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     May 29 Organization of the church meeting held at the residence of Wm. Huffman, northwest corner Third and Jefferson Streets.

     Sept. 18 Joined Miami Union Baptist Association. WE HAVE NO CHURCH RECORDS UNTIL 1827.

Rev. D. S. Burnett called as Pastor and first church building built.

April 14 First meeting of "THOSE WHO KEPT THE STAND" of the Baptist Church, held at the home of Elizabeth Crowell.

June 27 Met and formulated charges against the members who left to follow the teachings of Alexander Campbell.

May 3 Daniel Kiser and Joseph Cox chosen first Trustees.
May 26 Moses Stout chosen first Deacon.

Trustees authorized to take steps to obtain possession of the old church property which had been taken by those who left in 1827, under the rule that the majority controlled and should own the property.
First church letter to the Miami Union Baptist Association.

Wilson Thompson called to be Pastor.

May 4 First arrangements recorded for the observance of the Lord's Supper.

John Smith chosen second Deacon.

1835 Union meeting house rented for church services at $24.00 per year.

Elder Moore called as Pastor at a salary of $400.00 per year.

Feb. 25 First Regular Baptist Church incorporated.
Home Mission Society asked to give financial aid to the church.

Mar. 11 Voted to raise rl1dney to buy a lot and build a church.
Total cost not to exceed $2,000.00.

Mar. 8 Sunday School started.

1840 Oct. 9 Elder Moore resigns as Pastor.

Began raising money by yearly pledges, payable quarterly. Also pledged one cent per member per week to the Ohio Baptist State Convention.

1843 April 9 First Articles of Faith adopted.

Second church building' completed with a debt ot $3,573.81. Adopted plan for each men1ber to pay $1.00 a year to cover debt and interest.
Nov. 10 Resolution of inquiry as to how many members sold intoxicating liquor.
Dec. 4 Adopted pledge against use of liquor.

Rev. Frederick Snyder called.
Purchased first church hymnals.

Adopted rule that letters of dismission would not be given unless church subscription had been fully paid or member was actually unable to pay.

Sept. 4 Resolution that money collected for the Missionary Union be used to buy life membership in the Society.

Church building debt paid.

Mar. 7 First church choir organized.
Sept. 12 Steps taken to form Wayne Street Baptist Church.
Sept. 26 Raised $250:00 towards the support of a Pastor for Wayne Street Church.

Sept. 2 Trustees authorized to place gas lights in the church.

Jan. 8 Voted to insure property against fire.

Mar. 25 Committee appointed to consider the starting of a Mission on the West Side.
May 5 Rev. Snyder resigns.

Rev. Samuel Foljambe called.

Dec. 19 Pastor's salary increased to $900.00.

Aug. 7 Two additional Deacons chosen.

Dec. 26 Committee appointed to raise subscriptions for Mission Society.

Rev. Samson Talbot called as Pastor.

April 6 Resolution to prepare for new church building. Old building sold for $4,565.84,
July 23 Voted to purchase lot and build new church, cost not to exceed $20,000.00.

Nov. 9 Denison University asked for aid in building chapel.

April 9 Sunday School required more room; basement of the church put into condition for enlarged school.

Joined Dayton Baptist Association..
Aug. 1 Bought lot on North Main Street for third church building at a cost of $7,435.00.

Mar. 6 Building committee named.

Feb. 5 Plan for third church building accepted with exception of the auditorium.

Jan. 14 Resolution to sell church pews and give deed for the same.
April 30 Day of prayer observed at request of President Lincoln.
July 7 Church asked to release Dr. Talbot too become President Denison University.
Oct. 18 Dr. Harvey called from Madison University, Kew York, to become Pastor.
Oct. 25 Third church building dedicated.

Current expenses for year, $2,728.38.
Paid on building debt, $11,239.47.

Paid $20,000 to Denison University Endowment Fund
July25 Dr. Harvey sent as delegate to the U. S. Temperance Convention at Saratoga Springs.

Dec. 5 Voted to sanction the work of the Young Men's Christian Association of the Church at the East End Chapel.

Mar. 8 Church building debt fully paid.
April 24 First Presbyterian Church members invited to worship with us while repairing their building.
June 12 Dr. H. F. Colby invited to supply the pulpit for six months.
Nov. 6 Voted to buy pipe organ at a cost of $6,653;50.
Dec. 28 Dr. Colby called as permanent Pastor.
East Dayton Chapel built; cost $6,613.70.

Jan. 1 Observed day of prayer and fasting.
Jan. 16 Dr. Colby ordained.

Aug. 18 Church secured burial lot in Woodland Cemetery and removed the body of Rev. Samuel Clark.

Eighty-eight persons received by baptism from February 3rd to April 15th.

Jan. Ladies' Social Circle request and secure lower floor of church for social meetings.
April 14 Committee appointed to assist in organizing the work among the colored people of the city.
Oct. 25 Chicago Baptist Churches, ask for help after the Chicago fire.

1872 Feb. 9 Meeting of members in eastern part of city to consider forming a new church.
Mar. 29 Asked to raise $25,000.00 to build a church in the eastern part of the city.
Sept. 12 Thirty-five members dismissed to form Linden Avenue Church.
Gave $1500.00 to Karen College in Burma.

Voted to start Mission in Miami City on West Side.
Voted to adopt plan of monthly collection by envelope system.
Mar.2 J. A. Robert and wife joined by letter. He served for twenty years as organist without compensation.

Jan. 21 Church adopted Constitution of Dayton Baptist Union. First Trustees appointed were Henry F. Colby, E. E. Barney, Caleb Parker, Ziba Crawford, J. K. McIntire.
Semi-Centennial Committee appointed: E. E. Barney, E. M. Thresher, Caleb Parker, C. W. Chamberlin, M. N. Wheaton.

May 24 Dr. Colby preached Semi-Centennial sermon. A pioneer meeting was held. Daniel Bryant and Elder Jones, who were present at the organization of the church, attended.

Church membership, 439.

Adopted Dollar Centennial Educational Fund for Denison university Endowment. Raised $500.00.
Started Mission Sunday School in Edgemont.

Jan. 10 Special meeting of Church for humiliation and prayer.

Contributed $6,033.53 to Denison University.

Invited by the First Presbyterian Church to worship with them while our building was undergoing repairs.

Sept. 26 Dr. Colby called to become Pastor of Beth-Eden Church at Philadelphia. At the request of the church. declined the call.
First joint Thanksgiving service with downtown churches.

Sept. 26 Dr. Colby preached Memorial Sermon for President Garfield, complying with the suggestion of President Arthur.
Gave Denison Endowment Fund 19,600.00.
Contributed toward building of Central Baptist Church,$5,052.00.

Jan. 13 Sunday School asked Church for $400.00 for expenses.

Installed water motors to pump organ.

Dec. 12 Committee on Missions recommended starting new Sunday School in Edgemont.

Sept. 28 M. N. Wheaton died.
Nov. 29 Caleb Parker died.
Both of these men had served as Superintendents of Publjc Schools without pay.

Feb. 27 E. F. Sample, organizer of Berean Bible Class died.
Ju1y 7 Church united in service of laying" cornerstone of Y. M. C. A. on Fourth Street.

Jan. 21 Ebenezer Thresher died. He had served as a Pastor; also as editor of the Watchman for 15 years.

Part 2 Sept. 7 Dr. Colby finishes twenty years as Pastor. During that time he had received 875 members.
Benevolences for the year, $12,715.76.
Oct. 26 Adopted weekly church envelope plan.

Oct. 3 Bought lot on Williams Street for West Side Church for $1600.00.
Committee of women appointed to furnish flowers each Sunday for pulpit.

Aug. 28 197 members dismissed to form Central Baptist Church.
Dayton Baptist Union bought lot for Chapel in North Dayton.
West Dayton Church Chapel built at a cost of $7,300.00.
Oct.. 23 Dr. Colby granted one year leave of absence on account of sickness.

Only five pews now held by deeds given in 1863.

Committee appointed to but a lot for a Chapel in Riverdale.

Mar. 18 Rented cottage on Forest Avenue for Riverdale Sunday School. Rent $50.00 per year.

Sept. 2 Committee appointed to sell property in Edgemont, funds secured to apply on Riverdale lot.
Oct. 7 Lot at southeast corner of Main and McOwen bought for $2,754.57.

Mar. 22 Committee appointed to prepare plans for Riverdale Church and raise fund. Church built at a cost $6,130.53.
Aug. 23 Dr. Colby sent as delegate to International Sunday School Convention at St. Louis.

Oct. 7 Sunday School raised $74.00 to furnish room in Miami Valley Hospital.

Mar. 13 Call Pastor for Riverdale Church.
June 19 Voted $50.00 to furnish room at Widows' Home.
Dec. 7 57 members request permission to form branch church in Riverdale.
Current expenses for year, $7,422.88.

East Third Street Baptist Church requests delegates be appointed to sit in council for recognition as independent church.
Nov. 25 Members of North Dayton Chapel request that they be recognized as a branch of this Church.

Oct. 13 Voted to join Linden Avenue in celebrating their 25th anniversary on October 7, 1897.
Benevolent contributions, $12,165.96.
Gift to Miami Valley Hospital, $1,170.00.

Jan. 26 Resolution to move organ to front of the Church and start Chorus Choir.
May 25 Dr. Colby granted leave of absence for six months on account of sickness.

Organ moved to from of church and chorus of 40 voices organized.

New pulpit furniture bought, replacing that used since 1863.

Mar. 13 Resolution requesting' St. Louis Centennial Exposition to keep closed on Sunday.
Oct. Voted to hold church roll call and rally day.

Mar. 9 Dr. Colby resigns, effective January 16, 1903, which date is the 35th anniversary of his ordination.

Feb. 4 Voted to redecorate church. Built Primary rooms at the rear of the church, at total cost of $21,790.45.

Rev. H. P. Whidden called as Pastor.

Baptist Young People's Union became responsible for the support of Rev. Jacob Speicher and wife, missionaries in China.
May 10 Memorial Church (Riverdale) asked for independence.
Started Sunday School in Dayton View.

Requested the National Denominational Society to hold their meetings with us from May 16th to 22nd.
June 6 Collection taken to assist Baptist Churches of San Francisco after the earthquake and fire.
Oct. Men's Brotherhood started.
Bought lot in Dayton View for Chapel at a cost of $3,500.00. Chapel built costing $7,648.38.

Benevolent contributions, $28,568.00.

Jan. 29 Employed full time Sunday School worker.
Dec. 23 Voted to present deed of property to Memorial Baptist Church.

Church adopted budget plan for current expenses.
Nov. H. A. Wilbur and wife go to Kobe, Japan, for Y. M. C. A. work.

Voted to publish semi-annual lists whether members had paid their church subscriptions or not.

Meetings of the Men and Religious Forward Movement, November 26 -- December 3rd.

June 5 Dr. Whidden resigned to become President of Brandon College.
July 7 Special meeting to consider the sale of third church building property for $125,000.00, and purchase of new location for fourth building for $38,000.00.
Sept. 31 Thirty-one members request permission to organize Dayton View Chapel as branch of this Church.
City Baptist Young People's Union formed.

Jan. 10 Building committee appointed, consisting of E. J. Barney, F. P. Beaver, Edward Canby, W. D. Chamberlin, with power to add to the committee as necessary.
Current expense budget, $10,000,00.
Mar. 25 Flood water rising nine feet on first floor of church, practically ruining everything. Temporary repairs made, costing $2,000.00. One-half of the entire church membership was affected by the flood.
Number of Deacons increased from seven to twenty-one.

Last Saturday in May designated as FOUNDERS DAY.
May 31 Cornerstone of fourth church building laid.
Oct. 7 Resolution to se11 Wiilliams Street property and move the congregation to the new church home at Fifth and Summit.

Feb. 14 Resolution of commendation to E. A. Deeds and O. B. Brown for their work in securing proper Conservancy JegisJation to protect the Miami VaJJey against future floods.
Mar. 7 Voted approval of bill before the legislature to require the reading' of the Bible in the public schools, and the establishment of week-day religious schools.
Fourth church building completed and ready for use.

Jan. 5 Sold Williams Street Church for $4,000.00.
April 27 Campaign to raise $9,000.00 to pay off debt of fourth building.

June 8 Appoinrment of Endowment Committee to take charge of funds left by E. J. Barney.
Sept. Sold to Miami Conservancy District 3860 square feet off the rear of church lot for $750.00.

June 2 Fourth church building dedicated free of debt.
Oct. 3 Miami Conservancy District assesses flood benefit against the church of $19,013.94.
A loan was made to pay this rather than have it placed on the tax duplicate, which would have doubled the cost, interest upon this loan being met out of income from Endowment Fund and allow the church to pay off the loan gradually.

June 6 Summit Street Church reports as being self-supporting.
Oct. 3 Dr. Massee resigns. Resignation accepted, effective January 1, 1920.

June 21 Dr. J. B. Slocum began pastorate.
Sept. 28 Miami Conservancy District makes a second assessment of $7,394.31, this being necessary on account of the cost of this work running higher than expected. This second assessment was placed on the tax duplicate and will double the cost.

Sept. 28 Church voted to co-operate with other Protestant churches in the W. A. Sunday campaign.

July 27 Dr. J. B. Slocum died.

Jan. 24 The committee of sixty recommend the calling of Dr. W. H. Geistweit of St. Louis.
Feb. 4 Dr. Geistweit accepts our call.
Mar. 11 Dr. Geistweit preaches his first sermon.
Mar. 11 Annual business meeting of the church approves the current expense budget for 1923-1924 at $27,720.00.
July Front of church auditorium remodeled, lowering the organ to pulpit platform level, changing the baptistry and again establishing a chorus choir; church building overhauled, extensive repairs made, building kitchenette on first floor, etc. -- all at a cost of $20,000.
Aug. 23 Summit Street Church given deed to their property.


[Henry F. Colby, The First Regular Baptist Church, Dayton, Ohio, (Dayton: The Walker Litho & Printing Company), 1924, pp. 78-85. This book is available at the Dayton/Montgomery County Public Library, Dayton, OH. jrd]

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