On November 11 at the regular business meeting, Ashland Avenne Baptist Church voted unanimously to withdraw
fellowship from the Elkhorn Baptist Association of Southern Baptists. This decision has been a matter of concern and prayer for several months. It is with deep
regret that we have to take this stand against the liberalism, ecumenicalism and heresy within our association, State convention and Southern Baptist Convention.
But to be true to the word of God and our Baptist convictions, there was no alternative.
"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3.)
We firmly believe that Baptist churches who believe the Bible truths concerning salvation by grace, eternal security of the believer,
autonomy of the local church; and its ordinances; and commission, are the Lord's true churches, and no others. We cannot fellowship with churches who deny these truths and the
word of God.
We will continue to co-operate with Baptist churches of like faith and order. We will continue to give to work that is scriptural and
sound. We cannot give through a program in which part of the money goes to support liberalism, ecumenicalism and heresy.
"A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;" (Titus 3:10.)
The time has come when we here at Ashland Avenue must take a public stand and unafflliate ourselves from this heresy. It would be
spiritual hypocrisy to say we believe the Bible as the very word of God and continue to fellowship with and support this liberal, ecumenical, compromising trend. How could any
church which claims to love the Lord and the truth of. His word continue to support and be a part of such modernism?
The local church, the Lord's church, is the pillar and ground of the truth. (I Timothy 3:15.) It, and it alone, has the authority to preach the
Gospel; make disciples, baptize them, and teach them to observe all things which He has commanded. (Matthew 28:19-20.) Evangelism, the ordinances, and teaching should be done
through, and by the authority of the local church. This gives the glory and praise to Christ, who loved the church and gave Himself for it, and promised He would be with it until the
end of the age. To Him be glory and dominion now and forever.
[From the Ashland Avenne Baptist paper, December 4, 1970, pp 1 & 4. - Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]
December 4, 1970
Ashland Avenue Church cannot have fellowship with an association of churches which have become so liberal and ecumenical that
doctrine is no longer important. Baptists have been known for their belief in, and stand for, Bible doctrine through the centuries. God has blessed them for it. Baptists are the only
ones who can trace their church history bach to the time of Christ.
We have tried to get Elkhorn Association to take a stand against the liberal practices of some of the churches in order to have unity, but
to no avail. We have spoken out in the State Convention against some of the liberal trends in our institutions, but nothing has been done to correct the situation. Instead of
"contending for the faith once delivered to the saints," there is a continued departure from things Baptists have stood for through the centuries.
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