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By the Clerk of the Church
Edward Howell, 1872

     In searching the dim and sparse records of the past, in order to compile a brief History of the Baptist Church at Morristown, the thought forcibly occurs, "O that our ancestors had written a book," that we might know the circumstances, the feelings, the trials, the encouragements that prompted the scattered few, who, nearly a century and a quarter since, banded together, reared the standard of the Cross, and laid the foundation of a superstructure, resting on Christ, the chief corner-stone, which by God's blessing and His providential care over it, continues to this day, and we trust will still continue to His honor and praise which time shall last.

     Although no visible pillar of cloud was beheld by our fathers, yet God's directing hand is clearly seen in the way He led them. With ground previously occupied by a flourishing Presbyterian church, embracing the wealth and influence of the community, and favored with able, learned, and popular pastors, the attempt to establish a Baptist church among so small a population as then composed the village of Morristown, to human wisdom must have seemed hopeless. But relying on the truth, and trusting in the God of truth, eleven persons, members of our mother church at Piscataway, on the 8th day of June, 1752, obtained dismission from that church, and on the 11th of August following were constituted as the Baptist Church at Morristown, in the province of New Jersey, by Elders Isaac Eaton, Benjamin Miller, and Isaac Steele. The names of those thus constituted were Daniel Sutton, Jonas Goble, John Sutton, Malatiah Goble, Jemima Wiggins, Daniel Walling, Ichabod Tomkins, Sarah Wiggins, Mary Goble, Naomi Allen, and Robert Goble. At the same time six persons were added to the newly constituted church by baptism. On the 19th of the same month, they held their first meeting for business, at which they elected a Deacon and Clerk, and made arrangements for public worship and the observance of the ordinances, although destitute of a pastor. The house occupied for worship was a small building, located a mile or two south of the town on the road to New Vernon, in which direction the principal part of the membership appears to have resided. This house was occupied until 1771, when a new building was erected and opened for worship, on a lot purchased by the church "on Morristown Green," being the same site on which our present house now stands.

     The first pastor, Rev. JOHN GANO, took charge of the church in May, 1754, and continued his connection until 1757. By him six were added by baptism. During this term he made two visits to North Carolina, occupying several months in each visit, itinerating among the churches there, and laboring for the cause of Christ in that province. After his return from his second visit, he requested liberty of the church to remove and settle in that field of labor. They referred it to his own sense of duty, and much to their regret, on the 25th of September, 1757, he resigned the pastorate, and took his departure.

     They were now several months dependent on supplies, until on the first of May, 1758, Rev. ICHABOD TOMKINS, one of the constituent members, was licensed by the church to preach the gospel, and on the 6th of November, 1759, was ordained and assumed the pastoral charge. Of his official labors, very little stands recorded here. Tradition speaks of him as a worthy, faithful, and efficient minister -- his record is on high. But the Master soon called him from duty here, to his reward above. A little more than a year after his ordination, in the midst of his days and of his usefulness, the small pox, then emphatically the terror of our land, marked him for its prey. Numbers of his descendants, of the fifth generation, now connected with this church, give proof of the faithfulness of Him who hath said, "I will be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee." During his ministry seven were added by baptism. From the decease of Elder Tomkins, January 8th, 1761, till June, 1767, the church was dependant on supplies. During this period it appears to have been alive to its duty in enforcing discipline and maintaining public worship. This interval was peculiarly marked by a gracious outpouring of the Spirit on all the region of country around. Fifty-two hopeful converts were added by baptism -- fruits of the revival.

     On the 17th of June, 1767, Rev. JOHN WALTON, previously licensed by this church, was ordained to the work of the ministry, and entered upon the pastorate. He appears to have been a man of superior mental abilities and refinement, affable and persuasive in his manners, and exercising an influence of a high character. But an inscrutable Providence again bereaved the church of their beloved pastor, for on the 1st of October, 1770, a little more than three years after ordination, he too was removed by the same fell disease which closed the labors of his predecessor. Ten persons were added by baptism under his ministry. It was during the pastorate of Elder Walton the present location of the church was purchased, amid a house of worship commenced, but not completed until a few months after his decease, when, on the second, Lord's day in May, 1771, it was dedicated by Elder Gano to the service of Almighty God.

     Ministering brethren kindly supplied the little band until October 2d, 1771, when, at the invitation of the church, Bro. REUNE RUNYON, a licentiate of the church at Piscataway, assumed the pastoral charge, and in the following June was ordained to the work of the ministry. He remained until 1780, when he accepted the call of the mother church at Piscataway, then destitute, and removed to the place of his nativity. From the meager records in these early days entered on the church book, we infer he was a man faithful and diligent in every good work. The years he was with us were times that tried men's souls. The preparation for, and the excitement and sacrifices of the great struggle of the Revolutionary War, were felt throughout the land, and Morristown, because of its important military position, bore a heavy burden of the price paid for the nation's freedom. With the rest of the community the church felt and bore its part. Its house of worship was taken and used by the army as a hospital and storehouse, meetings were of necessity suspended, and its members much scattered. Yet we find God owned the labors of His faithful servant and the devotion of the church, in the addition of twenty during his ministry here. As an item of business under date of 17th August, 1774, there is on the record a "resolution to raise money by subscription for Rhode Island College." From 1780 to 1787 the church was again dependent on supplies. In this interval twenty-two were received by baptism. The membership were then, as now, scattered over a wide extent of country. A considerable number residing in the neighborhood of Schooley's Mountain, on the 27th September, 1786, were dismissed, that they might be formed into an independent body, and were thus constituted under the name of Schooley's Mountain Church. Through all the early history of tins interest, because of the imperfect manner of recording receptions and departures, it is impossible to give the actual membership for any given year; but judging from what is stated of deaths and dismissions, the increase for these years must have been very slow. A wholesome discipline appears to have been exercised, and most prominent among causes of discipline in those days stood Intemperance, the great destroyer. From its organization to the present, the church has battled with this monster evil -- a Temperance Society on Gospel principles.

     In 1787, Rev. DAVID LUFFBURY was called by the church, and continued two years their pastor. Little is known of the events of this pastorate-- seven were added by baptism under his ministry. Again for one year they were supplied. Rev. David Jayne, father of the late celebrated Dr. Jayne, of Philadelphia, was engaged to preach once a month for the year 1791. In August of this year it was voted to join the New York Association, and to send delegates to the Convention of Churches to meet in that city for the purpose of forming said Association. From its organization to this time, the church had been united with the Philadelphia Association.

     Early in 1792, Elder Wm. Vanhorne, pastor of Scotch Plains Church, was engaged to preach for us once a month. This arrangement was continued until 1807. The following entry is found in the Church records under that date: "Elder Wm. Yanhorne supplied us in the former part of this year, but the state of his health soon prevented his continuing to preach for us, and in the fall of this year he took his dismissal from the Church at Scotch Plains, and started with his family for the State of Ohio, but he died on the way at Pittsburg [sic], Penn. He had supplied this Church monthly for fifteen years, and during that time was a Father to the Church." The tribute to his memory, given in the history of his own Church, is just and deserved. Thirty-five were baptized and added during the. time of his labors here. Among the additions the first year of his ministry here, were three females, who for sterling worth, sound judgment, deep piety, and devotedness to the cause, are seldom, if ever excelled, viz: Hannah, wife of Nathaniel Wilson (and the mother of our brother D. M. Wilson, of Newark), Hannah, wife of Davis Vail, (mother of the late Judge Vail), and Hannah, wife of Deacon Thomas Osborn. They were truly mothers in Israel, and those still live in the Church, who cherish their memories, and bear testimony to their usefulness. They died in faith, believing that God would sustain His cause here, and that the Church they loved, would yet prosper and flourish.

     During the years 1808 and 1809, Elder John Ellis, pastor at Mount Bethel, by agreement preached here one Lord's day in each month, and baptized five. The next year the Church had supplies, and on the first of April, 1811, Elder JOHN LAMB, having received a call, assumed the pastorate, continuing for one year only. By him six Were baptized and added. On the 19th of June, SAMUEL TROTT received license from the Church to preach the Gospel publicly, and upon the resignation of Elder Lamb at the close of the year, he was invited to preach for us, and on the 30th of August, 1812, was ordained by Elders J. F. Randolph, WM. Parkinson, M. Edwards and Benj. Blackford. Elder Trott was a native of Massachusetts and in early life connected with the Presbyterian Church. Feeling himself called to the ministry, and desiring a more finished education than he possessed, he came to New Jersey for the purpose of pursuing his studies, in the meantime supporting himself by teaching. Thus engaged, and residing in the family of a Presbyterian clergyman of a neighboring village, his attention was called to the Ordinance of Baptism. After giving the subject a careful investigation, and searching the Scriptures in their original language, he was conscientiously convinced of the correctness of the faith and practice of the Baptist Churches, and in December 1810, was baptized by Elder Parkinson and added to this Church. He was a man of very strong reasoning powers, unflinching in his conviction of duty, and irreproachable in conduct. His views of Scripture doctrines were rigidly Calvinistic, and were presented by him strongly in every sermon, therefore his preaching was not popular. Elder Trott continued in charge till June, l815, when he resigned and moved to the State of Kentucky. Six were added by baptism during his ministry.

     The Church now remained destitute till early in 1817, when Elder JOHN BOOZER accepted a call, and commenced his labors here. At this time the total membership of the Church, by reference to the Minutes of the N. Y. Association for that year, was only thirty-two. Eight were baptized during this pastorate of four years, when Elder Boozer resigned, and Brother Trott, having returned from Kentucky, was again invited to the care of the Church, and continued his connection till October, 1826, when the Church was again left destitute. Elder Trott, in his second pastorate, baptized fourteen persons, and the members increased to forty-five. The Church now remained for eight long years dependent on supplies, or served by ministers engaged for brief periods, some of whom caused mach sorrow and injury to the Church. These were years of sore trial to the faithful few, who stood nobly for the cause - they were indeed days of darkness, and it seemed as though the visibility of the Church must cease. The membership was reduced to thirty-five, (of whom only six were males) two only residing in the town, the remainder scattered over the surrounding country to the distance of 9 or 10 miles - they found it impossible to combine and centralize effort as if all were in one vicinity. But through all these, discouragements and many more, Deacons John Ball, Ezekiel Howell and John Hill, with Bro. Wm. Martin, as pillars in the Church, stood firmly to the post of duty, and some faithful sisters, by prayers and labors, seconded their effort. Still this little number was being thinned by the shafts of death, and some of the most active and efficient were released from their warfare here, and removed to their reward above, leaving their brethren to mourn their loss, and to struggle on with lessened number in the arduous toil.

     Near the close of 1834, the church gave a call to for Wm. SYM, which he accepted and from this point of time a gradual hut marked change of improvement commenced. Elder Sym, by his talent and learning, as well as by the urbanity of his manners, and the intrinsic excellence of his discourses, soon commanded the respect and esteem of all classes of the community, and of the different denominations in the town. His congregations increased in numbers, the church appreciated his labors, some additions soon were received, and new life and hope infused. Still, with its small means it was found very difficult to render a support to their beloved pastor, but the brethren of the New Jersey Baptist State Convention kindly lent their aid, appropriating $100 annually for several years for that purpose. Bro. Sym, during his ministry of four years, received into the church by baptism nineteen persons; and although during his pastorate it was found necessary to exclude a number of its members, they had increased to forty-two. On the first of April, 1839, Elder Sym resigned his pastoral charge, having accepted a call from the First Baptist Church in Newark, and very greatly to the regret of the entire membership left them destitute and sorrowful. But the good influences he had inaugurated did not cease with his removal, and 'tis a troth often verified, "one soweth and another reapeth," and no doubt, could we trace events back to their first causes, we should find these influences still at work, and producing their legitimate results to the present.

     After an interval of a few weeks only, Bro. W. H. TURTON, having preached repeatedly for the church, received and accepted a call to the pastorate. He was of English birth, but in early life emigrated to this country. Dismissed to the membership of this church from the Baptist Church at Greenville, N. Y., he gave his best and untiring efforts to strengthening and upbuilding the cause committed to his care. A revival in an out station attended the first week of his ministry, and he was priviledged [sic] thus early to baptize eleven persons into the fellowship of the church. Thus encouraged he labored with untiring zeal for the cause; and although very many difficulties and discouragements interposed, which only the heart of the devoted pastor can fully appreciate, still he toiled on, "rendering his service as unto the Lord, and not unto man." The house of worship had become dilapidated, and a new one was a matter of necessity. For more than four-score years the church had struggled to maintain itself and its influence in the town; still its influence there was very small, nearly all the members resided in the country around, and the feeling pervaded the church that it was useless longer to attempt to sustain a position there, but that it would be wise to abandon the ground, and locate a new meeting house at Littleton, a small village four miles north of Morristown. The oldest and most influential members were anxious to make the change, and the matter was discussed at several successive church meetings, until April 24, 1840, when it was "Resolved that we judge it advisable for the good of the church that we remove the location of our place of meeting to the vicinity of Littleton." At the same time the Trustees were "authorized to offer the meeting-house and lot for sale, and to give title therefor." In accordance with this decision, the trustees commenced negotiation with a committee of the Second Presbyterian Church (then about being organized), for the disposal of the property, at the price of $2,500, reserving the cemetery adjoining. The terms of sale were all agreed upon, and the trustees required to enter into articles for the transfer, when the said committee demanded as "indispensable" to their purchasing, that the line in the rear of the lot should run from a certain point, which point would include a part of the cemetery. The trustees promptly refused their demand, broke off the negotiation, called a meeting of the church and congregation, made report of their proceedings, and referred back to them the power by which they had been authorized to act. The church approved the action of their trustees, and withdrew the property from sale, resolved still to continue their efforts in the town, and trust God for brighter days. They now commenced preparation for erecting a new meeting house, and on the 8th of October, 1845, had the happiness of dedicating to the service of God a small but neat and commodious building; brethren S. J. Drake, S. H. Cone, and G. W Bliss assisting in the dedication. During the time the church was employed in building, the First Presbyterian Church in the town kindly tendered them the use of their session-house, which was thankfully accepted and occupied for worship until they entered their own new house. In October, 1847, Bro. Turton resigned the pastorate, and removed to Elizabeth, having faithfully labored for the church eight years, in which time the membership had increased from forty-two to seventy-one.

     In July, 1848, Bro. W. B. TOLAN commenced to labor with us. Nothing very special appears during his pastorate. The continued toil, the usual vicissitudes of light and shade, the rejoicing over members received, and sorrow for necessary discipline enforced, mark these years. The church now completed a hundred years of its history, which event was observed by religious exercises, and a centennial discourse preached by Brother Tolan, on the 18th of August, 1852. In July, 1853, Bro. Tolan having resigned the pastoral charge was dismissed to the Baptist Church in Rahway. He had served this church five years, in which time the list of members had increased from 71 to 116. Elder Washington Kingsley, after an interval of a few months, was on the 8th of January, 1854, invited to take the care of the church. This connection proved rather unhappy, and was dissolved at the expiration of eight months.

     On the 4th of October, 1854, a call was given to Rev. JOSIAH HATT to assume the pastoral relation, and accepted by him. Brother Hatt entered on his labors with his whole soul. His great power for good was as a pastor. He had the happy faculty of harmonizing any discordant feelings among brethren, of infusing a spirit of unity and effort, and arousing the church to renewed and persevering exertions. Under his ministry the church enjoyed a healthy state, 19 were added by baptism, and preparation was made for enlarging and improving the house of worship. But on the 16th of June, 1857, the, mandate came --

			"Go to the grave; at noon from labor cease,  
			Rest on thy sheaves, thy harvest task is done;
			Come from the heat of battle, and in peace, 
			Soldier, go home, with thee the fight is won."

     The following preamble and resolution, adopted by the church, and entered on its records. sincerely express their sorrow, and their appreciation of the character of Brother Hatt:

"Whereas, it has pleased God in His inscrutable providence to take from us our late highly-esteemed and much-loved pastor, Brother Hatt, in the midst of his days and of his active usefulness, therefore.
"Resolved, That while we would bow without murmuring, and in humble submission to this afflicting dispensation of Divine Providence, we are tenderly conscious of our great loss, and deeply mourn our Pastor, Brother, Friend.
"That we bear testimony that during the whole time of his connection with this church, we found in him a faithful, industrious active and judicious pastor, an excellent counsellor [sic], a consistent and devoted Christian, one of enlarged and noble views of Christian love and benevolence seeking the good of Zion universally, affable and courteous towards all men, and beloved by all seeking the best interests, both spiritual and temporal, of the church of Christ and of the community at large.
"That we deeply sympathize with a dear family under their heavy affliction, in their loss of a husband, parent, son and brother.
"That a copy of these resolutions, signed by the clerk, be transmitted to the family of our deceased brother, and that they he entered on the records of the church."
     The enlargement and improvement of the house, commenced under Brother Hatt, was completed the same year of his decease, and it was dedicated January 27, 1858. Previous to this a call had been extended to Rev. C. D. W. BRIDGMAN, who, on the afternoon of the dedication, was publically installed into the pastoral relation to the church, and the duties thus assumed by him were faithfully performed. Of the marked abilities of Brother Bridgman it is unnecessary to speak. During the two years and a half of his ministry, 25 were added by baptism and the membership increased to 132. But he felt it his duty to leave this for a wider field of usefulness, and in April, 1860, asked his dismission to the Baptist Church at Jamaica Plains, Mass.

     In March, 1661, Rev. G. D. BREWERTON was called as pastor. This connection continued but six months, short, but exceeding painful. Nearly a year now elapsed, a year of anxiety, of care, and suspense, when a call was given Rev. J. B. MORSE, who accepted, but remained little more than one year, in which time he baptized 5, and on the 29th of October, 1863, took his dismission to the Bunker hill Church, Charlestown, Mass.

     April 1, 1864, Rev. A. PINNEY, of Norristown, Pa., assumed the pastorate, and continued in that position four years. During his ministry to the church 52 were added by baptism; the largest number in any pastorate hitherto in the history of the church, and the membership increased from 123 in the beginning to 177 at the close of his service. But the pecuniary ability of the church did not increase in proportion to its increase in numbers, many being able to do very little for the support of the pastor, and much effort was required, and the burdens were borne by a few; systematic and regular contributions, and the duty of all to participate according to ability, not being fully recognized in practice, though admitted in theory. On the first of April, 1868, Brother Pinney resigned, and in November following Rev. E. D. BENTLEY, our present pastor, accepted the call of the church, and entered on his labors here. In him the church are [sic] fully united, and the Lord has greatly blessed his labors. The congregation is very largely increased; 73 have been added under his ministry, of whom 46 were by baptism. In 1870 they bought a lot of ground adjoining their church property for $3,000, which has been paid for, and this present year a house and lot on the opposite side for $10,000 (a small part of which has been paid); thus securing a most desirable and ample location, second to none in the city; for erecting a new and larger house, which is already in contemplation. The prospect for the future of the church is highly encouraging if she live up to her duty; her influence is extending, and her ability for usefulness is increasing. Her Articles of Faith are drawn from the Holy Scriptures alone, her practice regular in the Baptist denomination; she is earnestly engaged in Sabbath School instruction, and deeply interested in the various benevolent enterprises of the Christian world. While conscientiously holding the principles of Baptists, she would ever cultivate and practice Christian love and courtesy towards all who love our Lord Jesus Christ, in sincerity, and heartily unite with them in every endeavor to advance the cause of truth and the welfare of the human family. From looking back on the past she turns to the future with fond hopes and bright anticipations that "The Lord shall be her everlasting light, and the days of her mourning shall be ended."

      The present Officers of the Church are:

Pastor. - Edwin B. Bentley.
Deacons. - Edward Howell Stephen Fairchild, John O. Hill.
Church Clerk. - Edward Howell.
Trustees. - Alfred Robinson, James P. Sullivan, Lewis C. Tompkins, Levi J. Johnson, Eben N. Pierson, John W. Hays, Edward Howell.
Total membership of the Church, June 5th, 1872 - 194.



[The following notes were included in the Minutes of the Association and are taken from the letters sent by the churches. -- jrd]

      MORRISTOWN. - E. D. BENTLY, Pastor. Have during the past year enjoyed one of almost unexampled prosperity. A. continuous and quiet work of grace, baptizing converts nearly every communion. The Sunday School increased nearly 50 per cent. Average attendance of congregation and prayer meetings nearly 35 per cent, over that of former years. Have purchased a Parsonage property costing $10,000.

     SCHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN. - GEO. F. HENDRICKSON, Pastor. Rejoice in their reunion with the old Association. Draw attention to the necessity of occupying many important fields open for missionary work. United among themselves, they are blessed in faithful pastoral labor. Congregations well sustained and prayer and conference meetings very interesting. Have three Sunday Schools in a flourishing condition.

     1ST WANTAGE. - GEO. P. LOVE, Pastor. As a church though faint, yet still pursuing. Have lost by death two members, faithful and devoted. We sustain two Sabbath services, two weekly prayer meetings and three Sunday Schools. We propose building a church edifice and parsonage for which $3,000 is already subscribed. United in our Pastor we appreciate his labors.

     NORTHFIELD. - SAMUEL DAVIS, Supply. Have a chequered and interesting history as a church, amidst many discouragements, have been enabled to maintain the stated worship of God, with slight intervals, either having our own Pastor or regular Supply. Congregations good, Sabbath School prosperous, two of its members have during the year been baptized, and others are seeking the ordinance.

     HAMBURGH. - DAVID SILVER, Pastor. Have large congregation, three prayer meetings weekly, which are well attended and very encouraging. While there is much to humble us we do not despair of seeing much of the precious work of our Lord in our midst.

     1ST PATERSON. - JOSEPH BANVARD, Pastor. Nothing of particular interest to communicate. Still favored with the faithful and able pastorate of Bro. Banvard, who is at present making a brief foreign tour and in his absence are dependent upon other ministering brethren. We are blessed with the same peace and harmony which have so long marked our history; although but few accessions have been made to our number, there is evidence that the seed sown is ripening into a harvest. Sunday School spiritually prosperous.

     BLOOMINGDALE. - J. W. MARSH, Pastor. Our prospects as a church are decidedly more encouraging at this time, than they have for years past. We have regular preaching every Lord's day, and our Pastor been privileged to baptize seven with the fellowship of the church. Our Sunday School the most interesting we ever had. We need more than all else a genuine revival of religion.

     LAFAYETTE. - A. H. ROBINSON, Pastor. Our church greatly revived, eight precious souls were baptized into her fellowship during the past year, and Bro. Robinson settled as our Pastor. Feel encouraged.

     MOUNT SALEM. - No Pastor. Pastor resigned last May. Have received by baptism ten, letter three, during the year. Interesting Sabbath School and Bible class. Weekly prayer meetings well attended.

     NEWTON. - J. T. CRAIG, Pastor. Been blessed with a powerful revival. Financially improved, in past year. Conversions in our Sabbath Schools. Increasingly large congregations, and united church. Prayer meetings very profitable.

     NEW DURHAM. - THOS. F. CLANCY, Pastor. The gospel is statedly and faithfully preached among us, and between Pastor and people a warm and growing attachment which promises future good. Have to mourn the exclusion of some members and the indifference of many in their attendance at prayer meeting. Sabbath School in excellent condition.

     ORANGE, FIRST. - WM. B. HEDDEN, Pastor. God has been, and is with us, our Sunday School in a flourishing condition. Have hope in a large number of its members that they are followers of Jesus. Our church property worth $11,000, with small indebtedness. Appreciate the labors of our Pastor.

     HOBOKEN, FIRST. - ALFRED HARRIS, Pastor. The Master's cause has been held up among us, the word faithfully preached and the Spirit's power savingly felt. Death has been among us anti taken five of our members to join the ranks of the glorified in Heaven.

     CALDWELL. - W. E. Howell, Pastor. Past year been one of comparative inaction. Rev. J. M. Carpenter left us last September, since which, the pulpit has been regularly and faithfully supplied by Bro. W. E. Howell, who has been a comfort and blessing to us. We look forward with hope.

     JERSEY CITY, FIRST. - W. H. PARMLY, Pastor. Have to rejoice in the faithful preaching of the word, and labors of a beloved Pastor. Peace and harmony prevail, and several accessions to our membership during the past year. Our Sunday Schools very prosperous.

     MILLINGTON. - PETER GIBB, Pastor. Our history for the past year has been financially easy, socially quiet, spiritually progressive. Lost one of our aged members. Held a series of meetings during the winter which resulted in the salvation of some.

     BLOOMFIELD. - W. F. STUBBERT, Pastor. We have been hoping for a more general interest during the past year, but are grateful for present mercies and privileges. We have been financially prosperous, receipts having considerably exceeded our expenditure. Brotherly love and harmony prevail.

     WEST HOBOKEN. - WM. GILKES, Pastor. Busily engaged completing their meeting-house. Enjoy the labors of their pastor, and have had a few added to their number. A blessing resting on the Sabbath School, and prayer meetings spiritually profitable.

     NORTH CHURCH, NEWARK. - No Pastor. Our late and much-loved pastor, Geo. B. Horr, with twenty (20) of our members, withdrew to, with other brethren, constitute a new Baptist church in the western part of the city. Since then we have been prayerfully waiting upon the Master in the hope he will early send us the right man. Our school is interesting, prayer and conference meetings well attended, and the system of weekly voluntary contributions instead of renting our pews been successfully inaugurated.

     JERSEY CITY HEIGHTS. - WM B. HARRIS, Pastor. Have settled as their pastor, Bro. W. B. Harris, and are praying and laboring for the prosperity of Zion and the conversion of sinners. Have a flourishing Sabbath School of about 200.

     ORANGE NORTH. - WM. HAGUE, Pastor. No letter.

     BELVIDERE. - J. G. ENTREKIN, Pastor. Faint yet still pursuing. Burdened with debt. We pray for sympathy. Labor to uphold the cause of Christ, and not without tokens of God's favor.

     MILLBURN. - ADAM CHAMBERS, Pastor. We are thankful for the many evidences we have of God's favor. Some souls have been converted and baptized. Have a preaching station at Summit. Our congregations increased. Pastor's labors most faithful. Sunday School attractive to the children, piano and silk class and prize banners having been added to what already makes it so interesting. Are building a parsonage costing $3,000.

     GLENWOOD. - T. M. GRENELL, Pastor. With gratitude we record the goodness and mercy of cur Heavenly Father. Have enjoyed a faithfully preached gospel, and the Lord in the midst of our assemblies. Our general aspect as a church seems to be seed-sowing and watering. Our Sabbath School is in a promising condition. Welcome the Association to our hearts and homes.

     PASSAIC. - No Pastor. Have been blessed during the past year in the conversion of some precious souls, and reception of others by letters. Without a pastor, we are waiting on God to send us one whom He is preparing to lead us. We believe much blessing is in store for us.

     JERSEY CITY NORTH. - No Pastor. The year just closed marked by many changes. Parted with one pastor, Bro. H. Cordo, and four of our deacons. Our Sunday School large and prosperous. Our pulpit supply regular, and from the best talent in the denomination, and our prayer and conference meetings well sustained. Our young people's prayer and praise have been so signally marked with God's favor in the past, are still maintained.

     TOWN OF UNION. - E. SCHAEFER, Pastor. Rejoice in the formation of the new Association. Have nothing special to communicate.

     BRANCHVILLE. - No Pastor. A feeble band, struggling, and deserving of sympathy. Very important field to occupy.

     GERMAN PILGRIM. - H. GUBELMAN, Pastor. No special communication.


     NEWARK, ROSEVILLE. - Geo. B. Horr, Pastor. Have the brightest prospects of usefulness, and been much blessed since our recent organization. Situated in a beautiful and rapidly growing neighborhood, with a tasteful house of worship, faithful and beloved pastor, and earnest working brethren and sisters, we feel greatly encouraged. Mourn the loss by death of one of our beloved sisters, and most efficient worker in the Sabbath School.


[From the Minutes of the North New Jersey Baptist Association, 1872, pp. 14-24. This document was obtained from a photocopy of the original at The Rare Books and Special Collections Library, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. Scanned and formattd by Jim Duvall - 2004.]

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