William Montague was baptized into the fellowship of Bullittsburg church during the revival of 1800-1. He remained a private member of the church, till 1814, when he was encouraged to exercise a preaching gift. He was ordained to the ministry, in 1817. Two years later, he went into the constitution of Sand Run church. He labored acceptably among the churches of North Bend Association, about thirteen years. But, in 1830, he was accused of teaching Campbellism. Sand Run church investigated the charge, and acquitted him. Not long afterwards however, he obtained a letter of dismission, and joined the Campbellites. The church, deeming this proceeding more politic than honest, withdrew fellowship from him.====== [Taken from J. H. Spencer, editor, A History of Kentucky Baptists, Vol. 2, 1886; reprint, 1984, p. 148. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
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