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The Minutes Of Belleview Baptist Church
[A continuation from 1815]
At a Church Meeting held at Middle Creek January the 13th 1816 Brother Garnett Moderator, Brother hoges brought a complaint against him self for drinking too much Sperituous liquors and upon an acknowledgment of the same was for given
The Refference Respecting Brother Thomas Shackleford taken up and he neglecting to heare the Church iz Excluded. Brother garnett let the church know that he beleaved there was some difsatisfaction a bout the two dollarz subscribed by Cockren for the purpose of building the Meeting house The matter taken up and Refurd untill next meeting
Appointed Brother Scott to see brother Graves and know whether he believed Cockren and him any thing or not, and if so wheter he had the two accounts blended together when he settled with brother Garnett,, - A greed that our next Meeting be at Brother John Ryles. - Motioned and Seconded that Brother Watts be cited to our next meeting and let hiz Reasons be known why he fougt with John flurnoy,, - and Brother John Ryle appointed for that purpose

At a Church Meeting held at Middle Creek febuary the 10th 1816. . - Brother Scott Moderator. - The Refference taken up., and Brother Scott certifieth that brother Graves Said that he beleavd the money was justly owing to hear from Cockren,, The Church are of opinion that Brother Garnett aceptt to have accounted to the Church for the mony,, - but considering the clame of brother Graves a just one and The money all ready paid the Church are willing that the money stay where it was put,, - Brother Watts attended according to request and upon hearing his statement the Church is Satisfied

At a Church Meeting held at Middle Creek March the 9th 1816. Brother Craig Moderator
Receivd Brother talbot a black member by letter
The Refference Respecting Brother Hoges publick gift taken up and the Church are of opinion the his publick gift be discontinued The Refference Respecting Brother hogan taken up and the Church are of opinion that Brother hogan done wrong in not taking the gospel steps with brother garnett,, and an acknowledgement of the same, it suffiseth, Motioned and Seconded that this church consider the propriety of encouraging the mishionary businefs towards the west the matter taken up and Refurd,,


At a Church Meeting held Middle Creek April the 13th 1815[sic] - Brother Scott Moderator
Enquiry to know if there be any difficulty against us that has been delt with in gospell order,, -
Brother Hoges brought a complaint against him self for being in advertently over taken with Sperituously..The Church are of opinion That Brother hoges sind in taking so much liquor as to become in toxicated,, he acknoweledged he was wrong for the same and the Church are willing to bare with him,, Received Rosanna dear by Experence for Baptism Refference Respecting the Mishionary buisinefs taken up,, and the Church are willing to encourage the same either to the East or west,, a Settle ment with the brother treasurer cald for. Appointed Brother Hoges and cleark for that purpose and make Report at our next meeting,, a greed that our next meeting be a Commnion Season.

At a Church Meeting held Middle Creek May the 11th 1816 Brother Garnett Moderator
After prare Enquiry for fellowship all in peace
The Brethren Referees appointed to Settle with the Brother treasurer Reporteth that after last yearz Expendatures there Remains $2-5 cents in the fund
Motioned and seconded that this Church appoint a fourth moderator, after some investigation the Church are willing to continue with three
Motioned and seconded that next Wednesday be set apart for fasting and prare to all mity God for a continuation of his favours.
Motioned and Seconded that the absent members be cited to attend our next meeting and make known the cause of their absence,, Brother Jones to the Brethren Smitherz Brother James Ryle to Brother Barkshire Brother Brady to Brother dimick Brother John Ryle to Brother Ezekiel Rice


At Church Meeting held at Middle Creek June the 8th 1816 Brother Craig Moderator,
Enquiry fellowship,, The Brethren Smitherz, dimick and Brother Rice attended according The Request of the church and there Excusez were Satisfactory as to Brother Barkshires excuse not Received and Brother Garnett to cite Brother Barkshire to atten our next meeting.


At Church Meeting held at Middle Creek July the 13th 1816 Brother Garnett Moderator,
After prare Enquiry for fellowship,, Brother Garnett Brought a complaint against Brother Searsy for circulating a scandulous Report which he denied and said he only talked of it by way of enquiry The matter taken up and appointed Brethren Jones and John Ryle to See Brother lilard and wife and also Brother Edward Spenser and wife to come over & send there testimony Relative to Said Report


Brother Barkshire attended according to Request of the Church and on hearing his Statement the Church are Satisfied, - a Request from [unreadable] Creek for helps to afsist in the in ordination of Minister,, appointed Brethren Garnett James Ryle Jones John Ryle and Brother Hoges to Set with them

At Church Meeting held at Middle Creek Aug the 5th 1816 Brother Craig Moderator The reffernece Respecting Brother and Brother Searsy taken up and Refurd untill next Meeting,, - appointed Brother wm. Garnett to write to Brother lilard and wife and Edward Spenser and wife to Be at our next Meeting if pofsible,, - Appointed Brother Scott and Cleark to write a letter to our depending afsosiation and produse it at our next meeting for in spection


At Church Meeting held at Middle Creek Sept the 14th 1816. Brother Scott Moderator -
The Refference Respecting Brother Garnett and Searsy taken up and Brother lilard attended,, Searsy fund guilty and after acknowledgement was acquited,, - The Brethren appointed to write a letter to our depending afsosiation produst the same which was Received appointed Brethren Garnett Scott and Brother Craig as Mefsengers to our depending afsosiation on aplication of brother Craig he is granted a letter of dismifsion


At Church Meeting held at Middle Creek Octr the 12th 1816. Brother Garnett Moderator
after prare, enquiry for fellow Ship all appearently in peace
A Request from bulletsburg Church for helpz to afsist in the ordanation of a minister appointed Brethren Garnett Scott and Brother James Ryl to be with them,, By Request of Brother and Sister farris They are granted letterz of dismishion. Mrs. Macarcle who had formerly been a member of this Church came forward with a Recantation and was Restord,, and upon her Request she is granted a letter of dismishion


At Church Meeting held at Middle Creek November The 9th 1816. Brother Garnett Moderator after prare and prase Enquiry for fellowship all apparently in peace.
Appointed Brother Richard Shackleford and Brother Cleark to Settle with the Brother treasurer and make Report at our next Meeting a greed that our next Stated Meeting at Brother James Ryles,, upon Request of Brother Searsy he is granted a letter of dismishion


At Church Meeting held at Middle Creek Decs The 14th 1816 Brother Scott Moderator after prare and prase Enquiry for fellowship all appearently in peace The Brethren appointed to Settle with the Brother treasurer Reporteth in Singular That after last years
Expendaturez there Remains $2.25 centz in fund
A greed That our next meeting bat Brother Moses Scotts

At a Church Meeting held at Middle Creek January the 11th 1817 Brother Garnett Moderator After prare and prase enquiy for fellowship The Brethren appear in peace, - Motioned and Seconded That we Send for Brother watts to answer for Saying he could not get Justice done him in Middle Creek Church and That he got his letter of dismishion in disorder Appointed Brother Brady and Brother Clark for to cite Brother watts to our next Meeting to answer to the charges a greed that our next meting be at Brother John Rylez -----


At a Church Meeting held at Middle Creek Febuary the 8th 1817 Brother Garnett Modrator,, after prare and prase enquiry for fellowship, The Refference Respecting Brother watts taken up and after an investigation The Church are of opinion That Brother Watts done Rong in circulating The Report in the way he did but upon hearing his Reasons the Church are willing to Bare with him. . . Motioned and Seconded that this church Reconsider her act September The 9th 1815 That of not giving Brother watts an investigation The Church acknowledge She done Rong in not hearing him
A greed That our next Meeting be at Brother Shacklefords


At a Church Meeting held at Middle Creek March the 8th 1817 Brother Thompson being present was Requested to moderate which he consented to,, after prare and prase enquiry for fellowship all in peace,, Ther appearing no further buisnefs we adjournd to Heare preaching,, ordered that the Brother treasurer pay the Corresponding Secatary 37 1/2 cents for the last Report


At a Church Meeting held at Middle Creek Aprile The 12th 1817 Brother Scott Modrator,, after prare and Enquiring for fellow all in peace



At a Church Meeting held at Middle Creek May the 10th 1817 Brother Garnett Moderator after prare and prase Enquiry for fellowship all in peace,, Brother Walter Smith Receivd By letter,, A Request from bulletsBurg for helps to afsist in the ordination of a minister,, appointed Brethren James Ryle Wm Garnett and Brother Scott to be with them - a greed That our next meeting be our Communion Season - adjournd

At A church Meeting held for Middle Creek June the 11th 1817 - Brother Garnett Moderator
after Prare Enquiry for fellowship all apparently in peace,,
The Church finding her fund nearly Exausted The proceed to Renew them a greed that it be done by the old proportionment
Orderd That The Brother treasurer pay Brother Hogan $2-50 cents for keeping in order the meeting House & Spring last year
Motioned That This church consider the propriety of having a house keeper a greed that we take in Rotation & keep it our Selves
Motioned & secondd that Brother Hogan be cited to attend our next meeting and make nown The Cause of his absence,, The Brother Cleark is to give The Recital

At a church Meeting held at Middle creek July the 12th 1817 Brother Scott Modrator after prare Enquiry for fellowship
The Refference Respecting the allowance of Brother Hogan taken up & he failing to attend according to Request,, Resolve that it be continued till next meeting & That Brother Jones also Brother Neal Brother Willis & Brother Scott in form him There of and in the Spirit of Meeknefs and Brotherly love to admonish Brother Hogan to his duty and Report The Result of There conference with Brother Hogan at our next meeting


At a church Meeting held at Middle Creek August the 3rd 1817 Brother Hoges chosen Modrator The Refference Respecting Brother Hogan taken up and Brother Hogan attended & let the Church now That his difficulty was with Brother Garnett & with the Church also,, That he was difficultied with the Church for dealing with him for not taking the gospell steps with Brother Garnett
The church a greed that She ought to confine herself to the gospell & acknowledge her Rong which satisfied the Brother With the Church
Brother Garnett & Brother Settled There own difficulty which is also Satisfactory to the Church
Brother Garnett also was hurt with the Church for acquiting Brother Hogan with out a Satisfactory acknowledgement,, The Church acknowledge her wrong which Satisfys Brother Garnett
A letter Recd from brother Watts read and Refurd untill next meeting


Brother Scott & Cleark are appointed to Rite a letter to the afsosiation & to be read at our next meeting

At a church Meeting held at Middle Creek September the 13th 1817 Brother Garnett Modrator of prare & prase Enquiry for fellowship Brother Reuben Graves red by letter The Refference Respecting Brother Watts taken up and the letter Reed,, after investigation a greed that we send for Brother Watts to attend our next meeting with his letter and give it up to the Church Brother John Ryle & Brother Reuben Graves to give the Recital The letter to the afsosiation Red a mended and Reed appointed Brethren Garnett Scott & Reuben Graves to Bare sd letter and as mefsengers to sd afsosiation,, a greed That The Second Friday in October be a day Set apart as a day of fasting and prare to all Mighty god The we as a Church motgh one mor feel his heavenly peasance it is further a greed That Brother Hoges be at liberty to pray and Exort Wherever god in his providence may cast his lot

At a church Meeting held at Middle Creek Octr the 12th 1817 Brother Scott Moderator
The Refference Respecting the attendance of Brother Watts to give up his letter taken up and he not attending The Brethren Mefsengers Reporteth That notified Brother Watt to atten our October Meeting and give up his letter of dismishion A greed to defur it till next meeting
Recd Sam a black man by Ep,, for baptism
Recd Brethren Aron Delph & wife by letter Reed Rosanna Dear by letter
Recd Silence Cooper by Expr.
Agreed That we meete The fourth Sunday to commun and heare Expr. if any should offer,, fourth Sunday the administration of the Supper Defurd,, Reced Susanna dear by Expr.       adjournd

At a church Meeting held at Middle Creek November the 8th 1817 Brother Garnett Modrator
The Refference Respecting the attendance of Brother Watts to give up his letter taken up & he not being preasant Defurd untill next Meeting

Red by Exp - /- Israel Clore
Red by Exp - /- John Stevenson
Red by Exp - /- Fillis
Red by Exp - /- Francy Clore
Red by Exp - /- Polly Stevenson
Red by Exp - /- Joel Dear
A request through Brother Garnett from ten mile for help to afsist in the ordanation of Brother Selard to the Ministry a greed that we send four Brethren Robert Garnett Moses Scott Reuben Graves & William Garnett to be with them


At a church Meeting held at Middle Creek December the 13th 1817 Brother Scott Modrator,, The Refference Respecting the attendance of Brother Watts to come forward and give up his letter of dismishion [unreadable] over for our busnefs in the after part of Day
Recd by Expr for baptism -1 andrew horsly
Recd by Expr - 2 - John Brady
Recd by Expr - 3 - John Hawkins Jun -
Recd by Expr - 4- Polly Brady
Recd by Expr - 5 - Polly Hogan
Recd by Expr - 6- Larken Ryle
Recd by Expr - 7 - James Cooper
Recd by Expr - 8- Simean Dear
Recd by Expr. - 9 - Peggy Dear
Recd by Expr - 10- Sally Ryle
Recd by Expr - 11 - Polly Willis
Recd by Exp - 12- Mablday Willis
Recd by Exp - 13 - A-Braham a black man
The above Refference taken up and after much being sd question has Brother Watts done rong in not obeying The call of Church answerd he has and is to ly under Sensur of the church untill next meeting Fourth Sunday Meeting
Recd by Expr - 1 - Elizabeth Hogan
Recd by Expr - 2- frances Ryle
Recd by Expr - 3 - Charles a black man
Recd by Expr - 4- Patsy a black woman
Recd by Expr - 5 - Susan Clore
At a church Meeting held at Middle creek January the 10th 1818 Brother Garnett Modrator
Enquiry for fellowship there being a Refference touching fellowship a greed that it be our businefs in the after part of the day
Recd by Expr. for baptism 1 Betty Hawkins
Recd by Exp. -- 2 frances Porter
Recd by Exp. -- 3 Squire Scott
Recd by Exp. -- 4 Nancy Barkshire
Recd by Exp. -- 5 tony a black man
The above refference taken up and Brother Watses acknowledgement for not obeying the call of the Church was Satisfactory & he is on same foting as before calld,, Motioned and secondd that there be a demand of the letter upon which a demand is made and in compliance with the Same he gives up the leter,, and after an investigation behold all old


things are done away and all things are new whilst the hearts of brethren seem to be united eaven as the mind of one man may this Ever be the happy lot of Middle Creek brethren Even untill Death amen A greed that our next stated metting be a communion Season
At a church Meeting held at Middlecreek febuary the 13th 1818 Brother Scott Modrator after Prare enquiry for fellowship there being nothing of this kind amonst us we proceed to open a dore for the Reception of members
Recd by Relation John Hawkins Seyr
Recd by Exp. - 2 Moses Hawkins
Recd by Exp. - 3       July An Ryle
Recd by Exp. - 4 Elzeth Porter
Recd by Exp. - 5 Giney Hewey
Recd by Exp. - 6 Samul Hewey
Recd by Exp. - 7 Stevens
Recd by Exp. - 8 Elija Ryle
Recd by Exp. - 9 John Scott
Recd by Recatation 10       John Willis
Recd by Exp. - 11 Ginny a black woman
Recd by Exp. - 12 Amy a black woman
Recd by Exp. - 13 Gincy Willis
Recd by Exp. - 14 Judy a black woman
Recd by Exp. - 15 Polly Mclain
Recd by Exp. - 16 Robert Hewey
Recd by Exp. - 17 Rebecah Neal
Recd by Exp. - 18 Armstead Willis
Motioned that this church consider the propriety of Brother Scotts Exercising a publick gift wher Ever god in his providence may cas his lot,, Subject taken up and Defurd untill next meeting


Sunday meeting
Recd by Exp. - 1 Benjamine Stevens
Recd by Exp. - 2 William Hewey
Recd by Exp. - 3 John Neal
Recd by Recantation - 4 John Willis Junior
Recd by Recantation - 5 Judy a black woman
Recd by Exp. 6 David Ryle
Recd by Exp. 7 Aron
Recd by Exp. - 8 Joy
Recd by Exp - 9 Molly Porter
Recd by Exp. - 10 James Ryle
Recd by Exp. - 11 Bejamine Hoges
Recd by Exp. 12 Aggy Stevens
Recd by Exp. 13 Milly a black woman
Recd by Exp. 14 Vilet a black woman
Recd by Exp. - 15 Nancy Hawkins
Recd by Exp. - 16 John Ryle
by Recatation ----- 17 David Fuquy
At a Church Meeting held at Middle creek March the 14th 1818 Brother Garnett Modrator
After prare Enquiry for fellowship,, Brother Jones Brought a complaint against him self for taking two much speritous liquors The church are of opinion The Brother sind in so doing but upon an acknowledgement the Church are willing to bare with the old Brother in furmaties
Rcd by letter 3 Jimison Hawkins wife & daughter
Rcd by Exp 1 Sippioro Sedrick
The Refference Respecting Brother Scotts publick taken up & after Due deliberation the Church liberate Brother Scott to Exercise his publick where Ever god in his povedence May cast his lot in any way he may think proper on application Brother Dimmick is granted a letter of dismishion

At a Church Meeting held at Middle creek Aprill the 11th 1818 Brother Scott Modrator
After prare Enquiry for fellowship Ther appearing no difficulty we proceed to further Buisnefs
1st to open a dore for the Reception of members 0 Recd.
2nd the propriety of altering the 8th Rule of Discipline after an investigation a greed that Exclusion of members is to be by a majority in Stead of by uniminity,, The Brother Cleark Request The appointing of another Clark and Release him which the Church agree to & Brother John hawkins is appointed to that office A agreed that our next Stated meting be a communion Season,, on application of Brother talbert he is granted a letter of dismishion


Motioned and Seconded that the Church make choice of two additional Deacons Subject taken up & Refurd untill next meeting

Motioned and Seconded that we make choice of too additional Modrators which the church a greed to & Brother Jimison Hawkins & Brother William Garnett are chosen to that office       adjournd

At a church meeting held at Middle creek May 9th 1818. - Bro Jameson Hawkins Moderator
A reconsideration of the 8th rule of our church taken up, and alterd to Exclusion of members by a Majority of two-thirds of the vote taken -
The reference of last meeting respecting Deacons taken up & by order of the church an additional Deacon to be added to the last meetings reference. - Brethren William Garnett, Reuben Graves, and Elijah Hogan are Elected to that office, but on the refusal of bro. Hogan to acts, he is requested to consider on the same untill our next Church meeting.
Bro. Jameson Hawkins is appointed to Bullitsburg to, & bro. William Brady to the Church at the forks of Gunpowder for the purpose of requesting helps for the Ordination of bro. Garnett and Graves
A settlement is call'd for by the bro. treasurer and brethren William Garnett and John Hawkins are appointed as a committee for that purpose and to make report at our next meeting
Our next Church meeting is set apart as a day of prayer and fasting
By order of the Church bro. Robert Garnett is authoris'd to get from the bro. Clerk, a certificate of his standing among us
Our next (fourth Sunday) meeting at this place.
Motioned and seconded that bro. Moses Scotts publick gift be taken up, the results of which, appeared a strong solicitude that bro. Scott still Exercise a publick gift wherever he may feel a freedom.


At a church meeting held at Middle Creek Saturday June 13 1818 -
Bro. William Garnett Moderator & bro. Reuben Graves Clerk protem.
The committee appointed to settle with bro Deacon reported that the church is indebted to said bro. four dollars 67/4 cents.
Order'd that the bro. Clerk and Deacons apportion on the church from fifteen to twenty dollars, and make report at our next meeting.
The mefsengers sent to the church at Bullitsburgh, and the forks of Gunpowder reported that they delivered their mefsage, and helps from Bullits-burgh attended.
The church proceeded to take up the matter respecting the Ordination of bro. William Garnett to the office of Deacon, which was agreed to.


The subject respecting the ordination of bro. Reuben Graves to the office of Deacon taken up and agreed to.
Resolved that the ordination of brethren Garnett and Graves be to morrow
Rec'd by letter bro. Benjn Cave

At a church meeting held at Middle creek Saturday July 11th 1818
Bro. Robert Garnett Moderator.
Agreeably to our last meeting reference an apportionments of seventeen dollars 62 1/2 cents iz levied on the church.
Bro. William Garnett is appointed treasurer.
Bro. treasurer is directed to pay to bro. James Ryle four dollars 6/4 cents, so soon as he may make collection, for money Expended individually by bro. Ryle for the use of this church.
Agreed that this church take into consideration the propriety of washing feet as an ordinance, and referd for consideration untill our next meeting.
Bro. Andrew Deer is appointed to keep the meeting house and spring in order for which service he iz to receive two dollars and fifty cents at the Expiration of that year


At a church meeting held at Middle-creek Saturday August 18th 1818 -
Bro. Jameson Hawkins Moderator.
A charge is Exhibited by bro. Reuben Graves against bro. Aaron a black boy of hiz for purloining a neck handkerchief. - The church on investigation finds bro. Aaron guilty of the affs'd charge, (and he failing to give satisfaction) have Excluded him from this church. - Our last meetings reference respecting the propriety of foot-washing taken up, and after investigation, the church agree that every member act agreeably to their own discretion.
Bro. Moses Scott iz appointed to write the letter to our next afsociation, and brethren Jamison Hawkins, Reuben Graves, William Garnett, & Moses Scott, to bear said letter, and represent us in the same


Aug 9th - Rec'd by letter Sister Polly Rice

At a church meeting held at Middle-creek Sept. 12th 1818
Bro. Moses Scott Moderator.
Bro. Moses Scott produced the church letter to our next afsociation to be held at ten mile meeting house which being read, was approved & received. Our October meeting set apart as communion season.
Brethren Moses Scott and John Brady are appointed for the purpose of procuring an ordained Minister or Ministerz to attend with us at our October meeting next to help in the administration of the Lords suppere



Oct. Church meeting. Bro. William Garnett Moderator. - No businefs.

Nov. Church meeting, bro. Jamison Hawkins Moderator. - No businefs.

Sunday meeting
Rec'd for baptism Gideon Clore and Joannah his wife

At a church meeting held at Middle creek Decr. 12th 1818
Bro. Wlliam Garnett Mod.
Bro. Moses Scott brought in a complaint against himself for unguardedly drinking too much spirits; his acknowledgement being satisfactory to the church, he is restored to full fellowship. -
Bro. Jamison Hawkins's publick gift taken up; and he is liberated by the church, to Exercise his gift, any way he thinkz proper when God in his providence may direct. -
Agreed that our next church meeting be held at bro. James Ryle's.      Adj'd

At a church meeting of Middle-creek held at bro. James Ryles the Second Saturday in January 1819
Bro. Moses Scott Moderator.
Bro. William Garnett's publick gift taken up, and he is at liberty to Exercise the Same in any way he may think proper within the bounds of this church.
Agreed that our next church meeting be at bro. William Garnett'z.


At a church meeting of Middle creek church held at bro. William Garnett's February 13th 1819
Bro. Jameson Hawkins Moder.
Ordered by the church, that the bro. Deacons procure a bible for the use of the church, and also provide a place of deposits for said bible at the meeting house
The church agree that the brethren deacons provide a lock for one door of the meeting house. -
Pursuant to a request from members of the upper boundary of Bullits-burgh Church (by their mefsenger bro. Lewis Webb) for helps to meet at bro. William McCay's the third Saturday in March 1819 for the purpose of constituting a church this church agree to send five members Viz, brethren Moses Scott, Benjamin Cave, William Garnett, Reuben Graves, and Jameson Hawkins.

At a church meeting held at Middle creek 2nd Saturday in March 1819 -
Bro. William Garnett Moderator.
Agreed that the bro. Deacons & Clerk apportion on the church from 12 to fifteen dollars.
A letter of dismifsion is granted to bro. Rich'd Shackleford & wife


At a church meeting held at Middle creek the second Saturday in April 1819.
Bro. Jameson Hawkins Moderator
A complaint brought in by bro William Garnett aginst bro. Sam a black man for stealing and departing from the truth the matter taken up and he found guilty of sin, but being absent the church agreed to cite him to attend our next church meeting, & bro. Deer is appointed for that purpose.
The apportionment (agreed to be levied last meeting) was handed in, and being satisfactory was rec'd.
A large bible the church agreed to purchase was handed in and rec'd.
A request is made from the forks of Gunpowder church, for helps to afsist in the ordination of bro. Craig, & brethren James Ryle & Elijah Hogan are appointed to attend them on the next sabbath
Agreed that the date & constitution and the members names constituted be recorded in the church bible
Our June meeting to be a communion Season & bro. Jameson Hawkins to invite some of the preaching brethren to att'd us

At a church meeting held at Middle creek the 2nd Saturday in May 1819 - bro. Scott Moderator
The refference respecting bro. Sam referd to our next meeting


At a church meeting held at middle creek the 2nd Saturday in June 1819
bro William Garnett Moderator The reference respecting bro. Sam taken up & after investigation he is restord to fellowship - A letter of dismifsion is granted bro. Jno. Hawkins Junr.


At a church meeting held at middle creek the 2nd Saturday in July 1819
bro. Jameson Hawkins moderator.
Bro. Jas. Ryle & bro. Clerk are appointed to let the meeting house and spring to some suitable person the ensuing year (from the prest. date) to keep in order and report thereof is to be made at our next meeting.
On a motion made by bro. Jamison Hawkins to rescind the order of our last June meeting granting bro. John Hawkins Jr. a letter of dismifsion, the matter taken up, and bro. Jamison Hawkins stating to the Church, that a difficulty seem'd to Exist (from some suggestions of the bro. Clk) the church agree to a detention of the letter untill our next meeting at which time brethren Jamison Hawkins & Clk are to report to this church the result of an interview with the afforesaid bro. which interview the church enjoins.



At a church meeting held at Middle creek the 2 Saturday in August 1819
bro. Moses Scott Moderator.
A charge is Exhibited by bro. Harry against bro. Tony (both the property of bro. Jas. Ryle) for stealing a knife & departing from the truth; & investigation of which charge is referd to our next church meeting & bro. Benjn. Stephens is appointed to cite bro. Tony to attend said meeting.
The reference of our July meeting respecting bro. John Hawkins Junr. taken up, & refrd untill our next meeting.
Bro. Jno. Hawkins is appointed to write the church letter to our next afsociation, & brethren Moses Scott, Jameson Hawkins Elijah Hogan & William Garnett are appointed to bear said letter and represent us in sd afsociation.
          John Hawkins Clerk

At a church meeting held the 2nd Saturday in September 1819.
Bro. William Garnett Mod.
The reference respecting bro. black Tony taken up and after investigation he is Excluded.
The reference respecting bro. John Hawkins Junr. taken up and from the report of the bro Clks, & bro. Jameson Hawkins, that the difficulty which produced a detention of the affs'd bro's letter, is removed; the bro. consequently is at liberty to draw his letter.
Bro. John Hawkins produced the church letter to our next afsociation, which being satisfactory was reed.
Bro. James Ryle & bro. Clk are appointed as a Committee to let the meeting - house & Spring to some suitable person to keep the same in good order the Ensuing year.
          John Hawkins Clerk

At a Church meeting held at middle creek the 2nd Saturday in Oct. 1819 bro [blank space] Mod.
     The reference of our last meeting respecting the letting of the meeting-house & Spring iz reported, which being satisfactory, bro. William Garnett is to keep said meeting house & Spring thru Ensuing year, in good order, for which he is to receive $2-50 cts.
Our next meeting is to be communion Season.      Adj'd
               John Hawkins Clerk

At a church meeting held at Middle-creek the 2nd Saturday in Nov. 1819 bro Robt. Garnett Mod.
Next Wednesday-week is set apart as a day of fasting & prayer, to meet at our meeting house at 10-Oclock AM      Adj' d
               John Hawkins Clerk


At a Church meeting held at Middle creek the 2nd Saturday in December 1819 bro. William Garnett Moderator.
The church have taken into consideration the propriety of Enlarging our meeting-house, which is referd a committee compos'd of brethren, Robert Garnett, William Garnett, Jamison Hawkins, and Joshua Rice, who are to draw a plan for that purpose, and report the same with the probable Expense to our next meeting.
From the application of brethren from East bend for liberty to constitute, and helps for the purpose of carrying the same into Effects; brethren Robert Garnett, William Garnett, James Ryle, John Ryle, Elijah Hogan, William Brady, Jamison Hawkins, Reuben Graves, & John Hawkins are appointed as such to wait on those brethren on Christmas day at bro. John Jones's.-
Our next 4th Sunday meeting to be at bro. Jno. Neals.
Our next Church meeting to be held at bro James Ryles
          John Hawkins Clerk

The church of Middle-creek held at bro. James Ryles the 2nd Saturday in January 1820 Bro. Jamison Hawkins Mod.
The reference of our last meeting respecting a committee which was appointed to lay a plan for an addition to our meeting-house taken up; but from the Committee's not being prepar'd, it is referd to our next meeting, and a request is made by this church that Mr. James Porter be added to the list of commifsioners, & he be requested to aid them in their plan and bill of costs.
Pursuant to an arrangement of our last church meeting the following members are dismifs'd from this Church by constituting (Viz) Jno. Jones, John Neal, William Neal, David Fuquay, William Hoges, Washington Fuquay, John Hoges, Benjamin Hoges, William Smithey, Agnes Neal, Nancy Neal, Rebecca Neal, Drucillah Fuquay, and Elizabeth Hoges amounting to fourteen.
          John Hawkins Clerk

At a church meeting held at middle creek the 2nd Saturday in February 1820, bro. Jamison Hawkins Moderator.
Bro. William Garnett gave information to the church of an affray between himself and another person on Christmas Eve last; the Church after investigation have forgiven him. The reference of our last meeting respecting an addition to our meeting house taken up; the report of the commifsioners being received, the church on investigation agree to the Expediency of an addition in some way, for which purpose subscriptions are to be held out untill our next church meeting and report made so that we may be Enabled to ascertain the Extent to which we Shall add.- Brethren Jamison Hawkins, Reuben Graves, and Joseph Hawkins, are appointed to hold out Subscriptions untill our next meeting.
A letter of dismifsioin is granted bro. Reuben Graves & wife
          Adj'd     John Hawkins Clerk


At a church meeting held at Middle-creek the 2nd Saturday in March 1820 bro. Jameson Hawkins Mod.
From the report of our brethren appointed last meeting, to hold out subscriptions for the purpose of adding to our meeting house, & on investigating the subject with respect to s'd addition the church agree to drop it for the present.
A complaint is Exhibited by bro Larken Ryle against Sam a black bro. for taking tobacco not his own,
After some investigation the church have appointed brethren John Ryle, Benjamin Stephens, Joseph Hawkins, & Samuel Huey to make further Examination with respect to said Tobacco in presence of said black bro and make report to our next meeting.
     Adjd      John Hawkins Clk

Church meeting 2nd Saturday in April 1820 bro Garnett Mod.
The reference respecting Sam black bro. taken up he failing to give satisfaction is excluded.
Ordered that the bro. Deacons furnish ink and paper to be held at the meeting house for the use of the church.
Agreed that Joe & wife a black brother and sister have a letter of dismifsion.
Brother Elijah Hogan and John Hawkins are appointed to settle with our bro treasurer and report to our next meeting
Agreed that at our next meeting we commune.      Adj'd
          John Hawkins, Clk

Church meeting at Middle creek the 2nd Saturday in May 1820 bro Moses Scott Mod.
The reference respecting a settlement with the bro. Deacons & concluded on at our last church meeting laid over to be reported at our next church meeting.
Pursuant to a request from Bullitsburgh Church by their mefsenger bro. Robert Kirtley for helps to afsist in the Ordination of bro. James Dickens to the ministry first Saturday in June next; the Church have agreed to send the following brethren (Viz) brethren Robt. Garnett, Jamez Ryle, Elijah Hogan, and Moses Scott

John Hawkins, Clk


At a church meeting held at Middle creek the 2nd Saturday in June 1820 bro Jameson Hawkins Moderator
The reference of our last meeting respecting a settlement with our bro. Deacon as treasurer reported as follows; levied by the church in their two last apportionments 1818 & 1819 $32..93.3/4 centz
rec'd of the former treasurer 37 1/2cts      
           $       cts
           $33       31 1/4cts
$10 delinquencies not collected       $10
Collected by treasurer $23       31 1/4cts
Expended by bro treasurer $28       93 3/4cts
Church indebted to bro treasurer $5       62 l/2cts

It is Enjoind on the bro. treasurer to collect as far as practicable the amt. of delinquencies as levied in the apportionments refer'd to Except those delinquents which were constituted in the East-bend Church who are Exonerated by this church

                John Hawkins, Clk

At a church meeting held at Middle Creek the 2nd Saturday in July 1820: bro. Robert Garnett Moderator.
No businefs done

                John Hawkins, Clk

At a church meeting held at Middle creek the 2nd Saturday in August 1820 bro. William Garnett Mod.
Bro. John Hawkins is appointed to write the church letter to our next Association, held at this place and present the same to our next church meeting for inspection
Brethren Moses Scott, Robt. Garnett, Jamison Hawkins, & William Garnett are appointed to bear said letter and represent us in said Afsociation.
Next Thursday is set apart as a day of fasting and prayer to meet at this place by 10-Oclock

                John Hawkins, Clk

At a church meeting held at Middle creek the 2nd Saturday in Sept 1820 Bro. Robt Garnett Mod.
The church letter was presented by bro. John Hawkins & reciev'd       Adj'd

                John Hawkins, Clk


At a church meeting held at Middle-creek the 2nd Saturday in October 1820 Bro Jamison Hawkins Mod.
Agreed that we comune to morrow Agreed that the Brother Clark & treasurer Settle and make report to our next meeting Agreed that the Brother Clark & Brother John Brady aportion A Sum on the Church between ten & fifteen Dollars & present the aportionment to our next meeting
John Hawkins Clk

At a Church meeting held at middle Creek the Second Saturday in November 1820 Brother John Ryle Moderator Protem. Brother John Ryle Exhibited a complaint against Sister Amy a black woman belonging to himself for the Sin of Adultery the matter taken up and Brother James Ryle appointed to Cite her to attend next meeting aportionment presented by Bro. John Brady for $16. 6 1/2 cts on the members of this Church Was received, the Settlement Extended with the Brother deacon find the Church indebted to s.d Bro. $10. 92 3/4 cts our next Church meeting to be at Bro. James Ryles

Reuben Grave Clk protem

At a Church meeting held at Midle Creek the Second Saturday in December 1820 Brother Robert Garnett Moderator the reference respecting Sister Amy taken up and She found guilty of Sin and failin to give Satisfaction Was Excluded the church preceded to Select another Clerk Bro. John Brady was Chosen for that purpose Agreed that our next Meeting be at Bro Benjamin Stephens

John Brady C.l.k. Protem

At a Church meeting held at Middle Creek 2nd Saturday in January 1821 Brother Jamison Hawkins Moderator Agreed that our next meeting be at Brother John Brady's.

John Brady C.l.k

At a Church meeting held at Midel Creek 2nd Saturday in February 1821 Brother Scott Moderator Brother Bush brought in a complaint against himself for living in a disorderly way for some time and Especially for drinking too much Spiritous Liquor & attending a ball But found guilty of Sin he gave Satisfaction, the Church agrees to bear with s.d Brother. Brother Garnetts time of keeping the meetin house & Spring have expired Brother Jamison Hawkins agrees to take them for one year agreed that we consider the propriety of making warm the Meeting house it is refered to our next Meeting agreed that we Say Something relative to our absent members, and a complaint was brought in by Bro. Garnett against Bro. Smither for absenting himself from us for Four years we are


of opinion That the Brother Sinned in So doing & Bro. Scott & Bro. Hawkins are appointed to cite s.d Bro. to attend and Shew cause of his absence.
                John Brady C.l.k

At a Church meeting held at Middlecreek 2nd Saturday in March 1821 Brother William Garnett moderator the reference of our last Meeting taken up and after Some investigation is dispenced with it is agreed that we precede to Select five trustees for the purpose of receiving a deed for two acres of ground on which the Meeting house Stands the following Brethren is appointed for that purpose Viz. Brethren Jamison Hawkins E. Hogan William Garnett Benjamin Stephens John Brady

John Brady C.l.k

At a Church meeting held at Midle Creek on 2nd Saturday in April 1821 Brother Robert Garnett moderator Agreed that our next meeting be communion Season Sister Robinson and Sister Rittenhouse, Sister Polly Hosly, Bro. Andrew Hosly & wife and Sister Amy, a black woman of Col. Meeks is each granted letters of dismifsion
                John Brady C.l.k.

At a Church meeting held at Midle Creek 2nd Saturday in May 1821 Brother Hawkins Moderator
Brother Joshua Rice Brought in a complaint against himself for drinkin to much Spiritous Liquor the Church ar of opinion that Bro. Rice Sined but he gave Satisfaction, agrees to Bear with s.d Bro. A request from East Bend by Bro. Neal for helps to attend them on a matter of difficulty the 1st Saturday in June next the following Brethren were appointed 0V.i.z. Brethren Moses Scott, James Ryle, John Ryle, John Brady, Eijah Hogan and Jamison Hawkins

John Brady C.l.k.

At Church Meeting held at Midle Creek 2nd Saturday in June 1821 Brother Moses Scott Moderator
no Businefs       Ad.Jd

John Brady C.l.k.

At a Church Meeting held at Midle Creek 2nd Saturday in July 1821 Brother William Garnett Moderator agreed that Bro. Moses Scott wright our letter to the next afsociation and Brethren Moses Scott, Jamison Hawkins, William Garnett Robert Garnett, to bear s.d Letter and represent us in s.d afsocation Bro John Ryle Junior is appointed to cite Bro John Neal and Bro Smith to attend next Meeting. Bro. James Ryle is appointed to cite Dicky Berkshire and Bro. Scott to cite Bro. Bush to attend next Meeting to Shew cause of their absence       Ad.Jd.

John Brady C.l.k.


At a church Meeting held at Middle the 2nd Satyrday August 1821 Brother Hawkins Moderator
The reference of last meeting taken up brother Bush and brother Barkshire attended and gave Satisfaction the brethren agrees to bare with them
Brother John Neal absent Its agreed that we Send again for him to attend next meeting brother John Ryle Is appointed to again cite him to attend
The Refference of Brother smith continued, brother Benjamin Stephens exhibited a complaint against brother John Willis Junior for a breack of trust and departing from the trooth the church are of opinion that the Brother sined in so doing and failling to give Satisfaction Is excluded from our boddy, agreed that our 4th Sunday Meeting be dispensed with for the present time the Church letter handed in by Brother Scott and Was Received.                Adjournd John Brady c.l.k.

At a church meeting held at Middle Creek The 2nd Satyrday September 1821 Brother Robert Garnett Moderator
Brother Andrew Dear Brought in a complaint against Himself for drinking two much spiritous liquor.
But he gave satisfaction the brethren agrees to bear S.d brother. The refference of last meeting taken up Brother John Neal failing to attend and hear the Church He is excluded from our boddy. The refference of brother Smith taken up and continued.
Agreed that we set apart the third Wednesday in the Month as a day of fasting and prayer to meet at this Place at 10 oclock agreed that our next meeting Be A communion Season
     Adjournd John Brady clk

At a church Meeting Held at middle Creek Second Satyrday in October 1821 brother Scott Moderator a request from the forks of gunpowder Church handed in by Brother rogers to send them Helps to afsist them in the ordination of Brother Conner to the ministry - at their next meeting
Agreed that we send the following Brethren to wit Brethren Moses Scott J Hawkins Wm Garnett E Hogan agreed that we give Brother John Stevenson And wife letters of dismifsin, agreed that the Clk set apart a page in church Book for purpose of recording the names of Deceased members      Adjourned

At a church meeting held at middle creek Second Satyrday in November 1821 Brother William Garnett Moderator A request from Dry creek church by Brother cain for helps to afsist Them in the ordination of brother amold to the ministry at their next meeting Agreed that we send four viz Brethren Robert Garnett E Hogan John Brady & Jamison Hawkins to afsist them:      Adjourned
     John Brady Clk


At a church meeting held at Middle Creek 2nd Saturday in December 1821 brother hawkins Moderrator Brother Wm Garnett brought in a complaint Against Brother Sam a black Brother for the sin of adultry and wilful lying agreed that we send for brother Sam and brother Hogan is appointed to cite him to attend next meeting Brother John Hawkins Is granted a letter of dismifsion its agreed that we purchase us a stove for the benefit of the meeting House and Brother William Garnett Robert Garnett Jamison Hawkins and John Brady is to superintend the same and report at next meeting       ADJD
     John Brady clk

At a church meeting held at middle creek 2nd Satyrday in January 1822 Brother William Garnett Moderrator the first refference of our Last meeting taken up respecting Brother sam, And he being found gilty of Sin and failling to give satisfaction he is excluded from our Boddy the 2n Refference Respecting the stove Taken up the referees repoartted The cost at $42 68 3A and four dollars for sach and glafs Making in the hoal $46 68 3A Brother Wm Garnett and Brother Clerk to maik out an Aportionment on the members of this church and repoart at our next meeting a greed that we consider the propriety of making an additional Rurl to our former one in relation to dealing with Disorderly members but is laid over to Our next meeting agreed that our Brother Deacons employ some person to keep the stove and attend to putting out after meeting so that the it can Do no Dammage when left.       Adjourned

John Brady Clk

At a church Meeting held at Middle creek the second Satyrday in febuary 1822 Brother Robert Garnett Moderrator Brother Cave brought in a complaint against Himself for filing but after hearing Brother Cave on the subject Satisfaction was given
The apportionment handed in and received The 2nd Refference respecting our additional rule taken Up and after investigation proced to the alteration Which is as followes. All trespafses of a private Nature shall be attended to agreeably to the 18 of Matthew but all sins of A publick nature may be Brought to the church by any member giving the transgrefsing member notice of the same which shall Be done personsally and in a friendly and Brotherly maner where the offender can be come at
The apportionment received to be paid to the Brother treasuary and he appropriate it to paying of for the stove, a greeable to a refference of some time standing on our church book respecting Noel Smither for absenting himself from us we feel agrived and he is hereby excluded from our boddy                Adjourned
John Brady

At a church Meeting held at middle creek 2nd Satyrday in March 1822       Brother Hawkins Moderrator Brother Moses Scott Brought in a complaint a gainst him self for Drinking too much Spirits only liquor the church are of opinion that the Brother has sinned in so doing But agrees to Bear with s.d Brother. Brother Thomas Shackleford who has bin some time excluded Has this Day came forward and made a publick Declaration of his


repentance, and gave general Satisfaction he is restoared to full fellowship and is granted a letter of Difsmision.                AdjournedAdjourned
John Brady

At a church Meeting held at middle creek 2nd Satyrday in April 1822 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
Brother Joshua Rice laid in a complaint against himself for drinking two Mutch spiritsous liquor the church are of pinion that Brother Rice sined in So doing but agrees to bear with Sd Brother
Agreed that our next meeting be a communion Season
                      Adjourned --       John Brady

At a church Meeting held at middle Creek 2nd Satyrday in May 1822 Brother R Garnett Moderrator A request from the forks' church at gunpowder By Brother lewis coner for helps to Attend them on there next meeting to afsist in the ordination of a deacon Agreed that we send Wm Garnett & James Ryle

Adjourned -- John Brady

At a church Meeting held at middle Creek the 2nd Satyrday in June 1822 Brother Wm Garnett Moderrator
Brother Benjr. Stephens Brought in a complaint against Brother Robert Garnett for accusing the church of being a disorderly body and That He could not administer the supper & believed That he should commit a sin in so doing. And from what he had seen heard and felt he believed he was not the coice of The church that they look for greater things than they might from him and he had serious notions of with drawing himself From them as disorderly body and believe he had scripture to Justify the opinion The above exprefsions be as Exprefsed Publickly in church meeting last the Matter taken up and he found gilty of Sin: but after acknowledgment Brother Garnett was forgiven. A request by Brother Thomas for a letter of Dismifsion for Sister hanah a black woman
      Adjournd --       John Brady

At a church Meeting held at Middle creek 2nd Satyrday in July 1822 Brother Moses Scott Moderrator
Brother Moses Scott is appointed To wright our letter to the North Bend Afsociation to be held at sand Run the Third friday in august next and Brethren Moses Scott, John Brady, Wm Garnett Robert Garnett and Jamison to bear sd letter Represent us in sd afsociation a request from BuletsBurg by edward graves & Wm Haydon for Helps to afsist them on there next meeting In the ordination of Brother Robert Kirtly to the ministry, a greed that we send the following Brethren Robert Garnett Jamison Hawkins John Ryle Wm Garnett John Brady, larken Ryle BenJn Stephens John Ryle Moses Scott James Ryle seignr
      Adjournd --       John Brady


At a church Meeting held at Middle creek The 2nd Satyrday in August 1822 Brother Robert Garnett Moderrator
Brother E Rogers Brought in a complaint Against Brother Cave for drinkin two much Spiritsous liquor he not being present the Mater is taken up and laid over till next meeting And Brother John Brady is appointed to cite him to attend next meeting the church letter Handed in and Received by application of Brother Walter Smith for a letter of dismifsion Its a greed that we give him the same letter We received him on Adjournd
               John Brady

4th Sunday Meeting Edmond a black man Received for Baptism
               John Brady

At a church Meeting held at Middle Creeke The 2nd Satyrday in September 1822 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
Brother Joshua Rice Brought in a complaint against himself for Drinking too much Spiritous liquor The matter Taken up and he found gilty of sin but on Hearing Brother Rice the Brethren a grees to Bear with sd Brother.
Brother George Porter laid in a charge against him self of the same kind with the adition of playing at cards he was found gilty of sin but on hearing the Brother Satisfaction was given and the church agrees to Bear with him the refference of last meeting Respecting Brother cave taken up Brother cave denyed the charge the church are of opinion there was not sufficient proof to convict Sd Brother Agreed that next wenesday be sat apart for a day Of fasting and prayer to meet at the meeting hose at 10 oclock        John Brady

4th Sunday Meeting Received for baptism Dicky A black man belonging to Mother willis.

At a church Meeting held at middle creek The 2nd Satyrday in October 1822 Robert garnett Moderrator Brother Francis Craig Brought in a charg against Brother John Ryle Junr. For not giving him the information that he Believed he was in posefsion of respecting some Depridations commited on him and family the church Are of opinion there is not sufficient evidance That Ryle was in posefsion of the information required he was aquited

Adjourned John Brady Clk.

4th Sunday Received for baptism Peter a black man of Wm Willis'

At a church meeting held at middle creek The 2nd Satyrday in November 1822 Brother Hawkins Moderrator a quary by Brother R garnett
Is it the duty of ministers to Bring complaints into a church where they are of a publick nature and Give name of By other members of our order the quary Taken up and laid over till next meeting A request From bulletsBurgh by Brother george Jones for Helps to


afsist them at there next meeting In the ordination of a Deacon a greed that we send 3 to wit Robert Garnett Wm garnett and John Brady

Upon application of Sister pegga Rice its agreed She have a letter of difsmifsion       Adjd
     John Brady

Sunday Received Brother leek & wife by letter

At a church Meeting held at middle creek the 2nd Satyrday in December 1822 Brother Wm Garnett Moderator the refference of our last meeting taken up and answerd we think it the duty of ministers to Attend to the Disorders of church members in common with othere members an wher he sees it Neglected by others it becomes his duty not to neglect it. Brother Wm Ryle and Brother Harry is appointed to enquoir of Brother Tolbert his reason of with holding his letter and Request his presence at our next meeting on an motion of Brother Jamison Hawkins we have preceded to take up his publick gift and lay It over till next meeting for a matter of consideration.             Ajd.        John Brady

At a church Meeting held at middle creek The 2nd Satyrday in January 1823 Brother Scott Modderrator
The Refference of last Meeting respecting tobert Taken up and his report is not satisfactory, Its a greed that this church wright to church at Silas' to know whether Brother tobert Has joined them with a letter from this church and when. The Reffereence Respecting Brother Hawkins's publick gift taken up and after Investigation he was some what incouraged to proceede on       AdJ

John Brady

At a church Meeting held at midle creeke The 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1823 Brother Robert Garnett Moderator
By Motion Its agreed we consider the Propriety of profefsers Joining in plays Attending where there is fidling and dancing the Matter taken up but laid over till next meeting
      Adjourned       John Brady Clk

At a church Meeting held at midle creeke The 2nd Satyrday in March 1823 Brother Wm Garnett Moderator. The Refference of last Meeting taken Up and Decided on as follows we difsaprabate all such volunterry conduct and Recommend all profefsers to come out from Among them.
Adjourned       John Brady


At A church Meeting held at Middle Creak the 2nd Satyrday in aprile 1823 Broth Scott Moderrator A greed that our Next Meeting be a communion Season & Further agreed that our Brother Deacons Anuly select som person to keep our house Stove and spring
John Brady

At a church Meeting held at middle Creek The 2nd Satyrday in May 1823 Brother Robert Garnett Moderrator On Motion Its agreed that The Brother Clk and Brother Hogan Settle with the Brother treasurey; and apportion on the Members of this church a sum of Money, not to exceed fifteen dollars in currency, and report next meeting
      Adjourned       John Brady Clk

At a Church Meeting held at Middle Creek The 2nd Satyrday In June 1823 Brother wm Garnett Moderrator the Refference of Brother Tolbot taken up and answer to our letter From our sister church at Silas informing us that he is a Member with Them in good Standing The refference of last Meeting respecting Settle and apportion Ment taken up the report handed in and approved upon application of sister Polly McClain for a letter of dismfsion it was Objected to By Brother John Brady and Mother we preceded to appoint Brother R Garnett and Brother hogan as a committee to afsist In settling the difficulty who is to report to next meeting if pofsible.
      Adjourned       John Brady Clk

At a church Meeting held at Middle creek The 2nd Satyrday In July 1823 Brother R Garnett Moderrator
The Refference of last meeting taken up and the committee reported as following we think it most advisable to leave it to a committee such as the church Shall appoint to settle the difficulty Between Brother John and Heather Brady, and Polly McClain and we have appointed the following Brethren as a committee to wit B Stephens J Hawkins B cave E Hogan M Scott to Meet at the Meeting house the 4th Satyrday in the Month for that purpose and Brother R Garnett and Brother James Ryle to cite her to attend agreeable to a refference of some Duration Respecting Sipio Sedrick taken up an he being present and on the profefsion that he had joined the Methodist church and that of choice he is here by excluded.
We precede to apoint Mefsengers to the afsosiation and some person to writ our letter Brother Scott appointed to wright and Brother Jamison Hawkins R Garnett W Garnett Benjamin Stephens and Moses Scott to Bear sd. Letter and represent us in Sd afsosiation

       John Brady

At a church Meeting the 2nd Satyrdy in august 1823 Brother Jamison Hawkins Moderrator
The church letter handed in and Received

Adjournd        John Brady


At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In sept 1823 Brother M Scott Moderrator
The Refference respecting Jno & sister Brady & Sister polly Mclain taken up and the committee appointed to Settle difficulty between them reported That they had not been able to do so and were of opinion that Sister Polly Mclain ered in seeing Brother Jno Brady with out taking the gospel steps and Brother John and Sister Brady ered in not taking the gospel steps Before she applied for a letter Which report was received and Sister Poly Mclain not being present Bro Samuel Huey is appointed to cite her to next meeting
Agreed that we commune in future the Sundays after the 2nd Satyrday in October and May Annually,
Adjournd        Reuben Graves Clk

At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In october 1823 Brother Jamison Hawkins Moderrator
The Refference of our last meeting Respecting Sister Polly Mclain taken up and continued

Adjournd        John Brady

At a Middle Creek Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in November 1823 Brother R Garnett Moderrator
On request of Brother leek he is granted a letter of Dismifsion for him and his wife.
On motion its a greed that Brother Garnett obtain a certificat from this church as a gospel Minister as he expects to be absent for a while

Adjournd        John Brady

At a Middle creek church Meeting held the 2nd Satyrday In december 1823. Brother William Garnett Moderrator
Brother Andrew Dear brought in a complaint against himself for Disorderly conduct on Christmas eave last for joining a party & going from house to house What is generly termed A Christmas frolick the matter was taken up And he found gilty of Sin but on adknolledgement of the Brother Satisfaction was given.

Adjournd        John Brady

At A middle Creek church Meeting held the 2nd Satyrday In January 1824 Brother Scott Moderrator
On motion Its agreed that we consider the propriety of Building a new meeting house But laid over till next meeting for a matter of consideration

Adjournd        John Brady


At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In febuary 1824 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
The refference of last Meeting respecting the meeting taken up and after some investigation it is again Continued.
on application its Agreed that sister polly Grant obtain a letter of Dismifsion from this church

At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd satyrday In March 1824 Brother Wm Garnett Moderrator
Brother Jamison Hawkins Brought in a Complaint against himself for using improper threts In a letter written by himself to an individual the church Are of opinion that Brother Hawkins sined in so doing But on acknouledgement of Sd. Brother Satisfaction Was given.
The Refference of last Meeting respecting Building a meeting house taken up and Dispensed with for the present
On application Brother James Stephens and sister Matilda Waggoner are each granted letters of Dismifsion

Adjournd        John Brady Clk

Sunday Received by experance for Baptism Jesse Gregory and Dicy Dear.

Adjournd        John Brady

At a middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in April 1824 Brother Scott Moderrator
Brother Johseph Hawkins Brought in a complaint against Brother John Willis for attemp of Defraud by refusing To Measier a tup [or tub] by which corn had previously been Soald the matter taken up and continued & Brother John Ryle is appointed to request Sd Brother to attend Next meeting.
Received By experiance for baptism Aaron a black Man of Captn Bushes By Request of Brother Willson and Brother Harveys from sand Run for helps to attend Them on the 4th Satyrday in this Month to afsist in the ordination of Brother Robinson to the Ministry
Agreed we send 5 to wit Moses Scott James Ryle William Garnett Jamison hawkins and John Brady

Adjournd        John Brady

At a Middle Creek Church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday May 1824 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting The Difficulty Between Brother Hawkins and willis Taken up and continued.


Agreed that our Brother clerk produce our church Book at our next Meeting in order that our Constitution be red. Aaron an excluded black Man Belonging to Brother Reuben Graves Restored to fellowship of the church a gain.
Adjournd        John Brady

At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1824 Brother Wm Garnett Moderrator
Brother Joshua Rice from the suggestion of Brother Hoshelo lodged a complaint against Himself for drinking two Much Spirets liquor the matter taken up and continued till next meeting. The Refference of last meeting taken up Respecting Brother willis and Hawkins But owing to the absence of the Brethren is continued
The church Book being presented the words of constitution being Red Brother Scott presented to the church a book as a presant Which contains the Baptist phillidelphia confefsion of faith Which was received and is to be red publickly in the meeting House next Meeting to meet at ten oclock
By Request of Brother Aaron a black Man of Brother R graveses He is granted a letter of Dismifsion

At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1824 Brother Scott Moderrator
A complaint was brought against Brother Benjamin Stephens by Brother Scott for imbracing and publishing the Doctrine of universal Salvation.
By Request Its agreed that the constitution which is the phillidelphia confefsion of faith Be Red before we proceed Any further on the complaint which was done, and returned and the matter taken up and continued till next meeting
And a greed that we send by our Brethren to the following Churches for helps to attend us Meeting to afsist us in a matter of difficulty to wit to Bulletsburg Brother Scott Barkshire to sand run Brother Rice & R Garnett to gunpowder Brother Huey & Brady to Dry Creek Brother cave and Hawkins.
The refference of last Meeting Respecting Brother Willis taken up and after investigation Brother willis was not found gilty of sin.
The refference of Brother Joshua Rice taken up And he being absent is continued.
Brother J Hawkins appointed to wright our letter to the afsosiation and Brethren M Scott W Garnett E Hogan and Jamison Hawkins Bear sd letter and represent us in sd afsosiation
Brother John willis is granted a letter of Dismifsion

       John Brady


At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in August 1824 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
The Refference of last meeting Respecting Brother Rice taken up and he found gilty of sin and failing to give Satisfaction was excluded
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brother Stephens taken up and the helps being present From Bullits Burg Brethren James Dicken Wm B ewing Reben graves. David R[unreadable] Brother J graves
Lewis wolf Thomas whiteaker. gunpowder lewis coner Christopher Wilson E Kirtley
Wm Rogers lewis Christler Dry creek John arnold.
And after investigation Sd Brother was found gilty of sin and failling to give Satisfaction he is excluded
church letter handed in and approved
By Request from east Bend by Brother smither for Helps to attend them on the 1st Satyrday in September next to afsist in the ordination of Brother Abbanathir to the ministry agreed we send 6 to wit M scott Jno Ryle James Ryle E Hogan Wm garnett Jms Brady.
       John Brady

At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In September 1824 Wm garnett Moderrator
On Motion its agreed we take into considderration Aarons situation Who stands as a member by experience but ther being objections to his baptism its thought best to appoint a commite of 3 brethren to wit Brother John Ryle Jesse Gregory, and W Brady to investigate the matter and report as soon as possibly

At a Middle Creek church meeting the 2nd Satyrday In October 1824 Brother scott moderrator
Brother John Ryle Brought in a complaint against Sister sarah belonging to mrs Noble for taking a hors of Brother willises without leave and riding him some Distance in the night to wit to Brother Robert Kirtleys. the church are of opinion that She has sined In so doing But on hearing the acknolledegement of sd sister Of sd sister she is forgiven.
Brother John Ryle and Brother Hogan informd the church that sister Dorcas Porter formerly Neal has been gilty of the sin of fornication And in termarried with her uncle her Mothers Brother the matter taken up and continued till next meetin and Brother wm garnett is appointed to cite her to attend The same
The commite appointed to examin into the situation of aron Reported as folios in ther opinion the Ordinance of baptism ought to be with held from him and to arace his name out of the Church Book.
On application its agreed that [unreadable name] obtain a letter of Dismifsion from this church
Agreed we commune tomarah


At a middle creek church meeting the 2nd satyrday November 1824 Brother Hawkins moderrator
Brother John Ryle Brought in a complaint Against Brother Dicky Barkshire for Neglecting to attend meeting and profane Swearing the matter taken up and he found gilty Of Sin But is continued till next meeting
And Brother Samuel and Wm Huey is appointe to cite sd Brother to attend next meeting the Refference of last meeting respecting sister Dorcas Porter taken up and She found gilty of sin and failling to give Satisfaction is excluded
Agreed that the 4th Satyrday in the month Be and is set a part as a day of fasting and prair to all mighty god that would Revive his Work in our harts and neighborhood once More to meet at the meeting house at 11 oclock
Adjournd        John Brady

At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1824 Brother Wm garnett Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brother Dicky Berkshire taken up and he failling to attend and Give satisfaction he is excluded

Adjournd        John Brady

At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday January 1825 Brother scott Moderrator
Brother lewis Crisler Brought in a complaint against Brother Jamison Hawkins for the non payment of money the Matter taken up and Investigated and Brother crisler is a liberty to seek His legal Redrefs in the Recovery of his Money in the presant case

Adjournd        John Brady

At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1825 Brother garnett Moderrator
Brother John Ryle Brought in a complaint against Brother Jamison Hawkins for the non payment of money to Brother chirsler and for using some threts of keeping him Out of his Money as long as pofsible
The Matter taken up and he found gilty of sin But is Laid over till next Meeting. On application a ereed that Brother John C Bush Obtain a letter of Dismifsion from this

Adjournd        John Brady


At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In March 1825 Brother Scott Moderator
Brother lessee gregory laid in a complaint Against himself for Drinking two Much spiritous Liquor the matter taken up and he found gilty of sin But on hearing the acknowledgement of sd Brother he is forgiven
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting the Complaint a gainst Brother Hawkins By Brother Ryle's is taken up and there Being Three of a Minoity of 3 not Satisfyed he stands in a state of Suspencion.
Brother Benjamin cave is granted a letter of Dismifsion
On application from east Bend By Brother William Neal for helps to attend them at ther may Meeting next to afsist in the Ordination of Brother abbenathie to the ministry a greed we send the following Brethren to wit Brethren John Ryle James Ryle E. Hogan Wm. Garnett Moses Scott and John Brady
Adjournd        John Brady

At A middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In aprile 1825 Brother Wm garnett Moderrator
The Refference of last meeting Respecting Brother Hawkins again taken up and the Manorety Remains still dissatisfyed and is continued till next meeting

Adjournd        John Brady Clk

At a Middle creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in May 1825 Brother scott moderator
The Refference of last Meetin Respecting Brother Hawkins is a gain taken up and satisfactory Acknowledegement being mad Brother Hawkins now is Restored to full fellowship as here to fore
Received By experience peggy Barkshire for baptism on application Brother Simean Dear is granted a letter of Dismifsion

Adjournd        John Brady

At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1825 Brother R garnett
Moderrator Brother Jameson Hawkins applied for letters of Dismifsion for himself wife and Daughter Margaret and upon investigation of the Businefs the church agreed to take up and Consider his publick gift but is thought Advisable for the whole matter to stand As refference till next meeting.
On application of Brother R garnett He is granted a letter of Dismifsion stating therein the articles of our faith.
The Brother clerk requested to be released And some other person be appointed to fill that office

       John Brady


At a middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1825 Brother Wm Garnett Moderrator
The Refferences of last Meeting Respecting Brother Hawkins taken up and a greed we take into consideration his publick gift as the first part of our refference
Its a greed that brother Hawkins Dezist in his publick Ministry for the presant till other wise Directed by the church. The first part of our refference taken up and investigated and the church seems to be unwilling to Grant Brother Hawkins's Request.
Brother Scott is appointed to right our letter to the afsosiation and present it at our next meeting for inspection, and the following Brethren to Bear this our letter and Represent us in sd afsosiation to wit Brethren M Scott Jamison Hawkins James Ryle and John Brady.
On Motion its agreed that the Brother clerk and Brother Joseph Hawkins settle with the brother treasurer and apportion on the members of this Church the sum of six dollars and report at our next meeting.
Adjournd        John Brady

At a middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in August 1825 Brother Scott Modderrator the church letter was handed in By Brother Scott Red and received and Brother Wm Garnett is appointed an additional Mefsinger
The settle & apportionment by the committee hand in and Received

Adjournd        John Brady

At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in September 1825 Brother William Garnett Modderrator
On Brother Hawkins being calld on to act As Moderrator in turn objected and Said he Did not considder himself as a Modderrator of this church whereupon a Question was put to The church was he moderator or not which Was Decided in the affirmative.
On application of sister pegga Dear through Brother Delph She is granted a letter of Dismifsion
Wm Garnet      

Adjournd       John Brady

At a middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1825 Brother Hawkins Moderator No businefs

Adjournd        John Brady


At a middle creek church meeting the 2nd Satyrday in November 825 Brother Scott Moderrator
On Motion its a greed we take up and consider the propriety of building us a new meeting house on the ground that we at presant occpy But stands as a refference for a matter of considderation till next meeting.
Brother Israel Clore solicited the church to Arace his Name of the church Book the matter taken up and a greed to appoint a committee of four namely Brother W. Garnett J. Brady E Hogan M Scott an any three of them to wait On Brother Clore and know of him his reason and labor with him and report at our next meeting
AdJournd        John Brady Clk

At a middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In december 1825 Brother William Gamett Moderrator
The Refference of last meeting Respecting Brother Clore taken up and the committee Reported that they had performed the Service laid upon Them and after some time laboring with the Brother he a greeds to with draw his former Application and continue with us-
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting the Building of a meeting house taken up and after some Investigation thir was a larg Majority in favour of Building at the place before mentioned
But is a gain continued tell next Meeting.
On Motion its agreed that we call some Ministerial help to attend us for the terme of one Year to attend us once a month or more if pofsible
And agree that Brother Robert Kirtley be called for that purpose, and to compensate him for his services and the Brother Clerk is to acquaint Sd Brother of this days preceding And Brother James Ryle Receive the contributions And pay it over to Sd Brother.

           John Brady Clk

At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1826 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
The refference of last Meeting Respecting the building of a Meeting house taken up But owing to the thinnefs of the Meeting is Refered
The Brother clerk who was appointed in behalf Of the church to acquaint Brother Kirtley of the call of the church Reported that Brother Kirtley accepted of the call

                 John Brady


At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in febuary 1826.
Brother Scott Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting the Building of a meeting House is again taken up And after some little investigation was thought Advisable that it be continued till next Meeting
On Motion its a greed we take into Considderation Brother Hawkins publick Gift Buts continued as a matter of consideration till next meeting
Adjournd            John Brady Clk

At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in March l826 Brother garnett moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting the Building of a Meeting house is again taken up and after investigation it was thought In expediant to build at the presant
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brother Hawkins's publick Gift is a gain taken up and After investigation Brother Hawkins at liberty to exercise His Gift in any way he may think proper Where god in his providence may cast His lot
On Motion its a greed we send for 2 of our Absent Members to wit Brother Gregory and Willis Brother Clore is appointed to Request Brother Gregory, and Brother James Ryle Brother Willis to attend at next meeting and to make known the cause of ther absence

Adjournd            John Brady Clk

At a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in Aprile 1826
Brother Hawkins Moderrator
Brother Gregory and Brother Willis Who was Requested to attend this meeting on the account of there absence, attended and Gave satisfaction

Adjournd            John Brady Clk

At a middle creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in May, 1826
Brother scott Moderrator
Brother John Ryle laid in a complaint Against Ally a black sister Belonging to lewis willis for the sin of fornication the matter taken up and Brother James Ryle Seign is appointed to se and Request Her to attend next Meeting

Adjournd            John Brady Clk

At a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in June 1826
Brother Wm Garnett Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Ally is a gain taken up and she found gilty of sin and failing to Attend and give Satisfaction is excluded Up on application sister fany Bledso Is Granted a letter of Dismifsion

Adjournd            John Brady Clk


At a middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in July 1826
Brother Hawkins Moderrator
Brother Jamison Hawkins is appointed To wright our church letter to the afsosiation and Brethren Moses Scott Jamison Hawkins James Ryle and William garnett as Mefsengers to Bair sd letter and represent us in sd Afsosiation
AdJournd            John Brady

At a middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in august 1826
Brother Hawkins Moderrator
Quary By Brother Andrew Dear is it the duty of the church to settle Difficultys Between Brethren Where there known of By the church that remains unsettled the matter taken up and decided in the affirmative
The church letter was produced Red and approved
On Motion its a greed we add 2 additional Messengers to our former number to the assosiation And Brethren Israel Clore and John Brady is Appointed by a vote of the church
On application from our sister church at gunpowder Brother christler for helps to attend them the 3rd Satyrday in September next to assist in the ordination of John S Carter as deacon
A greed we send 2 to wit Brethren wm Garnett and John Brady.

AdJournd            John Brady clk

At a middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in September 1826
Brother wm Garnett Moderrator.
Agreed we set apart the first Thursday in October next as a day of fasting Humiliation and prayer before god to help us in this time of need and to in crease our number and give us more labourers in to the harvest for it is great and the labors fiew to meet at the Meeting house at 10 oclock

           John Brady

At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in October 1826
Brother Hawkins Moderrator
The Refference of September 1823 Respecting Sister polly Mclain and Brother John and Sister Brady is a gain taken up and Satisfaction On the part of Brother John and Sister Brady Was given and Brother Jamison Hawkins Is appointed to wright to sister polly Mclain and acquaint her of what is done and to Request her to send a fiew lines stating her feelings and what she desirs -
Brother John Ryle is appointed to see and Request Brother Scott to attend next Meeting to Make nown the cause of his absence -
Brother Rice is appointed to se and Request Brother Israel Clore to attend next meeting to Make nown the cause of his absence


A request from our sister church sand Run by Brother Oilman for helps to attend them the 4* Satyrday in the presant month to assist in the ordination of Brother Wm Whitaker To the Ministry a greed we send 4 to wit Brother John Ryle wm Garnett Jamison Hawkins and John Brady
                John Brady

At a Middle Creek church Meeting The 2nd Satyrday in November 1826
Brother wm Garnett Moderrator
Brother Wm Barkshire laid in a Complaint a gainst Brother Israel Clore for publickly and dfflferent times stating that he had toald lyes on him this matter taken Up and continued till next Meeting and Brother Delph and Brother James Ryle is appointed to see Brother Clore and Request him to attend Next Meeting and answer the the complaint
Brother Benjamin Cave having obtained A Letter of Dismifsion from this church and Moved out of the county while absent not Joined any other church has this day Returned his letter a gain and took his seat with us a gain
the Refference of last meeting Respecting Brother Scott taken up and Brother Scott and Brother Ryle Being absent is continued
the Refference Respecting Brother Clore taken Up Brother Clore Being absent Brother Rice Reported that he he had scan Brother Clore and he Exprefsed an unwillingnefs to attend And for same causes was continued

                John Brady

At a midle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in December 1826 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brother Scott is a gain taken up and Brother Ryle Reported that he had scan Brother Scott and that he let him know that he Could not attend and Brother Scott Being Absent its a greed that Brother James Ryle Request him to attend next Meeting
The Refference Respecting Brother Clores absence is taken up and after hearing Brother Clore the church a grees to Bear With him
The Refference Respecting Brother Barkshire and Clore taken up and a grees that Brethren James Ryle E Hogan Wm Huey Samuel Huey Moses Hawkins S G Scot Larken Ryle be and are there by appointed as a committee to try to settle the difficulty Between the Brethren and Report at next meeting

          Adjournd                John Brady

At a middle Creek Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in January 1827 Brother Hawkins Moderrator
Brother Wm Garnett laid in a complaint Against Himself for Intoxication and Getting in to and affray and swearing the matter taken up and the Brother found gilty of sin But on acknolledgement of sd Brother He was forgiven
Brother John green laid in a complaint a gainst Himself for geting in to an affray And striking Brother Gregory, the matter taken up and he found gilty of sin But stands as a


refference till next meeting and Brother Ezikel Rice is appointed to Request Brother Gregory to attend next Meeting and informe the church Relative to the affray Between him and Brother Green
The Refference Respecting Brother Scott taken up Brother Ryle Reported he had Sean Brother Scott and that the Brother did Not give him to understand whether he would attend or not the Brother being absent is Continued
The Refference Respecting Brother Barkshire and Clore taken up the committee Reported that they met and had not Bean able to Settl the Difficulty Brother Clore being absent it Stands As a Refference till next meeting
Brother James W Haydan Received By letter
Agreed that Brother Wm Garnett S G Scot Wm and Robert Huey be appointed singing clerks for church
The Brother Clerk is appointed to purchase Record Book for the use of this church
          Adjournd                John Brady

At a middle Creek church meeting the 2nd Satyrday in Febuary 1827 Brother Jamison Hawkins Moderrator
Brother Gregory laid in a complaint Against Himself for intoxication abusing And geting in to an affray with Bother Green the matter taken up and the Brother found gilty of sin but on the acknolledgement of sd Brother his was forgiven
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brother green taken up and Satisfaction
The Refference Respecting Brother scott taken up and Brother scott being Presant and from the statement of sd Brother Satisfaction was given.
The Refference of Brother Berkshire and Clore taken up the Brethren being Absent its continued
Brother Clore sent to the church A Letter dated the 18th of febuary 1827 Which is as follows
To the church at Middle creek Dear friends from this and what you have heard you may exclude me or give me a letter of Dismifsioin for I cannot feel Reconciled to be there it is yet for faith and practice Israel Clore
Where upon the church has decided to appoint Brother E Rice Brother James Ryle and Brother Hawkins to Request Brother Clore to attend next meeting and shew cause Why he thus adrefsed the church with sutch A letter and to anser the charge Exihibited a gainst him

                John Brady

At a middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd SatyrDay, in March 1827 Brother Garnett Moderrator The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brethren Barkshire and Clore taken up and Brother Barkshire being absent the church agrees to appoint Brother Brady to Request Brother Barkshire to attend Next Meeting to attend to the charge against Brother Clore
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting a letter which Brother Israel Clore wrote to the Church taken up and he being calld on to state his Difficulty gave for one that this


church did Autherise one of her members to wit Brother Gregory to commune with the Methodist Sosiety Which charge the church Denys
2nd for Excluding a member for holding unconditional salvation which charge the church also denys But they a gree that they did exclude a member for imbracing and publishing Universal Salvation Where upon the church Say the Brother has sined but is Refered till next Meeting

At a middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday In Aprile 1827 Brother hawkins Moderrator
The Refference of Meeting Respecting Brethren Barkshire and Clore taken up and Brother Clore found Gilty of sin. But he being absent is continued
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brother Clore taken up But is continued Brother Rice is appointed to Request Brother Clore to attend Next Meeting
Request from our sister church gunpowder By Brother Rogers for helps to attend them the 3rd Satyrday in this presant Month to afsist in a difficulty a gainst Brother Willson a greed we send 4 to wit Brother James Ryle E Hogan Wm Brady & Jamison Hawkins

          Adjournd                 John Brady

At a middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in May 1827 Brother Wm Garnett Moderrator
The Refference of last Meeting Respecting Brethren Barkshire and Clore is a gain taken up and By Request of Brother Clore its continued till next Meeting in order to procore some Evidence to substantiate his statements.
The Refference Between Brother clore and the church taken up and satisfaction obtaind Application by Brother Gregory will this Church grant him the priviledge to commune with the Methodist or not which priviledge he thinks They gave him.
And decided in the negative where upon He was excluded by his Request.

          Adjournd ---                 John Brady

At a Middle creek church Meeting the 2nd Satyrday in June 1827 Brother Hawkins Moderrator The Refference of Brethren Berkshire and Clore taken up both being presant and after much labour by the church to indavour to assertain and Settle the difficulty both the Brethren Declare a non fellowship for the Church on the grounds of the doctrine principals of the constitution where upon the Church excluded them Both, viz Brother Clore on the grounds of the doctrine held By the church and Brother Berkshire on the doctrine as contained in the confession of faith (viz) 2 articles 1st god foreordained all things Whatsoever came to pafs 2 as Respects Elect infants which he did not Believe

          AdJournd                 John Brady


     This concludes the Church Minutes in Book 1; following are records of members' names - when and how they united with the church.

[This document is in the 'Reserved' section of the Boone County Public Library. The church's transcribed records are in four bound volumes and include actions of the church until very recently. Thanks to Michael Capek for permission to post these records and to Mrs. Pat Yanarella of BCPL for access to them. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall, 6.20.16. Mr Capek, a retired English teacher at the Walton-Verona High School, has written an interesting hard-bound history of this church.]

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