THE Association, this year, met at New York, on the afternoon of the 10th of October. Divine service being over, the Rev. Isaac Eaton was chosen moderator, and Rev. Morgan Edwards, clerk. Letters from twenty-six churches were read also from the Warren Association, and that of Virginia. The names of the messengers were enrolled, who were,
Ministers, - Rev. Messrs. Isaac Eaton, Abel Morgan, Morgan Edwards, John Gano, Isaac Stelle, John Thomas, Samuel Jones, David Sutton, Joshua Jones, Samuel Waldo, John Waltam, John Sutton, Abel Griffiths, Noah Hammond, Robert Kelsay, David Jones, Henry Crossley, Benjamin Miller, Hezekiah Smith, James Benedict, John Lawrence, Simon Deacon, and Benjamin Coles.
Laymen, - Messrs. William Harper, Samuel Edmunds, William Bennet, William Lawson, Francis Van Dyke, Arthur Watts, Andrew Bray, Thomas Pollen, Jonathan Waldo, John Brookfield, Edward Kesby, James Grover, Richard Crosford, James Pew, John Stout, Henry Ludlem, Safety Maghee, Joseph Meeker, Timothy Hughes, Recompense Stanbury, John Stites.
Business done, - 1. A church, constituted April 16, 1769, at Lyon's Farms, in Newark township, Essex, New Jersey, was received into the Association; the number when constituted eleven.
2. Agreed, That any member of the associated churches, or of any other Baptist church, except he be under censure, may be present at the meeting of the Association. Adjourned to the morrow. A sermon in the evening.
October 11, eight o'clock. - The Association met, and after prayer and calling over the roll, proceeded to business.
[* NOTE. - The Minutes for this year, are the first that appear to have been issued by order of the Association. They were printed in small quarto form, on very good type and paper. In consequence of the above change, we give the full title to each of the succeeding Annual Minutes. - Ed.]
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3. Henry Dawson appeared. Resolved, to dismiss his case, because we cannot judge between him and the parties in London, and to avoid him, because he stands excommunicated by two churches of the same faith and order. From the one justly, to our knowledge, and, for ought appears, justly, from Dr. Gifford's church, the preamble to his excommunication, observing that his breaking was "reproachful to religion."
4. A church, constituted November 7, 1764, in Goshen township, Orange county, New York, was received into the Association. This church began withthree persons, and is increased to fifty-seven. The minister is the Rev. James Benedict.
5. Two churches in Philip's Patent, New York, sent their messengers with their church covenants and Confessions of faith in order to be first known to the Association, and the Association known to them, and then to join it, if mutual approbation should be obtained.
Agreed, That these churches. are orthodox, - that they are rightly constituted, - their ministers regularly ordained, - and that letters be written to them to signify this our judgment, and to own them as sister churches.
Their messengers were allowed to sit in the Association. Their ministers are the Rev. John Lawrence, and the Rev. Simon Deacon. Adjourned. The Association met again at half past two o'clock, and proceeded to business.
6. It was shown by some from Philadelphia, that they had obtained leave from the church they belonged to, to form themselves into a distinct society in the Northern Liberties of that city: and they were desirous to know the sense of the Association touching their design?
Voted, That if any of our ministers were free to constitute them into a church, in said Liberties, they might do it without offending the Association.
7. By letter and messengers from Warren, we were informed that they had petitioned the legislatures of Boston and Connecticut, in favor of their brethren who suffer for nonconformity to the religious establishments of those colonies; and, in case their petitions produced not a speedy or effectual redress of their grievances, requested that we would join with them in a petition to our gracious sovereign.
Voted, That this Association will not only join that of Warren, in seeking relief for our oppressed brethren, but will also solicit the concurrence of the Associations of Virginia and Carolina in the design, if need be.
Voted also, That letters and messengers be sent to signify this our resolution.
The letter to the Warren Association was drawn up by the Rev. Samuel Jones; the messengers, Rev. Samuel Waldo and Rev. Benjamin Coles. That to the Virginia Association, by Rev. Hezekiah Smith. The messenger, Rev. John Gano.
8. By a letter from the Virginia Association, we learn that two
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churches have joined them, and that the increase this year is one hundred and sixty-seven. Adjourned.
October 12. The Association met at eight this morning.
9. A letter of thanks from the Rev. Peter P. Vanhorn was read.
10. Rev. Messieurs Robert Kelsay, John Walton, and David Jones were desired to attend at the Welsh Tract on the fourth Sunday in May, and at Cohansie the third.
11. In a letter from Bateman's Precincts, it was queried: How a church should proceed towards members who deny family worship to be a duty, and so disuse it?
Advice: Let the church bear with them, till it has used endeavors to convince them of their error, and reduce them to their duty by argument.
Ordered: That some thoughts on this subject be put together and printed.
12. The following churches and private persons contributed to the Association fund: L [pound] s. [shilling] d. Philadelphia, 1 10 0 York, 2 16 3 Hopewell, 1 10 0 Kingwood, 0 10 0 Bateman's Precints, 0 9 4 Mount Bethel, 0 5 0 Cape May, 0 7 6 Warwick, 0 3 9 Lyon's Farms, 0 5 6
Morristown, 0 7 10 Cohansie, 0 7 6 Philip's Patent, 0 7 6 Salem, 0 7 6 New Britain, 0 7 6 Coram, 0 7 6 Mr. Ward, 0 7 6 Mr. Willis, 1 10 0 Mr. Hall, 0 7 6
In all L12 8s. 6d., which sum was delivered to Rev. Samuel Jones, to be by him deposited in the hands of the treasurer, Mr. George Westcott, to be put to interest. This fund, in three years, has increased to L72 16s. 6d. The churches are desired to continue the collections.
13. We received pleasing accounts from Rhode Island College. Seven commenced this fall. The colony has raised L1200 towards the building, which will be begun early in the spring. About L1000, lawful currency of New England, have been sent us from home, towards making up a salary for the president; and all the ministers, of this Association have explicitly engaged to exert themselves in endeavoring to raise more for the same purpose.
Resolved, That the moneys, which may be raised in the provinces of New York, Jersey, and Pennsylvania, shall be put to interest in those provinces, and not be taken out of either; except the interest, which shall be subject to the order, of the College to pay the president's salary, and for no other use. The persons appointed for receiving the donations are these: - In New York, the Rev. John Gano; in the Jerseys, John Stites, Esq.; in Pennsylvania, the Rev. Morgan Edwards. They are to see that the securities be sufficient, and that the bonds, mortgages, &c., be deposited with the treasurer of the College.
14. Voted, That L14, Jersey currency, be given Mr. Thomas
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Eustick, towards defraying his expenses at College, out of the profits of the late Mrs. Hub's estate: he giving bond to return the money in case the Association should be disappointed in him. An order on Mrs. Hub's executors was drawn, and given to the Rev. John Gano, to be occupied.
15. Our number of ministers decreasing, and calls for them growing more numerous, it is earnestly requested that the churches will look among themselves for men of public gifts, and send them forth to preach the gospel.
16. The Association to be held at Philadelphia next year, to commence on the Tuesday after the second Sunday in October. The sermon to be preached by Rev. John Davis, of Baltimore; or, in case of failure, by Rev. Abel Morgan.
17. Rev. Abel Griffiths to draw a circular letter - the which follows
PASTORAL ADDRESS "The ministers and other messengers of the congregations in Pennsylvania, the Jerseys, and provinces adjacent, met in annual Association, at New York, the 10th, 11th, and 12th of October, A.D. 1769.
"To the several churches we respectively relate unto, send greeting. "Dearly beloved brethren in our Lord Jesus Christ, - Through the abounding goodness of Almighty God, in his providence, we have been favored with the high privilege of meeting in his name, according to appointment, in this city; and through divine goodness we met, and were preserved in love throughout all our consultations. For ever praised be the Lord for his goodness. We were agreeably entertained with a discourse upon the Union of Saints, by our brother, Rev. David Jones, from Galatians iii:28; and much refreshed on hearing your letters read, by which we find that our churches are mostly at peace among themselves, and that the Lord's work is still carried on in some good measure among them; for there have been considerable additions to some churches. Sixty-eight have been baptized, thirty-six dead, and nineexcommunicated. From the Warren Association, we find that four churches have been added to it, and an increase, by baptism, of fifty-five. To the Virginia Association, two churches have been added, with an increase, by baptism, of one hundred and sixty-seven. Two joined our Association, and two more became known to us, over which we have reason to rejoice.
"Now, dear brethren, suffer us, before we separate from each other, to lay before you these few necessary things. You profess to be followers of Christ: O strive to lay aside every weight. and sin, and to walk as children of light in all holiness of conversation, that the ways of God be not reproached. Be diligent to keep your places in the house of God. Be careful to encourage men of useful gifts among you; for great is the want of ministerial helps at this time. Neglect not the worship of God in your families and closets. Pray for all men, especially for the household of faith. Finally, endeavor to live
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under the influence of the Spirit of God, and in the increase of every grace, that you may have the consolation thereof while here; and may be ready when the Great Bridegroom comes to open, and with him to enter into everlasting joy.
"ISAAC EATON, Moderator, "M. EDWARDS, Clerk."
N. B. - The churches marked thus * have sent neither letters nor messengers this year - their numbers stand as they were last Association. The increase in the rest is 15.
It is proposed to print the transactions of the Association in the same size every year, that the churches may in time bind them up. The tardy churches are again requested to send either letters or messengers every year, that those who are at the expense of printing may not be disappointed.
Our Confession of faith may be had at Philadelphia for 15 coppers, half bound. In sheets for 7 coppers. Catechisms, 4 coppers. Norcott, 5 coppers. =================== [A. D. Gillette, editor, Minutes of Philadelphia Association, 1851; reprint, 2001. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
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