again became their pastor, and served until August, 1S72, when he was compelled to resign on account of ill health. It may be said here that Brother Wills was a preacher who filled the measure of his days in the active service of his Master; he was instrumental in gathering Ephesus Church, and at different times served her as pastor for an aggregate of sixteen years. In addition to his pastoral work here and at other churches, he labored much among the destitute in the mountain sections, for which work few men were better qualified.
In September, 1S69, twenty-three members were received by baptism. In May, 1870, a committee was appointed to assist in the organization of a church at Kiddville, and in December, 1871 another committee was appointed to assist in the organization of a church on the waters of Upper Howard's Creek, the church called Corinth.
Dr. Thomas J. Stevenson accepted the care of the church in October, 1872, remaining pastor until June, 1874. It is told of the author of these sketches, then a lad of nine years, living in the Ephesus neighborhood, that after becoming acquainted with Brother Stevenson, he remarked to his father, "that from the looks of Brother Stevenson, he must be an awful good man."
Elder George Hunt served this church as pastor for a short time, from July 1874 until April 1875. The following August Brother Ambrose D. Rash accepted the ministerial charge and remained until August, 1879, a period of four years of loving, faithful and efficient service, the church prospering under his tender, but fearless ministry.
In December, 1875, the church appointed a committee to solicit contributions for the Kentucky Baptist Centennial Fund. Brother Rash having declined to serve the church for another year, Elder J. Pike Powers became their pastor, in August, 1879, remaining their loving and affectionate servant until March, 1881. The following June, Rev. J. Dallas Simmons became their under-shepherd, and continued as such until October, 1887, serving the church for six years as a true preacher of righteousness, a loyal leader, as well as a safe adviser. The pastor and the people worked together and the church prospered under the ministry of
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Brother Simmons. The church records show that up to September, 1880, a period of thirty-two years from the date of her constitution, there had been two hundred and seventy received into the church by experience and baptism. In March, 1885, the church unanimously passed a rule that none of her members shall be allowed to engage in dancing. In February, 1884, the church adopted a motion that aged and sick members be allowed to vote for a pastor by proxy.Brother J. Pike Powers again became pastor in February, 1888, and served them until January, 1890, at which time he presented his resignation, on account of the ill health of his family, his physician having advised that they move to a more equable climate. The church accepted his resignation with reluctance, and in doing so passed resolutions of love and esteem, in part as follows: "Be it resolved, that in the resignation of Brother Powers the church has lost an efficient pastor, a good preacher, who was beloved by the membership and community generally, and whose labors will be fondly missed by us. Should his services be desired and obtained by another church, we feel that our loss will be their gain, &c."
We now come to spsak of a pastor of this church, whose pastorate extended over a period of a quarter of a century, during all of which time there existed the most endearing, tender affection between pastor and people that it has ever been the good fortune for the writer to know. We speak of the pastorate of Rev. Richard French, of Ephesus Church.
Brother French was licensed to preach the Gospel in March, 1890, by the First Baptist Church of Winchester, Kentucky, of which he was a member. The following April, he accepted a call from Ephesus Church to become their pastor. Upon the request of Ephesus Church, in August following, made to the First Winchester Church, asking for the ordination of Brother French as a minister of the Gospel, said request was granted. Brother French served this congregation with love and faithfulness as a preacher of righteousness, practicing what he preached, until November 3, 1913, at which time he offered his resignation, on account of failing health, in an affectionate communication to the church, in part as follows:
"On account of my health, I feel it my duty to present to you my resignation. I would have you know that this does not in any wise dissolve our relations fraternally, for my twenty-five years pastorate has endeared that church to me to such an extent that whatever you may do in reference to this matter will not lessen the attachment I entertain for you. The sweetest memories of past experience cluster around that old church with me, for it has been my privilege to go with you to the tomb with your loved ones, and mingle my tears with yours, from the little babe that nestled in the cradle, to the gray haired father and the devoted mother. In all these afflictions have my tears blended with yours in sympathy of the deepest and most profound. And nothing on earth could cut me loose from my devotion to you as a people, &c."There is also recorded a letter to Ephesus Church from Mrs. Richard French and children, dated May 6, 1914. This letter is so tender and affectionate in s'peaking of the bond of love existing between Brother French and the church, that after reading it, I pause to brush away a tear in memory of that good man, Brother Richard French. Hard, indeed, would be the heart that could not be
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moved by reading that letter. We give only a few lines, as space will not permit more."The death of a Christian should be looked upon as a triumph over life's rugged pathway. ... In reviewing the life of our honored husband and father it seems to us that the hand of God has been with you. . . you called a man that had never been ordained; he prayed for guidance; you well know the results.
You were his first people, his last people; his first love, and how tenderly and loyally he loved you until the end. . . . And as the end drew near, oh. the prayers he made in your behalf. There was that bond of sympathy and love that were never severed; that, was devotion in the highest sense of the word. When he thought of you it was with the tenderest love, that love that would make any sacrifice; that love, that would remain steadfast and true under all circumstances; that love, though death does part, yet we firmly believe only
Born March 22, 1842; died April 24, 1914.
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becomes stronger. We shall ever cherish the fondest affection for you and deep gratitude to you for the respect, kindness and love you manifested for our beloved husband and father."On May 9, the church passed resolutions in expression of the love and high esteem in which Brother French was held by the congregation, which in part are as follows:
"Brother French became our pastor when God first called him into the active service as a preacher of righteousness. We called for his ordination as a minister of the Gospel, and we mourn for him at the close of a fourth of a century's continuous service in our midst. He has ministered unto our spiritual needs; he has united in bonds of wedlock many of our members; he has led to the knowledge of Jesus Christ under Divine grace our children and our children's children; he has buried our dead. Many are the precious memories of past association and now when in the end of his earthly race, when with the good fight, the finished course, and the kept faith, like a full sheath of ripened ears, he has entered into the harvest home of God's granery, be it resolved, &c."In December, 1890, the church records the death of Brother Richard R. Gordon, the oldest member, and one of the constitutional members. In February, 1897, the church voted to repair the church house. In September, 1903, entertained the Boone's Creek Association.Elder W. S. Taylor became the under-shepherd of this church in January, 1914, and remained with them five years, when Rev. F. B. Pierson became their pastor in January, 1919, serving them with fidelity until January, 1923. The church prospered under the ministry of Brother Pierson, and in 1921, he held a series of meetings, assisted by Rev. W. W. Adams, the church being greatly revived and the membership increased by forty-one additions by experience and baptism and thirteen by letter. This was the greatest revival the church had experienced in years.
Brother Person's resignation was brought about by the fact that the Foreign Mission. Board of the Southern Baptist Convention had appointed Brother and Sister Pierson; together with another young married couple as missionaries to the Foriegn Field at Jerusalem. According to Dr. J. F. Love, Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board, this is the first experiment of the Southern Baptist Convention in missionary work in a Mohammedan country, and it will be watched with much interest. Ephesus Church and the Association with which she has always affiliated should feel proud of the fact that in the Centennial year of Boone's Creek Association one of their pastors and his wife were chosen by the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention as two of the first four missionaries to a Mohammedan land, and that land of Palestine and the City of Jerusalem. No doubt the arrival of these young missionaries caused a stir to those in civil authority in the earthly Jerusalem, but joy to those in the Heavenly City.
"O, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that stonest those that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not."
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In February, 1920, the church subscribed $5,601.50 to the Seventy-five Million Campaign. In February, 1921, Jesse Bruen was elected clerk. The present membership is one hundred and forty-one. They have a good Sunday School.Ephesus Church has entertained eight annual sessions of the Boone's Creek Association, in the following years: 1849, 1857, 1866, 1875, 1884, 1893, 1903, 1915.
Pastors - During her seventy-five years existence as a church, Ephesus has been served by only fourteen pastors, as follows: Thornton I. Wills, Smith V. Potts, Nathan Edmonson, Ryland T. Dillard, W. B. Arvin, Thomas J. Stevenson, George Hunt, Ambrose D. Rash, J. Pike Powers, J. Dallas Simmons, Richard French, W. S. Taylor, F. B. Pierson and Linden Jones.
Deacons - (Year indicates ordination) Horatio Ecton, 1848; Richard R. Gordon, 1848; John Tipton, 1848; John E. Gordon, 1853; Dudley Flynn, 1853; Austin B. Wills, 1853; James Edmonson, 1860; Thomas Duckworth, 1860; Nelson Strode, 1866; Thomas Ecton, 1866; W. Thomas Gordon, 1894; Simeon M. Boone, 1S94; Allen Rupard, 1906; E. Roy Scott, 1913; Ellis Brandenburg, 1913.
Clerks - There have been three clerks, the first being Jesse E. Gordon, who served seventeen years, 1848-1865; second, W. D. Strode, who served flfty-flve years, 1865-1920, and the present clerk, Jesse Bruen, elected in 1920.
Zion Church is located in Lee County, Kentucky, six miles south of Beattyville. The exact date of the organization of this church is not known, as all the records previous to August, 1897, have either been misplaced or lost, but it is an old congregation, constituted somewhere about 1850. The only information that we have been able to obtain in regard to the early history of the church, is contained in a letter dated July 24, 1922, from H. P. Brandenburg, a member of the church, who, in speaking for his mother, says in substance as follows:"My mother is now 78 years old; she is the daughter of Rev. H. P. Hall, who for years was the pillar of Zion Church. She remembers the church as far back as 1856. It was known at that time as a regular or anti-missionary church, but about 1865, it came to be known as a missionary Baptist church. Rev. John D. Spencer was the pastor from 1856 until about 1865, when he was succeeded by Rev. Joseph Ambrose, and he by Rev. John Ward, and then Rev. J. J. Edwards was pastor for awhile. The first meeting house ever erected or owned by the congregation was built in 1897. There has never been any serious division in the church. The first Sunday School was organized about 1900. The church affiliated with Booneville Association until they were received into Boone's Creek Association."We now quote from the few remaining records of the church. In August, 1897, R. L. Brandenburg resigned as clerk, and H. S. Brandenburg was appointed clerk. At the same meeting messengers were appointed to Booneville Association. In December, 1897, the church voted to receive no more members on alien baptism. April, 1898, Charles Brandenburg elected clerk. May, 1898, Harlan Brandenburg and John Hall ordained deacons.
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Rev. A. G. Coker seems to have been their pastor from 1897 to August, 1898, when Elder J. G. Parson accepted the care of the church. Elder G. B. Johnson was called to serve as pastor in June, 1899. In September, 1899, Brother R. L. Brandenburg was ordained to the ministry. In December, 1899, Rev. S. E. Whipley became their pastor, serving them until August, 1901, when Elder W. T. Martin accepted the care of the church, serving them for one year.In August, 1903, the church voted to withdraw from Booneville Association and seek admission into Boone's Creek Association. The minutes of the Boone's Creek Association show that Zion Church was received into that body in 1904. Their letter showed a church membership at that time of seventy-two.
Elder C. A. Dogger served them as pastor from April, 1903 to January, 1904. In August, 1905, Elder C. T. Brookshire accepted the care of the church, remaining about one year. In November, 1905, the church dismissed four members by letter, in order that they might enter into the organization of a new church at Heidelburg. In February, 1907, Elder J. G. Parson again became pastor. The church records for August, 1907, state that R. L. Brandening was moderator of the business meeting of the church, but does not state that he was their pastor.
There are no further records of the church proceedings until June, 1911, when Rev. J. I. Wills, who was then pastor of Beattyville Church accepted the care of Zion Church for once a month preaching. Brother Wills seems to have the care of the church for nine years, but judging from the records, the church did not prosper under his pastorate, for the church book, under date of November, 1919, states that "whereas, Zion Church has gone down until it ceased to exist as an organization, so the few members that were left deemed it necessary to reorganize the church, and on Saturday, November 22, 1919, the Zion Baptist Church was reorganized by Rev. J. T. Turpin, and H. P. Brandenburg elected clerk, and Charles Hall and Charles Brandenburg put on trial for deacons, and a pulpit committee selected."
In November, 1920, Rev. T. P. Edwards became their pastor but, served them for only a few months. About this time a committee was appointed to see about repairing the old meeting house, or building a new house of worship. In April, 1923, the church decided to move the old house and rebuild at Fish Creek, but later this plan was abandoned. In October, 1921, Rev. J. W. Mahan, pastor of Beattyville Church, also accepted the care of Ziou Church, preaching one Sunday in each month, his salary being supplemented by Boone's Creek Association and the State Board. In December, 1921, the church voted to abandon the old church house and worship in the school house on Fish Creek.
In January, 1922, the church elected E. Ray as deacon. In March, 1922, owing to some opposition, it agreed not to move the old meeting house, but to build a new one. The church now has a membership of seventy-six, and a Sunday-school enrollment of 65. The quota of the Seventy-five Million Campaign for Zion Church was 5150.00. The new church was completed by July, 1923.
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Chestnut Stand Church is located in Estill County, Kentucky, about five miles from Irvine. The exact date of the constitution of this church is not known, as the 'books containing the records up until 1908 have been lost. Tradition tells us that about seventy years ago Elders J. J. Edwards and Joe Ambrose began preaching in this locality, at first to the homes of the people and whenever the weather permitted under a large chestnut tree, and that the church was later organized under this old tree, hence the name Chestnut Stand Church. Tradition also tells us that some of the preachers who were pastors of the old congregation were Elders J. J. Edwards, Joe Ambrose,, George Mclntosh and A. J. Rawlins. Brother Edwards, who was instrumental in gathering this congregation, served her longer than any of the others as pastor, and after his death the members lost all interest in the church and apparently it ceased to exist until the reorganization in 1908.The reorganization is described in the church records as follows:
"We, the Baptists of Chestnut Stand Baptist Church, met on the fourth Sunday in July, 1908, for the purpose of reorganizing a new church, and after service proceeded to organize by electing Brother. T. P. Edwards moderator pro tem., and Isaac Henry clerk pro tem., and an advisory council consisting of Rev. T. P. Edwards, of Waco Baptist Church, and Brother Henry Tipton. The church covenant was then read and adopted, as was also the confession of faith. Brother Louis Neal was received into the church as deacon and Brother Isaac Henry as a licensed minister. The call of Brother Edwards as their pastor was ratified by the church, and Sister Lou Rollins was elected church clerk. Brethren Tommie Henry and Isaac Henry were appointed a committee to see all the Baptists that were members of the old church and notify them of the disbanding of the old church and the organization of the new one. A committee was appointed to solicit funds for the pastor's salary, &c."In August, 1908, three trustees were appointed, namely, Thomas Henry, Isaac Henry and Simps Horn. Brother Joe King was ordained a deacon. In September, 1908, Brethren Dan Rollins, Simps Horn and Marcus Shearer were ordained deacons. At this meeting the church adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, That we will not have any preaching by any one except the pastor, unless it be someone that he or the church gets to help in a meeting, or the church see cause in the future to let some one else preach."In August, 1911, the church voted to call for a letter of dismissal from the Land Mark Association, and to request membership in Boone's Creek Association. The minutes of Boone's Creek Association show that she was received into that body in 1911, reporting in her letter that year a membership of eighty-three. In August, 1912, it was voted to request of the Association assistance in paying her pastor. William Neal was elected clerk of the church. From August, 1912 until September, 1915, there are only a few meetings recorded, and after September, 1915, there are no records of any meetings, until August, 1920, so that we do
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not know whether the church had any preaching during this period of five years or not. At the meeting in August, 1920, they again called Brother T. P. Edwards as pastor, and decided to request the Executive Board of Boone's Creek Association to aid them in paying the pastor's salary. In November, 1921, Brother Art Campbell was elected clerk. In May, 1921, the church had seven additions by baptism, and in the following June eight more members were received by baptism.
The pastor, assisted by Rev. W. S. Shearer, held a series of meetings in July, 1922, which resulted in thirty-three additions by baptism, and six by restoration to fellowship. The records state that this was one of the greatest meetings ever held at Chestnut Stand Church. In September, 1922, a committee was appointed to raise funds for the building of a new house of worship. They soon raised the funds and erected the house in the spring of 1923. Their quota for the Seventy-five Million Campaign was $150.00.
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Bethlehem Church is located In the southeastern part of Madison County, Kentucky. The history of this church will necessarily be brief, from the fact that all her records prior to May, 1912, were lost when the church building was destroyed by fire, and the church did not unite with Boone's Creek Association until 1919. It is understood that this church was constituted in 1854, and that Elders J. J. Edwards and N. B. Johnson were instrumental in gathering the church, and also that Elder Edwards was her first pastor and R. Munday the first clerk.The present house of worship was erected about fifteen years ago. This church before uniting with Boone's Creek Association was a member of Land Mark Association, but how long it Is not known.
In May, 1912, we find that Rev. P. N. Taylor was pastor and W. B. Baker church clerk, and the latter is still serving at the present time. In October, 1912, Rev. P. N. Taylor requested a release from the pastorate, which was granted, and he was succeeded by Rev. George Childers, who served them until January, 1915, when Rev. A. C. Cornelas accepted the care of the church, serving them until March, 1918. At this time Elder H. Ponder was extended a call, which he accepted, and he was succeeded by Rev. Lewis Vanwinkle.
Rev. J. T. Turpin, the Missionary of Boone's Creek Association, assisted by Rev. J. W. Richardson, held a tent meeting on the church lot in August, 1921, when six additions to the church were had. Rev. Lewis Vanwinkle was pastor in August, 1921, after which date there are no further records. At present they are without a pastor. According to the minutes of Boone's Creek Association for 1922, the church reported a membership of ninety-one and a Sunday School enrollment of sixty. The quota of this church for the Seventy-five Million Campaign was $160.00.
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