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For The Baptist.
May 1, 1847.

      At the late annual meeting of the Nashville Indian Mission Association, the following individuals were unanimously chosen as officers for the ensuing year:

      A. B. Shankland, President.
Dr. C. K. Winston, Vice President.
S. R. Mason, Secretary and Treasurer.
Rev. Jas. R. Graves, )
J. H. Shepherd, ) Committee of Agency.
H. G. Scovel, )

      Reports from the officers and committees of the previous year were read, showing a slow but steady improvement in the condition of the Society from its organization. Twenty copies of the Indian Advocate were voted for gratuitous distribution.
      S. R. MASON


[From The Baptist, May 1, 1847, p. 2. CD edition. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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