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The Missionary
Nashville, Tennessee
September 1957 Issue

By W. W. Miles
September 1957

Sunday afternoon August 25th a large number of cars and many of the Fatherland Baptist Church members including the pastor, deacons, Sunday Supt., drove over to Olmstead Kentucky to have a part in the organization of a new church. We picture for you here on this page forty some odd members who became charter members of the Olmstead Missionary Baptist Church. All of these people came out of a Convention Church including their pastor Bro. Tom Hart, there are many more who have united with the church since it was organized. All of these people including their pastor are my close friends; they left a new $50,000 church plant that they had really built themselves only a year ago. Now they must build another. . .

We picture for you here the deacons and ordained pastors who had a part in the new church being organized in Olmstead Kentucky. Left to right, Bro. Lee Young, Bro. Blick, Bro. Tom Hart, Bro. Clifford Robinson, Bro. Deloach, Bro. Henderson Phillips, Bro. Eddie Holland, Bro. Orange, Bro. Miles and Bro. Shelby McCulley all of Fatherland Church but Bro. Hart and Bro. Blick.

This was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and was well attended. The services were held under a giant maple tree.

[Document provided by Mark duBarry. - Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall]

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