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First Baptist Church
Somerset, Kentucky

      First Baptist Church of Somerset, Kentucky had its beginnings on June 8, 1799, when a group of men met for the purpose of organizing a church, which they called Sinking Creek Church. Unfortunately, the church records from 1799 to 1862 were either lost or destroyed during the Civil War.

      The church constitution and early meetings are recorded by the Clerk. The constitution was simple, listing important aspects of church doctrine that would serve to unite the members. By 1973, members expanded and updated church doctrinal statements to include the mission of the church and duties of those trusted to administer day-to-day operations.

      In 2007, church leadership developed a plan to expand the church building. The new addition of the tall glass building to the church would become what we call the Bridge. The Bridge connects our historic sanctuary and our main sanctuary. The Bridge is representative of bridging the past with the future.


[From the church's website. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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