[These Obits were in the Northbend Baptist Associational Minutes for the year listed.]Name Church Died Age Permelia While - Burlington Sept. 7, 1875 69 Robert Huey - Big Bone March 2, 1876 76 Sallie Norman - Big Bone Aug. 19, 1876 27 Alvira Huey - Big Bone 59 Sallie Barker - Bullittsburg June 29, 1876 37 Martha Ryle - Middle Creek July 14, 1876 58 Sis. M. A. Snow - Walton Ann J. McElroy - Walton Mollie Lyons - Walton [NBBA Minutes, 1876, p. 7.] Elizabeth Bayland - Walton May 8, 1877 73 Orrin Percival - Walton May 28, 1877 69 Thomas Huey - Big Bone April 28, 1877 72 Oscar W. Huey - Big Bone July 27, 1877 54 Oscar Crisler - Big Bone Aug. 17, 1877 Sallie Johnson - Big Bone Jan. 17, 1877 56 William S. Huey - Big Bone Sept. 2, 1877 41 [NBBA Minutes, 1877, p. 7.] Francis Smith - Burlington Dec. 14, 1877 78 John B. Acra - Burlington Aug. 26, 1878 70 John Rush - Burlington March 20, 1878 Sarah H. Hesley - Burlington March 12, 1878 Sarah Webb - Burlington Sept. 2, 1878 71 M. W. Akin - Middle Creek June 10, 1878 Sarah A. Bradt - Middle Creek June 20, 1878 58 Louesa A.Arsoto - Middle Creek July 16, 1878 45 Olevia Allen - Middle Creek July 26, 1878 54 Nathan Conley - Big Bone Oct. 11, 1877 35 Samuel Weldon - Big Bone Dec. 18, 1877 72 Joshua Clark - Bullittsburg Mar. 11, 1878 Margaret Moore - Bullittsburg July 8, 1878 Joseph C. Garves - Bullittsburg Aug. 16, 1878 71 [NBBA Minutes, 1878, p. 9.] Polly Rice - Middle Creek Dec. 30, 1878 90 Elizabth Marshall - Middle Creek Mar. 24, 1879 53 Missouri Ryle - Middle Creek Oct. 9, 1878 Edward Rice - Big Bone Nov. 21, 1878 83 Martha Weaver - Big Bone Feb. 23, 1879 55 Susan Foster - Bullittsburg Sep. 7, 1879 98 Susan Hodges - East Bend 45 Mark Whitaker - Sand Run Mar. 6, 1879 83 Eliza B. Scott - Burlington Nov. 15, 1878 75 [NBBA Minutes, 1879, 9.] [For 1880 there were 15 deaths.] [For 1881 there were 3 deaths.] Violet Neal - Middle Creek Feb. 3, 1882 94 Matilda Walton - Middle Creek Wm. Merchant - Middle Creek John P. Scott - Burlington July 28, 1882 80 Matthew McHattan - Big Bone Aug. 7, 1882 85 Nancy Garth - Bullittsburg Oct. 21, 1881 Elizabth Hensley - Bullittsburg Nov. 29, 1882 Minnie Duncan - Bullittsburg Aug. 8, 1882 Walter Goodridge - Sand Run Dec. 1882 [NBBA 1882 [For 1883 there were 15 deaths.] [For 1884 there were 14 deaths.] [For 1885 there were 9 deaths.] [For 1886 there were __ deaths.] Elizabeth Cleek - Big Bone Nov. 20, 1887 Nancy Mason - Big Bone Feb. 11, 1887 Minerva Briggs - Big Bone Feb. 17, 1887 Adaline Allen - Big Bone June 13, 1887 Nancy B. Riley - Union Feb. 10, 1887 Elizabeth Hayes - Sand Run Jan. 18, 1887 Cornelia Waltz - Walton June 14, 1887 Orin Hoard - Walton Nov. 18, 1887 Fayette Byland - Walton Apr. 26, 1887 R. A. Edwards - Walton June 12, 1887 [NBBA Minutes, 1887.] [For 1888 there were __ deaths.] [For 1889 there were 12 deaths.] Permilia Jarrell - Bullittsburg Feb. 14, 1890 Susan Randell - Bullittsburg Feb. 22, 1890 33 Elizabeth Weaver - Bullittsburg March 15,1890 Ann Eliza Gaines - Bullittsburg June 20, 1890 62 George Kenton - Bullittsburg Aug. 29, 1890 35 Alvina Anderson - Belleview Feb. 14, 1890 70 Roxana Walton - Belleview Jan. 26, 1890 18 Ann Rice - Burlington Feb. 13, 1890 62 Sallie Cowen - Burlington Mar. 19, 1890 Louisa T. Johnson - Beaver Lick Aug. 13, 1890 Jno. L. A. Stephens - East Bend John Craig, Jr. - East Bend James T. Ryle - Big Bone Nov. 17, 1889 Ida Utz - Big Bone April 30, 1890 Maggie Adams - Big Bone Nov. 28, 1890 [NBBA Minutes, 1890, 7.] John E. Botts - Belleview Nov. 22, 1890 Frances Botts - Belleview March 17, 1891 Thos. H. Sutton - Belleview April 2, 1891 Lucy Rogers - Belleview May 3, 1891 James H. Fullilove - Belleview May 12, 1891 Robert Acra - Belleview Jan. 18, 1891 Sarah Royle - Belleview July 12, 1891 Elizabeth C Garnett - Belleview Sept. 3, 1891 John Hoshal - Sand Run July 12, 1891 Eliza Riley - Big Bone July 29, 1891 John Taylor - Big Bone 1891 Eddie Huey - Big Bone Aug. 9, 1891 Rasselas Huey - Big Bone Aug. 22, 1891 Henry T. Snyder - Florence 1891 Nancy Corbin - Florence 1891 T. J. Harris - Walton Dec. 29, 1891 Owen Stephens - Walton Feb. 17, 1891 [NBBA Minutes, 1891]========== [From Northbend Baptist Association Minutes - Transcribed and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
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