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Title of manuscript:
"Record Book of New Union Church, Logan County, Kentucky, 1872" Vol. 3rd

From Nov. 1st
The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ constituted at Union meeting house on Friday, November 5th 1813 by our Rev. & Brethren Lewis Faulkner, Daniel Basham, and Leonard Page together with a number of brethren from our sister churches being called upon by the Presbytery to assist in constitution of the same, and on particular examination into the abilities of the members requiring to become a constitution; the Presbytery deemed it to be their duty to constitute the following members into a church state (Viz) William Kerchival, Thomas Foster, George Herndon, Anthony Foster, Edmund Foster, Ananias Barker, Mary Kerchival, Susan Foster, Leethy Barker, Rosy Foster, Elizabeth Foster, constituting of eleven members on the following principles:

Article 1st -- We believe in our only true and living God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost one in three and three in one.
2nd -- We believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the word of God and the only rule of faith and practice.
3rd -- We believe in election by grace given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, and that God calls, regenerates, and sanctifies all that is made meet for glory by his special grace.
4th -- We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God only by the righteousness of Jesus Christ imputed to them.
5th -- We believe in the doctrine of original sin, and man's utter inability to recover himself from the state he is in nature by his own free will and ability.
6th -- We believe in the preservation of the saints in grace, and they shall never finally fall away; and that good works are the fruits of faith and follow after justification.
7th -- We believe that Baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordinances of Jesus Christ and that true believers are the only proper subjects, and that the only proper mode of baptism is immersion.
8th -- We believe in the resurrection of the dead and a general judgment, and that the joys of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked shall be eternal.
9th -- We believe that no ministers have a right to administer the ordinances only such as have been regularly baptized, called, and legally ordained by a presbytery.
Note: -- For a more extended and better explained view of our faith reference is made to the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge page 191. Initials TNL (Assumed T. N. Lyne, Clerk)

From Volume 1, Page 3
Rules of Decorum and Church Covenant

Article 1 -- The church shall assemble the Saturday before the first Sunday in each month, or at any other time she may appoint, to set in order things that are wanting, and when assembled the meeting shall be prayer or praise to God.
2nd -- That order may be preserved, the minister, if present, shall act as moderator unless an shall be chosen in his place, and when the church is ready to enter on business, she shall first attend to the references if any, and secondly to any matter of grievance or complaint that is in a proper condition to come before the church, and then to what duty may call her.
3rd -- A clerk shall be chosen by the church who shall make a true record of all our proceedings in book furnished him for that purpose. In case of absence, a clerk shall be appointed P.T. (transcriber's comment: assumed pro tem)
4th -- In time of doing business but one shall speak at a time who shall rise from his seat and address himself to the moderator, and no member shall speak more than twice upon the same subject without permission from the church; nor cast any reflections upon any member who has spoken before him; and no member shall be interrupted unless it should be decided that he is out of order. All due attention shall be given while the church is doing business, and no member shall take the liberty of whispering or absenting himself without liberty. When a question all shall give their votes or assign their reason for not voting, if required by the church.
5th -- All questions coming before the church in an orderly manner shall be decided by a majority, except in the reception of members; in which case the church must be unanimous.
6th -- All motions made and seconded shall be attended to and the vote taken on it, if made in an orderly manner, unless it be withdrawn by the person who made it.
7th -- In appointing committees the moderator shall appoint first and the first appointment the second and so on until the number shall be chosen, and the church shall be privileged to approve or disapprove the nominations.
8th -- All representations and offices to be filled in the church shall be by private poll, and any officer may be dismissed from office when three-fourths of the members present may think proper.
9th -- In all dealings with disorderly members, the 18th Chapter of Matthew and other corresponding scriptures shall be strictly attended to.
10th -- In all matters that would lead to lawsuits between brethren the 6th Chapter of I Corinthians and other corresponding scriptures shall be strictly obeyed and observed.
11th -- All visiting brethren shall be invited to seats with us and shall enjoy equal privileges except in voting.
12th -- No person shall be received into the church as a member by receiving the right hand of fellowship until baptized in an orderly manner (except on letters of dismission) but on experience may be received by the hand of fellowship, that when baptized to become members and entitled to all the privileges of the church.
13th -- [Related to the reception of slaves and is obsolete] - (assumed to be entered by TNL, clerk)
14th -- Our communion seasons shall be in the first Sundays in May, August, and November.
15th -- These rules may be read every monthly meeting if required, and revised whenever a majority of the members think necessary.
16th -- [Church Covenant] We agree to be particular to fill our seats on days of business in the house of God, and if any member shall be absent himself for more than two church meetings together he may be called on by the church to show the cause of his absence.
17th -- We the members of the church Christ a Union do oblige ourselves strictly to observe and abide by the foregoing articles and to endeavour to walk blameless before God and one another and try to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace and further agree that a breach of any of the foregoing articles is a breach of church order, and proceedings may be had thereon as the church may deem proper and duty.
18th -- In granting letters of dimission, the persons applying may be called upon by the moderator at the request of any member of the church to give his reasons to the church why he wishes to withdraw his membership, and if satisfactory reasons be given the letter shall be granted and not otherwise.
19th -- Any member or members receiving letters of dismission from this church shall be considered members to the same until united with some other Baptist Church.
21st -- In calling a pastor the call may be set indefinite as to the time, when such is the case, the relation of the pastor and the people may be dissolved at any time by one party giving the other three months notice of such intention.
22nd -- The church shall not at any time nor on any occasion pledge any sum or sums of money to be paid by the church unless the full amount has been raised by subscription, and any sum pledged without using this precaution shall be null and void. Nor shall less than one-half the entire church or two-thirds of the members present voting for it, repeal or suspend this article or rule.

In case that one or both of the preceding volumes of our records shall be lost, it is professed in this to give a synopsis of their contents in this, in order that our history may not be lost.

It has been noticed in this volume that the church was constituted on the 5th of November 1813. Soon after its constitution many joined by letter and baptism; so that in a short time it was quite a large church and a prosperous one. While Baptists seem to have been in the country from its first settlement there seems to have been but few organized churches. Center Church situated in the north of the county is the only one, constituted before Union that remains to this day in our county (Logan). One constituted before Union was situated at the "Head of Muddy River" and went by that name, went off with the Anti-Nomian brethren, as they are sometimes called, lasted in a declining state until some 13 or 15 years ago when it ceased to be. Union and Center may be regarded as the mothers of Baptist Churches of the county. Union was so prosperous after its constitution as to send off a colony on the 2nd of December 1815 to form Mount Gilead Church now of Todd County at Allensville. In November 1818 another colony was dismissed to form the Baptist Church at Russellville. Not long after this several Brethren and Sisters were dismissed to form a church near the head of Whippoorwill called Ashbury. This church afterwards received the name of Providence and the split that took place which caused the formation of the Bethel Association it received many secessions from Union on account of Union's determination to go with Bethel Association. The Providence Church was then moved to the Bee (?) Lick Springs -- now Gordonsville -- and afterwards removed to the Clarksville Road (Cave Spring) where it now stands; and perhaps has not more than three or four male members in it. Other churches that went out from Union are the following: Pleasant Grove, Dripping Spring, Green Ridge, and finally she went our herself, after the rebellion, and left the colored people in possession of the old House -- a pretty good brick building -- and built on the Russellville and Elkton road at the crossing of the Whippoorwill -- a much better house and took the name New Union.

It may be well to name that the first house that Union worshipped in was a log house, which stood near the main source of the Dry Fork of Whippoorwill. About 1830 a new house was built on the creek (Whippoorwill) on the Clarksville Road, and about one mile from the old site. After the whites left this house it was burned, but the colored brethren speak of rebuilding.

The first pastor of the church was Leonard Page from Licking hole church, Virginia. He did well until the Campbellite troubles broke up the peace of our churches. The trouble caused by the Antinomians had shaken the churches very much but were recuperating fast when the Campbellite troubles came. Elder Page went off with this heresy very early. An old Baptist brother who lived through all these troubles told me that his opinion was that the prime cause of Elder Page's defection was ambition. He had been one of the pioneers, and as such was a useful man, but other brethren came in who were about to overshadow him. He had charge of Union and Russellville and Elder William Warder visited Russellville and was very favorably received by the brethren, and they called him to preach once a month, but continuing Page as Pastor. This gave great offence to Page and he became very turbulent about it in the streets of Russellville. "He knew what was tried" From this time he preached Campbell every Lord's Day and would perhaps but for Warder and an old Brother by the name of Grief Perkins have taken off most of the church. Elder Page was, on the motion of Brother Perkins, excluded from the church on the 1st day of August 1830. But little is said in the minutes about it, but I have it from eye witnesses that Elder Page behaved badly on the occasion. He left the church and called upon all who wished to come out of Babylon to follow him.

Elder William Warder succeeded him both at Union and Russellville. Elder Warder was called by the church at Union on Saturday before the first Lord's Day in September, 1831 and served as pastor a part of this time only as supply, until about April 1835 when Brother Milican (L. H.) was chosen. He resigned in February 1836. On the 3rd day of April 1836 Elder James Lamb was called and resigned for the Home Mission field in October 1842. H. B. Wiggin was called in November 1842 and resigned in September 1845. In January 1846 Elder James Lamb was chosen and served until February 1855. Elder William D. Pannel was chosen in March 1855 and his health failing so that he could not attend regularly, Brother Larkin Crutcher (?) was chosen November 1858 and somehow went out as the rebellion came in. His name appears upon the books the last time in December 1861. From that date no minutes were made until May 1863. Elder John J. Felts was chosen pastor in April 1863 and resigned in February 1868 to go to the West. In April 1868 Brother E. N. Dicken was called provide the church in Russellville would ordain him, which, they were ready to do, and resigned in April 1870 to go to Bethel Church but offered to serve as supply for a time. In September 1870 Elder William M. Jordan was chosen and continues to this date October 1872. We number now about 100 members. We have a good Sunday School and we are perhaps doing more to sustain the gospel than ever before. Sister Mary E. Trimble Missionary to Africa was from Union. Perhaps no preachers except colored were ever ordained by the church. Rev. R. W. Morehead, brother to sister Trimble was a minister of Union until just before his ordination when he joined Green Ridge.

[Transcribed and typed from hand-written records and provided by Mark A. duBarry; from bound copies of the original document from New Union Baptist Church Library, Logan County, KY.]

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