July 9, 1827 to August l872
[1827 through 1850 are posted here.]
Transcribed by Michael Capek 2002
Middle Creek Church Record Book 2nd
July 9th 1827
Faith of the ChurchThe Baptist Church of Christ at Middle Creek holding the doctrines of the universal depravity of Man by the fall of Adam, so that all men are sinners, that the recovery of any from that state is by the grace of God in Christ Jesus, wherein those that are saved are effectually called by his Holy Spirit, Justified by the imputed righteousness of Christ, and that they will finally persevere through grace to glory.
At a middle creek church meeting on the 2nd Saturday in July 1827, Brother Wm. Garnett moderator
Agreed that Brother Scott write a letter to the afsociation, and produce it at our next meeting for inspection of the church, and that brother Jamison Hawkins, James Ryle, Moses Scott, and Wm. Garnett act as mefsingers to bear our letter, and represent us in Said afsociation. On motion, it is agreed, that we consider the propriety of all committees appointed by the church to report to the church, and that a record be made of the same, also the propriety of recording all letters sent by Said church, to the afsociation, which several motions were taken up and adopted.John Brady At a middle crek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In August 1827 Brother Wm Garnett Moderrator
The church letter was handed in By Brother Scott Red and Received the Messengers apointed by The Church to the assosiation are Requested to Petion the next assosiation to Be at Middle Creek provided it should be expedient when assembled.
Adjournd ---- John Brady Middle Creek Church letter
The Baptist church of Jesus christ at Middle Creek to the north Bend assosiation at Bethel Meeting house third friday, in August 1827
Grace and peace be Multiplied Dear Brethren the very Name of the church at which you are Assembled carries with it somthing interesting and cannot fail to produse in the pious Minds sensations of pleasure and sublemity
David seemd delighted when he could say to his Brethren come and let us go up to the house of the lord And he will teach us of his ways the objecte of going up was heavenly instruction and While the gracious Answer of acceptance given from between the cherubims What Mingled emotions of holy joy and solem awe Must have filled the mind
of every spiritual Worshiper and Jacob after having received the Divine communication from the top of his Visionary ladder could exclaim how dreadfull is this place surely this is none other but the House of God and this is the gate of heaven May The same holy extasy and solem reverance fill your souls While together at Bethel and may every one of you experience The same sensations that Brought fourth from Jacob The Solem Declarations the lord shall be my god What a deep and sollom imprefsion must havee been left on the Mind of our patriarch tho but Receiving a Visionary communication and (as it were) and oblique intensation of him in whome all nations were to Be Blest but whatever misteriousnefs attended the Manner of the promise and whatever Darknefs May have Abscured his preception of it yet suffice it to say It was understood by him and he lived and died in the faith of it and Glory be to god the fact long Since verrified and the heavenly message announced By the angels to the shepherds of peace on earth good will to Men has spread wide and far from the vicinity of Padanaram and even in this late wildernefs and among the heathen and to the men of all nations does the Herralds of the crofs proclam unto you is Born a Savior and unto you is the word of this Salvation Sent and Many thousands of Bethels have been erected to the name of the lord far from the place of Jacobs Pillows But Brethren we must in this place supress the Exprefsions of the emotions which the fore going ideas Are calculated in spire and for a few minuits turn our Attention to the Saying of an a apostle wher he declared Our bodies to be the temples of the holy ghost and to the Saying of the Saviour to John that it is he who walks of the golden candle sticks the idea of our bodies being Temples for the holy ghost should rouse in each of us the All important enquiry as to the fitnefs for such Residence Has god in very Deed erected a Bethel in our harts and Anointed it with an unction that remaineth and has the Anointing shed such a lusture on our whole Moral Character that each beholding in other the imprefsion of a divine stamp constraind each to esteem other Better Than himself and so the church walk in the love on are We sporting ourselves with our own Deceivings while we walk as men The idea of christ walking a mong the Golden candlesticks should arouse the inquairy in the Church when saw we him whom my Soull loveth When saw we his stately goings forth in our little Sanctuary and if no traces of his footsteps can be so It should Raise the inquairy are we gods husBands A that god for Jesus sake would a wake there Enquoirys in- all his churches & especialy in us Brethren Pray for us and visit us as often as possible and especially Those that minister in word & Doctrine as a church We are at peace for any thing that appears But Whether Brotherly love a bounds god and those that feel it only Knows certain it is that the seats of Many have not been so Regularly and constantly filed in the course of the last year as formyly Brethren we Say a gain and trust we are not overly formal In saying pray for us we have chosen our Beloved Brethren Jamison Hawkins and James Ryle Wm Garnett and Moses Scott to bear this and Represent us in your Boddy May God Blefs you and prosper you On your way and Bring you every one of you to your farthers house in peace is the prayer of your Unworthy Brethren at Middle Creek We request one the early Meetings with us on 4 Satyrday in May next.At a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in September 1827 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
Adjournd John Brady
At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1827 Brother Scott Moderrator. on Motion its a greed that the Clerk in giving letters of Difsmifsion in future especially going to a distance shall state the faith of Church upon the letter Refering to the constitution of the church there fore AdJournd John BradyAt a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in November 1827 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
Adjournd John Brady At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1827 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
Brother Ryle Reported that he had Received $9.12 1/2 and paid it over to Brother KirtleyAdjournd John Brady At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1828 Brother Scott Moderrator
Adjournd John Brady At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1828 No Businefs
Adjournd John Brady At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In March 1828 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
Received By letter Sister Barbara Walton
Sister Frances Yowell is Granted A letter of Dismifsion on Application from Sister Polly Minor by a letter From her addrefsed to the Church She is granted a letter of Dismifsion
formily Polly MclainAdjournd John Brady At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1828 Brother Scott Moderrator
Sister Francis Clore Requested this church By letter To arase her name of the Church Book where apon They proceeded to take it up and appoint a committee to wait on the sister and Know her Reason for so Doing and to inform her that her name can not Taken of in that Way Where apon Brethren Jamison Hawkins Moses Scott & James Ryle are appointed As a committee for that purpose and Report at Next MeetingAdjournd John Brady
At a middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In May 1828 Brother Wm Garnett ModerratorThe committee that was appointed last Meeting Reported That they have had Conversation with Sister Francis Clore and advised her what course to take She has this day presented to the church another letter which was a greed to be preserved and that the Whole be continued till next Meeting
On Motion it is a greed that the Brethren Deacons and Clerk aportion on the Members of this church a Sum Not exceeding $8
And that the Brother Clerk and Brother James Ryle Settle With the Brother Treasurer and Report at next Meeting
Adjournd John Brady At a Middle church meeting the 2nd Satyrday June 1828 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Sister Francis Clore taken up Relative to her letter and she not being present is excluded at her own Request as contained in the letter which is as followes: Se the letter
To the church at Middle Creek this is to inform you That if you think you have been faithfull in your exclusion I think Different and desire my exclusion My companion told you that you held members that Strongly preached a conditional a tone ment that He calls herrisy and that he had not confidence In that church to try his faith and for this Reason he had not fellowship May the 9th 1828
Francis Clore The committee apointed to make an aportionment Reported the Sum of $8.17 which Report was Received. The Church in arrears on the old aportion Ment 81 1/4 sents
Apon application of Brother Moses Hawkins He is granted a letter of DismifsionBrother James W Haydon Clk protem
AdjourndAt a middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1828
Brother Wm Garnett ModerratorBrother John Brady is appointed Wright our church Letter to the assosiation and produce it at oure Next Meeting & Brethren Jamison Hawkins Moses Scott James Ryle Wm Garnett and John Bear sd letter And Represent us in sd afsociation a greed Request The next Afsociation to be at Middle Creek
Adjournd John Brady At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In August 1828 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
The church letter was handed in Red and Received
On application the following letters of Difsmifsion were Granted to Wit Brother Joel Dear and wife and Margaret McCarty formily HawkinsAdjournd John Brady
The Baptist church of christ at Middle Creek to the North Bend Association at dry creek campbell county Ky the 3 friday in august 1828 Sendeth greeting
Another year ofVery dear Brethren the Revolution of Another year affords us (Through the tender Mercies of our God) Another opportunity of Addrefsing you by letter in An afsociated capacity But Brethren perhaps at no Time Since your Formation as an association have we lefs Interesting or pleasing intelligence to Communicate than the present No very great changes Has taken place since we Last Addrefsd you unlefs it be that More Insensibility More Langour and want of Zeal in Relation to the praise of God and his Religion Seem to exist we enjoy a Moderat Portion of peace as a church and have tolerable Supply of The Ministration of the word yet it does not appear to be Accompanied with that Spiritual quickening Which only Can give effect to the seed Sown we Desire as a church ThatThose of our Brethren that labour in word and Doctrine would visit us as often as possible Brethren we Desire your prayers at A throne of Grace that the good lord would send us With his word the influence of his holy Spirit upon Our hearts that we might See and Know What great Things he has don for us that in the exercise of Meeknefs Temperence faith and charity we might finish our course With Joy O Brethren that it were with us it were in 1817 When the candle of the lord Shown Round us When the Hill country about Middle Creek Sounded with The songs of Zion a that the good lord would visit us Again by the apperation of his grace apon our hearts That our children and the inhabitants about Middle Creek Might find him of who me Moses in the law and prophets did wright Jesus the Redeemer of Siners That there might be a day of Rejoicing a gain At Middle Creek. The State of our church is as follows Baptisd non Reed by letter 1 Dismifsd 6 Excluded 1 Deceasd 1 So that our present number is 77 We have chosen our beloved Brethren J Hawkins Moses Scott James Ryle Wm Garnett and John Brady to Bear this letter and set with you in counsele may the Lord by his spiritual presence be with you in all your consultation and guide you into all trouth and grant you a happy Meeting is the prayer of your Brethren at Middle Creek in Gospell bonds Signd by order of the church the 2nd Satyrday in August 1828 We request the next Afsociation be at Middle Creek
John Brady Clk At a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in September l828
Brother Scott ModerratorOn application of Brother Hawkins he is granted Letters of Dismifsion for himself wife and daughter Catherin Parker - on motion its agreed that Brother Scott and the Brother Clerk Draft a forme of letters of Dismifsion for this church an present it At next Meeting for sanction of the church
At a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in October 1828 Brother Hawkins ModerratorThe Brethren that was appointed last Meeting to Draw up a form for letter of Dismifsion not Being present is Refed
John Brady At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in November 1828 Brother Wm Garnett Moderrator
Request from franklin church indiana for helps to assist In the ordination of Brother Dimos Mofs to the Ministry and Brethren E Hogan W Brady M Scott Jms. Ryle and W Garnett to attend to the Request -
John Brady At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1828 Brother M Scott Moderrator
The helps that was appointed to franklin church indiana To assist in the ordination of Brother Dimos Mofs report That the helps Mostly attended and the ordination Was gone into with out a decenting voice
John Brady At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1829 Brother Scott Moderrator
The Brethren that were appointed to draught A form for letters of Dismifsion this day produced 3 for the inspection of the church after being Red it was decided That every letter of dismifsion should contain the faith of the church that she may adopt But is referd till Next Meeting
Adj.d John Brady At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1829
Brother Kirtley Moderrator protem. Brother Andrew Dear Laid in a complaint Against himself for intoxication profane language and laying hands on in anger and Mifsuing his companion by fals acquization the matter Taken up and he found guilty of sin and by a vote of the church he stands in a state of suspention but is continued as a Refference till Next Meeting.The Refference of last Meeting was taken up and the forms for letters was Numbered and the Number 1st Was adopted See form. AdJnd John Brady
AdJnd John Brady On Sunday Received Milton Merchant By experience for Baptism Adjourned
At a middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1829 Brother Kirtley Moderrator protem
The Refference of last Meeting taken up and Brother Dear being Present and was heard he was by vote of the church Restored to the fellowship of the church again
Ajd John Brady
At a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1829 Brother Kirtley Moderrator protemRequest from our sister church East Bend By Brother Hodges for helps to attend them the 4 Satyrday in this present Month to assist them in a matter of difficulty Between them and one of Her Members a greed we send 4 to wit Brethren James Ryle Moses Scott Joseph Hawkins John Brady
On Motion the church agreed to consider the propriety of Supporting the Ministers of the gospell who labour Among them in word and doctrine wherever ther circumstances require it in the opinion of the church—and whether or not it is obligatory on a church so to do but stands as a Refference till next meeting AdJournd
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in May 1829 Brother Wm Garnett Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting taken up and after some Investigation was continued - the helps appointed to east Bend reported that the helps Met and the difficulty Seemed to Be settled Adjournd
At a Middle creek Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1829 Brother Scott Moderrator
Brother Sq Scott laid in a complaint against Brother andrew Dear for intoxication the Matter taken up and he found Gilty of sin and failling to give satisfaction was excluded Received By experience for Baptism Dorchester H Merrick Rachel Merchent Thomas Neal = the reference of last Meting taken up and after some investigation was with drawn By avote of the church - Adjournd
4 Sunday Received By experience for Baptism Vilot Neal
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1829 Brother Wm Garnett Moderrator
On Motion its a greed that Brother George Porter who has been absent for some Tim Be Requested to attend Next Meeting and Mak Known the cause of his absence & Brother David Ryle is appointed for that purpose
Agreed that Brother Scott Wright our letter to The Association and Brethren Wm Garnett Moses Scott E Hogan James Ryle and John Brady Bear sd letter and Represent us in sd association
On application Sister Sarah Wine land is Granted a letter of dismission Adjound
On Sunday Received by Experience Elizabeth Ryle and 4 Sunday John a Black Man Da.Do
At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in August 1829 Brother Scott Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting taken up & continued and continued and Brother John Ryle is Appointed to Request the Brother to attend Next Meeting Brother Scott who was
appointed to Wright our letter to the association produced one which was Red and Received agreed we Request The Next afsocation to be at Middle CreekOn Motion its agreed we consider the propriety of Buildin us a Meeting house or enlarging the present one and in the investigation of the Businefs a greed that the number 5 be appointed as a committee Namely Wm Garnett larken Ryle D H Merrick Moses Scott and John Brady to draught form and size of a new house and also the method of enlarging the oald one and the probable coast of each and Repoart at Next Meeting
AdjourndThe Baptist church of christ at Middle Creek To the Messengers composing the North Bend Association When Met at Salem third Friday in August 1829 Sendeth Christian Salutation
Very dear Brethren for several years previous to our last interview with you and indeed since (untill very lately) this Church has exhibited to view little more than a Cold formality in the cause of her Master apathy Seemed to be almost universal and if the vitality of Religion were at all felt it would seem to have Been reserved for the private gratification & comfort of its pofsefsion but few could speak Jesus or Raise a song of praise to his name and except an occasional Faithfull Administration of the word as we trust Little was to be Seen of a warmer tempreture than a Laodicean luke warmnefs yet we can not say that Like them we were altogether insensible of our Situation Many prayers were offerd up to god for a Change of situation in this Respect that god would Revive his work in the hearts of his children and in the Conversion of sinners yet these so often Repeated wove The Semblence of formality But Blessed be god it has pleased him through the abundance of his grace in Christ Jesus to let fall apon us even upon Us unworthy as we are some Mercy drops and has now Manifested to us that even while we thought and felt as Tho we were in this luke warm state he was secretly and Silently tho effectually we trust operating on the hearts Of siners immediately a mong us and imboldend Several lately to tell the church what they hope god has done For them for seviral Meetings past our ears have heard And our hearts have been made glad withe the Sound of Sovereign grace reigning through righteousnefs in the Convertion of Sinners by the spirit through Jesus Christ Who is our Righteousnefs and eternal life and we have Reason to hope that ther are others who have Been convinced of sin of Righteousnefs and of Judgment who have Not yet publickly owned Jesus as there deliverer o brethren Now at Salem tho absent from us in Boddy will not your Spirits be present with us and join with us in Crowing Him King in Salem Lord of all by giving unto him all the Glory. The effects of this work which is in its Nature Great tho in its extent with us yet small is visible to all And we hope felt by Many some who have heretofore Been almost silent in the church have acquired fortitude enough to appoint attend & lead in prayer Meetings which are At present and for some time pased more frequent Than ever they were since we were a church the tongue of the dumb seem to be loofsned he an she who used to sit silent in the church now chant forth Hymns of Praise to him that sets upon the throne for he is worthy Our stated Meetings have become so crowded that our House is too small to contain at time half of the people By Retireing to a stand convenient all get in some Degree accomodated and tho not as well as we cold wish Yet the greatest order and the
attention generily prevails All indicating that gods Message of Salvation is not an uninteresting Message to the children of MenMay he for Christ sake make it his own power to the Salvation of thousands and as a means to that end may he send forth the Labourers into the gospel fields That are already white to the harvest and now dear Brethren pray for us that we be not high minded but fear That we may walk Humbly with our god be Mindfull of and thankfull for all his benefits.
We have chosen our Brethren James Ryle E Hogan Jno. Ryle Wm Garnett Jno. Brady and Moses Scott to bear this our letter and to Represent us in your Boddy May the spirit of the love to god and love to Men presid in your hearts while together and may the pure word of faith be preached among you have free course and be Glorifyed is the prayer of your unworthy Brethren at Middle creek.
State of the church since our last we have Received By Baptism 7 Dismifsed By letter 4 Excluded 1 Total 77 Done By order of the church 2nd Satyrday in august 1829
John Brady Clk. Moses Scott MordAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September 1829 Brother Garnett Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brother porter taken up and he Being absent was continued
The Refference of last Meeting taken up and the Committee appointed by the church to draught a form of a house or the enlarging of the oald one and Do Report as follows se Report where upon avote of the several plans was taken and the gallery hous was Adopted Whitch house the church agrees to build at the Bottom of the next page is a part of this day's Businefs
Adjournd At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1829 Brother Scott Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brother porter taken up and Continued Sister Dicy Burns is granted a letter of Dismifsion
Adjournd At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in November 1829 Brother Garnett Moderrator
The Refference Respecting Brother porter taken up and Discontinued having obtained the Reason for his Absence and it being Satisfactory.
Request from our sister church Gunpowder by Brother chrisler for helps to attend them the 3rd Satyrday in this present Month to assist in the ordination of Brother Clarkson to the office of Deacon Agreed we send 2 Brother Jms Ryle and Brother Garnett. A greed that our December Meeting Be at Brother Scotts. Agreed that tomorah Be a communion Season owing to its being omitted Last Meeting Ajournd
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1829 Brother Scott Moderrator
Nobusinefs AdJourndAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1830 Brother Garnett Moderrator
No businefs Ajd
A part of the Record of September meeting Being overlooked its now Recorded here and sd Committee is hereby vested with full power to Receive Subscriptions collect money make contracts and to Do and carry into effect the completion of sd Building and that they also have power to appoint an Agent or agents for the purpose of Superintending the whole or any part of the work and to commence the work as Soon as in their opinion a Sufficient Sum of Money can be obtained and to have the whole completed By the 15th day of August Next if pofsible
At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1830 Brother Scott Moderrator
Brother larkin Ryle laid in a complaint against Milly a black sister Belonging to Benne Stephens For the sin of adultry the Matter taken up and Continued and Brother david Ryle is appointed to Request Her to attend next Meeting. On Motion Brother Thomas Neal appointed as an additional Committeeman in Superintending the Completion of the Meeting house Owin to some of the others Being undertakers
At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1830 Brother Scott Modderrator
The Refference of Last Meeting taken up and Continued Received from the Baptist tract Society at Philadelphia 40 coppys as a donation for the perusial of Middle Creek. On Motion ther was a vote of the church taken on the Subject of Brother Kirtley attending us as often as pofsible which was decided by aunanimous vote
At a middle Creek church Meeting the 2 Satyrday in aprile 1830 Brother Scott Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Milly taken up and found guilty of sin and failing to attend and give Satisfaction is excluded
AdJourndAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in May 1830 Brother Garnett Moderrator
AdJourd4 Sunday Received by experience for Baptism Winne Belonging to John Barkshire
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1830 Brother scott Moderratoron application of Brother david Ryle he is Granted letters of Dismifsion for himself and wife
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday July 1830 Brother Garnett Moderrator
Brother Scott is appointed to wright our letter to the association and produce it at next Meeting Brethren James Ryle John Brady D H Mrrick Wm Garnett and Moses Scott Bear sd letter and Represent us in sd associationOn Motion its a greed to surprefs to vending of spiritous liquors and all other articles of trafic at or near the meeting house at the time of our Next Association to be holden at Middle Creek Meeting house and that Brethren M Scott Wm Garnett John Brady E Rice John Ryle D Merrick E Hogan be appointed and J garnett Be Requested specially to attend to the Same
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in august 1830 Brother Robert garnett Moderrator
Acording to a Refference of last Meeting Brother Scott produced the church letter after being Red was ReceivedAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September 1830 Brother Wm Garnett Modderrator
Adjourd At a Middle creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in October 1830 Brother Delph Modrrator protem
Nobusinefs AdjdAt a Middle creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in November 1830 Brother Scott Moderrator
On Motion its a greed We have some repairs Maid to our stove for which Brother Neal is appointed to tak charge of the oald one and have sutch repairs as is Nefsessary by Next Meeting.
And Brother Garnett is appointed to purchase a new one and have it Reddy for Next Meeting and for payment of the same the Sum of $26.00 was Raised by subscription
At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1830 Brother Wm Garnett Moderrator
Brother Neel who was Appointed to attend To the Mending of the oald stove Reported that He had the plate Mended and Ready to put up -
Brother Garnett Who was appointed to purchase A stove Reported that he had purchased one that Coast $38 as Appears by Bill and that he had Made sale of the oald one for $20 Which leaves A Ballance in his hands of $8 which He was to pay $1.50 for Mending the oald stove Leaving in his hands a Ballence of $6.50 for which $3 was allowed him for his trouble leaving a ballance of $3.50 in his hands and after paying Brother Neal 50 cents for his trouble a ballance of $3 Remains in his hands -On Motion its a greed that some person be appointed to take charge of our Meeting house spring and &C But is continued till Next Meeting
At a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in January 1831 Brother Scott Moderrator
On Motion there was a question put to the church Respecting the Reception of the Meeting house after Some investigation it was Received.
The Refference of last Meeting was calld for and Brother Garnett was appointed to take charge of the Meeting house spring &C and to Keep them Booth clean and in good order in Due time also To Keep the stove in fuel Dry and sound and plenty ov it and further he is to put a stone wall at the head of the spring to prevent the wash from Runing in and to put somthing at the spring to Drink out ov for which he is allowed the Sum of 5 dollars
At a Middle creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1831 Brother Wm Garnett Moderrator
Sister Marsy Garnett was Received A member with us by letter
At a Middle creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in March 1831 Brother Scott Moderrator. Apon application of Brother Thomas he is granted letters of administration for Himself and wife Sarah.
Brother George porter laid in a complaint a gainst himself for drinking too Mutch Spiritous liquor the Matter taken up and he found gilty of sin But By the Acknolledgements Satisfaction was obtained and the church a greed to Bear with Sd Brother.
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1831 Brother Garnett Moderrator
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2n Satyrday in May 1831 Brother Scott Moderrator
At a Middle creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in June 1831 Brother Scott Moderrator. Sister Merchant Exhibited a complaint a gainst Sister Susan Deer for charging hir wrongfully with Thretning to whip her child and insinuating That she sister Merchant Manifested a Disposition to take that that was not her own - for calling hir a
liar and for Swearing and other a busive and unbecoming Language the Matter taken up and Continued till next MeetingAn Brethren Scott Hogan and Garnett is Appointed as a committee to Meet with the sisters to assist in trying to settle the Difficulty and Report next Meeting or as soon There after as posible.
Request from our sister church east Bend for helps to attend them the 3 Satyay in this present Month to assist in the ordination of Brother Philip Bush to the office of deacon Agreed we send Number 3 to wit Brethren James Ryle and Wm Garnett
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1831 Brother Garnett Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting taken up and the Committee Reported that they Met with the Sisters and from the Satisfactory acknolledgement The difficulty was settled Satisfactory to the party and the committee which was Satisfactory to the Church Brother Garnett is appointed to wright Our letter to the association and produce it At our next Meeting for the inspection of the church and Brethren Moses Scott John Brady James Ryle & Wm Garnett is appointed Messengers to Bear sd letter and Represent us in sd Assocation. The committee appointed to east Bend Reported that the helps generally Mett and the Ordination was gon into.
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in August 1831 Brother Scott Moderrator
Brother garnett who was appointed to wright our letter produced one And after being Red was Received, on Motion Brethren Wm Huey and D Merrick was appointed to settle with the Brethren Deacons and ascertain the state of the church fund and to assist Them in Apportioning on the Members of the church a sum not exceeding $12 and Report as Soon as convenient
The Church of Jesus Christ at Middle Creek to the Messengers composing the North Bend Association When Met at Sand Run church the 3rd friday in august 1831
Verry Dear Brethren in the lord We have a Nother opportunity of Assosiating with you By letter and Messengers a previledge highly interesting to Christians and of great utility To Believers While on there pilgrimage here Below The privelidge of Meeting of Joining in Social Worship and of hearing from the Different is a Matter of great comfort for as cool water is to the thirsty Soul so is good nues from a Fare country allthough this communication Dos not have the pleasing intelligence of A Revival of Religion a Mongst us yet we Can say a that the set time for god to faviour his zion would come When a general Out poaring of his spirit might prevail in Reconcileing Sinners to god through the death of his son We as a church since our last Afsociation have in general been at peace Amongst our selves for which Blessing we Desire to be thankfull We have 2 stated Meetings a month and as we have no preacher of our own are intirely Dependant on our Brethren preachers for a supply of the Ministry And we must here Express our grattitude to god And the Many obligations we are under to the Brethren for past faviours and
Solicit them in future our assembly generally are numerous and apparently give good attention to the word preached and we are all most Ready to conclude Surely the fields Are all Ready white to hearvist but paul may plant and apollos water but god alone Giveth the increase If we know anything about The Religion of the lord Jesus Christ it is bestowed unmerited by the creter effected by the opperration of the Devine spirit upon the hart of the siner to enable him to act faith in the lord Jesus and Become Reconciled to god through his son the Death of his son then Brethren if your spritual House consists of these lively stones may we not hail Your Meeting With pleasing antisipation for you Have the promis of god for your labour will not Be in vain in the land the state of the church is as follows Received By letter 1 Dismifsed by letter 2 Deceased 1 So that our present Number is ____ We send this Epistle By our Beloved Brethren Moses Scott James Ryle John Brady & William garnett to Bear this our letter and set with you in counsil May the great god and our Saviour Jesus christ be With you in all our Deliberations is the prayer of your brother in gospell Bonds Signed by order of the church 2nd Satyrday in August 1831
John Brady Clk At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September 1831 Brother Scott Moderrator
The committee that was appointed to Settle with The Brethren Deacons Reported that they had attended to the Request of the church and find the church In arrears $41 3/4 cents and have apportioned on the Male Members of the church $12.37 1/2 which Was Received and Request the Members to pay to the Brethren Deacons the sums anexd to there Names. On Motion Brethren Wm Huey John Brady larken Ryle and Wm garnett is appointed a committee To Receive a deed for the lot of ground on which Our Meeting House stands supposed to be 2 & 1/4 acres
At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1831 Brother Aron Delph Moderrator. By Request of Brother Allen Deer a letter of Dismifsion is granted him
Wm Huey Clk protem At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in November 1831 Brother Garnett Moderrator
Received By letter sisters Hannah Williams & Margaret Rice
Adjournd At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1831 Brother garnett Moderrator
At a Middle crek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1832 Brother garnett Moderrator
At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1832 Brother Garaett ModerratorOn Motion its a greed that Brother John Brady Take charge of our Meeting house spring &C For the term of one year to Keep them in good order And to furnish the stove in fuel for which he is to Be paid the Sum of $6.00 its also understood that the Keeper of the house is to Keep glafs in the windows & all Repairs that is Necefsary four our house that may Happen By accident or other wise for Which he to Be compensated. Its a greed that Brother garnett Shall have Six dollars for the last year as house Keeper
At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1832 Brother Garnett Moderrator
No Businefs AjdAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1832 Brother Garnett Moderrator Brother Squire Scott Brought in a complaint a gainst himself for drinking too Mutch Spiritsous Liquor and other improper conduct the Matter taken up & he found guilty of sin But From the acknolledgements of Brother scott the Brethren agrees to Bear with and for give sd Brother
On Motion Brother Gideon Clore Ben Cave & James Cooper Members with us who has Bin Absent for some time are Requested to attend next Meeting and Make Known the cause of there ABsense Brother John Ryle is appointed to Request the attendence of Brother Clore and Cooper & Brother Wm Ryle is appointed to Request the attendence of Brother Cave
At a middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in May 1832 Brother scott Moderrator
The Refference of last meeting Respecting our absent Members taken up Brother Ryle who was appointed to Request the attendence of Brother Clore and Cooper Reported that he had Requested the attendence of the Brethren But they fayling to attend Brethren Ryle and Delph is appointed to Request the attendence of Brother clore and to labour with him in order to remove his difficultys if any and to inform Brother cooper that The church would be glad to see him fill his seat When his health will permit Brother Cave Being Present and informd the church the Reasons of his absense The church a grees to bear with sd Brother
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1832 Brother Scott Moderrator. The Refference of Brother Clore taken up and he being present and Failing to give Satisfaction was found gilty of sin But To continued till Next Meeting.
On Motion Brother D Merrick and James Ryle Junr Having Bean absent from Meeting for some considerable time Brother Larken Ryle is appointed to Request the attendence of Brother Merick at next Meeting and Brother Elijah Ryle will Request the Attendence of Brother James Ryle
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1832 Brother garnett ModerratorThe Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brother Clore taken up and after some investigation Was continued, the Refference of Brother Ryle taken up he being present and gave his Reasons which was Satisfactory
The Refference of Brother Merrick taken up he Being present and called on Requested his name arased from the church Book but by a vote of the Church was continued till Next Meeting. Brother John Brady is appointed to wright our Letter to the Association and produce it our next meeting For the inspection of the church and Brother M Scott Wm garnett John Ryle James Ryle Wm Huey Larkin Ryle and John Brady is appointed Messinger to Bear Sd letter and Represent us in sd afsociation
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in August 1832 Brother Garnett Moderrator
The Refference of Brother Clore taken up and he not Being Not present was continued the Refference of Brother Merrick taken up and he Being presant after some consultation was continued. The letter to the asociation Being called for was produced Red and adopted
The Church of Jesus christ at Middle creek to the north Bend Afsociation when met at crewesers creek campbell County Ky the 3 friday in august 1832
Beloved Brethren in christ Jesus the lord is good and has Bean greatly so in spearing our unprofitable lives amidst Surrounding dangers we have Bean preserved another Year And Joyfully hail the approach of your annual meeting When we Recount the Blessings and priviledges we have enjoyed In years that are past we feel under every obligation To our great creator and kind Benefactor
The History of the church of christ at all times Accasions Either Mourning or Joy such is often the prosperous condition of the church that we have Reason to Rejoice in its Beautiful aspects when good and hoalsom Doctrines are preached when ordinances are observed When the word of god has [unreadable word] course and is glorified when many Converts to Righteousness crowd the gates of Zion; and when health and vigor Every where prevade the Body; the friends of Christ Must Rejoice. But the Reverce of this occasians mourning And dejection when many are turning from the ways of god And a coald lethergy pofsefses the hearts of those who Ought to Be warmly ingaged in Religion When many Who profefs to follow the Saviour Become impatient Of His doctrines and precepts, and its too often the case That the word of god is neglected by his profefsed Followers which is no doupt a great cause of the decline Of Religion in the heart. Here we can adopt the language of Isaiah our Leannefs our coaldnefs Barronnefs and Leodicean luke warmnefs while we Remain in this situation grief should not be fiew nor Small with thee profefsed followers of christ. Yet we Have great Reason to Be thankfull that it is a well with us As it is we still Remain as church and have the gospell of the Kingdom proclaimed a mongst us and that a tolerable Degree of peace and love has scansed to prevail amongst Us. Pray for us Brethren that love to god and wone another May prevail and not only is but all the worshipping congregation the world over. Ah that
we might be able to Say at all time as David says Behold how good and Pleasant it is when Brethren dwell to gether in unity and Paul says in a verry affectionate Excitation let Brotherly Love continue this exortation should have a bearring on the Minds of all the children of god as love deemd To Be the moving principal of the great plan of Redemption that was laid in infinite wisdom that God so loved the world that he gave his Beloved son Who came into our world upon the great errand of Salvation and did suffer as a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief He also gave Himself a sacrifice to Divine Justice as a Mediator Between god and men was ever love Like this the Saviour sayeth greater love hath no man than This that a man lay down his life for his friend this Brings to view something of the Strength of that love which Jesus Bore to his people which was stronger than Death and its through this medium that the holy spirit of god acts upon the mind of poar dead siners to Give them life and adopt them into the heavenly family Brethren if our hearts deceive us not we Desire your Prayers at a throne of grace in behalf of Middle creek That the good lord would cause us to prosper as a church That there might be a day of Rejoicing a bout middle Creek again, we think we can say oh that the Set time for god to faviour his Zion would come When a general out poaring of his spirit might Prevail in Reconsileing sinners to god though the Death of his son. The state of the our church is As follows Received By letter 2 No other change total 73 we have chosen our Brethren Moses Scott John Ryle James Ryle Wm Huey Larken Ryle Wm Garnett and John Brady to bear this our letter and sit with you in Councill to whom we Refer you to for further particulars may the Spirit of love to god and love to men preside in your hearts while together and may the pure word of faith Be preached among you have free course and Be glorifyed is the prayer of your Brethren at Middle CreekAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September 1832 Brother Garnett Moderrator
The Refference in Relation to Brother Clore Taken up he Being absent was continued
The Refference in Relation to Brother Merrick taken up he Being present and after some Consultation was Continued. The church A greed to a dopt the Recommendation of the Association to set a part the 4th Wednesday in this Month as a day of fasting and prayer.
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1832 Brother Scott Moderrator The Refference in Relation to Brother clore taken up he being present and Exprefsed a willingnefs to fill his seat as Often as he can which was satisfactory The Refference in Relation to Brother merrick taken up He Bing present and gave satisfaction On Motion its a greed to tak up and considder the 11 Rule of our church diciplin which was A mended, the church a grees to have a Three days meeting in this month commencing the Friday Be fore the 4 Sunday
At a middle creek church Meting the 2nd Satyrday in November 1832 Brother Scott Moderrator Brother Scott Reported that he had Convayed By Deed the lot of ground on which the Meeting house stands to the trustees named in the church Book a greed that Brother Garnett Draw sd Deed and pay the expence and Deposit it in the hands of the clerk
At a middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1832 Brother Garnett ModerratorAdjourd At a Middle Creek church meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1833 Brother garnett Moderrator
A Request from our sister church Bullits Burgh By Brother R Graves for helps to attend them on the First Satyrday in next month to assist in the ordination of Brother Rowland Boots to the ofice of Deacon A greed we send 5 towit Brethren E Hogan E Rice D Merrick John Brady and William Garnett
At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1833 Brother Boots Moderrator By Request
Received By Experience for Baptism Elvira Huey and Emily Wallton Sister Sarah Forman By the Request of Brother John Ryle is granted a letter of Dismifsion
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1833 Brother garnett Moderrator Received By letter Sister Elizabeth Allen. A Request from our sister church gunpowder by Brother Carter for helps to attend Them the 3r Satyrday in this Month to assist in the ordination of Brother John Underhill to the office of Deacon agreed we send 4 towit E Hogan Wm garnett Wm Huey John Brady By Request Brother J Porter is granted alerter of Dismifsion On Sunday Received Mary Huey By experience and was Baptized.
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in aprile 1833 Brother Botts Moderrator on Motion its A Greed that the Brother deacons pay over to Our house Keeper the Money due him for his Services for the past year and its further Agreed that he Be continued house Keeper the Ballance of the year, the Helps that were Appointed to Bullets Burgh and Gunpowder Reported that the Helps generally attended and the Ordinations were gon into.
On Sunday Received By experience Hanah a woman of Brother Brady
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in May 1833 Brother garnett Moderrator on Motion its a greed to take up And consider the propriety of appointing 2 Additional Moderrators which stands as a Refference till next Meeting Brother W Huey & Jno Brady is appointed to settle with the Brother treasurer and to apportion on the free Male Members asum that may appear to Be nessifsary and Report at next Meeting
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd in June 1833 The Refference of last Meeting Respecting apointing Moderators taken up and continued owing to the unclemency of the Weather, the Refference of the settlement and Apportionment taken up and handed in Red and Received the amount of the aportionment is is $17-25 By a vote of the church its agreed that at the close of every days Businefs the Moderrator shall assign his name attested By the clk
John Brady clk James Ryle MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1833
The Refference as Respecting The Moderrators taken up and Brethren D Merrick and John Brady was chosen Brother John Brady is appointed to Wright a letter to the afsociation and Produce it at next Meeting for the Inspection of the church and Brethren Wm Garnett Wm Huey James Ryle E Hogan L Ryle D Merrick and John Brady as Mefsingers to Bare sd letter and Represent us in sd Afsociation
Wm Garnett Md
John Brady ClkAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in August 1833
The Refference of last Meeting taken up the letter Red and Received Request from our Sister Church Bullets Burgh By Brother Gains & Graves to attend them the 1st Satyrday in September to afsist in the ordination of Brother Sorts to the ministry a greed we send 8 to wit James Ryle John Ryle Wm Brady D Merrick John Brady Wm Garnett Aron Delph & E Rice A greed that it Be in Serted in our letter Requesting the afsociation to set a day of fasting Humiliation and prayer To be observed By the churches. Brother John Brady is appointed to Make sale of the Sash and glafs in the oald Meeting House and Report to the Church Wm Garnett Md
John Brady ClkAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September 1833
Owing to the unclemency of the weather the helps that were Appointed to Bullets Burgh to afsist in the Ordination Dit not Generally attend & The ordination was prosponed till the 1st Satyrday in October and from Request the Same Brethren will attend with the addition of E Hogan and J Hawkins that was appointed at last Meeting A greed that the Church Meet the Last Wednesday in this Month as a day of fasting Humiliation and prayer as Recommend by the afsociation to Meet at 10 oclock D Merrick Md
Church letter Recorded
The Curch [sic] of Christ at Middle Creek to the North Bend Association of Baptist When Met at the forks of Gunpowder Boon Cty Ky the 3 friday in august 1833
Sendeth Christian Salutation Dear Brethren in the lord we gladly embrace the apportunity of Meeting you again by our Letter and Mefsengers at another annual Afsociation altho we Cannot inform you of any Unusual display of Divine goodnefs in Bringing Many
from darknefs to light yet we hope The lord has not forsaken us But has Afforded some Gracious drops of his pardoning Mercy to some pore sinners a bout Middle Creek some Month past there were some Hopefull prospects of Better times the members appeared in some degree a wakoned to a since of our languid state with a cry lord Revive us our Congregations were More numerous there appeared to be more Attention Some visible effects of the apperation of the spirit on the Hearts of some poor Sinners we enjoyed some Happy Meetings particularly when some of our neighbors and Children came forward and publicly owned Jesus as ther Saviour Some times we Hoped for Greater things but a gain we fear that this Little seson Has pafsed away as the Morning Cloud and as early Dew which soon pafses Away But we have Reason to Rejoice for What has allready bin don for us for if There is Joy in Heaven over one sinner that Repeneth Surely it ought to Be a matter of Rejoicing to the Believers in Christ Jesus while tabernicling in these low Grounds wrier sorrow grows there are Yet some Hopefull prospects that there Are some fiew that is enquairing the way that leads to Joyes on High Dear Brethren we most sincearly solicit your prayers For us that the good lord would Revive us Good work a mongst us that many who set in Nature might be Brought to the Marvelous light of the Glorious Gospell of Jesus Christ we feel very thankfull an would Disire soto do that there has nothing of a Very distrefsing nature taken place a Mong us Since we last addrefsed you Brotherly love seames to exist which ought to be a matter of Rejoicing we are dependants On our Brethren for Ministerial and think of us Brethren and visit us as often as pofsibly Can the alteration in our Church since our Last is as follows By Baptism 5 By letter 1 Dismifsd By letter 2 Deceased 2 to total 75 we Have chosen our Beloved Brethren D Merrick J Ryle E Hogan W Garnett Wm Huey L Ryle & J Brady to Bear this our letter and Sit With you in councill May the lord By his spirits presence Be with you all your Consultations and guide you into all truth and Keep from a mongst you erer and Grant you a happy Meeting is the prayer of your Brethren in gospell Bonds Signed By order of the church the 2nd Satyrday in august 1833
John Brady ClkWm Garnett Md At a Midle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1833
The Helps that was appointed to bullets Burgh Reported That the Helps Generally Met and the Ordination was gon into with out a Decenting voice
Wm Garnett Md At a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in November 1833 Request from our Sister church EastBend By Brother Good fellow for helps to attend Them 3 Satyrday in this presant Month to asist in the ordination of Brother Jesse Terrell to the Minstry a greed we send The following Brethren James Ryle larken Ryle John Brady Wm Garnett A Delph Wm Huey Wm Ryle and John Ryle
Dorchester Merrick Mdr
At a Middle Creek Church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in December 1833 The Helps that was appointed to EastBend Reported that the helps Mostly attended and the ordination was gon into on Motion its a greed to take up and considder the propriety of establishing the corners of the 21A acres of ground on which our house of worship stand a greed that the trustee that the deed is Made to precede to astablish Sd corners a greeable to law and to Examin into the validity of our deed and Reenter the sameWm Garnett Mod. At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1834 No businefs and found and invited Brother Kirtley to preach which he did
D Merrick Modr At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1834
Brother Bradys time having expired as hous Keeper the Matter taken up and he is apointed as hous Keeper for another year &C Wm Garnett Md
At a middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1834 Received by Experience for Baptism Ruth a Black woman Belonging to Mrs Scott. From the admonitions of Brother Whitaker of the languid state of Zion and the Dutys and priviledges of the profefsed followers of Christ the subject of prayer meetings was taken up and after some fiew remarkes was continued as a reference till next Meeting
D H Merrick Md
John Brady ClkAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1834 Received By experience for Baptism John a black man Belonging to Mrs Nancy Rogers, the Refference of Last Meeting taken up and after some Investigation the subject of prayer Meetings is dispensed with for the present
Wm GarnettAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in May 1834 No Businefs Adjournd
And invited Brother Whitaker and Botts to preach
John BradyD Merrick Mod At a middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1834 The Matter concerning John Belonging to Mrs Nancy Rogers who Stands as a Reffd member with us but has not Received the ordinance of Babtism in conciquence of some objection being made Before the ordinance was administred the matter taken up and after some investigation It is a greed that we decline having the ordinance administred at the presant and appoint Brethren James Ryle Ezekiel Rice & Aron Delph to see the friend and acquaint him of the same and Request his attendance at Next Meeting
Joseph Botts Md
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1834 Brother larkin Ryle Laid in a complaint a gainst John a black Brother Belonging to Sister Sarah Rogers for purloining tobacco the mattere taken up and he found gilty of sin But is continued till next meeting and Brother D H Merrick is appointed to see the Brother and Request his attendance, the Refference of last Meeting Respecting John taken up He not Being present there yet Remains objections and a non fellowship to John seeing that The committee Reports they had complyed with the order of the church and on further investigation there is objections on his experience therefore he is No longer Considder a subject for Babtism.Brother Wm Huey is appointed to wright our Church letter to the afsociation and produce it At our next Meeting for the inspection of the church and Brethren D H Merrick John Brady Jms Ryle L Ryle Wm Huey A delph & E Rice Bear Sd Letter and Represent us in sd Association D H Merrick
John BradyAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in august 1834
Received By experience for Baptism Jude Be longing to Brother E Ryle. the Refference of last Meeting taken up Respecting John he Being present acknolledge that he was gilty of the charge and failing to give satisfaction But on Motion is continued till next Meeting Brother Huey produced alerter after Being Red was adoptted a greed that Brethren Garnett and Hogan's names be inserted in Our church letter, on Motion its a greed We have a three days Meeting commencing the friday Before the 2nd Satyrday in November next Wm Garnett Md
At a middle creek church meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Septemberl834 the Refference of Last Meeting taken up Respecting John and is continued till next Meeting and Brother Clore is appointed to Request his attendance Received By experience Sarah Belonging to Mrs Nancy Rogers.
Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1834 the Refference of Concerning our Black Brother John taken up he not presant its A greed that it be continued and Brother James Ryle Junr is appointed to in form the Brother of the same
D Merrick Clk protem Joseph Botts MDAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September [sic] 1834 The Refference of Respecting of John taken up he not Being present is a gain Continued and Brother James Ryle Sgnr is Requested to inform The Brother
Wm Garnett
John Brady Clk
At a Middle creek church meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1834 the Refference of John taken up Brother Ryle in formed the church He had complyed with The Request of the church he Being absent he was found Gilty of sin and neglecting to hear the church and give Satisfaction is Excluded D H Merrick Md
John Brady Clk.At a Middle creek church meeting The 2nd Satyrday in January 1835 on Motion of Brother L Ryle its a greed we send for our Brother Merchant who has absented himself from us for some time and for attending the Race field and loaning his His Horse to Run and Habitual Drunkennefs Brother E Rice and A Delph is appointed to Request His Attendance at our next Meeting
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a middle creek church meeting the 2nd Satyrday in febuary in 1835 the Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brother Merchant taken up & not presant Brother Rice Reported that he had conversation with the Brother & He exprefsed a wish To attend to the Request of the church with a A promis to Do so and that the charges was not Denied But is continued till next meeting
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett ModAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1835 The Refference Respecting Brother Merchant taken up the Brother Acknolledged the chargers and after Hearing and investigating the Subject he was found gilty of sin But satisfactory acknolledgements was obtained and the church agrees to Bare with the Brother. Brother John Brady & John Scott is appointed to settle with our Brother Treasurer & apportion on the male members of the church a sum as Near $22 as they can and Report at next meeting Brother Garnett is appointed to take charge of our House and spring the ensuing year & that He Be Allowed six dollars for the same
John Brady Clk D H Merrick Md At a middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1835 the Settle and aportionment Handed in and Received as follows the church in arrears to the Brothertreasurer $ 2- 48
to Brother Brady 8- 00
An paid on the oald apportionments 5- 50
New apportionment 23-50
John Brady Clk D H Merrick MdAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in May 1835 Brother Delph complained to the Church that there had a Report got out into the World that He was on our last 4 Sunday meeting in toxicated with spirits liquors which he denies And feels a
grieved with Brother Merrick and Brady For circulating the same the Matter taken up and [after some little investigation was] continued till next Meeting Agreed we take up and considder a greeable to the Request of the association the propriety of [contributing] a free donation of Money to Be appropriated for the Benefit of corisponding Messengers sent to Associations at a distance after some cousultation [investigation] was continued till next meeting Wm Garnett Md
John Brady Clk[The entry for May, 1835 is repeated in the church book exactly as written above, except for the words inserted in brackets]
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In June 1835 the Refference of last Meeting Respecting the grievance of Brother Delph against Brethren D Merrick & J Brady taken up and after In vestigation the church Decided the Brethren were authorised in Saying what they did But there Remains Dissatisfaction with Brother Delph But is continued and Brother Wm Huey & J Scott is appointed to see Brother Delph and Request his attendance and Report at next Meeting
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting the Refference from the association to the churches taken up And continued.
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1835 the Refference Respecting Brother delph taken up the committee Reported they Had conversation with him and he started he would if able attend meeting if not would wright But failing to do Bather the church decided that that the Brother was gilty of the sin of Intoxication But is continued and Brother J Ryle Wm Garnett D Merrick & J Brady are appointed to acquaint Him what the church had Done An Request His attendence at next Meeting
The Refference of Last Meeting Respecting the Refference from the association taken up and Decided as follows we do not concur with the association which will Be Exprefsd in our Letter. Brother D Merrick is appointed to wright our letter to the association and Brethren Wm Garnett J Brady D Merrick & J Ryle to Bear sd letter and Represent us in said Association we Request the Next association to Be with us a greed we have a three days Meeting Commencing the friday Before the 2nd Satyrday in November next and that it Be Sated in our letter and Messengers are Requested to Solict the Ministry Brethren to attend us at That time
J Brady Clk D H MerrickAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in august 1835 the Refference Respecting Brother delph taken up Brother James Ryle Reported He had conversation with Brother Delph and that he promised to attend But failing to do so But from hearing he was Nefsessarily called a nother way was continued And Brother Clore was appointed to Request his attendance The letter Handed was Red and Received Wm Garnett
John Brady Clk
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September 1835 Brother SQ Scott laid in a complaint a gainst Himself for Drinking too mutch spiritous liquor at different times after hearing the acknolledgements of Said Brother the Curch Decided he was gilty of sin But agrees to Bear with sd Brother the Refference Respecting Brother Delph taken up he being present was called a pon to speake to the charge After Hearing from the Brother the church is Unwilling to bear with him any longer the votes Stands 7 against him and 6 for him so that he Stands suspended for three Months at which Time it will be attended to by the church
J Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle creek church meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1835 Sister susan Dear By the Request of Brother Wm Brady is granted A letter of Dismifsion
D H Merrick
J BradyAt a Middle creek church meeting the 2nd Satyrday in November 1835 No Businefs
John Brady Wm GarnettAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1835 the Refference Of September meeting Respecting Brother Delph taken up the Brother not Being presant was continued till next Meeting and Brother J Ryle & J Clore is appointed to Request His attendance Wm Garnett Md
John Brady ClkAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1836 the Refference of Brother Delph taken up His being present And after Hearing the acknolledgements of the of the Brother he was forgiven. Wm Garnett Md
John Brady ClkAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1836 No businefs
John Brady Clk Wm GarnettAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1836 Brother Garnett informed the church that his term for wich he was appointed as House Keeper had expired the matter taken up a greed He Retain Six dollars of our funds for his services and that He is continued as House Keeper the ensuing year for which he is allowed The sum of $8 Also he is authorised to precour Some wier Shovel and tongs for the use of Oure Hose and stove and that he be paid for the same D
Merrick Md
John Brady Clk
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2 Sunday Aprile 1836 owing to the enclemency of the wether on Satyrday a Request from our sister church Bullest Burgh By Brethren R Kirtley & Botts for Helps to attend them the 1st Satyrday in May next to assist in the ordination of Brother A Graves to the office of Deacon Agreed we send 4 James Ryle Wm Garnett D Merrick & John Brady
John Brady clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in May 1836 the Helps appointed Assist in ordination at Bullits Burgh Reported that the Helps Mostly attended and the ordination was gon into. Wm Garnett Md
John BradyAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1836 A Request from our Sister church East Bend By Brother good Fellow for Helps to attend them on Satyrday Next to assist in the ordination of Brother Wm Crage to the office of Deacon a greed we send 5 to wit Wm Huey S Ryle Robert Huey J T Scott J Ryle Wm
Garnett Md
John Brady ClkAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1836 the Helps appointed to East Bend Reported they had attended and the ordination was not gon into, we have a gain Received By letter a Request of the Same to attend them on Satyrday next a greed we send 4 E Hogan E Rice Wm Garnett & J Brady
Brother Wm Garnett is appointed to wright Our church letter to the Afsociation and Brother W Huey D Merrick Wm Garnett John Brady James Ryle as Mefsengers to Bear said letter and Represent us in sd afsociation Brother Merrick Requested that the church would Release Him from Acting as Modderrator the Matter taken up and His Request was granted
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in August 1836 The letter to the Afsociation By Brother Garnett Handed in Red and Recived. By the Request of Sister Emily Walton By Brother Rice she is granted a letter of Dismifsion Brother E Rice Requested That His name Be a raced from the church Book the Matter taken up and continued
Brother Garnett Reported the state of our funds The church in arrears four dollars and 48 cents On Motion its a greed that apportionment Be Dispensed with for the present and in futer Rase a fund By face donations and when our Funds is out the Brother treasurer will Report it to the church what he has paid out
J Brad Clk Wm Garnett Md
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September 1836 the Refference of Brother Rice taken up and upon further investigation Brother Rice informed the church That He intend to Be faithfull that it was uselefs to Send a committee that the church Should not be a prison to him he did not fellowship some Brethren and had not fellowship from the church Saying I am no more of you and left the church in a refractory Manner upon which the Church voted the Brother Guilty of sin and Consequently Excluded him By a Request from our sister church Gunpowder for Helps to assist in the ordination of Brother Jms Underhill to the Ministry a greed we send Brother James Ryle W Garnett Wm Brady B Cave L Ryle Wm Huey D Merrick
D H Merrick clerk protem Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1836 The helps Reported that they have mostly Met and The ordination of Brother under Hill was not gon into By a vote of the Church it is the wish of the church that Brother Kirtley attend us as often as possible The first Satyrday November next is Sat a part as a day of fasting Humiliation and prayer to God that He would Blefs us with a Revival of His Holy Religion
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in November 1836 nobusinefs
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1836 no Businefs
J Brady Clk Wm Garnett Md At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1837 nobusinefs
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1837 Brother James Ryle Exhibited a complaint a gainst Brother and Sister Merrick for permitting Musick and Dancing in ther House they Being present Brother Merrick said the charge was Correct. He said he would Answer for Himself and wife He Justified the what he had don and had no Acknolledgements to make and Said it was not Contrary to the Scripture where upon He was found guilty of sin and was Excluded Wm Garnett Md
J Brady Ck
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1837; Brother Garnett in formed the church His time as House Keeper had Expired where upon he was Reappointed at the Same Rates as last year Its a greed He be paid for his last years Service
J Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1837 No Businefs
J Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in May 1837 Nobusinefs Wm Garnett
J Brady ClkAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1837 A Request from our Sister church Gunpowder By Brother carter for Helps to attend them the 3rd Satyrday in this present Month to assist in the ordination of Brother under Hill to the Ministry a greed we send James Ryle Larkin Ryle Wm Huey Wm Garnett. Brother Wm Huey is appointed to Request the attendance of Brother Allen Deer at our next Meeting who has absented himself from us for some long time
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1837 Brother Huey Reported He had seen Brother A Deer and Requested his attendance But He Exprefsed A wish to have his name arased from the Church Book the Matter taken up and he found guilty of sin for absenting and neglecting to hear the church But is referd till next meting and Brother Wm Huey E Hogan B Cave are appointed to a gain Request his attendance at next Meeting. Brother Wm Huey is appointed to wright our letter to the Association and present it at next meeting and James Ryle L Ryle J Brady Wm Garnett Wm Huey E Hogan is appointed as Messengers to bare said letter and Represent us in sd association. The Helps Reported that they Mostly Met and the ordination of Brother Under hill was gon into
J Brady Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in August 1837 The Refference Respecting Brother Allen Deer taken up He not being present Brother Huey Reported that he had seen the Brother And he yet seems to have no inclination to the Request of Curch But wished his name Arased Where upon he was excluded. The letter to The Association By Brother Huey was handed in Red & Received
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett Md
At a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September 1837 letters of Dismifsion Granted Sister Susanah Deer and Barbary Windle through Brother Delph
Wm Huey Clk protem Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1837 No Businefs
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in November 1837 No Businefs Ajourd
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1837 No Businefs Adjourd
J Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek Curch meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1838 No Businefs Ajnd
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1838
Brother Garnett is continued as House Keeper as Here to fore and we find the church in arrears the past year to Brother Garnett $5-23
At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1838 No Businefs AjdReceived this day from Sister Sarah Ryle $1 00
James Ryle Sign 1 00
Larkin Ryle 50
Wm Ryle 1 00
Wm Huey 1 00
James Ryle Junr 2 50
John Brady 1 00
Wm Garnett 1 00
Robert Huey $1.00 Squire Scott 1 00
May E Hogan $1.00 Elijah Ryle 1 00
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1838 No Businefs
J Brady Clk Wm Garnett Md
At a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in May 1838 Received by Experience For Baptism James Rice. Application By a letter addrefsed to Brother Garnett From Wm T Bridgford of MonRoe county Mifsouri for a letter of Dismifsion for sally a woman of Collar once a member here and Now living in Misfouri a greed we appoint wm Garnett & J Brady as a Committee to Enquair Concerning of her standing as a member previous to her leaving this Neighborhood and Report At Next Meeting
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle creek church meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1838
The committee appointed at last meeting To enquaire into the standing of sally Report They have not as yet made the enquairy
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1838
Brother Brady Reported He had Made the enquairy concerning the conduct of sally and from the Statement Of Her Mifstrefs Her conduct is not Sutch as It should Bee Brethren Wm Huey Wm Garnett Larken Ryle & John Brady is appointed a Committee to prepare a letter to Wm Bridgeford stating all the circumstances Relative to the case. Brother Garnett is appointed to Right our letter to the association and Brethren wm Huey Wm Garnett James Ryle & John Brady said letter and Represent us in said asociation
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in august 1838
The letter By Brother Garnett Red and Received our September meeting will Be on friday Before the 2nd Satyrday as the Licking association comes on Satyrday
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek Curch Meeting friday the 7th of September 1838
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1838 No Businefs
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in November 1838
No Businefs
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1838
No Businefs
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett Md
At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1839
No Businefs
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1839
Brother Garnett Exibeted a complaint a gainst Brother Merchant for non attendence & frequent intoxication the matter taken up and Brethren Garnett and Brady is appointed to Request his attendance at next Meeting and Report Brother Garnett Exibeted a complaint a gainst Brother Gideon Clore for absenting Himself for a long time from Meeting and for Mifs Representing The Church and attending a shooting Match The Matter taken up and Brethren L Ryle and J T Scott is appointed to Request the Attendence of Brother Clore at our Next Meeting and mak Report
Brother SQ Scott laid in a complaint against Himself for non attendence and Disorderly Conduct and Related his feiting in some length which was Satisfactory to the Church Having in vue for the past Month of appointing some person to fill the office of Deacon the Matter taken up and Brother Wm Huey was A greed apon By a unanimous vote of the Church. A greed we Send to our sister Churches Gunpowder Bullets Burgh and Sand Run Brother L Ryle and E Hogan is appointed to go to Gunpowder Sq Scott to Sand Run And John Brady to Bullets Burgh to Request Helps to attend us at our Aprile Meeting to Afsist in the ordination of Brother Huey to The office of Deacon. Brother Garnett is Continued as House Keeper the present year
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in March 1839 Received By Experience for Baptism Harriett scott The wife of SQ Scott The Refference Respecting Brother Merchant taken up he Being present And Making Satisfactory Acknolledgements The curch agrees to Bare with him and for give Him the Refference of Brother Clore taken Up He not Being present Brother Scott Reported He had informed Brother Clore The Request of the Church. By a vote of the Curch he was found gilty of sin and was Excluded the Curch preceded to settle with Her Treasurer and find the Curch in Arrears $5.25 for the past year Received this day from
Wm Huey $1.00 John Brady $1.00 Polly Preser $ .50 James G Rice 1.00 Larkin Ryle 1.00 Elijah Ryle 1.00 Robert Huey 1-00 John Green 50 William Ryle 1.00 Jane Huey 1-00 Ben Cave 50 Wm Garnett 1.00 John T Scott 2.00 Margaret Rice 1.00 Aron Delph 1.00 SG Scott 50 Milton Merchant 1.5 3/4At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1839 the ordination of Brother Huey taken up there Being present from Gunpowder Brethren J S Carter Lewis Gainer Jobes Popham Stanton Aylor Simean Tanner From Bulletts Burgh Robert Kirtley A Graves Rowland Boris E Graves from Sand Run Wm Whitaker Helps who were invited to set with the church in Council and Ask questions for ther Satisfactions that
Being don and Brother Huey Relating his faith and Beliefs in christ which was satisfactory to the Curch and Helps Agreed That the ordination Be gon into to Marrah Amediately after preaching
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in May 1839 No Businefs Adjournd
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1839 Nobusinefs Adjournd
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdReceived of Sister E Allen $1.00 from Elijah Hogan 1.00 from Armstead Willis 1.00 from Sister fanny Rice 1.00
Received By Experience For Baptism Nelly McAvoy Lu cindy Berkshire & Sarah Green
At a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in July 1839 Brother Wm Huey is appointed to Wright our letter to the Association and present at next meeting & Wm Garnett Wm Huey E Hogan John Brady & Jon P scott is appointed as mefsengers to Bare Said letter and Represent us in Said Afsociation Wm Garnett Md 4th Sunday Received by Experience for Baptism Elizabeth Dear the wife of Allen Dear Sister Nelly McAvoy is Granted a letter of Dismifsion
Wm Garnett Md John Brady ClkAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in august 1839 The letter By Brother Huey was handed in Red and Received
J Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Midle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Septemberl839 No Businefs
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdReceived By Experience for Baptism Elizabeth Brady
At a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1839 Received By Experience for Baptism D M Scott
J Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in November 1839 Received By Experience for Baptism Mary Rosingarter
J Brady Clk Wm Garnett Md
Received By Experience for Baptism Mary Jane Stephens Polly Searcy & Marthy Haydon By letter Wm W Stephens Polly ScottAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1839 Received By Experience for Baptism Richard & Polly Botts
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdReceived By Experience for Baptism Sally Ann Garnett
At a Middle Creek church meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1840 Received By Experience for Baptism Matilda Huey
John Brady Clk Robert KirtlyReceived By Experience for Baptism lucindy Rice Harriett Stephens Sebern P Brady Eliza Scott Elizabeth Garnett Benjamin F Garnett Patsy Ryle Hiram Stephens John J Ryle Elizabeth Hogan Thomas Huey By letter Polly Green
[A small slip of paper is lying between the pages with the following notation.]
Ben F. & Elizabeth C. Garnett United with Middle Creek Church Jan. 1840
At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1840 Nobusinefs
John Brady Clk Robert KirtlyReceived By Experience for Baptism Permilia White Virginia Hogan Owing Rogers Eliza Rogers
At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1840 The proced to Settling with the Brother treasurer and House Keeper and After all Demands Being settled the Curch Have a fund $1.56 1/4 Brother Garnett is Continued as House Keeper as Heretofore
John Brady Wm GarnettReceived By Experience for Baptism James Barnett Patsy Barnett Catherine Pernick Received from William Ryle $1.00 Received from James Cooper $1.00
At a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Sattyrday in Aprile 1840 No Businefs Ajd
John Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in May 1840 Sister nancy Hawkins is Granted a letter of Dismifsion. Wm Garnett Md
John Brady Clk
At a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1840 No Businefs AJourned
John Brady Clk Wm GarnettAt a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1840 Received from Sister Nancy Hawkins By the Hands of Brother William Ryle a letter stating that she Had Attached Her self to the Camil light Curch the Matter Taken up and after Some investigation Brethren Wm Garnett & J Brady was appointed a Committee to have a interview with Sister Hawkins and Report at Next Meeting. Brother Garnett is appointed to wright our Curch letter to the association and present it At our next meeting for the inspection of The Curch & Brethren Wm Huey Wm Garnett L Ryle J T Scott Robert Huey J Brady as Mefsengers to Bear Said letter and Represent Us in Said association the Subject of Dropping the Corrispondence with the Camel County Afsociation last year was taken up decided That the Association Acted premature in So doing Wm Garnett
John Brady ClkAt a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in August 1840
The Committee Reported they Had a Conversation withe Sister Hawkins in wich She Expressed a sorrow for what she had Don and wish to Remain with the Brethren at Middle Creek for the present Not to take a letter of Dismifsion which Report was Satisfactory
The letter to the Association By Brother Garnett Red and Adopted.
John Brady Clk Wm GarnettReceived on Sunday By Experience for Baptism Polly Huey and on thursday James Huey & Newton Ragesdale
At a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September 1840 Brother Larken Ryle applied for Letters of Dismifsion for Himself wife and Polly Presser there Being objections were not Granted
J Brady Clk Wm GarnettAt a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1840 Brother larken Ryle Again applied for letters of Dismifsion the objecting not present was Continued and Brother Neel is appointed to see Brother Hogan and see if Him and Brother Ryle could Settle the objection Between now and next Meeting
J Brady Wm GarnettAt a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in November 1840 The Refference Respecting Bother Ryle &C taken up Brother Hogan Being presant Stated That He thought it unnecessary to see Brother Ryle as He had understood he had attached Himself
to another Church Gunpowder in Disorder as we Consieve Where apon Brethren Wm Huey and Cave was appointed to See and Request there attendance at Next Meeting Make Known the Cause for so leaveing us
J Brady Wm GarnettAlly a Black woman Restord and Dismifsed By letter
At a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1840 The Refference of last meeting taken up But few in attendance owing to the Enclemency of the Weather was Continued till next Meeting
J Brady Wm GarnettAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1841
The Refference Respecting Brother Ryle and wife and polly presser taken up they not Being present an Refusing to Hear the Church Brother Huey and Cave proced to Make Report After Which the Brother and Sisters was found Gilty of sin and was Excluded. Recived from Our Sister Church Bullitsburg By the Hand of Brother Kirtley a friendly Request which is as follows The Curch of Christ at Bullittsburg takes into Consideration the present Condition of the North Bend Afsociation Whereas It appearing that the order of things has been Changed Since our last Annual Meeting by several Churches Leaving the Boddy in an unusual way viz (Mudlick Forks of Gunpowder Bethel Crewes Creek Fourmile and Salem) one of those Churches that left petitioned and Agreed to Receive our Next Association and the Brother that was appointed to write The next Circular has also left us. we therefore Recommend that the Curches of Dry Creek Middle Creek Sand Run East Bend Crooked Creek and the first Baptist Curch in Covington Appoint a Delegation (Should they think with us) to meet in Council previous to the next Seting of our anual Meeting or Association and Make such regulations as they May think Advisable we propose that the first Friday in Aprile next be the time of the Called Meeting And we the Curch at Bullitsburg Request that Meeting to be held with us our doors will open to Receive Brethren at that time
Done by order of Church the 1st Satyrday in January 1841
J C Graves Clk Robert Kirtley MdThe above Resolution we unhesitating with out a Decenting voice thought proper to adopt and meet withe you Wm Brady B Cave Wm Ryle James Ryle J T Scott J Haydon D M Scott Robert Huey Elijah Ryle H Stephens R Botts Sebern Brady B F Garnett J Huey Newton Ragesdale Jno Ryle Jno Brady Wm Huey Wm Garnett
Wm Garnett Mdr J Brady ClkAt a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1841
Seeing that our Rules of Decorum Is lost or Misplaced the Subject taken up and And Brethren Wm Garnett Wm Huey Ben Cave and J Brady Be a Committee to Draft Rules
of Decorum For the Government of this Curch and present them At next Meeting. The year Having Expired On time Brother Garnett is Continued as house Keeper the Curch proced to Settle with Brother Garnett and find the Church in det $6.69 Received this day $7.50 Received of J Brady for D M Scott $1.00
J Brady Ck W Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1841 the Refference of last Meeting taken up the Rules was handed in Red and Received and that they Be Record on the Curch Book
J Brady Clk Wm GarnettAt a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1841 Adjourned
J Brady Ck W GarnettAt a Middle Creek Curch Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1841 [May?] Brother Owing Rogers lade in a Complaint a gainst for frequent intoxication And other Disorderly Conduct the Matter taken Up and he found Gilty of sin But the Acknollegments of the Brother was sutch that the Church a grees to Bear with and for give him Request from our Sister church Dry Creek By Brother Delany for Council to attend them the 3rd Satyrday in this presant Month a greed we send 5 Brethren Wm Huey SG Scott wm Garnett Richard Botts & J Brady
J Brady Ck W GarnettAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1841 on application Sister Alizabeth Deer is Granted alerter of Dismifsion
J Brady Ck W Garnett MdAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1841 Brother John Brady is appointed to wright our letter to the North Bend Association and present it at next meeting and Wm Huey Wm Garnett Robert Huey J T Scott SG Scott Richard Botts & John Brady is appointed Messengers to Bear sd letter and Represent us in Said Association a greed we Meete in filter in The Months of May June July & August at 10 in sted of 11 at that ther Be preaching on Satyrday whin Ever Brother Kirtly and other preaching Brethren whome the Church May invite and that it Be attended to in fore part of the day By a vote of the Church Brother John P Scott is appointed to fill the vacancy of Trustee of Larken Ryle who was Excluded and Brother J Brady is appointed to have it attended to As the Law Directs
At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in August 1841
The letter was handed in Red and adopted Brother SG Scott Credited By one dollar
At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September 1841 Received By Experience for Baptism Eveline Rice A greed we have a meeting of Days to Commence the tuseday after the first friday in November
J Brady Clk Wm GarnettReceived By Experience D Gill Rice
At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1841 No Businefs
Jno Brady Clk Wm GarnettAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in November 1841 Received By Experience for Baptism Wm Scott Ryle
J Brady Wm GarnettOn Thursday G H Scott By Experience for Baptism on 4 Sunday Harriett Scott By Experience for Baptism
J Brady Wm GarnettAt a Middle Creek Church meeting The 2nd Satyrday in December 1841
No Businefs
J Brady Wm GarnettAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1842 the year Having Expired Brother Garnett is Continued As House Keeper for the presant year the Settlement of our Expences for the past year is Continued till next Meeting
J Brady Ck Robert KirtleyAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1842 the Settlement taken up the Church standes in detted $8 61A Received this day $8.00 of
SG Scott $1.00 Wm Huey 1.00 Thomas Huey 1.00 S Brady 1.00 Robert Huey 1.00 Sister Rice 1.00 GH Scott 1.00 DM Scott 1.00 J W Haydon 25By Request from BullitsBurg By Brother A Graves for Helps to Attend them on the first Sunday in Next Month to assist in the ordination of Brother Dunkin to the office of Deacon Agreed we send six Namely Wm Garnett Wm Huey Robert Huey Aron Delph SG Scott & John Bray
By Request the Church a Greed to Extend His Meetings to Burlington one day in each Month An oftner if thought Best they will be published Here an at Each Meeting ther may Be a Dore opened for the Reception of Members
J Brady Wm GarnettAt a Midle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1842 the Helps Reported the ordination was Gon into
J Brady Wm GarnettAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1842 No Businefs AJond
J Brady Wm GarnettReceived By Experience for Baptism Sarah Percivile.
At a Middle Creek Curch Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in May 1842 Br James Kirtly and Brother D Palmer Being With us were invited to prech wich they did in futur all person invited to preach there Names Shall Be Recorded on the Curch Book Brother Newton Ragesdale is Granted a letter of Dismifsion
John Brady Wm GarnettAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1842 No Businefs
Adjournd and Brother Kirtly was invited to Ocapy the time
J Brady Wm GarnettAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1842 By a vote of the Church Brother Sebern Brady is appointed to wright our letter to the association & Brethren Wm Huey Wm Garnett John Brady JP Scott SG Scott Richard Botts Robert Huey & Aron Delph as Messengers to Bare said letter and Represent us in said association. Its agreed that in futer on Meetings May Be Held in Burlington on the 3rd Satyrday and Sunday in Each Month and Brother Garnett is appointed to Sand Run an SG Scott to BullitsBurgh informing Them and Requesting there Cooperation in the same
J Brady Wm GarnettAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in August 1842. Brother Benjamin F Garnett laide in A Complaint a gainst Brother Owing Rogers for Habitual Drunkinnefs the Matter taken up and continued till Next meeting & Brethren JP Scott & J Brady is appointed to see and Request the attendence of Brother Rogers At next Meeting. The Church letter was Called for Red and Received. Brother Scott Reported he was with Brother Garnett at Sand Run and the Curch A greed to Cooperate with Middle Creek In her meetings at Burlington & Bullits Burgh a grees to Cooperate in part so far as to keep
up worship in preaching But the Reception of Membirs to Be By Middle Creek A Greed that Brother Sebern J P Bradys Names be Added to our Church letter, we invite the next Afsociation to Be at Middle Creek
J Brady Clk Robert Kirtley Md24 of august Received By Experience for Baptism Perryander C. Scott Charles Smith Carter Lavina Merchant Betsy Ann Merchant Agnefs Scott Elizabeth Ryle Louizy Rice Misouri Ryle John Carter Arthur T Marshall Samuel Winston Misouri Winston the 30th Benjamin Rice Mary A E Scott Margaret J Scott
At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September 1842 the Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brother Rogers taken up and Continued Received By experience for Baptism Isabel Johnston. A greeable to the Recommendation of the Association we set a part the 1st Satyrday in October as a day of fasting and prayer to almighty God that we might Experience a Revival of Religion and that He would Raise up More Labourers in Harvest field
John Brady Robert KirtleySunday Received By Experience Mary Belonging Brother Utze Sister Rices John Friday 23 Received Richard Johnston Lucindy Allen at night Wesley & Shedrick Men of Collar thursday 29 Received George Horton Harriett E Huey Mary Garnett October 1st Received Hiram Horton September 4 Received Margarett Ann Rice Cathron Garnett Amanda Ryle William Ryle David Ryle William Rice. By letter John & Martha McHatton 5th Received william Curry 6th Received Oscar Huey Mary Jane Merchant Milton Merchant Eliza wallton Sister Rices Mary Brother Ryles Abraham Sarah Jane Searcy Elijah Ryle Sister Rogers John Restored [The following notation is written in pencil] Mary Williamson louisy At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1842 the Refference Respecting Brother Rogers taken up and he found gilty of sin But there was Satisfactory Acknolledgements mad the Curch a grees to Bare with and forgive sd Brother Received By letter Brother James R Hawkins And Adaline (his wife) Received By Experience Alford Williamson Zery Ann Utze Mary Ann Hambleton Elizabeth Horton Received at Burlington Claricy Hambleton Eliza Percivill. louizy & Thomas Received Brother Garnetts lee. Restord [The following notation is written in pencil] Sister Kirtleys Fany At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in November 1842 Received Brother Hogans dicy A request by Brethren SG Scott & G H Scott for an Expression of the mind of this Church in Rigard to the propriety of a Constitution of a Baptist Church in Burlington the Matter taken up and after Some Consultation it was unanimously a greed that we approve of the Course those Brethren Have pursued & incourage Them i n there proposed Meeting for further Deliberation
J Brady Clk Robert Kirtley
At night Received Calvin Garnett Sunday Received Elizabeth Ragesdal Annis Belonging to S J Brady Milly Restord to fellowship Sunday Night Received Nancy Elen Carter Lucy Mary Stephens Monday Night Received Coah Hetha Ann Brady Washington Huey Tuesday Received lewis Belonging to J White Elizabeth Allen Wednesday Received Elizabeth Rennalds Thursday Night Received William Ragesdal Samuel Rosingarter Brother Ryles Tom & Brother Garnetts Ann. Next Thursday Received Elanora Allen Fanny & Obed At night Received Randle & Nancy LatimoreAt a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1842 Received By Experience for Baptism Polliny Huey Liberty is granted to those of our Brethren in and Conveniant to Burlington to unight with the Brethren there in Constitution of a Baptist Church of Jesus Christ which is now in Contemplation Request By Brethren SG &GH Scott for Helps to assist them in the Constitution of a Baptist Church of Jesus Christ at Burlington on Tuesday the 13th of the present month the Request was Granted By Sending Brethren Wm Huey Aron Delph Wm Garnett Elijah Hogan Wm Ryle John Brady Milton Scott Thomas Neel Richard Botts & Robert Huey those of our Brethren and Sisters who may unight in the Constitution to Be Reported at our next Meeting. The Brethren Moderators of this Church is Autherised when thought advisable at any time when holding meetings in the Bounds of the Church to open her door for the Reception of Members and is autherised so to Doo by an Act of the Church
J Brady Clk Robert Kirtly MdSunday Received Nancy Rogers & Moses Thursday Night Darious Ragesdal and Noah Friday night Elizabeth Merrick 4th Sunday Jane
29 of December Receive Samuel Huey Henrietta Huey Francis Johnston Elizabeth Allen Samuel Mason James Mason George & Bob Cold men 1st January 1843 Received Anderson Williams 5 Received Merideth Price Neill 12th Received Mary Land Huey Caroline McManama Lucindy Mason Mary Jane Mason Ellin Rice Cela Belonging to Brother Samuel Huey
At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1843 Report By the Brethren Helpes which was appointed to assist in the Constitution of a Church at Burlington Report That the Helps mostly attended and the Constitution was gon into, we Received a Report from the Church in Burlington By the Hand of Brother SG Scott which was Red Received And ordered to Be Recorded as follows— The Baptist Church of Christ at Burlington To the Church at Middle Creek when met at Middle Creek the 2nd Satyrday in Jan 1843 Very dear Brethren in Complyance with a previous agreement we do hereby report That this Church was duly Constituted on the 13th day of December past and that the following Brethren and Sisters Joined in Said Constitution and now Compose a part of our Body (viz) SG Scott Harriet Scott periander C Scott Margaret J Scott Mary Ann E Scott Sarah A percival Randal Lattimer Nancy Lattimer Geo H Scott Agnes Scott Katharine Kersack Clarisy Hamilton Elizabeth A Renold Benjm Cave and lucindy Berkshire late members of Middle Creek who prays to Be dismifsed from your Body Don By order of the Church Friday Evening Jan: 13 1843
GH Scott Clk Randal Latimer MdN B Sister Lucinda Allen Eliza A percival and Wesly Tom Fanny Louesa Colerd persons wishes to have letters of dismifsion from you which was Granted
Brother Garnett Reported His Time as House Keeper had expired the Matter taken up the Church stands in detted $11.25 which is to be paid over to Brother Garnett for His services ad Expences By an act of the Church the Brethren Deacons infutor is to attend to the Keeping of our house &C and Report when funds is wanted, on Motion its a greed we take into Consideration the propriety of apointing some person to act as Clerk for the church a greeable to Request of our present Clerk which was taken up and Continued J Brady Clk Robert Kirtley MdAt night Received By Experience Harrit S Neel Virginia Neel. Sunday Medaline Utze Slaughter Belonging to Mrs Sellers 2 of febuary Received William Merchant
At a Middle Creek Church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1843
Received By Experience John T Johnston the Refference of last Meeting taken up and Continued Request from our Sister Church Sand Runn By Brother SG Scott By Brother Green for Helps to attend them the 4 Satyrday in this present Month to assist in the Ordination of Brother Wm Gains to the office of Deacon a greed we send 4 to wit Brethren Wm Huey Wm Garnett Milton Scott and J Brady
J Brady ClWm Garnett MdBy Request of Brother Hiram Stephens he is Granted Letters of Dismifsion for Himself and wife By Request of Brother Cave Sister permelia White is Granted a letter of Dismifsion
J Brady Clk Wm Garnett MdSunday Received Carter Belonging to Brother Utzes
tuesday 21 Received for Baptism thomas Mason at night William Mason & wife 22nd wife thomas Mason 23rd Elizabeth Davis at Night Amy Belong to Sister Allen March the 8th Received Henderson Davis John Mason Nancy Mason George Johnston 9th Milly Belonging to Brother thomas HueyAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March 1843 the Helps to Sand Reported that the ordination of Brother Gains was gon into
J Brady Robert KirtleyMarch 23 Received Elisha Wells Aprile 7th Received Elenor Johnston Emily McHatton Jacob Hardisty Margarett Bellonging to Sister Huey, and Nathan slave of Sis. Huey. Nancy Me Heattan
At a middle Creek church meeting the 2nd Saturday in April 1843,
Received by experience for Baptism Lucy Rogers—Whereas sundry members of this church residing South of Gunpowder Creek having agreed to enter into the constitution of a church in the vicinity of Gen Wallaces and whereas the following brethren and sisters to Wit having requested this church to grant them the privilege to constitute and become a seperate church, the matter was taken up and after deliberation it was agreed by the church that those brethren and sisters and such others as may think proper have our approbation to enter into the proposed constitution if it should be thought expedient— The reference respecting the appointment of an other clerk was taken up and after some investigation the church agreed to release brother John Brady from acting as such in future and also to go into the appointment of another whereupon it appears that Brother Sebern S P Brady was chosen to fill that office in the future -
S.P.[signed overtop of "John"] Brady Clk Robert Kirtley ModAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in May 1843.
In Compliance with a request by brethren Robert Huey; James R. Hawkins and Samuel Mason from the brethren and sisters who at our last meeting received the approbation of this church in the course they had taken, to send them helps to afsist in their contemplated constitution on the 25th of the present month; we agree to send the following brethren to wit; John W Roe Wm Huey, Wm Garnett, John Brady, Eligah Hogan, Aron Delp, Richard Botts, D. M. Scott, Wm Ryle, and Sebern P. Brady -By request of brother George H. Scott from the church at Burlington to send them helps to afsist in the ordination of Br. Mills Wilks to the office of deacon on the 3rd Saturday in the present month this church agrees to send the following brethren viz. John W. Roe, Aron Delph Wm Garnett Wm Huey and John Brady.
S.P. Brady Clk. Wm Garnett Mod.At a Middle creek church meeting the 2nd Saturday in June 1843 - Br. Wm Huey reports that the helps sent to the constitution near Gen. Wallaces met according to appointment and the constitution was gone into.
Br. Aron Delph reports that the helps sent to Burlington met according to appointment and the ordination of Br. Wilks was attended to -
On motion of Br. John Brady the church agrees to appoint Br. Thomas Neal and S. P. Scott to examine the roof of our house and make such repairs as the case may require.
S.P. Brady Clk. Wm Garnett Mod.
Rules of decorumArticle the 1st Church meeting to be opened and closed by praise and prayer.
2nd All complaints to be received in the church and attended to, and also the refferences touching fellowship before a door being opend for the reception of members
3rd We adopt as our guide in treating with diforderly members in all cases where it is practicable, the directions given by our Saviour in the 18th of Matthew that is to go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone, if he hear thee thou hast gained they brother, but if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnefes, every word may be established, and if he neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church but if he neglect to hear the Church let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican, for publick crimes satisfaction cannot be had untill a publick acknowledgement be made to the church.
4th Any member found guilty of sin by a majority shall not be restored without unanimous consent the complaining members having no voice in the decision.
5th Exclusion of members to be by two thirds of the votes given
6th All questions shall be decided by a majority except on reception restoration and dismifsion of members and the appointment of ministers and deacons, which shall be by unanimous consent.
7th Every motion, proposition, or quary, made and seconded shall be attended to so as to be taken up or voted out, unlefs withdrawn by the member who made it who may do so before it be taken up but not afterwards without leave of the church.
8thOnly one member shall speak at a time who shall rise and addrefs the moderator strictly attending to the subject and cast not reflections he shall not be interrupted unlefs he breaks the rules of this decorum in which case it shall be the duty of the moderator to call him to order, but should he fail to do so any member may, and he shall take his seat, of which point of order the church shall decide when applied to for that purpose.
9th No member in time of businefs shall addrefs another in any other apellation than of Brother, nor speak more than twice to any matter in debate with out leave of the church.
10th The moderator to give the right hand of fellowship in behalf of the church to all persons admitted to membership but those by experience not to be entitled to the privilege of the church until baptized.
11th The moderator to have the same right of speech as other members provided his seat be filled but not to vote unlefs the church be equally divided.
12th Any free male member neglecting to attend church meeting may on motion be cited by some person appointed by the church to attend the next to hear the admonition of the church.
13th At the close of businefs on each day the minuets to be read, approved by the church, signed by the moderator and attested by the Clerk.
[The following, written in pencil on a piece of lined notebook paper, was inserted between the pages containing 6 through 13 of the Rules of Decorum and the beginning of the minutes for July, 1843.][On one side of the paper]
On motion a settlement was called for, Bro. Huey reported, that the Exp for the Ch the past year, was $15.55. Bal. on hand $4.45 cts,
On motions the Church agreed that the sum of $15 be pd to our house Keeper for the ensuing year.
[On the reverse]
On motion the Church appointed Bro. Wm Huey, was appointed to procure a half dozen chairs for the use of the Church
At a Middle creek church meeting the 2nd Saturday in July 1843.
Recve by letter Br. John Acre and his wife Permelia Acre Sister Jane Akin, formerly a member of Licking Church, having presented herself to this church for membership, she is taken under our watchcare, and brethren Wm Garnett, Wm Huey and Harvy Akin are appointed to visit the Licking Church and inform her of the Action of this church and also to enquire into the standing of Sis. Akin.
On motion the church agrees to proceed to appoint some person to write a letter to the association and also mefsengers to bear it whereupon it appears that Br. Wm Huey is appointed to write a letter and present it at our next meeting for the inspection of the church and Br. Wm Garnett, Wm Huey, Aron Delph, John W Roe, Smith Carter, Richard Botts, D.M. Scott, and Sebern Brady as mefsengers, to bear said letter By a request from Pleasant Ridge Church in Indiana through Br. Thomas Craig, to send them helps to afsist in the ordination of a Deacon on the fourth Saturday in July. This church agrees to send the following Brethren to wit—John W Roe Wm Garnett, Wm Huey, Aron Delph and Richard Botts—
A report was recv. by the hands of Br. Robert Huey from the members composing the Big Bone church, which, after being read was reed, by the church and ordered to be recorded, and which reads as follows—
To the Church at Middle Creek - At a meeting held at Big Bone Church at their last meeting the Clerk was requested to make out a list of the names of such Brethren & Sisters as were members of your church previous to the recent constitution of the Big Bone Church who at that time united in the constitution aforesaid. The Clerk therefore respectfully submits the following as a list of these members:
Males Robert Huey Samuel Huey Thomas Huey James T Mason Jas. M. Hawkins Robt. M. Fowler John Q. Johnston Geo. G. Johnston Rich. B. Johnston John Riley Wm. Mason Washington Huey Samuel Mason Oscar W. Huey Jno. Mason Jno. McHattan Thomas Mason Jacob Hardisty Henderson Davis Elisha Wills Robert a slave of R. HueyFemales Beside the above list there were three sisters who united with us from the East Bend Church making in the aggregate, 44 Members at the time of the Constitution.Matilda Huey Henriettta Huey Alvira Huey Mary Jane Mason Sarah A. Hawkins Elizabeth Davis Sarah Mason Nancy McHattan Ellina Johnston Emily McHattan Caroline McManima Elizabeth Allen Lucinda Mason Martha E. Allen Nancy Mason Jane Huey Nancy Mason Mary Jane Huey Isabella Allen Margaret. Slave of Jane Huey
James R. Hawkins C.B.B.C. By a request of Sist. Frances Johnson she is granted a letter of dismifsion from the Church
This Church request the next association to be at Middle Creek
G.S.P. Brady Clk Robert Kirtley Mdr.At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Saturday in August 1843. Recvd by experience
For Babtism Miriam P. Merchant. The letter to the Afsociation being presented was read and adopted by the Church. On motion Br. John Brady is added to the list as a Mefesenger to the Afsociation.
By request of Sis. Mary Ann Mason through Br. Robert Huey she is granted a letter of Dismifsion from this Church.
Br. J. W. Roe reports that the Helps sent to Pleasant Ridge Church la. met according to appointment and Br. Hunter R. Wilson were Ordained to fill the office of Deacon for that Church.On motion its agreed we take up the subject as to the propriety of liberating Br. Charles T. Carter and Calvin Garnett to go forward in the cause of Christ and after some investigation the Church incourages those Brethren to exercise their gifts in any manner that they may think propper wherever God in his Providence may send them.
The subject as to Br. Robert Kirtley's still attending us taken up and by a unanimous vote of the Church, he is requested to attend as often as God in his Providence will admit.
The Br. Deacons report that they are without funds
Received this day $3.45 cts At the Jan. meeting rec. Richard Botts 50 of Wm Huey $1.00 Calvin Garnett 70 " Thos Neal 1.00 John Ryle 50 " Sam. Winston 1.00 Elij. Ryle jun 25 " Wm Ryle Sen 1.00 John Brady 1.00 " D.M. Scott 1.00 S.P. Brady 50=3.45 " Wm Ryle jun .40 Elj. Ryle Sen 2.00 " Robert Huey .50 Eliza Scott 2.00 " Marg. Rice .31 J.P. Scott 1.00 $5.41 D.M. Scott 1.00=6.00 9.45 9.45 $15.16
S. Brady Clk. Wm Garnett Mdr.
Church letter.
The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ at Middle Creek to the North Bend afsociation of Baptist when convened at Dry Creek, Kenton Co. Ky. on the 3rd friday in August 1843.Dear Brethren in the Lord through the tender mercies of a kind and indulgent God we are still preserved through the toils of another year and we feel thankful to say that there is nothing of a serious or distrefsing character existing amongst us as a church but that we are still permitted to travel on in peace and as we hope a good degree of Christian feeling. Brethren we will give you a brief History of our travel as a church through the past year. At the close of the meeting the week succeding the afsociation it was made manifest that the Lord Had began a work of grace upon the hearts of the people. The tear of love and joy were seen to flow down the cheeks of some and from others that of Humility and repentence and many as we hope were brought to cry for mercy, while others were willing to tell of the goodnefs of God in pardoning their sins and enabling them to trust in the Lord for life and salvation. We were enabled to have preaching more frequent than was had before our congregations became large and attentive the singing of the birds was heard in the land and everything indicated that summer was nigh. In this manner the Lord continued the work for some months so that the work of grace both appeared with all grades, clafses and conditions of the human family in the part of Gods
moral vineyard. The old, the young, the middle aged, and the bond as well as the free have been made the happy recipiants of God's love. At this time our house is tolerably well filled and we have attentive Congregations, though we are fearful the Summer is past and the harvest is over and some souls are not yet saved. Brethren we feel that we do not feel thankful enough to that God who had brought our children our neighbours, our neighbours, children and our servants out of a state of darknefs into the marvelous light and liberty of the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We send you this letter by way of our Brethren &C—Farewell.Whereas at a meeting held by a portion of the members of the Middle Creek Church at Wallaces School House (now Big Bone Church) on the 24 day of May last, Bro. James Kinsolving, then a member of Palmyra Church in Greenup County Ky. was in virtue of a letter of recommendation from Elder Jno. Young Pastor of the Church aforesaid reed, into the Middle Creek Church.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Sept. 1843.
The case of Bro. James Kinsolvings reception on his letter that was presented to this church on the evening previous to the constitution of the Big Bone Church, was taken up and after some investigation, there was objections to the manner of his reception, but the matter is postponed until next meeting for further investigation.
On motion, its, agreed that we have some days of meeting commencing the Thursday before the 2nd Saturday in Oct. next.
By request -- Sister Martha McHattan is granted a letter of dismifsion from this Church. On Saturday evening recd, by experience for baptism Wesley and Wander Rice.
On Sunday evening reed, by experience for baptism King a coloured man belonging to Jeremiah Garnett.
S. Brady Clk. Wm Garnett Mdr.Whereas it appearing, that a portion of the members of this church disapprove of the preceedings, above mentioned, because of the fact alone that such had not been, nor was the usage of this church to receive members in any other way than in virtue of a formal and regular letter of the church whence the applicant had come. Now that the peace & harmony of this be preserved--. Agreed unanimously that in future this church adhere strictly to its former usages in all cases touching this matter, that the members present at the time of the reception refered to were actuated by none other than high and holy motives.
At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Saturday in Oct. 1843. The refference of last meeting Respecting Bro. Kinsolving taken up, he being present and having no wish to be the means or instrument of producing any discordant feelings among the brethren and sisters of this church requests that he be permitted to withdraw from his connexion with this church and that his standing be such as 'twas before his offering for membership, whereupon the church believing it to be a prudent and proper course, grants his request.By request of Bro. Samuel Winston letters of dismifsion are granted to himself and wife.
By request of Bro. Wm. Curry letters of dismifsion are granted to himself and wife.
S. Brady Clk. Robert Kirtley Mdr.On Sunday red. by experience for baptism Samuel a coloured man belonging to Sis. Outz
At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Saturday in Nov. 1843.
In Compliance with a request
from the Big Bone Church by Br. Samuel Mason, to send them helps to afsist in the Ordination of Br. Thomas Huey & John C. Riley to the office of Deacon on the fourth Saturday in the present month. We do hereby agree to send the following Brs. to wit, John W. Rowe, Wm Garnett, C.S. Carter, Calvin Garnett, D.M. Scott, John Brady & S. Brady
S. Brady Clk. John W. Rowe Md.At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Saturday in Dec.. 1843.
Br. John Brady reports that a portion of the helps sent from this Church to Big Bone, met according to appointment and that the Ordination of Br. Huey & Riley was gone into
By request of Br. Jno. W. Rowe, himself and wife are granted letters of dismifsion from this Church.
By request of Br. Rosengarter, letters of dismifsion are granted to himself, wife & Br. Wm and Darius Ragsdal.
By request of Br. Saml. Huey letters of dismifsion are granted to George, & Sela Slaves of Sd. Brothers--
It is proposed by the Br. Deacons that we inquire into the state of the Church funds after which, being done, the Church stands indebted for past services and expenses $11.46 cts.
S. Brady Clk. Robert Kirtley Md.
The following Brethren paid the amount annexed to their names to wit--
Br Richard Botts l.00 cts " Sebern P. Brady 1.00 " Charles S. Carter .50 " Thomas Neal .75 " Benj. F. Garnett 1.00 " Wm Ryle 1.00 " Scott Ryle 1.00 " John Brady 1.00 " Wm Huey 1.00 " James Huey .50 " John Acre .75 " John C. Green .27 " Warder Rice .50 " John Rogers 1.00 " John P. Scott 1.00 " Milton Scott 2.00 " Frances Rice 1.00 " Aron Delp .50 " Thomas Neal 1.00 " Wm Ryle sen. 1.00 " Richard Botts .50 " Elijah Ryle sen. 1.00 19 22 11 46 7.76At a middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Jan. 1844.
Sister Agnefs Stephens having been absent from this Church for a considerable length of time and on hearing that she had attached herself to another Church, for which we have no fellowship viz. the Universalian, Its motioned and Secnd. by the Church that we appoint Brethren Wm Huey & Milton Scott to have an interview with sd Sister and enquire into the matter and request her attendance at our next meeting.
S. Brady Clk. Wm. Garnett MdrAt a middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Feb, 1844--
The refference
of last meeting respecting Sis. Stephens was taken up Br. Huey reports that himself and Br. Scott had attended to the order of the Ch. as it respects that case and had a conversation with Sis. Stephens. She stated the report was true and that she felt satisfied on the course she had taken and that she firmly believes that doctrine she has embraced. Whereupon the Church believing that she has departed from original principles and the true faith of the gospel she is by a vote, thereof, excluded.
By request of Br. John Brady, himself, wife and daughter and Br. Wm Brady are granted letters of dismifsion from this church.By request of Br. Wm Stephens himself wife and daughter are granted letters of dismifsion from this Church.
On motion of Br. Richard Botts its agreed by the Ch. that a committee be appointed to examine our records and attend to those brethren who have been absent for some time and converse with them and encourage their attendance more frequent. Whereupon, Brethren Wm Garnett Wm Huey Richard Botts, Wm Ryle and D.M. Scott are appointed for that purpose and to report as soon as convinient.
S. Brady Clk. Wm. Garnett MdrOn Sunday recvd. Sis. Jane Akin by virtue of a letter from Licking Ch. Campbell Co. Ky. Whereas a committee having been appointed in July last to attend to the case of Sis. Akin a report has been recvd which reads as follows. Dear Br. Garnett. According to your request we have made some enquiry concerning the standing (of sister Jane Craig, now Jane Akin) we learn from our records that she became a member with us by baptism under the labours of Christopher Wilson in the year 1818, and her name had remained on our book to the present. We know of no charge having been brought against her for immoral conduct. Therefore the Church thinks proper to order her a letter of dismifsion. T.F. Vickers Clk L.C.
At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the second Saturday in March 1844.
Br. Owing Rogers laid in a complaint against himself for frequent intoxication and other disorderly conduct. The matter taken up and he by a vote of the church is found guilty of sin, but its agreed that the matter stand as a refference until next meeting.
Br. Wm Garnett laid in a complaint against Lewis a Br. of colour for the sin of adultry. The matter taken up and to stand as a refference until next meeting, and Br. Milton Scott and Abram a Br. of colour to request his attendance at that time.
By request of Milly a Sister of colour through Br. David Ryle a letter of dismifsion is granted her from this church.
S. Brady Clk. Wm. Garnett MdrAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the second Saturday in April 1844. The refference from last meeting respecting Br. Rogers taken up, he not being present its agreed that that the matter stand as a reference until next meeting and that Brother Wm Huey, John P. Scott and Richard Botts be a Committee to wait on Br. Rogers and to know his reason for not attending and also to request his attendance at next meeting.
The reference respecting Br. Lewis taken up. Br. Scott reported that he had seen Br. Lewis and requested his attendance at this time, he being present and after hearing from sd. Br. The Church found him guilty of sin, and not being willing to bear with him any longer he is by a vote thereof excluded.
By request of Jane, formerly belonging to Sister Sophiah Garnett, through Benjamin Emison, by letter addrefsed to this Church She is granted a letter of dismifsion.It is proposed that we consider the propriety of appointing some person as trustee to fill the vacancy of Br. John Brady, Whereupon Br. Benjamin F. Garnett was appointed to fill that vacancy, and seeing that the order of the church of July 1841 respecting the appointment of Br. John P. Scott has not been attended to it is ordered that this Br. Clerk have the cases attended to as the law directs on the subject.
S. Brady Clk. Wm. Garnett MdrAt a Middle Creek Church Meeting the second Saturday in May 1844.
The reference respecting Br. Rogers taken up. Br. Botts reported that Br. Huey and himself had attended to the order of the Church as it respects that case. Brother Rogers being present still wishes the Church to forgive him. Whereupon the Church agrees to bear with and forgive Sd. Brother.
Annis a woman of colour brought forward a complaint against herself for the sin of adultry, the matter taken up and she found guilty of sin and the church not being willing to bear with her any longer she is by a vote thereof excluded.
By request of Sister Virginia Hogan through Br. John Acre, she is granted a letter of dismifsion from this Church.
S. Brady Clk. Wm Whitaker mdr.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the second Saturday in June 1844. No businefs adjourned and Brethren P.C. Scott C.L. Carter and C. Garnett were invited to Preach.
S. Brady Clk. Wm. Garnett MdOn Sunday received Sis. Lucy Spangler by virtue of a letter from the Ch. at Sparta Dearborn county la [IN].
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the second Saturday in July 1844.
On motion the Church agreed to appoint a Brother to write a letter to the approaching North Bend Afsociation and also Mefsengers to bear it. Whereupon Br. Calvin Garnett was appointed to write a letter and present it at our next meeting for the inspection of the Church and Brethren Wm Huey, Wm Garnett, David M. Scott, Charles T. Carter, Calvin Garnett & Sebern P. Brady were appointed to bear sd. Letter and represent the Church in sd. Afsociation.
The church then directed the letter writer to request the next afsociation to be at Middle Creek. Adjournd.
S. Brady Clk. Robert Kirtley MdOn Sunday recd Sarah a woman belonging to Mrs. Lattimer.
At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the second Saturday in August 1844.
Br Wm Huey, one of the committee to attend to absent members, reported that he had had. an interview with Br. James Cooper, and that he exprefsed a desire to meet with his
brethren, but on account of affliction he could not enjoy himself as he would wish to do, whereupon the church on hearing the report appeared to be satisfyed.Br. D. M. Scott & Wm Garnett reported that they had visited Sis. Joana Clore and that she stated that she did not consider herself a member of this Church, and also declared nonfellowship for the same and furthermore wished her name erased, whereupon the Church believing that sd. sister has treated her with contempt by refusing to hear her admonitions and not being willing to bear with her any longer she is by a vote thereof excluded.
The letter to the afsociation was called for which after being read was adopted.
S. Brady Clk. Wm. Garnett MdChurch letter
The Baptist Church of Christ at Middle Creek to the North Bend afsociation of Baptists when convened in the first baptist Church Covington, Ky. on the third Friday in August A.D. 1844. Grace be unto you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.Dear brethren,
It is with no small degree of pleasure that we pronounce the name Brother in Christ, for with it is afsociated, strong ties of affection, chorded by the golden chain of love, as children of one common parent sharing the same blefsings and heirs of the same heritage. Being made one in Christ, by faith though the operation of the spirit, we are begotten of God, consequently the same family, - We hence claim the kindred and rejoice together in that hope, which is, as an anchor to the soul, both sure and steadfast, But beloved Brethren, as a church we have nothing, whereof to glory.. save in the crop of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is our strength in weaknefs, and light in darknefs. We meet semi-monthly to worship sometimes oftener; A meeting is held weekly for the special object of praise and prayer. This however does not seem often to us, neither do we expect religious blefsings for frequent assembling. God forbid that we should meet in the spirit of the praying pharisee, who laid claim to the satisfaction, through self righteousnefs, we feel to be unprofitable servants, and though our lives were spent wholly in the service of God we could by no means compensate for past favors, for such is the glory of his grace, and the richnefs of his calling. Unto him who has called us, and washed us in his own blood, be praise, power and glory forever, Amen. But beloved brethren, we do not always enjoy perfect tranquility of mind, neither is our strains of doctrine uninterrupted for like other Christians we have to man the spiritual warfare, contend with unbelief and obduracy of heart. At present a coldnefs and indifference to some extent seems to pervade the Church. There is not that degree of active interest which was so intensely felt among us in days that are past. Then each soul came up praying, burthened with desires to God, and intreating for the outpouring of his spirit of all grace to be subdueing of rebelious sinners, Then Congregations flocked to the voice of the gospel proclaimed. Though we are not enjoying now these more glorious tokens, and brighter manifestations of God in us, yet we have evident regards of his care towards us. And occasionally we are permitted to a repast of his love and a draught of the fountain of blifs. Thanks be unto his Holy name for his refreshing seasons: for like the dews of Heaven that fall in the dark and stillnefs of the night imparting health, vigour, and strength to the thirsty plant, so is the spirit and love of God to the famishing soul, In
conclusion dear brethren, we can say the saviours love which tempers Christian hearts and makes them meek, has brought us thus far to realize the triumphs of faith.May heavens choicest blefsing, dear brethren, rest upon you is the prayer of your brethren at Middle Creek
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the second Saturday in Sept. 1844.
Bro. Arthur P. Marshall presented a letter to this church, she not being willing to hear the letter read, requested Br. Marshall to state its contents, but he failing to do so, on motion, the church appointed a committee of the following Brethren (to wit) Wm Garnett, Wm Huey, R Botts A. Delph , D.M. Scott & C.P. Carter, to have an interview with sd Br. and report at our next meeting.
Recd, by experience for baptism Robert Craig. Reed by virtue of a letter from the church at Bulletsburg, Sis. Mary Ann Berkshire.
On Motion, the church agreed according to the proclamation of the governor of Ky. to set apart Thursday the 26th of the present month as a day of praise and Thanksgiving for the favours and blessings of the past year.
In compliance with a request from the church at Bullettsburg, by Br. Jeremiah Graves to send them helps to afsist in the Ordination of Br. James A. Kirtley to the ministry the 1st Saturday in Oct., next. The church agreed to send the following Brthn. to wit; Richard Botts, D.M. Scott, Charles T. Carter, Robert C. Garnett, Aron Delph, Wm Huey, & Wm Garnett. Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk. Wm. Garnett Md.At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Saturday in Oct. 1844.
After some appropriate remarks by the Moderator proceeded to businefs. The reference from last meeting concerning Brother Arthur P. Marshall, comeing up, Brother Wm Huey and Aron Delph reported that the Committee had seen Br. Marshall and laboured much with him he profefsed to have imbraced the doctrine of Universal Salvation (which we call heresy) being informed that Br. Marshall is indisposed, the matter is defered until next meeting, and Br. Wm Huey & J.P. Scott were appointed to see sd. Brother & inform him of the action of the church.
Br. Aron Delph reported that the helps appointed to go to Bulletsburgh generally attended and unanimously concured with the Church to the Ordination of Br. James A. Kirtley to the ministry which was carried into effect on Sunday, by Brn. Robert Kirtley, Wm Whitaker and Asa Drury. S.G. Scott Clk Protem Wm Garnett Mdr
At a Middle Creek church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Nov. 1844. The reference from last meeting respecting Br. A.P. Marshall was taken up, he being present, informed the church that he still adhered to the doctrines above mentioned and also exprefsed and
unwillingnefs to live with the Church and longer, Whereupon the Church believing that Br. Marshall is in error, and has sinned by refuseing to hear her admonition, he was by a vote thereof excluded.
S.P. Brady Clk. Robert Kirtley Mdr.At a Middle creek church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Dec. 1844. Br. Wm Huey laid in a complaint against Br. Owen Rogers for frequent intoxication; the matter was taken up and he found guilty of sin, and the Church not being willing to bear with him any longer he was by a vote thereof excluded.
Recvd. Sister Sarah Ann Ingram by virtue of a letter from the Church of Mount Gilead Green Co., Ky.
S.P. Brady Clk Robert Kirtley, Mdr.On Monday night following recvd. by experience for Baptism Eliza Ryle.
On the 26th Recvd. by experience for Baptism John Bachelor.At a middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in January 1845.
Nathan a Brother of colour, laid in a complaint against himself for the sin of adultry. The was taken up and he found guilty of sin, and the Church not being willing to bear with him any longer, he was by a vote thereof excluded.
Br. Wm Huey reported the costs of the Lamps and stove which he had purchased for the use of the Church, amounting in all to 31 dollars 23 cents, which report was recvd. Recvd. in payment for the same 30 dollars leaveing $1.23 cents yet unpaid.
A settlement was then called for and after investigation it appears that the Church is in arrears, for the keeping of the house and other expenses exclusive of the above $4.61 cents.
S.P. Brady Clk. Robert Kirtley, Mdr.A list of money contributed for lamps and stove
$ cts Br. David M. Scott Paid 3. 50 John P. Scott " 5 00 Calvin Garnett " 1 00 Sebern P. Brady " 2 00 Benj. W. Garnett " 2 00 William Garnett " 5 00 William Huey " 5 00 Richard Botts " 1 00 John Acre " 50 Sis. Eliza Scott " 3 00 " Rebecca Ryle " 2 00 " Margaret Rice " 2 00 $32. 00 31.23 cents .77
Church fund of 1845 $ cts Balance over paying for lamps 0 77 " Frances Rice Paid 2 00 " William Ryle Sen " 1 00 " Robert Craig " 25Jan. 1846 The Church indebted for keeping house &C $22.50 cts Bro Aron Delph Cr. by 75 cts " Charles C. Carter .50 " John Acre .75 " Thomas Neal 1 00 " S.P. Brady 1 00 " Rebecca Ryle 1 00 " John Carter 50 " B.F. Garnett 50 " Wm Huey 1 50 " George Horton 1 00 " R.C. Garnett 45 " Elizabeth Garnett 1 00 " Elijah Ryle Sen 2 00 " Eliza Scott 2 00 " D.G. Rice 1 00 " Wm Ryle Sen 1 00 " Scott Ryle 1 00 " Margaret Rice 75 " John C. Green 50 18.20 2.00 " D.M. Scott 20.20
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Feb. 1845.
Br. Alford Williamson laid in a Charge against himself for getting into an affray with Mr. Wilky, the matter was taken up and the church voted him guilty of sin, but after heaving his acknowledgements, the Church forgive sd. Brother.
Br. William Huey reported the death of Br. William Garnett, who departed this life on the 27th of Jan. 1845.
Whereas it appearing that one of our Deacons has been taken from us by death, on motion of Br. Wm Huey the church agreed, to take into consideration the propriety of appointing some Br. to fill that office, but its agreed, that the matter stand as a reference to our next meeting.
On motion of Br. D.M. Scott the Church agreed to take up the subject as to the propriety of appointing Moderators. The matter was taken up and after some investigation Brethren Robert C. Garnett, & Charles S. Carter were chosen to fill that office. But account of Br. Garnetts refusing to fill the office, on motion it was agreed that the matter be reconsidered and to stand as a refference to next meeting.On motion of Br. Wm. Huey the Church took up the subject as to the approval of Brn. R.C. Garnett & C.S. Carter, coursed since they have been licensed preachers of this Church, and after some exprefsions from the Brethren, the church by a vote approves of the course they have taken and wished to encourage those Brethren to still prefs forward in their calling.
S.P. Brady, Clk Robert Kirtley, MdAt a Middle Creek church meeting the 2 Saturday in March 1845.
The reference from last meeting respecting the appointment of a Deacon was taken up, and after some investigation it appears that Bro. David M. Scott was chosen to fill that office.
On motion the Church agreed to send Brethren to the following Churches viz. to Bullettsburgh Brethren John P. Scott & S.P. Brady, to Sand Run Br. C.S. Carter, to East Bend Br. R.C. Garnett. to Burlington, Brn. Wm Huey & . J. Acre to Big Bone Brn, Wm & Elijah Ryle, to request helps to attend on the 2nd Saturday in April, to sit in Council with his Church touching the Ordination of Bro. Scott to the office of Deacon.
The reference respecting Moderators was taken up and brethren Wm Huey and Charles S. Carter, were chosen to fill that office.
Whereas, it appearing that there are but three Trustees remaining to which the lot of land was deeded on which our house of worship stands, on motion the church appointed Br. Richard Botts to fill the vacancy.
S.P. Brady Clk Robert Kirtley Mod.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in April 1845.
The reference respecting the Ordination of Bro. Scott was taken up and the brethren appointed to attend the different churches reported that the order of the Church had been attended to and that the churches applied to all agreed to send helps on the occasion, and there were in attendance brethren from the different churches as follows, from Bullettsburgh brethren Robert Kirtley, Rowland Botts, Edward Graves, Absalom Graves, & John Duncan from Sand Run, Wm Whitaker Wm Gaines, Lewis Webb, from East Bend Francis Craig & Wm Kirtley from Burlington J. W. Jones, Mills Wilks, S.G. Scott & Benjamin Cave, from Big Bone John C. Riley, Matthew McHattan & Edward Rice.
The visiting brethren from the different Churches were then invited to sit with the church and helps
On motion, the church was again called upon for an exprefsion of opinion respecting Bro. Scotts ordination, and again unanimously agreed to his ordination
Bro. Scott was again called upon to how whether he would serve the Church and consented, Sister Scott was also called upon and gave her consent. The matter was then committed to the helps.Bro. Scott was then called upon to give a relation of his faith and hope in Christ and after hearing from Bro. Scott the Council unanimously Concured with the church in the choice she had made.
Agreed that the ordination take place tomorrow after preaching.
By request of Br. John P. Scott a letter of dismifsion was granted him from this Church.
S.P. Brady Clk. Robert Kirtley Mod.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in May 1845.
On motion of Br. Wm Huey the church took up the subject as regards Bro. Robert Kirtleys still attending us as Pastor, and after some exprefsions from the brethren touching the matter he was by a unanimous vote called to take the Pastoral care of the church.
On motion the Church appointed Bro. A. Delph & S.P. Brady to inform Bro. Kirtley of their action on the above subject.
S.P. Brady Clk. Wm Huey Md.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in June 1845. No businefs adjourned, and Bro. R. Kirtley, T.A.. Kirtley, & G.H. Scott, were invited to occupy the time in preaching.
S. Brady—Clk R. Kirtley Mdr.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in July 1845.
The subject as regards being represented in the approaching North Bend Association to be held at this place the 3rd friday in August next was taken up, and Bro. D.M. Scott was appointed to write a letter and present it at our next meeting for the inspection of the Church and Brethren D.M. Scott, C. S. Carter R.C. Garnett, A. Delph W. Huey, R. Botts, & S. Brady were appointed to present sd. letter and represent the Church in sd. Afsociation.
On motion the Church appointed a committee of the following Brethren viz. Wm Huey, Thomas Neal, D.M. Scott, Elijah Ryle sen, B.F. Garnett, David Ryle, and R. Botts to make suitable preparations for the convenience of the afsociation.
Recv. Bro. Eli Jones and sister Joanah Jones his wife by virtue of a letter from the Church at Little Blue River Shelby Co. la.
Recv. Sister Susan Jones by virtue of a letter from the Ch. at Bullettsburgh.
S.P. Brady Clk Robert Kirtley Md.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in August 1845.The letter to the Afsociation was called for and presented which after being read was adopted by the Church, no other businefs. Agreed to adjourn.
S.P. Brady Clk.
Wm Huey Md.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Sept 1845. No businefs to claim the attention of the Church agreed to adjourn, and that the preaching brethren occupy the time.
S.P. Brady Clk. C. S. Carter, Md.
Church Letter. The Baptist Church of Christ at Middle Creek to the North Bend Afsociation of Baptists when convened at Middle Creek Boon Co. Ky. August the 15th 1845. Sendeth Christian Saluation,
Very dear Brethren, by the goodnefs and tender mercy of our Heavenly Father we have been preserved through the various toils of another year, and again have the happy privilege of meeting you by letter and mefsengers. But Brethren we have not the glad news to communicate to you of Sinners being converted to God, but have to complain of coldnefs and barenefs in religion, this should cause us to examine ourselves, and ask ourselves the following important questions: Why do we hear so much complaining? Why are we so barren and unfruitful? Why are the smiles of our Heavenly Father apparently withdrawn from us? Are we engaged at a throne of grace as we should be? Are we waiting on the Lord in all his appointed ways, and asking him to visit his earthly sanctuary with an outpouring of his Holy Spirit, that Zion might awake once more from her lethargy and supinenefs and go forth in the strength of her Lord. If brethren we were thus fervently engaged that the Lord would revive his work in our hearts and in our land, we might confidently look for and expect better days, for the Lord has said Ask and you shall receive, ask in faith nothing wavering. We have abundant reason to thank the Lord for the peace that has prevailed. We have the Gospel of the blefsed Saviour faithfully dispensed amongst us on the 2nd Sabbath by Bro. Robert Kirtley, and on the 4th by C.S. Carter and R.C. Garnett, our young brethren in the Ministry, We still continue to meet every Sabbath evening in social prayer for the blefsings of God to still be extended unto us. The state of Church is as follows. Reed by experience & baptism 4. by letter 5. Difs. by letter 1. restored 1. excluded 3. Deceased 2. total number 154. We send you this by our beloved brethren to wit; Wm Huey, Aron Delph, C. S. Carter, R.C. Garnett, R. Botts, S. P. Brady and D.M. Scott, to bear you this letter and sit with you in council and may the great head of the Church preside over all your deliberations, is the prayer of your brethren at Middle Creek.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Oct. 1845.On application of Bro. James Huey he was granted a letter of dismifsion from this church, no other businefs claiming the attention of the Church adjourned, and the brethren invited to preach.
D.M. Scott Clk protem Robert KirtleyAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Nov. 1845.
On motion of Bro. D. M. Scott the church agreed to devote thursday the 20th of the present month to praise, prayer, and thanksgiving to Almighty God, in accordance to the proclamation of the Governor.
No other businefs adjourned.
D.M. Scott Clk protem F. Craig Md. protmAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Dec. 1845.
Bro. Elijah Ryle jun. laid in a complaint against, Bro. Alfred Williamson for being guilty of the sin of intoxication and Gambling, the matter was taken up, and Bro. D.M. Scott, & C. S. Carter, were appointed to have an interview with Bro. Williamson and request his attendance at next meeting, to answer to the charges alledged against him.
John a Bro. of Color, laid in a Charge against Abram a Bro. of Col. also for dancing the matter was taken up and Brn. Scott & Carter were appointed to see Bro. Abram, and request his attendance also at the same time.
Adjourned from businefs--
S.P. Brady Clk Wm Huey Mdr.At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Saturday in Jan. 1846. The reference from last meeting respecting Bro. Williamson was taken up. Bro. Scott reported that he had attended to the order of the Church respecting that case. Bro. Williamson being present and failing to give satisfaction was voted guilty of sin and therefore excluded.
The reference respecting Bro. Abram was taken up. Bro. Scott reported that he had seen Bro. Abram and that he acknowledged the charge alledged against him but exprefsed no sorrow for what he had done, he not being present and refuseing to hear the admonition of the Church was voted guilty of sin and also excluded.
Recd. Sister Lucinda Berkshire by virtue of a letter from the Ch. at Burlington.
Bro. Wm Huey proposed a settlement with the Church, the matter was taken up an upon investigation it appears that the Church is indebted for the expenses of the past year 22 dollars and 49 cts.
On motion, the Church agreed the 2nd Sat. in Dec. in each year be a day of Settlement.
S.P. Brady Clk Robert Kirtley Mod.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Feb. 1846. There being no businefs to claim the attention of the Church adjourned and Brn. R.C. Garnett & C.S. Carter were invited to occupy the time.
S.P. Brady C. S. CarterAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in March 1846.
Recd. Bro. John W. Arnold by virtue of a letter from the church at Clear Creek Woodford Co. Ky. Rec. Sister Lucinda Allen by virtue of a letter from the Church at Burlington Boone Co. Ky.
S. P. Brady Clk. G.H. Scott modAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in April 1846.
A letter was reed, from the church at Harrods Creek Oldham Co. Ky. requesting this Church to give them a history of Bro. James Kinsolvings manner of life while among us. The matter was taken up and a Committee of the following Brn. were appointed to answer the request of sd. Church, viz. Wm Huey, D.M. Scott, Elijah Ryle, R.C. Gamett, and S. Brady.
S.P. Brady Clk Robert Kirtley Md.On Sunday red. by experience for baptism Betsy a woman of colour belonging to J. Ryle.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in May 1846.
The reference from last meeting was taken up. Bro. D.M. Scott, reported that the committee had prepared a letter in answer to the one recv. at our last meeting, the letter was called for and adopted by the Church and ordered that the Clerk forward sd. letter as requested. Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk Robert Kirtley Mdr.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in June 1846.
On motion of Bro. Win Huey, the subject as regards recovering our meeting house and repairing our Saddle house was taken up. and after some consultation, the Church agreed to recover both buildings. On motion the Church appointed Brn. Wm Huey, Thomas Neal & D.M. Scott, as a Committee, to procure the materials superintend the businefs and to have the work Completed by the first of Sept. or as soon after as practicable. Adjournd S.P. Brady Clk Wm Huey Md.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in July 1846.
By request of Sister Elnora Span (formerly Sis. Elnora Allen) through Bro. James Barnett a letter of dismifsion was granted her from the Church.
On motion the church appointed Bro. Charles S. Carter to write a letter to the approaching North Bend Afsociation to be held with the Big Bone Church the 3rd friday
in August next, and to present it at next meeting for the inspection of the Church, and Brn. David M. Scott, Robert C. Garnett, Charles S. Carter, John Acre Wm Huey and S.P. Brady were appointed as mefsengers to bear sd letter and represent the Church in sd afsociation.
On motion of Bro. Wm Huey the Church took up the subject as it regards those waggons of pedling and traffic visiting our Afsociation and after some investigation the following resolution was unanimously adopted. Resolved that this Church deeply deplore and disapprobate the course of trafficking carried on at our annual Afsociations, and hope that our friends in future will desist from it, ordered that this resolution be inserted in the letter to the Afsociation.
S.P. Brady Clk Robert Kirtley Mdr.At A Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in August 1846.
The letter to the Afsociation was called for which after being read was adopted.
There being no other businefs, adjourned. And Brn. Joseph Botts & R. Kirtley were invited to preach.
S.P. Brady Clk C.S. Carter md.
Church letter
The Baptist Church of Christ at Middle Creek, to the North Bend Afsociation when Convened with the Church at Big Bone the 3rd friday in August 1846.Dear Brethren,
With pleasure we hail this opportunity of addrefsing you, with our annual epistle. Though we have nothing to write to you, that is of a verry interesting nature, more than we are at peace and endeavor to keep up public worship twice a month, besides our weekly prayer meetings. Bro. Robert Kirtley has the care of our Church. And attends us once a month if not providentially hindered; for which blefsing we desire to thank God. Although we are thus favoured, we are cold and indifferent, and do not return unto God our thanks, which is our reasonable service for his blefsings, as we should. Yet we humbly look forward to the time, when Gods Anger will have pafsed away, and that he will once more unveil his beautiful face and descend in a cloud of mercy upon his people, and reviving their drooping spirits and cause them to triumph over the powers of darknefs. There has been but little change in our body any way in the last year. We have red. by experience and Baptism 1 rec. by letter 3 dis. by letter 2 excluded 2. so that our present number is 154. For further information we refer you to our brethren, whom we have chosen to bear you this letter and sit with you in Council; May the great head of the Church preside over you in all your deliberations is the prayer of your brethren at Middle Creek, Brethren pray for us.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Sept. 1846. There being no businefs to claim the attention of the Church Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk Wm. Huey mod.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Oct. 1846. Bro. D.M. Scott reported the death of Sister Louisa Rice, who departed this life on the 17th of Sept. last.
No other businefs adj.
S.P. Brady Clk. Wm. Huey mod.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Nov. 1846. On motion the Church according to the proclamation of the Goveanor of Ky. agreed to observe Thursday the 26 of the present month as a day of thanksgiving and prayer to God, for his favours and blefsings through the past year, and that he would guide and overrule our nation so that she may be divested of war and again enjoy the blefsings of Peace.
On application a letter of dismifsion was granted to Sister Harriet E. Kirtley formerly Sis. Harriet Huey.
S.P. Brady Clk Robert Kirtley, modAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Dec. 1846. On motion the Church took up the subject as regards a settlement with the Bro. Deacons, and on investigation, it appears that the sum of $17.70 cts. is required to meet expenses of the past year, and a small ballance on the year before.
The following sum was rec. - No other businefs Adj.
S.P.Brady Robert Kirtley, modAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Jan 1847. Bro. D.M. Scott reported the death of King, a coloured Bro. belonging to Mr. Jeremiah Garnett, who departed this life on the 15th of Dec. last.
Whereas, Bro. Charles S. Carter expects to be absent from us for awile to attend the Georgetown College, On motion it was agreed that he have a Certificate of recommendation from this Church. No other businefs Adj—
S.P. Brady Clk C. S. Carter mdAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Feb. 1847. By request of Sis. Mary Howe, formerly Sis. Mary Green, through Bro. Robert Kirtley, a letter of dismifsion was granted her from this Church.
No other businefs Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk Robert Kirtley, mod.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in March 1847. Bro. Robert Kirtley Moderator. Whereas it appearing, that we are at this time destitute of a Preacher, on the fourth Sunday, On motion the Church took up the subject as regards Bro. George H. Scott attending us, And by a vote of the Church he is requested to attend us on the fourth Sunday in each month, and that the Bro. Deacons inform him of the action of the Church. Church fund for the year ending Dec. 1846.Church indebted for house keeping &c $14.70
$ cts Red. from Bro. William Huey -- 1 50 " C. S. Carter -- 50 " A Delph -- 50 " Wm Merchant -- 1 00 " Milton Merchant -- 1 00 " Elizabeth Garaett -- 1 00 " Richard H. Botts - 1 00 " S.P. Brady -- 1 00 " D.M. Scott -- 1 50 " Elijah Ryle sen - 1 00 Sis. Eliza B. Scott -- 1 00 " John Acre -- 60 Sis. Rachael Merchant -- 4 00 " Scott Ryle -- 1 00 " John J. Ryle -- 50 " John W. Arnold -- 50 " Georg Horton -- 1 00On motion the Church appointed a Committee of the following Brn. To wit: Wm Huey, D.M. Scott Thomas Neal and S.P. Brady, to examine the church Books and report the situation of her businefs and to ascertain the exact number of members.
S.P. Brady ClkAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in April 1847. Bro. Robert Kirtley, Mod.
The Committee that was appointed to examine the Church record made the following report, to wit. After examination, we find recorded 148 names recognized as members five of which have died and have never been reported, to wit, - Mary Bullock, J. Ryles Jenny, J. Dears Charlotte, Willis Jude, Berkshires Dorcas. We find the names of Robt. Willis Peter and L Riddles Sezar, that we do not know certain as to their true condition. Sis. Frances Yowell recv. a letter from this church in 1828, and has not attached herself to any church since that time. Sis. Elizabeth Ragesdale has moved away without applying for a letter, and since that time we have heard nothing from her, which report was recvd. by the church. On motion the Church appointed the former Committee with the addition of Brother A. Delph to inquire after those members, which have been set forth in the above report and make report thereon as soon as practicable.
By request from the church at Big Bone, through Bro. S. Mason to send helps to attend on the fourth Saturday in the present month, to sit in Council with them respecting the ordination of Bro. Robert Huey to the office of Deacon. The Church agreed to send the following Brn. to wit; W. Huey D.M. Scott A Delph and T. Neal.
S.P. Brady ClkAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in May 1847. Bro. R Kirtley, Md.
Recv. Sis. Helen Garnett by virtue of a letter from the Church at Crooked Run Culpepper Co. Va.
Bro. D.M. Scott reported that the helps sent from this church to Big Bone attended and the ordination of Bro. Huey was gone into.
Bro. D.M. Scott one of the Committee appointed to attend to the recovering of the church building, made the following report, to wit, that the work has been completed the whole cost of which was $105.61 cts. as follows, materials $64.61 cts Carpenters bill $41. No other businefs Adj.
S.P. Brady ClkAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in June 1847. Bro. Wm Huey Md.
There being no businefs to claim the attention of the Church Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in July 1847. Bro. R. Kirtley mod.
On motion Bro. S.P. Brady was appointed to write a letter to the North Bend Afsociation to be held with the church at Burlington Boone Co. Ky. on the 3rd friday in August next, and Brn. D.M. Scott, R.C. Garnett, C.S. Carter, R.H. Botts, A. Delph, W. Huey, and S.P. Brady were Chosen to bear Sd. letter and represent the Church in sd. Afsociation.
By request of Sis. Nancy Hawkins and Violet a Sister of Color, through Bro. Wm Huey, letters of dismifsion were granted them,
The Committee that was appointed to enquire after Peter and Sezar, Colord Brn. reported that from all the information that could be obtained, on the Subject that they were not living, whereupon the Church ordered that their names be erased from the Church Book. Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in August 1847. Bro. R. Kirtley Md.
The letter to the Afsociation was Called for, which after being read was adopted.
On motion of Bro. Wm Huey the Church agreed to raise funds to finish paying a debt due Bro. D.M. Scott, for money paid out by him in behalf of the Church.
A request was recvd. from the Church at Burlington through Bro. Mills Wilks for helps to attend on Monday following the 3rd Sunday in this month to sit in Council with them respecting the ordination of Bro. P.C. Scott to the ministry, whereupon the Church agreed to send the following Brn to wit; Wm Huey, D.M. Scott C.S Carter R.C. Garnett and E. Hogan
No other businefs adj. S.P. Brady Clk.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Sept. 1847. Bro. R. Kirtley Mod. Bro.Scott Ryle laid in a Charge against Bro. Wesley Rice for having been engaged in a fight. The matter was taken up and a committee of the following Brn. to wit, W. Huey, Wm Ryle Sen and D.M. Scott, were appointed to have an interview with Bro. Rice, and request his attendance at our next meeting;
On application, letters of dismifsion were granted to Bro. James W. Haydon and wife and Bro. Eli Jones and wife.
Bro. D.M. Scott reported that the helps sent from this church to Burlington generally attended and that Bro. P.C. Scott was regularly set apart to the Ministry On motion of Bro. Wm Huey, the Church appointed Bro. Wm Ryle Sen. to have an interview with Bro. Armsted Willis and request his attendance at next meeting to make known to the Church the Cause of his absence no other businefs Adj. S.P. Brady Clk.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Oct. 1847. Bro. R. Kirtley Md.
The reference from last meeting respecting Bro. Rice was taken up. Bro. W. Huey reported that the Committee had had an interview with Bro. Rice, he being present informed the church that he thought he was justifiable in the course he had taken whereupon the church believing that Bro. Rice acted hastily and improperly voted him guilty of sin, but on motion the matter was continued until next meeting.
Bro. Wm. Ryle informed the church that he had seen Bro. Willis, he being present made a statement to the church which was satisfactory.
On application letters of dismifsion were granted to Bro. John W. Arnold and Sis. Catherine E. Arnold, his wife.
By a request from the Church at East Bend through Bro. Wm Hodges for helps to attend on the 3rd Saturday in the present month to sit in council with them respecting the ordination of Bro. Wm Kirtley to the office of Deacon, the church agreed to send the following Brn. to wit W. Huey, D.M. Scott W. Ryle and E. Ryle.
On motion the church agreed to hold a meeting of days commencing on Thursday before the 3r Saturday in Nov. next, and request Bro. Kirtley and other ministering brethren to attend us at that time.
S.P. Brady ClkAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Nov. 1847. Bro. Kirtley Md.
The reference respecting Bro. Rice was taken up, he not being present, on motion the church agreed that the mater stand as a reference to our next meeting, and Bro. John Ryle was appointed to inform Bro. Rice of the action of the church and request his attendance at that time. On motion the church according to the proclamation of the Goveanor of Ky. agreed to observe Thursday the 25th of the present month as a day of Thanksgiving and prayer to God for the favours and blefsings which we have reed, through the past year.
Bro. D.M. Scott reported that a portion of the helps sent from this church to East Bend, attended and that the ordination of Bro. Kirtley was attended to.
Bro. D.M. Scott reported the death of Sis. Frances Rice who departed this life on the 28th of Sept. last.
S.P. Brady Clk.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Dec. 1847. Bro. Kirtley Md.The reference from last meeting respecting Bro. Rice was taken up. Bro. Ryle reported that he had attended to the order of the church respecting that case. Bro. Rice not being present and failing to give satisfaction, was by a vote of the church excluded.
On motion the subject as regards a settlement with the Bro. Deacons was taken up and on investigation it appears that the sum of $18.98 cts. is required to meet the present indebtednefs of the church.
Adj. S.P. Brady Clk.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Jan. 1848. Bro. Kirtley Md.
By request of Sister Elizabeth formerly Sis. Elizabeth Ragesdale through Bro. Rosengarter and Bro. Wm. Ryle a letter of dismifsion was granted her no other businefs
adj. S.P. Brady Clk.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Feb. 1848. Bro. G.H. Scott md.
Bro. D.G. Rice laid in a charge against himself for having been engaged in a fight. The matter was taken up, and the church voted that Bro. sinned in so doing, but after hearing his acknowledgements the Church forgive sd brother.
Bro. R.H. Botts reported the death of sister Elizabeth Ryle who departed this life on the 29th of Jan. last,
Adj. S.P. Brady Clk.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in March 1848. Bro. Wm Huey Md.
There being no businefs to claim the attention of the church adj. And Bro. P.C. Scott being present was invited to occupy the time in preaching.
S.P. BradyAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Apr. 1848. Bro. W. Huey md.
Bro. D.M. Scott laid in a charge against Lewis a bro. of Color belonging to Joel White, for having been engaged in purloining and telling that which was false. The matter was taken up and on motion it was agreed that the case stand as a reference to next meeting, and Bro. E. Ryle and John Acre were appointed to have an interview with sd. Bro. and request his attendance at that meeting.
Bro. Scott reported the death of Sis. Lucinda Berkshire who departed this life on the final day of April last. And also Bro. James Cooper who departed this life on the [blank space] of March last.
By request of Les and Sarah a Col. Bro. and sis. belonging to Bro. R. Latimer liveing in Mo. through a letter addressed by him, to Bro. Wm. Huey, letters of dismifsion were granted them from this church.
S.P. Brady
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Mayl848. Bro. Kirtley md. Bro. John Acre laid in a charge against Bro. John Bachealor for disorderly Conduct and makeing use of profane language the matter was taken up and bra Thomas Neal and D.M. Scott were appointed to have an interview with sd. Bro. and request his attendance at next meeting.The reference from last meeting respecting Lewis was taken up. Bro. Acre reported that he had had a conversation with him he not being present and failing to give satisfaction was by a vote of the church excluded. No other businefs Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in June 1848. Bro. Robert Kirtley Md.
The reference from last meeting respecting Bro. Bachealor was taken up. Bro. Scott reported that himself and Bro. Neal attended to the order of the church respecting that case, he refiiseing to hear the admonition of the church was voted guilty of Sin, and not being present to give satisfaction was excluded.
No other businefs Adj. S.P. Brady S.P. Brady
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in July 1848. Bro. Robert Kirtley Md.
On motion Bro. Wm. Huey was appointed to write a letter to the North Bend Association to be held with the Church at Sand Run on the 3rd friday in August next and Brethren W. Huey A. Delph. D.M. Scott, R.H. Botts, R.C. Garnett C.S. Carter and S.P. Brady, were chosen as mefsengers to bear sd. letter and represent the Church in sd. Afsociation. On motion the following resolution was adopted to wit. Resolved that this Church deeply deplore and disapprobate the course of trafficking carried on at our annual afsociation, and hope that our friends in future will desist from it, it is ordered that this resolution be inserted into the letter to the Afsociation.
On motion, the Church took up the subject as regards aiding the ministry, and after some consultation it was agreed that the matter stand as a reference to next meeting for further consideration, No other businefs adj.
S.P. BradyAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in August 1848. Bro. R. Kirtley Md. The letter to the Afsociation was called for which after being read was adopted.
The reference from last meeting as regards aiding the ministry was taken up. Whereupon Bro. Wm. Huey asked leave to withdraw the proposition which was agreed to by the Ch. On motion the following resolution was presented which after some consultation was adopted to wit. Agreed that we give an opportunity two days in each year to wit at our May and Oct. Church meetings to any one who may feel willing to contribute for the support of the Ministry all money contributed for that purpose shall be placed in the hands of the Bro. Deacons and it shall be their duty to pay it to the Brother or Brethren who may labour in word and doctrine statedly with us.
A request was recv. from the Church at Sand Run through Bro. D.M. Scott for helps to attend on the fourth Saturday in the present month, to sit in Council with them respecting the ordination of Bro. James Huey to the office of Deacon, Whereupon the Church agreed to send the following brethren, to wit, Wm Huey D.M. Scott A Delph and R.C. Garnett.On application a letter of dismifsion was granted to Sis. Mary Ann Hamelton
No other businefs Adj. S.P. Brady Clk.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Sept. 1848. Bro. R. Kirtley md. Bro. D.M. Scott reported that a portion of the helps that were to attend the Church at Sand Run at their last meeting were present and that Bro. James Huey was regularly set apart as a deacon of that church, no other businefs adj.
S.P. BradyAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Oct. 1848. Bro. Wm. Huey mod.
On application of Bro. Hiram Horton letters of dismifsion were granted to himself and wife. By request of Bro. George Horton through Bro. S.P. Brady a letter of dismifsion was granted to him no other businefs
Adj. S.P. Brady Cl.At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Nov. 1848. Bro. R. Kirtley md. Bro. D.M. Scott reported the death of Bro. Elijah Hogan, who departed this life on the 31st day of Oct. last.
Adj. S.P.BradyAt a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Dec. 1848. Bro. Wm. Huey md. Bro. D.M. Scott reported the death of Sis. Sarah Ryle who departed this life on the 13th day of Nov. last.
On motion the Church agreed to settle with the Brn. Deacons for the expenses of the past year and upon investigation it appears that the sum of $17.03 cts. is required to meet the present indebtednefs of the Church.
A request was red. from the Church at Big Bone through Bro. Wm. Huey for helps to attend on the fourth Saturday in the present month to sit in council with them respecting the ordination of Bro. George H. Scott to the ministry, whereupon the Church agreed to send the following brn. to wit. Wm Huey Thos. Neal D.M. Scott R.C. Garnett and S.P. Brady.
Adj. S.P. Brady Cl.Red. on Friday the 12th of Jan. by experience, Ann Carter
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Jan. 1849. Bro C.S. Carter md. Bro. Wm. Huey reported, that a portion of the helps that were appointed to attend at Big Bone at their last meeting were present at that time and that Bro. G.H. Scott was regularly set apart to the ministry.
Adj. S.P. Brady Cl.
On Tuesday the 16th red. by experience Louesa Garnett.On Thursday the 18th red. by experience Sophiah Merrick.
On Thursday the 25th Sister Francis Yowel returned her letter of dis. which she obtained from this Church in 1828.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in Feb. 1849. Bro R. Kirtley md.
Red. by experience for baptism Samuel Bradford Huey
Red. on Sunday following, by experience Lucy Walton.
Red. on Thursday the 1st of March Martha Green
On Friday the 9th red. Olivia Perrin and Elizabeth Green
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in March 1849. Bro R. Kirtley Md.
Red. by experience Mary Ann Botts
On the 22nd of March red by experience Paulina Myres
April the 5 red by experience Margaret Myres
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in April 1849. Bro R. Kirtley md. Bro. D.M. Scott reported the death of Sis. Nancy Craig, who departed this life on the 29th of March last.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in May 1849. Bro R. Kirtley md. There being no businefs to claim the attention of this Ch. Adj. S.P. Brady Clk.
At a Middle Creek Church meeting the 2nd Saturday in June 1849. Bro Geo. H. Scott md.
Bro. Anderson Williams laid in a charge against himself for haveing been engaged in a fight the matter was taken up and the Ch. voted him guilty of sin But Bro. Williams makeing satisfactory acknowledgements, he was restored again to full membership.
By request of Sis Eleanor McElvoy through Bro. Aron Delph a letter of dismifsion was granted her.
On motion, the Church by a vote exprefsed a desire that Bro. C.S. Carter, in conjunction with Bro. G.H. Scott, would continue his labours with us on the fourth Sunday in each month and at all other times when convenient; ordered that Bro. D. M. Scott inform him of the action of the Ch. Adj. S.P. Brady Clk.
Rec. on Sunday the [blank space] of June Morris Carter and Mary Carter his wife and Benj. Carter.
At a Meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in July 1849. Bro. C.S. Carter Mod.On motion the church appointed Bro. C.S. Carter to write a letter to the North Bend Afsociation to be held with the church at East Bend Commencing on Tuesday after the first Sat. in Sept next and Brn. W. Huey, C.S. Carter, R.C. Garnett, A Delph, D.M. Scott and S.P. Brady were chosen as mefsengers to bear sd. letter and represent the church in sd. Afsociation, no other businefs on motion Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.At a Meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in Aug. 1849. Bro. R. Kirtley Md.
Bro. W. Huey brought a charge against Bro. Milton Merchant for using profane language, and being disagreeable in his family, which on motion was taken up, upon information through Bro. Scott Bro. Merchant confefses the charges true Whereupon, on motion, the matter was made a reference to next meeting, and Brethren W. Huey D.M. Scott E. Ryle Sen, R.H. Botts and Jno. Acre are appointed to visit Bro. Merchant, Converse with him and request his attendance at the next meeting.
A door being opened for the reception of members, Mr. Joseph H. Carter was red. by experience as a candidate for Baptism.
A letter to the ensuing Afsociation was presented by Bro. C.S. Carter, Read and adopted
On application of Bro. D.M. Scott a letter of dismifsion is granted to Sister Elizabeth Hogan. On motion Adj. P.C. Scott Clk P.T.
At a Meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Sat. in Sept. 1849. Bro. C.S. Carter md.
The reference from last meeting respecting Bro. Merchant, was taken up. Bro. D.M. Scott reported that the committee that was appointed at last meeting had attended to the order of the church respecting that case, Bro. Merchant being present acknowledged that the charges alledged against him were correct and also made a statement of his feelings on the subject. Whereupon the Church voted Bro. Merchant guilty of Sin. But his acknowledgements being of a Satisfactory nature, he was by a vote of the Church restored to full fellowship. On motion Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.At a Meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Sat. in Oct. 1849. Bro. R. Kirtley Mod.
There being no businefs to claim the attention of the ch, On motion Adj. Bro. Whitaker being present, was invited with the brethren to preach.
S.P. Brady Clk.
At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Sat. in Nov 1849 Bro. R. Kirtley Mod.There being no businefs to claim the attention of the Church On motion Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.At a meeting held by the Church at middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in Dec 1849. Bro. C.S. Carter Mod.
On motion the Church agreed to settle with the Brn. Deacons, whereupon the sum of 15 dollars was reported as the present indebtednefs of the Church.
Bro. D.M. Scott reported that he had red. and paid out to the ministering Brethren who attend this Church since Oct. 1848. $93.45.
No other businefs on motion Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in Jan. 1850 Bro. R. Kirtley Mod.
No businefs to claim the attention of the Church On motion Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in Feb. 1850. Bro. W. Huey Mod.
On motion of Bro. D.M. Scott the subject as regards the ordination of Bro. Charles S. Carter to the ministry was taken up, and after some expressions from Bro. Carter and other brethren twas agreed that the matter stand as a reference to next meeting no other businefs. On motion Adj.
S.P. BradyAt a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in March 1850 Bro. Wm. Huey Mod.
The reference from last meeting respecting the ordination of Bro. Carter was taken up, Bro. Carter was then called upon for an expression of his feelings on the subject, after which the church by a vote agreed to procede to the ordination on the 2nd Saturday in next month and agreed that the following Churches be applied to for council and brethren were appointed to visit them as follows, To Bullittsburg S.P. Brady, Dry Creek D.M. Scott, Burlington T. Neal, Sand Run J. Acre, Big Bone R.H. Botts, East Bend David Ryle.
By request of Sis Susan Jones through Bro. R.C. Garnett a letter of Dismifsion was granted her, no other business on motion Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.
At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in April, 1850 Bro. Robert Kirtley Mod.The reference from last meeting respecting the ordination of Bro. Carter was taken up, the brethren who were appointed to visit the different Churches reported that the order of the Church respecting that matter had been attended to and that the Churches applied to, all agreed to send Council and there were present from the Churches the following brethren To wit, From Bullittsburgh, Robert Kirtley, Absalom Graves, L. B. Arnold, Joel Garnett, from Dry Creek Wm. Cleavland, James Robinson, L Moran Burlington P.C. Scott, J.P. Scott Mills Wilks. Sand Run Wm. Whitaker Jas. Huey. Big Bone G.H. Scott, Robert Huey, M. McHatton. East Bend Wm. Kirtley and Danl Piatt who met as Council to sit with the church.
On motion, the Church was then called upon for an expression in regard to the matter under consideration, and by a vote expressed a desire to proceed to the ordination
On motion, the Council was then invited to participate in the matter and act in concert with the Church.
On motion the following Brethren were invited to seats in the Council, to wit, Charles W. Scott from Ludlow Church J.C. Graves from Bullittsburgh and Thos. Huey from Big Bone.
On motion, Bro. Carter was then called upon to give a relation of his Christian experience and his views in regard to the call of the ministry, and general views in regard to the doctrines of the Bible, which were satisfactory.
The Church was again called upon for an expression in regard to the ordination of Bro. Carter, and expressed a willingnefs that he be regularly set apart to the ministry, if the Council thought advisable.
On motion of the Council the following question was presented to the Church,
Are you willing as a Church to receive Bro. Carter as a minister of the Gospel and to encourage him in his Labours
Are you willing as a Church to receive Bro. Carter as a minister of the Gospel and to encourage him in his Labours Answered in the affirmative.The Council was then called upon for an expression in regard to the matter, and unanimously Concured with the Church.
Bro. Carter was then called upon, and agreed to abide by the decision of the Church and Council.
Are you willing as a Church to receive Bro. Carter as a minister of the Gospel and to encourage him in his Labours
Are you willing as a Church to receive Bro. Carter as a minister of the Gospel and to encourage him in his Labours Agreed that the ordination take place tomorrow after preaching.
Are you willing as a Church to receive Bro. Carter as a minister of the Gospel and to encourage him in his Labours Bro. Wm. Huey reported the death of Bro. Milton Merchant jun. who departed this life on the 11th of the present month.
Upon application a letter of dismifsion was granted to Sis Lavina Sebree.
No other businefs On motion Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2 Saturday in May 1851 [sic] - Bro. C.S. Carter Mod.
There being no businefs to claim the attention of the Church, On Motion Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.
At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2 Saturday in June 1850. Bro. C.S. Carter Md.Bro. R.C. Garnett made a request that he be released from acting as a [unreadable word] of this Church, and presented the following resignation.
[A large blank space appears on the page, where, presumably, Brother Garnett's letter had been attached or the Clerk intended to copy it later.]
Whereupon the church granted his request. There being no other businefs On motion Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in July 1850 Wm. Huey Mod.
On motion it was agreed that Bro. R.C. Garnett prepare a letter to the North Bend Afsociation to be presented at the ensueing meeting for the inspection of the Church.
No other business. On motion Adj.
R.C. Garnett Clk. Pro TemAt a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in August 1850. Bro. C.S. Carter Md.
The letter to the Afsociation was called for, read, and adopted.
On motion the following brethren were appointed as Messengers to bear the letter and represent the Church in the Association to wit; C.S. Carter, R.C. Garnett, W. Huey, D.M. Scott, R. H. Botts, and S.P. Brady
On motion, it was agreed that we request in our letter that the next Association be held with this church, no other businefs on motion Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in Sept 1850 Bro. Wm. Huey Modr.
Whereas Bro. Jos. H. Carter making to avail himself of the advantages of Georgetown College, and Whereas the Church believing that his object is to prepare himself for the Gospel Ministry On motion it was agreed that Bro Carter have a letter of recommendation from this Church, with a view to that object.
By request of Bro. Morris Carter letters of dismifsion were granted to himself and wife,
On motion Adj. S.P. Brady
At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in Oct. 1850. Bro. C.S. Carter Mod.By request of Sister Helen Garnett through Bro. B.F. Garnett, a letter of dismifsion was granted her.
On motion of Bro D.M. Scott, the Church agreed to enclose their meeting house with a good plank fence, and also to have window blinds attached to the windows. On motion the Church appointed a Committee of the following Brethren to Superintend the businefs to wit; W. Huey, E. Ryle Sen, and D.M. Scott.
Adj. S.P.Brady Clk.At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Sat. in Nov. 1850. R. Kirtley Mod.
On motion the church agreed to hold a meeting of days to commence on friday the 29th of the present month.
Adj. S.P. Brady Clk.At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in Dec 1850. Bro. Wm. Huey Mod.
On motion the church agreed to settle with the Bra. Deacons, they reported the sum of $13.68 as the present indebetednefs of the Church.
Bro. D M. Scott reported that he had reed, and paid out for the aid of the ministry in the past year $48.00.
Adj. S.P. Brady Clk.At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in Jan 1851. Bro. C.S. Carter Mod.
Bro. S.P. Scott from the church at Burlington, made a request that this church take into Consideration the propriety of Cooperating with the Churches Composing the North Bend Association, to aid in having the Gospel preached more frequently in the destitute parts of the County.
The subject was taken up the vote stood 12 for and 10 against, Whereupon the Bro. who made the motion asked leave to withdraw it, which was granted.
Adj. S.P. Brady Clk.Met on the 2nd Saturday in Feb. there being no businefs. Adj
S.P. Brady Clk.At a meeting held by the Church at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in March 1851. Bro. C.S. Carter Mod.
Recd. Sis. Polly Grant by virtue of a letter from the Church of Bullittsburgh, No business, Adj.
S.P. Brady Clk.
[This document is in the 'Reserved' section of the Boone County Public Library. The church's transcribed records are in four bound volumes and include actions of the church until very recently. Thanks to Michael Capek for permission to post these records and to Mrs. Pat Yanarella of BCPL for access to them. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall, 6.20.16. Mr Capek, a retired English teacher at the Walton-Verona High School, has written an interesting hard-bound history of this church.]More on Belleview Baptist Church
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