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Bethel Baptist Association (KY-TN), 1844
The Baptist
      This Association held its twentieth annual session in September last, with the minutes of which we have been kindly favored. M. Ross, Clarksville, Tenn., Moderator, R. L. Anderson, Garrettsburg, Ky., Clerk, 45 Churches, number of ministers not stated, and 5,322 members - baptised during the year 332, received by letter 107, restored 8, dismissed by letter 268, excommunicated 57, dead 52, nett [sic] increase 70. We note the following proceedings -

      "7. Attended to the subject of appointing missionaries, and on a suggestion of the committee of arrangements, to change the plan of missionary effort, in order to more economy, and to assist weak churches in sustaining their Pastors, brother R. Williams offered the following resolution:

      "Resolved That we appoint five brethren, living convenient to the different destitute regions, to labor a part of their time, in proportion to the amount of funds raised, and that we offer them one dollar per day; which was approved, and the following brethren appointed as missionaries, viz: R. W. Nixon, J. Mallory, W. S. Baldry, W. D. Baldwin, J. Lamb

      "8. Missionary contributions were then received - from the churches, $389.25, and $30 in missionary labor. An opportunity was offered to the messengers, and they pledged $115 in money and $110 in labor.

      "9. Appointed brethren Morton, Grubbs, and Hail, a committee to nominate the missionary board. They reported R. Ross, J. M. Fauntleroy, R. Williams, D. Haddox, S. Baker, R. T . Anderson, O. H. Morrow, S. S. Mallory, T. G. Keen, D. Hail, J. P. Campbell, T. Felts, und W. I. Morton was added by motion of R. Williams. The nomination was then approved.

      "10. Appointed next Association at Russellville, to commence on Saturday before the 4th Lord's day in September, 1845, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Ministers' and Deacons' meeting at Hopewell, Tenn., to commence on Friday before the 5th Lord's day in June, 1845, and a Ministers' meeting at Clarksville, to commence on Friday before the 5th Lord's day in August, 1845.

      "13. The Report of the Depository Agent of the Bethel Publication Society was read and received, viz: Laid out $371.37 - in books - sold to the amount of $263.99 - books on hand $106.77 of last year's subscription $170 collected - $32 still due.

      The Association contributed to the Indian Mission Association $145, and the contributions to the American and Foreign Bible Society were $352.72 1/2. Whole amount paid this year for all purposes $1,426.77. The summary of the Missonaries' [sic] reports is as follows:


Summary of the Missionaries's Reports

      "O. H. Morrow's - The Lord had blessed him with health to labor daily. Not withstanding the general coldness, he had witnessed some precious refreshings from the Lord. He had delivered 315 sermons - 90 exhortations - baptised 51 converts - witnessed 73 hopeful conversions - attended 7 protracted meetings - delivered one temperance sermon, and obtained 17 pledges - Aided in the constitution of two Churches - the ordination of five Deacons. Traveled 8,365 miles.

      "J. Lamb's - He says, 'We have received additions to the churches by baptism, 102 - Delivered 288 sermons - 116 exhortations - aided in the ordination of six Deacons - travelled 2,500 miles - been detained by sickness in family two weeks - his own health has been good - had great cause for thankfulness to the Lord.'"

      The Pastoral Letter by brother S. Baker, is practical, and well written. We may soon perhaps find room for it in The Baptist.


[From The Baptist, November 23, 1844; CD edition. Bethel is now Logan-Todd Baptist Association (KY). Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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