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     William Whitaker was born in Scott county, Ky., March 25, 1793. In his youth, he went to Boone county, where he united with Bullittsburg church, during the remarkable revival of 1811. From thence he took a letter, and joined Sand Run church, in July, 1820. Here he was ordained to the ministry, by Robert Kirtley, Lewis Conner and William Montague, October 29 1826. In his early ministry, he preached among many of the churches of North Bend Association. But later in life, he confined his labors principally within the bounds of Sand Run church, of which he was pastor 40 years. He was highly esteemed in the Association, acting as its Moderator at least on one occasion, and frequently preaching the introductory sermon before its annual meetings. He died, August 2, 1872.

[From J. H. Spencer, editor, A History of Kentucky Baptists, Vol. 2, 1886; reprint, 1984, p. 148. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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