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Wayland, Francis, D. D.
Early President of Brown University

      Francis Wayland, D. D., the first President of Brown University, was born in the city of New York, 1796. When he was eleven years of age his father moved to Poughkeepsie, where he prepared for entrance to college under the care of Rev. Daniel H. Barnes. In 1811, he entered Union college nearly two years in advance, and graduated in 1813. He studied medicine for three years, and then relinquished this profession for the ministry. In 1816 he entered the Theological seminary at Andison. In 1817 he was appointed tutor in Union College; and in 1831 he was called to the pastorate of the 1st Baptist church, Boston. He returned to Union college as a professor in 1826. During the same year he was elected president of Brown University, Rhode Island, and entered upon his duties in February, 1827. In this situation he has remained until the present time. Dr. Wayland is well known as an author. His principal reputation rests upon his “Elements of Moral Science,” and “Elements of Political Economy," which are used as text books in many sehools and colleyes. Besides these he has published a volume of sermons, "Thoughts on the Collegiate system in the United States," "Limitation of Human Responsibility."


[From Christian Repository Journal, C. D. K. [Charles D. Kirk, co-editor], January 1852, Volume I, p. 639. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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