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Texas Pastor The Baptist Argus, 1903

      George W. Truett, in answering questions regarding the recent Texas Convention, says to the Argus: "That was the best of our conventions. It was full of repose and spirituality. It was inspired from beginning to end with lofty purpose, and its giving was sacrificial. Each man seemed to prefer his brother, and the absence of self-seeking was apparent to even the casual observer. Its influence in our city may be seen and felt at every hand. It was and is the general talk of the public, its power and lofty spirit, its sweeping power. It knew not to fail when confronted with any great task. It is conscious of its ability under God to do great things.

      "We plan to erect a $150,000 main building for our sanitarium. Col. C. C Slaughter has promised $25,000 of this amount, and Geo. W. Carroll $10,000. Another citizen has given $5,000, a woman $2,500, and several others $1,000 each. There is considerable more in sight, but statements cannot be made about it. All the Protestants of the city are with us, and the most beautiful sympathy and help is tendered by the pastors and leaders of the other denominations. The institution's name is The Texas Baptist Memorial Sanitarium. It will have a training school for nurses. Our Medical College and our Pasteur Institute will do much to make the sanitarium a success. The medical college has already 86 students, with 40 in its faculty, and a three-story building and no debt. For the Pasteur Institute we have secured an eminent pathologist, one of the ablest in the country, Dr. Pieer Wilson, of Johns Hopkins. The sanitarium lot, for which we paid $22,000, is one of the most beautiful possible. It seems that God planted and grew the great trees upon it just where they would best suit the building we will put up."


[From The Baptist Argus, December 3, 1903, p. 3; via Baylor U. digital documents. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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