Chapter XVII - Long Run Baptist Association
We have noticed, in a previous number, the planting of the early churches in Shelby county. The first little church was scattered and many of its members massacred by the Indians, and, in the midst of dangers, William Hickman constituted, a second time, the church at Tick Creek.In the neighborhood of Louisville, John Whitaker constituted a little church in 1784, called Beargrass. It has long become extinct, and no trace of its records can be found. This and several churches in Jefferson county became connected with the Salem Association.
The great revival which swept over Kentucky in 1801-02 added great strength to the churches in Jefferson and Shelby counties; and in 1803, after various consultations, the delegates from twenty-four churches met at old Long Run Meeting-house to organize a new association.
In that gathering were those whose names will long be remembered by the Baptists of the West. Old William Waller, and his two sons, Edmund and George; John Taylor, and William Ford, and John Penny, and William Marshall; the Hikes, and Nethertons, and McQuades - whose posterity, many of them, have forgotten that their grandfathers were Baptists - appear on the record which we present unabridged:
Held at Long Run Meeting-house, Jefferson county, September 16th and 17th, 1803.
The Introductory Sermon was preached by Brother John Taylor, from the 58th verse of the 15th chapter of Paul's 1st Epistle to the Corinthians: "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."
Brother James Dupuy chosen Moderator, and Brother Wm. Ford, Clerk.
Letters from the following churches were read, and the messenger's names enrolled.Agreed that Brethren John Taylor, Wm. Kellar, John Penny, together with the moderator and clerk, be a committee to arrange the business for the Association.
Ministering brethren present (not delegates,) were invited to a seat. ![]()
Agreed unanimously that this Association be constituted on the Philadelphia Baptist Confession of Faith, excepting something contained in the third and fifth articles, if construed so as to make God the author of sin. Also the thirty-first article, respecting laying hands on newly baptized persons, that the using or not using that ceremony be no bar to fellowship; and that an oath before a magistrate be not considered a part of religious worship, as contained in the twenty-fourth article of the same.
Agreed that we conform to the rules of decorum adopted by the Salem Association, until it may be convenient to form rules of our own.
The church at Port William (heretofore connected with the Elkhorn Association,) petitioned by letter for a seat with us, and was accordingly received.
Brethren Reuben Smith and Isaac Ellis were appointed to prepare a circular letter and bring it forward to-morrow.
And then adjourned till to-morrow, 9 o'clock.
____________ Met according to adjournment.
Long Run Church came forward with their letter, and some distresses appearing among them, in so much that they were divided into a majority and a large minority; whereupon a committee was appointed to inquire into the nature of those distresses, who report they consider the minority to be Long Run Church, with which report the Association concurred.A complaint was laid in against Fox Run Church by William Marshall, stating that the Arian System of Faith was prevalent among them. The Association, therefore, appointed Brethren Philip Webber, James Dupuy, Moses Scott, Samuel Tinsley, David Standeford, John Taylor, John Penny, George Waller, Isaac Ellis, William Kellar, Thomas White, and Reuben Smith, or a majority of them, a committee to inquire into that business, at Fox Run Meeting-house, on the fifth Saturday in October, and make a report of their proceedings therein at our next annual meeting.
Agreed that we annually correspond with the Elkhorn and Salem Associations, and that Brethren John Taylor and William Kellar be our messengers to that of Elkhorn, and also that they write the corresponding letter; Brethren John Penny and George Waller to attend Salem, and to write the letter of correspondence to the same.
Brethren James Dupuy, William Ford, and Isaac Ellis, are appointed a committee to form rules of decorum.
Agreed to appoint quarterly meetings, first at Sulphur Fork, the third Saturday in November, to be attended by Brethren John Taylor, and John Penny; the second at Burk's Branch, the third Saturday in April, to be attended by brethren Moses Scott, James McQuade, and George Waller; the third at Silver Creek, the third Saturday in July, to be attended by Brethren Reuben Smith, George Waller, and John Dupuy.
The circular letter was brought forward, read, and approved.
A Baptist Church on East Floyd's Fork petitioned for admission into this Association, who were cordially received and took their seats.Brother Ford to write the circular letter for the ensuing year, and Brother James Dupuy to assist him.
The churches of our union are advised not to send more than two or three messengers to represent them in the future.
Made collection for printing the Minutes, and Brethren Wm. and Joseph Kellar to superintend the business, and distribute them when printed.
Agreed that our next annual meeting be held at Six Mile Meeting-house, the first Saturday in September; Brother William Kellar to preach the Introductory Sermon, and, in case of failure, Brother Reuben Smith.
James Dupuy, Mod. Wm. Ford, Clk.Of those who were actors in that organization, but one still lingers amongst us. He is a venerable patriarch, standing as the last link that connects the present generation with the persecuted pioneer preachers of Virginia and Kentucky. It is the venerable patriarch, GEORGE WALLER. A new generation has grown up around him, and the cause for which he and his father labored amid suffering, has become strong in numbers and in wealth, and the old man looks on the harvest and the laborers with anxiety and hope. - S.H.F.
========== [From Samuel H. Ford, editor, The Christian Repository, July, 1858, pp. 521-524. Transcribed and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
Chapter Eighteen
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