MET AT NEW YORK, OCTOBER 13TH, 14TH, AND 15TH, 1772.THE Association sermon was preached by our respected brother in the ministry, Abel Morgan, from Ephesians 3:3. Brother Abel Morgan was chosen moderator, and James Manning, clerk. Letters were read from the following churches, and messengers came from the most of them, viz:
Pennepek, Samuel Jones; Middletown, Abel Morgan, James Grover, Richard Crawford, and Joseph Stillwell; Piscataqua, Isaac Stelle; Cohansie, Joseph Shepherd; Hopewell, John Stout and Stephen Barton; Brandywine and Kingwood, Andrew Bray; Southampton, William Vanhorn and Joseph Hart; Philadelphia, Ezekiel Robbins; Scotch Plains, Benjamin Miller and Abraham Hampton; Oyster Bay, Henry Ludlum; Morristown, Reune Runyon and John Brookfield; Baltimore, New Britain, and Salem, Abel Griffith; Newtown, Nicholas Cox and Hezekiah Smith; Bateman's Precincts, Samuel Waldo and Agrippa Martin; Dividing Creek and New York, John Gano, Isaac Skilman, Samuel Edmonds, and John Carman; Coram, Noah Hammond; Croswicks, David Jones and Thomas Farr; Mount Bethel, Henry Crosley; Goshen, James Benedict and Philip Ketcham; Lyon's Farms, Timothy Hughes and Ichabod Grummond; Philip's Patent, Simon Dakin; Pittsgrove and Manahawkin, Daniel Prine; Tuckahoe, and the second church in Philadelphia.
Letters were read from the Associations in Virginia, Warren, Newport, and South Carolina.
A letter from the second Baptist church in New York was read, requesting admission into the Association. Objections being made by the first church in the city against receiving it, on account of difficulties subsisting between the two churches, they were advised to call the aid of some sister churches to assist in settling them. Accordingly, they chose our brethren, Benjamin Miller, Gabriel Ogden, Isaac Stelle, Samuel Waldo, and Reune Runyon, who are to meet the Tuesday after the third Lord's day in November, to attend on that business.
A letter was read from the church at Philip's Patent, Cortland's
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Manor, and Salem, under the pastoral care of Brother John Lawrence, which desired to be received into the Association. Their request was granted."We, the church of Christ at Tuckahoe, in the township of Great Egg Harbor, county of Gloucester, and province of New Jersey, holding believer's baptism by immersion only, the doctrine of election, laying on of hands, final perseverance of the saints in grace, send greeting.
"To the annual Association met at New York, October 15th, 1772: - Wishing mercy, peace and a comfortable stay together, we would inform you as followeth. We are destitute, no minister being settled amongst us at present; but, through the goodness of God, we have had considerable supplies from the churches at Dividing Creek and Cape May. We consist of twenty-three members at the present. We have dismissed one this year by letter, and received one by letter. Four of the above-mentioned members were baptized and received in the present year. We are in sweet harmony amongst ourselves. We have not sent any messenger with our letter, by reason that the Association is at so great a distance from us.
"From yours, &c., "WILLIAM GOLDING, and others." The relation of the conduct of the church at Bateman's Precincts, by Brother Waldo, respecting the excommunication of Henry Dawson, was heard and approved.
The thanks of the Association were returned to brother Morgan Edwards, for his services in travelling and visiting the churches to the southward; and the interest of the Association fund, for the last year, voted him, together with L6 more, made up by the brethren present, and sent him by Mr. Samuel Jones.
Thursday morning being appointed by the first Baptist church in this city for the ordination of Brother Isaac Skilman to the work of the gospel ministry, it was attended by fasting and prayer, and a sermon preached by Brother James Manning, on the Commission, from Matthew xxviii:19, 20. Then the person was ordained by Messrs. John Gano, Abel Morgan, and Isaac Stelle; and the charge given by Mr. Miller.
The churches of New York and Philadelphia have collected, the last year, L3 proclamation, each, for the Association fund.
A certificate was given to Brother David Jones, who intends to visit the western tribes of Indians the next winter, to ascertain his good standing with us. Also, at his request, a motion was made to recommend his case to the respective churches, as he must be at the expense of paying his interpreter L5 per month; and the contribution made to be sent by their messengers to the next Association. If not wanted, the money will be returned to the donors.
The people at Woolwich, in Gloucester, requesting to be constituted into a church, and the ordination of Mr. Locke, were advised from the smallness of their number, as appears by their letter, to
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join themselves as a branch to a neighboring church, until it shall please the Lord to add to their number.The next Association to be held at Philadelphia, the Tuesday after the second Lord's day, in October. The Sermon to be preached by Brother Morgan Edwards; or, in case of failure, by Brother Samuel Jones.
Supplies were requested for the church under the care of brother David Jones, and the following agreed upon: - Samuel Jones, second Lord's day in November, at Upper Freehold; Nicholas Cox, third at Upper, and fourth at Lower Freehold; Abel Morgan, the second in December, and second in February, at Upper Freehold; Abel Griffith, first in January, at Upper, and second at Lower Freehold; Robert Kelsay, second in March, at Upper, Benjamin Miller, fourth of March, at Lower Freehold.
The following are the supplies for Hopewell: - November, the fourth Lord's day, Mr. Gano; March, second, Mr. Griffith; February, third, Mr. Vanhorn; December, fourth, Mr. Crosly; March, fourth, Mr. Miller; June, fourth, David Jones; last in May, Mr. Runyon; July, second, Mr. Kelsay; April, fourth, Mr. Ward; July, fourth, Messrs. Samuel Jones and Gano.
For Manahawkin: - January, first and second Lord's day, Mr. Crosly; May, fourth, Mr. Miller; July, third, Mr. Kelsay; August, fourth, David Jones.
For Lyon's Farms: - December, the second Lord's day, Mr. Miller; February, the first, Mr. Crosly; last in March, Mr. Stelle; April, first, and August, first, Mr. Runyon; Mr. Ward, May, first, and second in August.
For Oyster Bay: - Mr. Hammond; June, second, Mr. Lawrence; March, fourth, Mr. Gano; May, third, Mr. Stelle; August, fourth, Mr. Ward; November, third, Mr. Runyon.
The following supplies, in consequence of a request, for Neshamony: - Mr. John Thomas, June, the fourth Lord's day, and September, fourth; Mr. Samuel Jones, November, fourth, and July, fourth; Mr. Joshua Jones, March, fourth, and August, fourth; Mr. Vanhorn, October, fourth, and April, fourth; January, fourth, Mr. Blackwell.
Letters were sent to the Associations of Warren, Virginia, South Carolina, and Newport, Rhode Island.
The elders and messengers of the Baptist churches in Pennsylvania, the Jerseys, and provinces adjacent, met in annual Association in. the city of New York, October 13, 14, and 15, 1772.To the several churches we respectively relate unto, send our Christian salutation.
Dear Brethren, - Through divine favor, we had the happiness to meet together, according to appointment, and enjoy this annual interview with. much love. The solemnity was opened by a sermon from
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Ephesians iii:8, preached by our worthy Brother Abel Morgan, wherein the unsearchable riches of grace in a glorious Redeemer, the gospel minister's directory in the discharge of his office; together with the glory and excellency of the New Testament dispensation, were opened and enforced with much clearness and fervor.By the letters and messengers, we find that a comfortable degree of unity subsists in the several churches; and that additions have been made to the most of them, of such as we hope shall be saved; for which we desire to join with you in giving glory to the head of the church, who still continues to walk among the golden candlesticks. Nevertheless, too evident it is, that lukewarmness and indifference too much abound, while the love of many waxeth cold, whereby our divine Redemer is wounded in the house of his friends. For this, beloved, we have reason to be humbled before God, and to weep between the porch and the altar.
Our consultations have been in much love and unity, while many particulars of weight and general concern have been duly attended to; now, at the close, we have reason to bless God, in humble confidence, that our meeting together has been for the better, and not for the worse.
Before we part, you will suffer us to address you in the spirit of meekness, while we remind you of these few necessary things. Neglect not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of too many is; see that your conversation be as becometh the gospel of Christ; maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace; labor ever to live under the influence of the love of God shed abroad in your hearts; neglect not family worship and closet devotion; give diligence to make your calling and election sure; let it be your greatest care to grow in grace and abound in every good word and work; endeavor to walk exemplary before all men; do all that in you lieth to suppress the growth of vice and immorality, and in particular, we earnestly recommend it to you to keep a watchful eye over the morals of the youth committed to your care, that they may be brought up in the nurture and fear of the Lord; be zealous for the truth, strict in discipline, and careful of admitting members into your churches; strengthen the hands, and encourage the hearts of your ministers, and promote their visiting destitute places. If there be the appearance of promising gifts among you, let such be forwarded, and pray to the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth many faithful laborers into the vineyard, for truly the harvest is great, while the laborers are but few. Finally, brethren, add to your faith, virtue; and to virtue, knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance; and to temperance, patience; and to patience, godliness; and togodliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, charity; that so you may be fruitful, and abound to the glory of God: to whom, and to the word of his grace, we commend you. Amen.
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Increase this year, 139.N. B. The churches marked thus * sent no messengers; their numbers remain as they were last year.
=================== [A. D. Gillette, editor, Minutes of Philadelphia Association, 1851; reprint, 2001. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
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