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A History of Baptists in Kentucky
Chapter XIX
The General Association and its First Fruitage
1837 - 1840
By Frank M. Masters
      The enemies of missions and of all benevolences regarded the supposed failure of the Kentucky Baptist Convention as a victory for their cause. But the Convention with all the criticisms against it prepared the way for a permanent state organization, which proved to be an agency in making - the Baptists in Kentucky a great host.1 Before the Kentucky Baptist Convention adjourned the session at Georgetown, June 3, 1837, the following significant resolution was unanimously adopted: "Resolved, that this Convention recommend to the Baptist churches and Associations of Kentucky to appoint delegates to meet in Convention in Louisville, on Friday, the twentieth day of October next, for the purpose of devising more efficient plans than the existing Baptist State Convention, to supply the destitute places wih the preaching of the gospel."2

      "The Baptist Banner" emphasized the necessity and importance of such a proposed general meeting. "The condition of the Baptist churches in the state demands that something be done and be done speedily . . . . We now have in the state upwards of 500 churches, with but a little over 200 ministers, and an aggregate of 40,000 members . . . . Even these 200 ministers, owing to the culpable neglect of their churches, in most instances, do not give themselves wholly to the work. Most of them are poor men, and have families to support. Hence they have to toil all the week in the fields, or in their shops, and on the Lord's Day preach to churches that would suffer them to die in want, and their families be reduced to beggary, rather than to give of their carnal things."3

      "Agreeable to previous notices, a number of delegates and brethren from various associations and churches met in the Baptist meeting house in the City of Louisville, on Friday the 20th of October, 1837, for the purpose of organizing a General Association of Baptists in Kentucky." Louisville at that time had a population of about 25,000 and one Baptist church with 380 members.

      "The meeting was called to order by Elder W. C. Buck, when on motion, Elder George Waller was appointed chairman, and Brethren John L. Waller and J. M. Pendleton, secretaries pro-tempore." W. C. Buck, who

was pastor of the church in Louisville, was born in Virginia in 1790 and was in his forty-seventh year. George Waller, the first chairman, was born in Virginia in 1777 and for a period of over forty years was "among the ablest, most laborious and successful preachers in the State." In 1817 Elder Waller was elected Moderator of the Long Run Association and occupied that position continuously for twenty-five years. John L. Waller, a nephew of George Waller was at the age of twenty-eight years, though not then an ordained minister, but he lived to become a great preacher and leader among the Kentucky Baptists. J. M. Pendleton was a young preacher of twenty-six years, and was beginning his long pastorate of twenty years at Bowling Green.

      A committee on credentials was appointed and reported the delegates and brethren in attendance from churches and associations. Their report showed fifty-seven delegates, composed of twenty ordained ministers, one licensed preacher, and thirty-six private church members, representing nine associations, out of forty-three. The twenty-one preachers represented the best ministerial talent in the state. Most every section was represented by the fifty-seven delegates, some of them coming a long distance.

      Elder J. P. Edwards, a pioneer preacher of West Kentucky, represented West Union Association. He gathered the churches at Paducah, Mayfield, Clinton, Columbus and others. Gilbert Mason, pastor of the church at Washington, Mason County, was the only delegate from Bracken Association, where most of the churches had been devastated by Campbellism. Elder Abner Goodele, the young pastor at Paris, was the only representative from Elkhorn, the mother of associations in Kentucky and the burying ground of pioneer preachers. Even the eminent Silas M. Noel, pastor at Lexington, who led so heroically in promoting the Kentucky Baptist Con-vention was not present at this meeting; but in less than two years he answered the summons of death. Elkhorn, like Bethel Association, had been shorn of nearly all her ministerial strength, while Long Run and Russell's Creek sent large delegations.5

      A committee of leading brethren was appointed to prepare a con-stitution for the body, who reported the results of their labors as follows:

      "1. This body shall be called the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky.

      "2. This Association shall be composed of representatives from such, Baptist Churches and Associations in this state, as are in regular standing.

      "3. Every such church and association contributing annually to the funds of this Association shall be entitled to a representation.

      "4. This Association shall, in a special manner, aim to promote by every legitimate means, the prosperity of the cause of God in this state.

      "5. It is distinctly understood that this Association shall have no ecclesiastical authority.

      "6. At each meeting of this Association there shall be elected by ballot a Moderator, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and eleven Managers, who shall constitute a Board of Directors for the management of all the business of this Association during the recess of its annual meetings, and annually report to the same their proceedings.

      "7. The Moderator, Secretaries and Treasurer, shall perform the duties usually performed by such officers in similar Associations.

      "8. All associations contributing to this, and cooperating in its designs, shall be considered auxiliary to it.

      "9. A General Agent may be appointed by the Association or Board of Managers, whose duty it shall be to survey all the destitution, the means of supply, etc., and report regularly to the Board, so as to enable it to meet the wants of the destitute. He shall also raise funds, and in every practical way promote the designs of the Association, for which he shall receive a reasonable support.

      "10. Any visiting brethren in good standing, as such shall be entitled to sit in counsel in the annual sessions of this Association, but shall not have the right to vote.

      "11. The annual meetings of this Association shall be on Saturday before the third Lord's day in October.

      "12. This Constitution may be amended or altered (the 5th Article excepted) at any annual meeting, by a concurrence of two-thirds of the members present."

      According to the newly adopted Constitution, eleven brethren were appointed to serve as the Board of Managers, as follows: B. P. Farnsworth, William Colgan, C. Van Buskirk, T. R. Parent, W. C. Buck, John B. Whitman, all from Louisville; George C. Sedwick, Frankfort; William Vaughan, Bloomfield; James M. Pendleton, Bowling Green; E. A. Bennett, and J. C. Davie.6

      R. B. C. Howell, pastor First Baptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee; Alfred Bennett, agent of the Board of Foreign Missions; Noah Flood, of Missouri; Silas Webb, M. D., Alabama; and Thomas G. Keen, Philadelphia, soon to be pastor at Hopkinsville, were invited to "sit in counsel with us." Corresponding delegates were appointed to the General Association of Virginia; to the Tennessee Convention and to the General Convention of Western Baptists. Brother J. Nail from Forks of Otter Creek, Hardin County, stated that the churches in his vicinity expected some expression of the tenets of the Association; whereupon the following was adopted: "Resolved, That the principles held by the United Baptists of this State, are the sentiments avowed by this body, and in this attitude we commend our object to the churches above named, and to all others in the state.7

      Unlike the Kentucky Baptist Convention in its beginning in 1832, the General Association in its first meeting set forth a well defined policy. The first object of this new state organization was to correct the evils of

the churches for neglecting the financial support of their pastors. To this end Elder W. C. Buck introduced the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: "Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Association, that nothing ever will be effected of a permanently beneficial character towards supplying the churches in this state with a stated ministry, until the churches can be influenced to practice upon the principle that they that 'preach the gospel, should live of the gospel.' Resolved, therefore, that one of the primary objects of this Association should be to effect this important measure upon the part of the churches."8

      The question of pastoral support was raised in the circular letter. "How many preachers of the gospel in our state, live of the gospel? . . . . Is it a wonder then that God has withheld the light of His countenance from them who would starve at the very foot of the altar, those that wait upon it? This coveteousness . . . has driven many of our most pious, devoted and useful ministers to seek new homes in the more new and more western states. Neglected by their churches to whom they had long and faithfully preached, with penury and starvation staring them in the face, many a faithful minister of Jesus has been almost compelled to beg his way to a new country, where, by working with his own hands, he might be enabled to provide food and raiment for his children! . . . what must be said of the Baptist churches of Kentucky, cradled in affluence and munificently blessed with every temporal good, who have starved into exile many of the most useful ministers of Jesus?" Words of condemnation were also spoken in this circular letter against those preachers who opposed the churches supporting their pastors.9

      The importance of ministerial education was emphasized in a resolution introduced by Elder Rockwood Giddings, pastor at Shelbyville, as follows: "Resolved, That in the opinion of this Association, it is highly important to the interests of the church, and the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom in our state, that adequate facilities for obtaining an extensive and thorough education be offered to such pious and gifted men among us, as in the mind of the churches, are called of God to the sacred work of the Ministry." The churches and bodies comprising this body were urged "to take this subject under candid and prayerful examination; and . . . to take such measures as shall be best calculated to secure the object."10 It was also stated in the circular letter that "There is neither scripture nor common sense for saying that a man, if he is called to preach, ought to go immediately to work, and use no endeavors and avail himself of no opportunity to obtain an education." In this connection a resolution was unanimously adopted "That it is the imperious duty of all to pray fervently in the closet and family, and in the public assembly, that God will convert our young men, bring them into the church, and call them into the ministry, that our churches may be supplied with the gospel of God."11

      The duty of supporting foreign missions was also set forth in the circular letter as a policy of the Association. "In providing for our own destitution, let us not forget to let our prayers and alms ascend before God in behalf of the idolatrous millions of earth. Foreign missionary operations

in modern times, owe most of their success under God, to the Baptists . . . . We cannot look upon this enterprise with indifference."12

      The policy was also adopted setting forth that the best method of reaching the destitution of the state, was by means of the district associtation. This policy was given in the following resolution introduced by Elder W. C. Buck: "Resolved, That in the opinion of this Association, it is the duty of every auxiliary Association, to ascertain the amount of destitution within its own limits; and if possible to supply such destitute portions with the gospel."

      "Resolved, further, that when auxiliary Associations are unable to suply their own destitution, and expect aid from the General Association, they be requested in their report to state particularly the resources which they possess, the labor to be performed, and the amount necessary to secure the requisite supply."13

      Brother W. C. Buck, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Louisville, was unanimously chosen General Agent of the Association, which he accepted. The amount of $62.43c was collected during the session. The motion carried that 500 extra copies of The Baptist Banner be ordered for that week, "containing as much of the doings of this Association as can be inserted."14

      The account of the preaching in this first session was recorded thus: "That Elder William H. Thomas preach tonight (Saturday) at candlelight; Elder R. B. C. Howell on tomorrow at 11 o'clock, and Elder Alfred Bennett at candlelight in this house. Also that Elder William Vaughan preach at 11 o'clock at the Methodist Church, on 4th Street, and Elder G. C. Sedwick in the same house at candlelight."15

      When the General Association adjourned, the preachers and members returned to their homes only to find the opposition to organized missions, and especially to theological education, more intensified and determined than ever. There were agitation and confusion in many of the associations in the latter part of 1838. But on the other hand, the revival fires kindled in the church at Louisville, where the meeting was held, spread rapidly to other churches in the state, resulting in nearly seven thousand baptisms during the year.16


      The second session of the General Asaociation of Baptists in Kentucky was held in Bowling Green, commencing on Saturday, October 20. There were fifty-two delegates present, representing twelve churches and five associations. William C. Buck was elected Moderator. He also preached the sermon, introductory to business from Daniel 7:27. Elders John L. Waller and J. M. Pendleton were appointed Secretaries.

      All the churches and associations sent up an offering by their messengers except the Bethel Association, which enclosed a statement that "during the past year the churches appropriated their liberality to sustain

protracted meetings at different points, and the happy result has been, that 456 have been baptized in our bounds."!? The whole amount contributed was $203.91.

      The Association regarded the efforts of their General Agent, Elder W. C. Buck, chosen one year before "as having been, under God, incalculaby beneficial to the interests of the denomination . . . ." and resolved "that we feel perfect confidence in his piety and prudence." It was noted that there was keen disappointment that he had not been permitted to serve the entire year. The First Baptist Church of Louisville, where Elder Buck was pastor, "esteemed his labors too valuable to her to be surrendered entirely to the General Association." The Board of Managers, however, succeeded in securing the services of this distinguished brother as General Agent for three months. Brother Buck in his first report to the Board stated that he began his first trip among the churches on April 16, 1838, and labored thirty-one days, averaging at least three hours of pulpit work every day. He was kindly received by some churches, and very coldly by others. He gave an example of prejudice being so keen against the General Association in one particular church in Shelby County, that, had not providence directed the family of a brother from another neighborhood to attend services that day, he would have been forced to go out of the community to get his dinner. He reported $77.41 collected for the General Association; secured $272.89 for China missions, and obtained subscriptions of $1671.50 on pastors' salaries. His expense account for the month is interesting. It include[d] horse shoeing 75c, ferriage 12c, toll gate fare 25c, keeping horse in Louisville for four nights $2.00.18

      Brother Buck did not begin work the second month until June 25. On this tour he spent seventeen days, received $117.76 for China missions and obtained subscriptions of $976.00 toward the increase of pastors' salaries, but reported no contributions for State missions.19 During the third month of his service, he attended the annual sessions of five district associations - Salem, Middle District, Franklin, Long Run and Concord, but reported no collections. He recommended in his final report "that the most efficient class of missionaries that can possibly be employed in your State are the pastors and local preachers of our churches, who should be immediately set at liberty from secular employment, and engage wholly in the ministry;" and "that the most successful means to accomplish all this is by an efficient agency in your service, whose duty it shall be to visit every church in the state."20 This is a brief account of the work of the first General Agent (Secretary) employed by the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky.

      The total amount reported for missions in the state was $840.77. The church at Bowling Green contributed $22.50, which was the largest amount from any church, and the Louisville Female Missionary Society sent in $49.00. The Board of Managers was instructed to appropriate one hundred dollars to (West) Union and Little Bethel Associations, on condition that each give satisfactory assurance, "that two hundred dollars will be raised by each of said Associations or a sum sufficient for the support of a Missionary in their respective bounds."21

      A motion carried to endorse The Baptist Banner, published in Louisville, "among the most efficiently edited papers in the west," having about 1600 subscribers. It was then voted "That, if the proprietors will consent to the arrangement, this Association will take the editorial department of that paper under its immediate patronage, upon the same terms that the present editor is now compensated." The following was then adopted: "Resolved, That in case such arrangement be made, Brother John L. Waller is hereby appointed our editor with a salary of one thousand dollars."22

      Sabbath schools were recommended "as efficient means of communicating religious instruction and as deserving the patronage of our denomination," but nothing further was done.23 The Association, by motion of Elder George Waller, voted "that we hail with pleasure the appointment of Elder R. Giddings to the presidential chair of the Georgetown College, and pledge him our co-operation and our prayers in his efforts to build up that institution."24

      Many of the churches enjoyed a great spiritual awakening during the year. The First Baptist Church in Louisville received 142 members by baptism, and the Second Baptist Church there was constituted. The church at New Castle reported 312 received by baptism. Revivals also prevailed in many of the associations. The churches reported to Salem Association 714 baptisms; to Elkhorn 668, and to Gasper River 591. The year marked the beginning of protracted meetings, which were meetings of days, for the purpose of bringing the lost to a knowledge of salvation. Alfred Taylor baptized over six hundred converts within six months in such meetings. These protracted revivals became very offensive to the anti-mission brethren.

      The session at Bowling Green, "after a pertinent exhortation and an affecting prayer by the Moderator, adjourned, sine die, singing the hymn, 'Blest be the Tie that Binds' and giving each other the parting hand.

      "W. C. Buck, Moderator. "John L. Waller, James M. Pendleton, Secretaries."25


      The annual session of the General Association was held with the Baptist church at Shelbyville, Samuel Baker, pastor, beginning on 'Saturday, October 19. One hundred and fifteen messengers were enrolled from five associations and thirty churches. The churches at Owensboro, Lexington and Maysville were represented the first time.

      Brother Cyrus Wingate, of the Greenup Church of Owen County, in the Concord Association, was elected Moderator, John L. Waller, Corresponding Secretary, Benjamin R. Pollard, First Baptist Church, Louisville, Recording Secretary, and Charles Quirey, Second Church, Louisville, Treasurer. The election of a General Agent was referred to the Board of Managers, who later appointed Elder George Mathews. J. L. Waller was continued as the editor of the Baptist Banner at the same salary.

      The sixth Article of the Constitution was so amended as to increase the membership of the Board of Managers from eleven to fifty, and nine members present were to constitute a quorum. Louisville was adopted as the meeting place of the Board.

      Considerable interest was manifested in the General Convention of Western Baptists with headquarters in Cincinnati which had been started in 1833. Since this Convention was to meet in Louisville, Kentucky, June next, a delegation of brethren was appointed to attend, and was instructed "to devise if possible, in conjunction with our brethren in other States, some plan of general operations to extend over the western valley." Brethren W. C. Buck, C. Wingate, J. E. Tyler, F. A. Willard, W. Vaughan, G. Waller, John L. Waller, R. T. Dillard, J. M. Pendleton and S. Baker were appointed delegates to this Convention.

      The Association expressed great concern about the evils of the liquor traffic. The resolution was adopted that "we petition the Legislature of Kentucky (most respectfully) to repeal all laws authorizing the sale of intoxicating drinks, or the adoption of such other measures as they, in their wisdom, may think best calculated to put a stop to the crime of intempertance."

      Unabated confidence was expressed in the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, and an offering of $40.75 was taken and delivered to their Agent, Elder A. Bennett. After prayer, the Association adjourned "to meet again on the Saturday before the 3d Lord's-day in October next, at Elizabethtown, Hardin county, Ky."26


      The General Association of Baptists in Kentucky met with the Severn's Valley Baptist Church in Elizabethtown according to appointment. Elder D. S. Colgan was elected Moderator, and S. Haycraft, Secretary pro tern. Later John L. Waller, was chosen General Agent for the ensuing year, because "his general acquaintance with our denomination in this State eminently qualify him for that responsible position."27

      The interest of the American Baptist Publication and Sunday School Society in Philadelphia was recommended "to the Ministers and Churches of this State, since it is only by Ministers' acting as agents that a spirit of reading can be excited - and the objects of the iSociety be attained."

      The committee on resolutions presented the following resolution, which was sustained in an appropriate speech by Elder John M. Peck, and was immediately adopted: "Resolved, That we regard with heartfelt gratitude to God, the success that has attended the efforts of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, to supply the destitute portions of this country with the preaching of the Gospel; and pledge to that Society our prayers, our sympathies, and our co-operation in their great and benevolent enterprize."28

      John M. Peck, the pioneer missionary to the West, was born in Connecticut in 1789, and became interested in mission work under the personal influence of Luther Rice. He received an appointment from the Triennial

Convention in 1817, and set out for his field of labor in a one horse covered wagon with his wife and three children. Upon reaching St. Louis he organized a church there in 1818.29

      Great rejoicing marked this session of the General Association at Elizabethtown, over how "God has, in a very glorious manner, out-poured his Holy Spirit during the past year, and especially upon this State, adding many thousands to the Churches represented by his Association." John L. Waller reported as follows: "Since the organization of this Association, and almost entirely through the instrumentality of its friends, about THIRTY THOUSAND have been added by baptism to our denomination in Kentucky! Its organization was blessed to the conversion of many souls in the 1st Baptist church in Louisville; and from the day of its organization to the present, there has been a revival season in our churches. The last year has been a time of much prosperity: it is believed that not less than TEN THOUSAND have been added to us by baptism! The more the churches and Associations act upon the plans of this Association, the more the Lord attends and blesses them."30

      The report of the Board of Managers set forth very clearly the condition of the churches in 1840, and the mighty task before the Baptists of Kentucky. The problem of providing the destitute sections with the gospel was due largely to the lack of qualified preachers to give themselves wholly to the ministry and to look to the churches for support. This report of the Board showed only nine churches with full time preaching as follows: Henderson, H. B. Wiggin, pastor; Bowling Green, J. M. Pendleton; Shelbyville, S. Baker; Frankfort, J. M. Frost, Sr.; Paris, Geo. C. Sedwick; Covington, J. T. Robert[s]; First Baptist Church, Lexington, W. F. Broaddus; African, Lexington, L. Ferrill; African Church, Louisville, H. Adams; First Church, Louisville, John Finley; Second Church, Louisville, F. A. Willard. "But even for the above, we should thank God and take courage; for only a few years ago, there were but two churches in the State supplied with pastors. Some other churches have preaching twice a month, but far the larger portion have preaching only once a month, while very many have no preaching at all!" The report continues: "The number of the churches in the State is rising, 700. The whole number of efficient ministers does not exceed 250. So that if each minister were a pastor, in the proper acceptation of the word, 450 churches would be left entirely destitute." An encouraging statement was: "The District Associations, with very few exceptions, it is believed, are amply able to sustain the requisite Missionaries in their bounds." Elder W. C. Buck, while General Agent, was "wonderfully successful" in enlisting the churches and associations to co-operate in giving the gospel to the destitute places.31

      Some of the district associations, which were endeavoring to supply their own territory with the gospel as recommended by the General Association were the following: Union, located in the counties of Hickman, Galloway, McCracken and Graves; Little Bethel, in the counties of Henderson, Union, Livingston, Hopkins, and Muhlenberg; Gasper River located largely in Muhlenberg, Ohio, with some churches in Warren, Logan and Todd; Elkhorn, the oldest and strongest with churches in the counties of Woodford, Fayette,

Jessamine, Scott and Bourbon; the South District, whose churches were in the counties of Washington, Mercer, Lincoln and Garrard; Franklin, including Shelby, Henry, Franklin and Owen counties; Bracken situated in the counties of Bourbon, Nicholas, Fleming, Bracken, Lewis and Mason; Cumberland River for which no particulars were given; Russell's Creek, including Green, Adair, Barren, Hart, Russell, Marion and Nelson; Salem Association for which no counties were named; and Bethel situated in the counties of Todd, Christian, Logan, Simpson, Warren and some in Tennessee. The General Association was assisting West Union and Little Bethel in the supporting of their missionaries, but all the others named were supplying their own fields.32

      On the other hand the Board reported two classes of opposers to the mission work in every part of the territory. "The first are those who profess to feel for the destitution of the State, and express great desire to remedy it; but yet are industriously opposing our efforts as anti-scriptural and disorganizing. 'Such are the sentiments, which prevail in the Green River and Drake's Creek Association, and in perhaps a majority of the churches of the Stockton's Valley Association' They think it very scriptural and right to unite with turnpike and banking companies, etc., by means of money, but because membership is obtained by money in the General Association, it is anti-scriptural and wrong! The amount of their ethical acumen is this; that it is right to give your money for any worldly purpose, but exceedingly wrong to do so for a religious one!!"33

      The second class of objectors mentioned was those who "hold that it is wrong to preach the gospel to sinners; and who esteem it gross heresy to call on unregenerate men to repent and believe the Gospel." This class makes up "the Licking Association of Particular Baptists, the Otter Creek Association of Regular Baptists, the Bethlehem Association, the Highland, and a small body, of less than three hundred members, who claim to be the Tate's Creek Association By Claiming to be Baptists, these Associations have brought great reproach on the name."34

      The General Agent, Elder George Mathews, who succeeded Elder W. C. Buck, reported he had spent 194 days on the field, and during that time visited 100 churches, besides several towns and villages, traveled 2165 miles, preached 163 sermons and collected $306.30.

      The Board of Managers reported thus concerning Georgetown College: "Since your last meeting, it has pleased our all-wise and kind Father to take from us our beloved Giddings, who had been so intrsumental in building up our College in Georgetown. When this Association was last in session, he was confined on a bed of sickness, from which he never arose We are happy to announce to you that the Trustees of the College have secured as President, Elder Howard Malcom, a brother who, for literary attainments, ardent piety, untiring industry - for every qualification calculated to adorn the pulpit and the presidential chair of the College, holds a place in the front rank of the distinguished men of our denomination. We congratulate the Baptists of Kentucky and of the West upon this valuable acquisition." At that time there were reported eight or ten young Baptist ministers studying in the college.35

      In connection with this meeting of the General Association of 1840, the Kentucky and Foreign Bible Society and the Robert's Fund and China Mission Society held their regular annual meetings.

      It was evident that the Baptists were in a far better condition in 1840 for a great forward movement than ever before. The separation from the anti-misson forces had already begun, and was to be completed in the next few years as we shall see. At that time there were fifty associations, missionary and anti-missionary, 711 churches, and 49,308 members. The population of Kentucky in 1840 was 779,828, which gave one Baptist to every fifteen of the population.36


1. Spencer, John H., A History of Kentucky Baptists, Vol. 1, p. 665; Pendleton, J. M., "The Condition of the Baptist Cause in Kentucky in 1837," Memorial Volume containing the Papers and Addresses that were delivered at the Jubilee of the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky, 1887, p. 6.

2. "Minutes of the Semi-annual Meeting of the Kentucky Baptist State Convention held in Georgetown, on Saturday before the 1st Lord's Day in June, 1837," The Baptist Banner, June 20, 1837.

3. The Baptist Banner, June 20, 1837.

4. Vaughan, Thomas M., Memoirs of Rev. William Vaughan, p. 9, 227-231.

5. "Minutes of the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky", 1837, p. 3.

6. Ibid., p. 4, 5.

7. Ibid., p. &.

8. Ibid., p. 5.

9. Ibid., p. 10, 11.

10. Ibid., p. 6.

11. Ibid., p. 5, 15.

12. Ibid., p. 16.

13. Ibid., p. 5.

14. Ibid., p. 7.

15. Ibid., p. 6.

16. "Minutes of the First Annual Meeting of the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky, 1838", p. 37; Spencer, John H., op. cit., Vol. 1, p. 671, 672.

17. Minutes of the First Annual Meeting of the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky, 1838, p. 4.

18. Ibid., p. 6, 8, 11-14.

19. Ibid., p. 15-17.

20. Ibid., p. 17, 18.

21. Ibid., p. 6.

22. Ibid., p. 7.

23. Ibid., p. 8.

24. Ibid., p. 6.

25. Ibid., p. 8.

26. "Minutes of the second annual Meeting of the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky," Oct. 19-21, 1839, The Baptist Banner, Nov. 7, 14, 1839.

27. "Minutes of the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky, 1840", p. 9.

28. Ibid., p. 11.

29. Carroll, B. II., Jr., The Genesis of American Anti-Missionism, p. 122.

30. "Minutes of the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky, 1840", p. 30.

31. Ibid., p. 14, 19.

32. Ibid., p. 20-25.

33. Ibid., p. 27.

34. Ibid., p. 28.

35. Ibid., p. 29.

36. Spencer, John H., op. cit., Vol. 1, p. 675.


[From Frank M. Masters, A History of Baptists in Kentucky, 1953, pp. 266-276. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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