2 Ye trembling souls, who long have been
3 Does wrath lie heavy on your soul?
4 Can you your guilt no longer bear?
5 Have you been laboring long in pain,
6 Do you beneath afflictions groan?
7 Have you been templed far astray,
8 We come, dear Jesus, draw us nigh;
# 263. C. M. - J. L. Holman.
1 LORD, in thy presence here we meet,
2 To-day the order of thy house
3 Thy Spirit, gracious Lord, impart;
4 Let no discordant passions rise,
5 With harmony and union bless,
6 May Zion's good be kept in view,
7 May every heart be now prepar'd
8 Of those who thy salvation know,
9 Work in us by thy gracious sway,
[Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
Editor's note: Jesse L. Holman came to southern Indiana, directly across the Ohio River from Boone County, Kentucky, in the early 1800s. There were no other Baptist churches in his area, so he fellowshipped with the North Bend Baptist Association in northern Kentucky. Holman was a lawyer, as well a Baptist minister, and as we note below a hymn-writer. These hymn were included in Hymns, Psalms and Spiritual Songs, edited by Absalom Graves and published in 1825. As far as we know this was the first book published by a Boone Countyian. The first hymn was classified under the subject of Hymns and Psalms; it is on page 81 and was number 79 in the book. The "L. M." signifies it was to be sung in the lomg meter.
The second hymn was classified under the subject of Church Meetings; it was on page 259 and was number 263. The "C. M." signifies it was to be sung in the common meter. - Jim Duvall
# 79 L. M. - J. L. Holman.
1 HO! all ye sons of sin and woe,
All you who pain and sorrow know;
Hear what the Saviour has express'd,
"Come unto me, I'll give you rest."
The heavy-laden slaves of sin,
With guilt's tremendous weight oppress'd,
"Come unto me, I'll give you rest."
Do Sinai's thunders round you roll?
Is awful fear your only guest?
"Come unto me, I'll give you rest."
Has justice doom'd you to despair?
Have dismal horrors seiz'd your breast?
"Come unto me, I'll give you rest."
And wept, and pray'd, and groan'd in vain,
And yet art wretched, yet unblest?
"Come unto me, I'll give you rest."
Has every earthly comfort flown?
Has Satan's rage your soul distress'd?
"Come unto me, I'll give you rest."
And mourning seek the heavenly way,
While grief and shame your peace molest?
"Come unto me, I'll give you rest."
We come, O give us wings to fly;
We come to thee, thou dearest, best;
We come, O Saviour! give us rest.
May we in thee be found;
O, make the place divinely sweet;
O, let thy grace abound.
We would in peace maintain;
We would renew our solemn vows,
And heavenly strength regain.
Our faith and hope increase;
Display thy love in every heart,
And keep us all in peace.
To mar the work of love;
But hold us in those heavenly ties,
That bind the saints above.
That we may own to thee,
How good, how sweet, how pleasant 'tis
When brethren all agree.
And bless our feeble aim,
That all we undertake to do,
May glorify thy name.
To do thy high commands,
And may the pleasure of the Lord
Be prosper'd in our hands.
Add to our feeble few;
And may that holy, number grow,
Like drops of morning dew.
And make thy work appear,
That all may feel, and all may say,
The Lord indeed is here.
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