Dr. B. H. Carroll of Texas
The Home Field Magazine, 1915THE CONVENTIONAL LIMITATIONS of this magazine, which properly confine it under ordinary conditions to the treatment of themes directly or indirectly related to Home Mission work, must stand aside while we chronicle the passing to God of Dr. B. H. Carroll.
Nearly all our denominational papers, particularly the Baptist Standard, have carried appreciations worthy of the great spirit who has gone from us. It is not ours to essay what others have already done so well. But we pause with uncovered head in respect to one who because his brethren trusted him, was powerful in helping to shape the activities of every agency of the Baptist body, which he loved with a father’s love.
Whatever concerned our Baptist usefulness was a concern to Dr. Carrol. His personality towered among us as some great giant of the forest towers above its myriad sylvan mates. He loved the cause of Home Missions with sincere devotion, and was ever ready to magnify the function of the Home Mission Board. Under God he was the man who welded the Southern Baptist heart to the inauguration and hearty support of Home Board Evangelism.
But It is not ours to recount the beneficent deeds of this kingly spirit who moved uncrowned but not unhonored among his brethren, and has now passed into the realm of the Crowning Day to stand before the King of kings.
In the Standard of December 17, Dr. Jeff. D. Ray has an appreciation of Dr. Carroll which is a tribute worthy of our great deceased leader. We wish it might be read by every Southern Baptist. In the same paper is an equally appropriate presentment from one of Dr. Carroll’s children in the faith. Dr. George W. McDaniel, of Richmond. In the course of his article Dr. McDaniel Incorporates an exquisite narrative of a poignant experience In the Carroll home, written by Mrs. McDaniel. Because it portrays the intimate personal side of this strong man of the Master, now gone to the land where their tears shall be wiped away, we reproduce it here, the story of the death of Dr. Carroll’s son:
"The most pathetic sight I ever witnessed,” writes Mrs. McDaniel, “was the scene around the bedside the night his son, Guy, died. The stalwart young fellow was taken so suddenly. One afternoon we saw him come home from the drill, in military uniform, the very embodiment of health and vigor and promising young manhood. Three days later we followed him to Oakwood.
"The faithful physician told Dr. Carroll that Guy could not live through the night. He made no outcry: -- not a sound escaped his lips. He put on his hat and with hands clasped behind him, he walked up and down the long porch for more than an hour. Sorrow had come into his heart before, and three children had already been given back to God, but It was so hard to give up this manly boy, the pride of the family. He had his struggle there alone with his Lord, and when the surrender had been made, he quietly went to the bedside to speak a last word with Guy.
"He wanted to be sure the boy was ready, and he could not be satisfied to take any one else's word for It. He knelt by the bedside, and with ear
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trumpet pressed close to the lips of the dying lad, tried in vain to hear the replies to his questions. Not a sound reached him.“Those of us standing around, unable to bear the touching sight, left the room, and prayed with all our souls that the deaf ears might be made to hear, and the dying lips be made to speak audibly. The weeping mother kneeling on the other side, said to her boy:
"'Oh, Guy! if it is well with your soul, and you have no fear, just nod your head and smile at papa so he will understand.'
"A smile swept over Guy’s face and he looked into father’s eyes and nodded his head again and again. Dr. Carroll turned from the bed and as he went down the stairs, we heard him repeat the 103rd Psalm.
"Out to the street he went, and up and down the sidewalk in front of his house he walked the livelong night. At sunrise, when they told him the mortal struggle was over he came back in the house to comfort the heart-broken mother. On his face was a heavenly calm, and in his heart the Peace of God. He endured as seeing Him who is invisible. Brave soldier, honest man, worthy teacher, loyal friend, chivalrous gentleman, faithful Christian, good minister of Jesus Christ. With what honor has he gone Home.”
========== [From The Home Field Magazine, January 1915, pp. 17-18; via Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
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