James P. Boyce on J.R. Graves, 1889 One of the good qualities of Dr. boyce was his ability to see and his readiness to recognize good in others. He enjoyed commending his brethren. As an example in this, we note his commendation of Dr. J. R. Graves, as published in the Christian Respository, as follows: "Bro. J. R. Graves is a living monument of will power, energy, aeal and more than all, of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is nearly seventy years old, one-half of his body as good as dead. Even his tongue at times, at least, shares in the paralysis of his system. One-half of his brain, his physicians say, is paralyzed. He has to be helped about as an infant, (dressed and undressed), yet this man goes forth with faith and feeling. Unable, of course to stand, he gives his 'chair talks' for an hour or more to the delight and edification of his large audiences. He is doing more good than ever in his life - What a man." - Western Recorder.
[Printed via The Baptist, March 23, 1889, page 8. Provided by Ben Stratton. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
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