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Creek Indian Disturbances

      Extract from the journal of Mr. Rollie, Missionary West of the Mississippi, dated September 12, 1836

      "Twenty-three hundred Indians arrived in this country recently from the old nation. They are hostile. Before they started from their old home they were coupled together with chains. Chiefs and warriors, old and young, down to boys, wore those chains til they reached this side of the Mississippi.

      "Two prominent chiefs, Ne-ar-mar-hiar and Ne-ar-mar-co, headed this company. - Ne-ar-mar-hiar is a great warrior: he fought desperately in a previous war; but begins to feel the influence of old age.

      "A part of this company are the Uches, who are noted for thefts, robberies and murders. Ever after this company left for this country, there has been much excitement among all classes here.

      "Probably you are aware that the McIntosh family have had the controlling influence over this western nation, from the first. Such is the fact. And they have watched with a jealous eye, all emigration to this country; indeed they say that this last company and others that are on their way, have no business here.

      "It is reported that not long since the Cherokees and the McIntosh party held a secret council, when the Cherokees pledged themselves to support Rolly McIntosh, as principal chief, against the claims of all emigrants. Rolly is brother to the late General McIntosh.

      "The last week Rolly Mcintosh and Ne-ar-mar-hiar, held a talk in presence of General Arbuckle, at Fort Gibson. Ne-ar-mar-hiar said, "It belongs to me of right to be chief, and I will be chief." Rolly replied with warmth, " You shall not be chief. I will take the sword first."

      "Gen. Arbuckle has anticipated differently, and several weeks ago sent an express to the Gov. of Arkansas, for a reinforcement of troops.

      "Upolhlcholar[?] is the chief that ordered Gen. McIntosh's death. It is said that he is on his way to this country, with a large party of eight thousand. The sons of Gen. McIntosh say, he shall not live twenty-four hours after his arrival here. They seem fully determined to revenge the death of their father. The company that have last arrived, say that the Indians that were friendly to the whites, and assisted in chaining them, robbed them of their horses and stocks [?], and other property and when they arrive here, which will be in a few months, they are determined to have satisfaction. In short, such is the state of things among themselves, according to human probability there must be a revelation here ere long.

      "The excitement that now exits, and that will exist for a time to come, is very unfavorable to all missionary operations. There is at this time much prejudice in the minds of some in the nation against missionaries, before the late emigrants arrived, the Indians held a council, Gen. Arbuckle present, when some of the chiefs requested him to remove all missionaries from among them. They brought certain accusations against all on the ground. What the specific charges against me were, I have not ascertained. When my health is sufficiently good, I design to know and forward the same to you."


[From the Baptist Missionary Magazine via the Tennessee Baptist, 1837. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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